63 research outputs found

    Development and Implementation of Selected Spiritual Disciplines for the Worship Team Leaders of Monte Vista Baptist Church

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    One of the foremost doxological problems of the twenty-first century is complacency in worship. Deficient spiritual development of the follower of Christ is rampant among Christians; many believers, suffering from this, have moved away from the purpose of man - to have a love relationship. This relationship has been replaced with a task-oriented spirit. No longer do we leave worship ready to make a difference for the Kingdom of God, but Christians come to complete a task and remove it from a long list of “to dos” in their busy world. Corporate worship has become habitual while lacking spiritual meaning. Worship Team Leaders at Monte Vista Baptist have not invested time into their own spiritual development so that worship leadership might overflow from a life full of the spirit. What can be done to bring awareness to this problem and possibly deepen the relationship between God and His children? Worship is a direct response to the spiritual maturity in the believer and as such ought to be given priority as private devotion, so that the worship leader provides passionate, overflowing leadership that is dependent upon the Spirit of God. A study guide that outlines the process of spiritual development through the disciplines of the Spirit would advantageous to the worship team leaders of Monte Vista Baptist. This thesis project intends to provide worship team leaders of Monte Vista Baptist the skills to create their own personal daily worship time to bring about spiritual transformation that will enhance their leadership and experience in corporate worship

    Apparatus and method for gelling liquefied gasses

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    The present invention is a method and apparatus for gelling liquid propane and other liquefied gasses. The apparatus includes a temperature controlled churn mixer, vacuum pump, liquefied gas transfer tank, and means for measuring amount of material entering the mixer. The method uses gelling agents such as silicon dioxide, clay, carbon, or organic or inorganic polymers, as well as dopants such as titanium, aluminum, and boron powders. The apparatus and method are particularly useful for the production of high quality rocket fuels and propellants

    Attitudes of nursing students at the University of Applied Health Sciences on nursing in Croatia

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    Sestrinstvo je danas priznata profesija koju nitko ne osporava. Moderno sestrinstvo favorizira edukaciju kao prioritet u profesionalnom životu medicinskih sestara. Više i visoko obrazovanje medicinskih sestara standard je u modernim državama. Uspješnost medicinske sestre ne ovisi samo o njezinoj humanosti i sposobnosti svladavanja suvremene tehnologije nego i o trajnoj edukaciji medicinskih sestara. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je istražiti kakvi su stavovi i mišljenja studenata svih godina preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva o sestrinstvu, identitetu profesije, ulozi i položaju u zdravstvenom timu i obrazovanju, odnosno promjenama i mogućnostima u obrazovanju medicinskih sestara i tehničara u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je sudjelovao ukupno 281 sudionik sa svih godina preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva. Najveći broj ispitanih, njih 87,19% (N = 245) u dobi je od 19 do 22 godine, prema očekivanju, veći je broj ispitanih osoba ženskog spola, njih 91,46% (N = 257), dok je u istraživanju sudjelovalo samo 8,54% (N = 24) ispitanika muškog spola. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na veliku zainteresiranost za jačanje sestrinstva kao profesije te napredak sestrinstva k svjetlijoj i boljoj budućnosti u Republici Hrvatskoj.Nursing is nowadays a recognized profession that no one disputes. Modern nursing favors education as a priority in the professional life of nurses. Post-secondary and higher education of nurses is a standard in modern states. The success of a nurse depends not only on her humaneness and the ability to master modern technology, but also on the continuing education of nurses. The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes and opinions nursing students of all three years of the undergraduate study have on nursing, identity of the profession, role and position in the health care team and education, and changes and possibilities in the education of nurses in the Republic of Croatia. A total of 281 respondents from all three years of the undergraduate nursing study participated in the study. The highest number of participants, 87.19% (N = 245), are 19 to 22 years old. As expected there is a higher number of female respondents, 91.46% (N = 257), while only 8.54% (N = 24) of the male respondents participated in the research. The obtained results show a great interest in strengthening nursing as a profession and the advancement of nursing towards a brighter and better future in the Republic of Croatia

