717 research outputs found

    About the p-paperfolding words

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    AbstractLet p be an integer greater than or equal to 2. The aim of this paper is to study the language associated to a p-paperfolding sequence. It is known that the number of factors of length n of a 2-paperfolding sequence (i.e. its complexity function) is P(n) = 4n for n â©ľ 7. It is also known that the language of all the factors of all 2-paperfolding sequences is not context-free and that its generating function is transcendental.We show that the complexity function of a p-paperfolding sequence is either strictly subaffine or ultimately linear. The first case never happens if p = 2 or 3. In the second case, the complexity function is either P(n) = 2n or P(n) = 4n for n large enough. We give a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the number of special factors to be p-automatic. We finally show that, for any given p, the language of all factors of all p-paperfolding sequences is not context-free, and that the associated generating series is not algebraic

    Atomistic subsemirings of the lattice of subspaces of an algebra

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    Let A be an associative algebra with identity over a field k. An atomistic subsemiring R of the lattice of subspaces of A, endowed with the natural product, is a subsemiring which is a closed atomistic sublattice. When R has no zero divisors, the set of atoms of R is endowed with a multivalued product. We introduce an equivalence relation on the set of atoms such that the quotient set with the induced product is a monoid, called the condensation monoid. Under suitable hypotheses on R, we show that this monoid is a group and the class of k1_A is the set of atoms of a subalgebra of A called the focal subalgebra. This construction can be iterated to obtain higher condensation groups and focal subalgebras. We apply these results to G-algebras for G a group; in particular, we use them to define new invariants for finite-dimensional irreducible projective representations.Comment: 14 page

    Spatial cluster detection using the number of connected components of a graph

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    The aim of this work is to detect spatial clusters. We link Erdös graph and Poisson point process. We give the probability distribution function (pdf) of the number of connected component for an Erdös graph and obtain the pdf of the number of cluster for a Poisson process. Using this result, we directly obtain a test for complete spatial randomness and also obtain the clusters that violates the CSR hypothesis. Border effects are computed. We illustrate our results on a tropical forest example

    Vérité et pratiques du juge.Une étude de la note du secrétariat général au Conseil constitutionnel.

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    Partant du constat largement partagé selon lequel le droit ne se situe pas exclusivement dans le contenu sémantique des énoncés juridiques, on ne peut manquer de s’interroger sur les pratiques du juge, c’est-à-dire sa façon de se comporter à l’égard du matériau juridique. Si des modèles standards de comportements sont parfois mobilisés pour penser leurs déterminations, les pratiques du juge ne sont que rarement abordées de front, au travers d’une plongée au cœur de l’activité décisionnelle. Questionnant le rapport à la vérité que le chercheur entretient à l’égard de ces pratiques, cette contribution brosse à grands traits les contours d’un programme de recherche pour qui s’intéresse à cet aspect central de la mise en œuvre du droit.Law does not lie exclusively in the semantic content of the legal statements. The observation is widely shared. It is therefore necessary to question the practices of lawyers, that is to say their way of behaving with regard to legal materials. However, this theme remains a blind spot in legal studies. Questioning the link to the truth that the researcher maintains with regard to the practices of judges, this paper is a proposal in favor of a research program for those who are interested in this central aspect of the implementation of la

    Le recours à l’effet différé de la censure par le Conseil constitutionnel : le point de vue de la Cour EDH

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    Une utilisation justifiée et non arbitraire : telles sont les exigences formulées par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme quant à l’usage par le Conseil constitutionnel de son pouvoir de modulation des effets dans le temps d’une déclaration d’inconstitutionnalité. Par sa décision de rejet Chessa c. France rendue le 1er mars dernier, la Cour offre ainsi une grille d’analyse innovante pour relire à nouveaux frais certaines des décisions rendues par le juge constitutionnel au cours de ces deux dernières années

