511 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Recovery of Functions of the Nasal Cavity in Patients with Aspirin-Intolerant Polypous Rhinosinusitis in the Postoperative Period

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    Surgical interventions in the nasal cavity are accompanied by reactive phenomena in the postoperative period. On their background the process of physiological regeneration is disorganized resulting in impaired physiological functions of the nasal cavity.The objective of the research was to study the recovery process of the main physiological functions of the nasal cavity in patients with aspirin-intolerant polypous rhinosinusitis in the postoperative period.Materials and methods. 80 patients with aspirin-intolerant polypous rhinosinusitis at the age of 24-57 years were operated on.All the patients were divided into 2 groups: the control group included 30 patients; the main group comprised 50 patients.Patients of the control group received nasal cavity cleaning, nasal mucosa anemisation, irrigation therapy since the first day of the postoperative period.Patients of the main group received an herbal drug BNO-101 additionally. The effectiveness was assessed on the 3rd, 7th and 10th days of treatment.Results. The postoperative rehabilitation with the inclusion of botanical preparation BNO-101 provided a significant improvement of nasal breathing, mucociliary transport rate and indicators of nasal peak flowmetry compared to the control group. Despite subjective improvement of nasal breathing the indicators of the peak expiratory flow rate in the main group were 34.2% lower than the norm while in the control group they were 54.7% lower than normal ones thereby justifying further treatment.Conclusions. The postoperative rehabilitation of patients with aspirin-intolerant polypous rhinosinusitis provided more rapid improvement of the main functions of the nasal cavity compared to the control group

    Life Experience: \u3cem\u3eFreddy Got Fingered\u3c/em\u3e As Neo-Surrealist Masterpiece

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    The late Roger Ebert was known for his entertainingly harsh reviews. The review he wrote of the 2001 film Freddy Got Fingered is one notable example. The day may come when \u27Freddy Got Fingered\u27 is seen as a milestone of neo-surrealism. The day may never come when it is seen as funny, wrote Ebert in his April 20, 2001 review of the film. Humor is subjective and there is no accounting for taste but this thesis will prove that the much-maligned film Freddy Got Fingered is a milestone of neo-surrealism. Freddy Got Fingered director Tom Green has a past that colors the perception people have of Freddy Got Fingered but the film truly deserves to be respected as a neo-surrealist masterpiece. A major studio producing an avant-garde film as bizarre as Freddy Got Fingered is rare and the fact that it was even made is an accomplishment unto itself. This thesis will closely analyze the film scene-by-scene and validate the surrealist bonafides that the movie possesses. The thesis will also point out the similarities to classic Surrealist films like Un Chien Andalou and Anemic Cinema, among many others. There are scenes containing various Easter eggs that allude to the origins of Surrealist cinema. The themes and sensibility of the film can be linked to Surrealist co-conspirator and avant-garde artist Antonin Artaud, who revolutionized theatrical sensibilities with his 1938 work The Theatre and its Double. Freddy Got Fingered is a masterpiece of neo-surrealism and this thesis proves it


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    Nowadays it is observed the wide prevalence of polypous rhinosinusitis, associated with intolerance to aspirin. From today positions the main principle of pathogenesis is in presence of “genetic block” of constitutive cyclooxigenase – the node enzyme of metabolism of arachidonic acid that leads to its active accumulation. It leads to the disorder of lipid metabolism and conditions the necessity to study its biochemical features. Aim of research. To study biochemical parameters of the lipid exchange in patients with chronic polypous rhinosinusitis, associated with intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid by determination of the main metabolites. Materials and methods. The results of laboratory examination of 20 patients with aspirin associated polypous rhinosinusitis are presented in the article. The control group included 7 practically healthy donors. There were studied the level of arachidonic acid in condensate of exhaled air, arachidonic, linoleic, eicosapentaenoic acids, phospholipids, malonic dialdehyde and oxide modification of protein in the blood serum. Results. There were determined the changes of lipid exchange, which essence is in increase of the level of arachidonic acid in condensate of exhaled air and blood serum that leads to the decrease of the content of its main predecessors – linoleic and eicosapentaenoic acids and also phospholipids. The increase of arachidonic acid content stimulates the processes of peroxidation and leads to the increase of malonic dialdehyde content and oxide modifications of protein. The features of biochemical disorders testify to the proinflammatory direction of lipids metabolism. Conclusions. The received data confirm the hypothesis of “genetic block” of arachidonic acid metabolism as the main pathogenetic link of polypous rhinosinusitis, associated with intolerance to aspirin, and allow clearly interpret the clinical image and the features of clinical course

    Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Activity in Epithelial Cells of Nasal Mucous Membrane in Patients with Polypous Rhinosinusitis

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    Nowadays, a wide clinico-laboratory polymorphism of “polypous rhinosinusitis” is observed. It suggests the potential role of heredity in the formation of the disease indicating the necessity of studying the role of genetic factor in the formation of various clinico-pathogenic variants of polyposis in detail.The objective of the research was to study the degree of functional abnormalities in the epithelial cell genome of the nasal mucous membrane in patients with polypous rhinosinusitis using the cytogenetic methods.Materials and methods.The article presents the results of cytogenetic study of 70 patients with various types of polypous rhinosinusitis (aspirin-intolerant and allergic). Hereditary predisposition to the disease was determined applying clinical and genealogical analysis.Results.Significant differences in the quantitative characteristics of the functional state of the nasal epithelial cell genome by the criterion of chromatization indices, the nucleolar index, the indices of the heteropyknotic X chromosome and pathologically altered nuclei were found in patients with aspirin-intolerant polypous rhinosinusitis as compared to those with allergic polypous rhinosinusitis as well as the control group.The identified changes serve as a criterion of the reduction in the activity of the transcriptional-translational processes in aspirin-intolerant polypous rhinosinusitis.Conclusions.The studied changes in the parameters of the functional state of the epithelial cell genome in the nasal mucous membrane provided an objective confirmation of hypothesis about epigenetic nature of pathology formation

    More than supervision : identifying opportunistic bank behavior through marketing tools

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    Banking literature looks at analysis of advertising in banks primarily from the perspective of interaction between banks and their customers. At the same time, the problems of interactions between some banks and their customers may pose challenges and result in a crisis of confidence in the entire banking system. Problems arising in relationships between banks and their customers may be accompanied by customer runs on banks within a banking system, which may often occur in emerging economies. In Russia, runs frequently are caused by the revocation of bank licenses. Most of these banks with revoked licenses were aggressive in the consumer lending market and in attracting retail deposits. These banks sought to achieve individual results and disregarded the consequences for the entire banking sector, and as such, demonstrated opportunistic behavior. Given the prevalence of such tendencies in emerging economies, central banks should supervise banks in order to identify such behaviour at its early stages. This requires closer attention be paid by central banks to the marketing policies pursued by banks. The proposed model allows supervisory authorities to measure the quality of bank marketing activity, detect opportunistic behavior at its early stage and increase confidence in the banking system. The proposed methodology aims to improve the quality of regulating the entire banking market, as well as the instruments used in the assessment of the banking services market.peer-reviewe

    Major Clinical Phenotypes of Polypous Rhinosinusitis

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    Polypous rhinosinusitis remains one of the major problems of modern otorhinolaryngology, its prevalence in general population reaches 4%. There is a wide range of variants of clinical course and a different response to traditional methods of treatment, however all these cases are diagnosed as “polypous rhinosinusitis”. It suggests the heterogeneity of a group of patients diagnosed with “polypous rhinosinusitis” and the need for a detailed study of various clinical variants of nasal polyposis, i.e. clinical phenotypes of the disease.The objective of the research was to assess clinical features of chronic polypous rhinosinusitis depending on trigger of the disease as well as to determine clinical phenotypes of nasal polyposis.Materials and methods. The article presents the results of clinical and anamnestic investigations, radiology examinations and laboratory studies of 150 patients with various types of polypous rhinosinusitis. Patients were divided into three groups: Group I included 50 patients with aspirin-intolerant polyposis; Group II consisted of 50 patients with polyposis due to violations of aerodynamics of the nasal breathing; Group III included 50 patients with Ig-E-dependent (allergic) polyposis,Results. The research revealed significant differences in studied indicators  between different clinical groups. The presence of differences in gender, age, severity of clinical symptoms and the character of pathological changes allowed us to determine the most common clinical phenotypes of polypous rhinosinusitis.Conclusions. The onset of the disease affecting primarily females in adulthood, severity of clinical manifestations, total or subtotal lesions of sinuses resulting in resistance to traditional methods of treatment are typical for patients with aspirin-intolerant polyposis. The above mentioned phenotypes are considered within a clearly defined pathology and allow us to optimize the diagnostic process as well as to determine adequate therapeutic tactics for each clinical case