    Method for Mapping Bisulfite-treated Sequencing Reads To a Genome

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    Bisulfitno sekvenciranje metoda je za detekciju citozinskih modifikacija. Tretman DNA s bisulfitom pretvara citozin u uracil, zadržavajuću 5-metilcitozin nepromijenjen. Umnažanje DNA, koristeći lančanu reakciju polimeraze, rezultira pretvaranjem uracila u timin. Nakon toga DNA se sekvencira. S obzirom da se ne zna kojem lancu pripada pojedino očitanje, mapiranje očitanja koja su bisulfitno tretirana zahtjeva pristup koji uključuje pokretanje četiri procesa mapiranja istovremeno. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je razviti metodu za mapi- ranje bisulfatno tretiranih sekvenci na referetni genom. Budući da je problematika mapiranja bisulfatno tertiranih sekvenci u suštini problematika mapiranja kratkih sekvenci, razvijeni alat u radu se oslanja na novo razvijeni alat za mapiranje Accel-Align. Bisulfitni maper razvijen za potrebe ovog diplomskog rada je javno dostupan na Githubu te je stavljen pod MIT licencu.Bisulfite sequencing is a method for the detection of cytosine methylations. Treatment of DNA with bisulfite converts cytosine to uracil while leaving 5-methylcytosine unchanged. Amplifying DNA material with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) leads to the conversion of uracil to thymine. Then, DNA material is sequenced. Since the reads’ strand is unknown in advance, mapping bisulfite-treated reads requires an approach that includes running four mapping processes simultaneously. Aim of this thesis was to develop a method for mapping bisulfite-treated reads to the reference genome. Since the problem of mapping bisulfite se- quences is essentially short read mapping problem, the developed tool in this paper relies on the newly developed mapper Accel-Align. Bisulfite mapper developed in this thesis is publicly available on Github and put under the MIT licence

    Adventures in the Middle Kingdom: A Semester in New Zealand

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    Three colleagues from CRP and long time friends had a great time in New Zealand, taking classes at the University of Auckland and enjoying their time in a country of picturesque towns, beautiful landscape, temperate rain forests, giant ferns, cascading waterfalls, and the natural settings used in the Lord of the Rings

    Mechanisms of colistin resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from wastewater

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    Prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji višestruko rezistentni izolati bakterije Acinetobacter baumannii najveća su prijetnja ljudskom zdravlju. Gubitak dostupnih antibiotika za liječenje infekcija uzrokovanih višestruko rezistentnim A. baumannii oživio je klinički interes za kolistin kao antibiotik posljednje linije obrane. Međutim, slučajevi kolistin-rezistentnih bakterija u bolnicama i otpadnim vodama već su zabilježeni. Otpadne vode pružaju bakterijama dobre uvjete za horizontalni prijenos gena te predstavljaju potencijalan put širenja gena rezistencije i rezistentnih izolata po cijelom ekosustavu. U ovome su radu prikupljeni podaci o mehanizmima rezistencije na kolistin u A. baumannii izoliranih iz otpadnih voda. U izolatima iz otpadnih voda pronađene su mutacije koje su karakteristične za kliničke izolate rezistentne na kolistin, a to su mutacije u pmrCAB operonu i u genima lpxA, lpxC i lpxD koje redom uzrokuju modifikaciju lipopolisaharida, odnosno potpuni gubitak lipopolisaharida vanjske membrane. Nadalje, u vodenom okolišu, premda ne u izolatima A. baumannii iz otpadnih voda, uočena je sveprisutnost plazmidnih mcr gena odgovornih za kolistinsku rezistenciju. Pretpostavlja se da rezistencija na kolistin nije glavna uloga tih gena, već oni služe za obranu bakterija od bakteriofaga i kationskih antimikrobnih peptida kralježnjaka i beskralježnjaka. Također, pronađeni su sojevi koji su vjerojatno postali kolistinrezistentni zbog razvoja unakrsne rezistencije pod utjecajem drugih pozitivno nabijenih onečišćivača iz okoliša.World Health Organization declared multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii as one of the greatest threats to human health. Continuous loss of effective antibiotics for therapies of multidrug-resistant A. baumannii has revived clinical interest in colistin as a last-line antibiotic. However, cases of colistinresistant bacteria have already been reported in hospitals and wastewaters. Wastewaters represent hotspots for horizontal gene transfer and a potential pathway for spreading resistant genes and isolates throughout the ecosystem. This thesis collected data on the mechanisms of A. baumannii colistin resistance isolated from wastewaters. Characteristic mutations found in colistin-resistant clinical isolates, include either modification or complete loss of lipopolysaccharides due to mutations in the pmrCAB operon and lpxA, lpxC and lpxD, respectively, were found in isolates from wastewaters. Furthermore, owning to a large presence of plasmid mcr genes observed in the aquatic environment, although not in A. baumannii isolates from wastewater, it’s believed that the main role of these genes isn’t resistance to colistin as it was previously assumed, hence they play a role in the bacterial defense system against bacteriophages and cationic antimicrobial peptides of vertebrates and invertebrates. Also, the development of cross-resistance to colistin, probably under the influence of other positively charged pollutants, was observed