    Traces du Grand Meaulnes dans Le pont traversé (1921) de Jean Paulhan

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    La présence du Grand Meaulnes dans le parcours de Jean Paulhan tient d’abord à un ensemble de faits biographiques : sa relation avec Jacques Rivière, beau-frère d’Alain‑Fournier, après la guerre ; la profonde amitié qui le lie à Albert Uriet, dont il fait la rencontre en 1914, et qui sera le premier illustrateur du Grand Meaulnes. La correspondance qu’il échange avec ce dernier pendant la guerre témoigne de la place qu’occupe dans leur amitié la mémoire commune du roman d’Alain‑Fournier, mémoire qui va irriguer et nourrir les écrits de cette période. Ces réminiscences du récit d’Alain‑Fournier semblent se déposer dans un texte de Jean Paulhan paru en 1921, le Pont traversé, dans lequel l’auteur, par le dispositif qu’il met en place — des récits de rêves doublés d’un commentaire réalisé à l’état de veille par le narrateur, qui cherche à la fois à les extraire de l’oubli et à les élucider —, engage un processus de reconnaissance, d’exploration d’un espace intérieur, à la fois familier et étrange. Notre hypothèse est que ce processus de reconnaissance engagé par le récit puise à la fois dans cette mémoire partagée de la guerre avec Albert Uriet, qui s’inscrit dans leur correspondance, mais aussi dans les souvenirs du Grand Meaulnes, dont les traces mémorielles imprègnent profondément l’univers du Pont traversé.Le Grand Meaulnes is present in Jean Paulhan’s career mainly because of a set of biographical facts: his relationship with Jacques Rivière, brother-in-law of Alain‑Fournier, after the war, and his close friendship with Albert Uriet, whom he met in 1914 and who would first illustrate Le Grand Meaulnes. His wartime correspondence with the latter testifies to the place occupied by the shared memory of Alain-Fournier’s novel in their friendship, a memory which would permeate and nourish the writings of this period. These reminiscences of Alain‑Fournier’s narrative appear strewn throughout a text by Jean Paulhan published in 1921, Le pont traversé, in which the author, by means of the device employed — accounts of dreams accompanied by a commentary elaborated by the narrator on awakening, which seeks to both resurrect and elucidate them —, engages a process of recognition, of exploration of an inner space, both familiar and strange. We hypothesize that this process of recognition engaged by the narrative draws not only on this shared memory of war with Albert Uriet, which characterizes their correspondence, but also on the recollections of Le Grand Meaulnes, whose memory traces strongly inform the world of Le pont traversé

    Miniaturization of Microwave Biosensor for Non-invasive Measurements of Materials and Biological Tissues

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    Non-invasive planar complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) coupled to microstrip line for measuring the dielectric properties of materials and biological tissues are presented in this paper. The expectations of health professionals are increasingly turning to less invasive surgical procedures and treatments. In particular, the monitoring of vital parameters (sweat, water in the lungs, etc.) or the evolution of certain pathologies, such as cancer cells, could be observed regularly if suitable devices were developed and could especially replace traditional invasive method. Appropriate miniaturized RF or microwave devices could be an alternative for some medical diagnostic applications. These devices would make it possible to determine the dielectric characteristics of biological tissues, which represent their real pathological states. It would thus be possible, by means of dielectric contrast measurements, to follow the evolution of pathology as well as the vital parameters of a patient. The objective of this research is to produce a prototype biosensor that is suitable for measurements on biological tissues and that can be miniaturized to enhance its spatial sensitivity. This work focuses on the design, electromagnetic simulations and characterization of a new miniaturized biosensors operating between 1 and 10 GHz. The ex-vivo experimental results will be shown by measuring the S-parameters of various materials and animal biological tissues. The extraction of the dielectric parameters of these samples is obtained by the measurements of material

    « As choice a parcel of books as any in England ». La collection de manuscrits Harley, une collection fondatrice du British Museum

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    Mémoire de fin d\u27étude du diplôme de conservateur, promotion DCB16, revenant sur la collection Harley du British Museum, constitution, vie, devenir de la collection et bibliothécaire idéal
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