    Аналіз плоского механізму четвертого класу з рухомим замкненим контуром та трьома складними ланками

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    The study of complex structural groups of links of flat mechanisms allows to improve the existing technological equipment and design new machines. Such mechanisms, based on structural groups of the fourth and higher classes, can ensure the implementation of innovative technological processes of production. Kinematic studies of complex flat mechanisms of the fourth class and higher are certainly relevant, if we take into account the individual approach to their research. The use of such mechanisms is increasingly observed in modern equipment that ensures the execution of technological processes at enterprises of the fashion industry. The work developed a sequence of actions for finding the velocity vectors of the points of the fourth-class mechanism with a moving closed loop, which is formed by four links, three of which have the form of complex links, is developed. The linear vectors of the velocities of the points coinciding with the geometric centers of the kinematic pairs of the structural group of links of the fourth class of the third order were determined. We conditionally changed the input mechanism to another structurally possible in a flat mechanism. The research was carried out using the graph-analytical method. In order to carry out a kinematic analysis of the mechanism, it is proposed to take into account the presence of complex links in its structure, namely the structural feature of the formation of a sequential connection of three links in a kinematic chain of the type "rocker arm – connecting rod – rocker arm". This made it possible to determine the position of the instantaneous center of velocity of the link, which has plane-parallel motion. Conditional rotation of another conditionally leading link around such an instantaneous center of rotation made it possible to simplify the graphic constructions of the study. The application of the graph-analytical method made it possible to perform vector graphic constructions in an arbitrarily chosen scale for the entire mechanism, and after their completion, to perform detailed calculations of the scale of a certain vector construction.Дослідження складних структурних груп ланок плоских механізмів дозволяє вдосконалювати існуюче технологічне обладнання та проектувати нові машини, в яких за допомогою механізмів на основі структурних груп четвертого та вище класів може бути забезпечено виконання інноваційних технологічних процесів виробництва. Кінематичний аналіз складних плоских механізмів четвертого та вище класів з урахуванням індивідуальних підходів що до їх досліджень, безумовно, є актуальними, а застосування таких механізмів все частіше спостерігається в сучасному обладнанні, що забезпечує виконання технологічних процесів на підприємствах індустрії моди. В роботі розроблена послідовність дій для знаходження векторів швидкостей точок механізму четвертого класу з рухомим замкненим контуром, який утворений чотирма ланками, три з яких мають вигляд складних ланок. Визначено лінійні вектори швидкостей точок, що співпадають з геометричними центрами кінематичних пар структурної групи ланок четвертого класу третього порядку плоского механізму, в якому умовно зроблено зміну початкового механізму на інший структурно можливий. Для проведення кінематичного аналізу механізму запропоновано ураховувати наявність складних ланок в його структурі, а саме структурну особливість утворення послідовного з’єднання трьох ланок в кінематичний ланцюг типу "коромисло – шатун – коромисло", що дозволило визначити положення миттєвого центру швидкостей ланки, яка має плоско паралельний рух. Умовне обертання іншої умовно ведучої ланки навколо такого миттєвого центру обертання дозволило спростити графічні побудови дослідження. Застосування графоаналітичного методу дозволило виконати векторні графічні побудови в довільно обраному масштабі для всього механізму, а по їх завершенню виконати уточнюючі розрахунки масштабу певної векторної побудови

    Unstable periodic orbits in a chaotic meandering jet flow

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    We study the origin and bifurcations of typical classes of unstable periodic orbits in a jet flow that was introduced before as a kinematic model of chaotic advection, transport and mixing of passive scalars in meandering oceanic and atmospheric currents. A method to detect and locate the unstable periodic orbits and classify them by the origin and bifurcations is developed. We consider in detail period-1 and period-4 orbits playing an important role in chaotic advection. We introduce five classes of period-4 orbits: western and eastern ballistic ones, whose origin is associated with ballistic resonances of the fourth order, rotational ones, associated with rotational resonances of the second and fourth orders, and rotational-ballistic ones associated with a rotational-ballistic resonance. It is a new kind of nonlinear resonances that may occur in chaotic flow with jets and/or circulation cells. Varying the perturbation amplitude, we track out the origin and bifurcations of the orbits for each class

    Підвищення достовірності експертної оцінки під час дослідження знищеного рельєфного маркування магнітооптичними приладами

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    While research on destroyed relief marking of metal objects using the magneto-optical method, visualization of (invisible) fields of internal stress in the VIN plate area is performed and then a forensic analysis of obtained instrumental data is carried out (indirect organoleptic observation of the visualization results); thus, forensic analysis reliability of results directly depends on sensitivity of instruments and informativeness of instrumental data. The main quantitative characteristic in this case is probability of correct signal recognition  (contours of marking signs) against the background of noise (structural noise of investigated surface and the noise of the visualization method itself) determined by the signal-to-noise ratio. This article presents results of a comparative experimental assessment of signal-to-noise ratio and probability of correct signal recognition while restoringthe destroyed relief markings for two complexes of magneto-optical imaging – models of 2006 and 2018. This article purpose is a quantitative and qualitative comparative assessment of results of visualization of internal stresses in areas of completely removed relief marking of metal objects. The results of successful practical research obtained by forensic experts from different countries make it possible to assess effectiveness and prospects of using the magneto-optical imaging method. In a new modification of the magneto-optical complex: signal level is 4.35 dB higher (contrast of reconstructed marking signs); 2.71 dB lower noise level (surface relief/texture and magnetic copying noise);• probability of correct character recognition is P> 0.995 (increased by 14.9%). Technical improvements in implementation of magneto-optical visualization method made it possible to expand the range of materials for research objects(magnetic and electrically conductive materials were investigated). The high efficiency of method for restoring marking is illustrated by results of forensic examinations for materials with a low level of residual stresses (aluminum alloy, low-carbon steel) which  chemical etching method did not give results for. The use of new modification allows examining the rust layer, up to cases of corrosion to the entire depth of marks. Considering non-destructive nature of magneto-optical researches, possibility of their repeated repetition without losing  object properties, this method (in accordance with the order of application of types of studies) deserves more attention for application.Можливість відновлення даних видаленого рельєфного маркування залежить від чутливості інструментальних засобів дослідження та визначається співвідношенням сигнал/шум. Останнім часом в експертній практиці для дослідження маркувальних даних металевих об’єктів використовують магнітооптичний метод, реалізацію якого в цій статті представлено на прикладі двох поколінь комплексів, для яких досі не було проведено комплексного порівняльного аналізу. Метою статті є кількісна та якісна оцінка результатів візуалізації залишкових полів внутрішніх напружень для комплексів магнітооптичного обладнання моделей 2006 р. і 2018 р., а також презентація практичних результатів досліджень, у яких традиційні методи не мали успіху

    Аналіз реверсивного механізму обладнання легкої промисловості

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    To create reliable and highly efficient, en-ergy-saving machines for light industry, it is necessary to study the dynamic processes of movement of the links of the mechanisms of which they are composed. Especially such studies should be given attention for machines, the mechanisms of which have a cyclic nature of action. During the execution of a technological operation in light industry machines with a periodic cyclic movement of the working bodies, an uneven movement of the main shaft occurs. This is caused by the movement of the links of the mechanism with certain accelerations and taking into account the periodic nature of the action of technological loads, which vary in magnitude and direction. The uneven nature of the movement leads to the appearance of additional loads in the kinematic pairs of mechanisms, mechanical vibrations in the mechanical trans-mission systems of motion, leads to the appearance of vibrations and violations in the positioning of the working bodies, affects the techno-logical process of the equipment. Uniform and stable tension of the threads is the key to a high-quality performance of the loop formation process in knitwear. Additional dynamic loads affect the technological tension of textile threads during equipment operation. These loads are caused by the accelerated movement of the links of the mechanism, which is especially important for technological equipment with the pres-ence of a reverse working stroke of its links. In such mechanisms, the values of the angular acceleration of the links and the linear accelera-tion of their individual points can acquire critically permissible values. It is possible to ensure the movement of the working bodies of the machine according to the law for which the tension of the threads will be optimally necessary. To do this, you need to choose the right type of mechanism that sets them in motion. The aim of the work is to conduct a structural-kinematic research of the mechanism of the reversible movement of the needle drum of a knitting machine, which will justify the selection of the required type of mechanism for such equipment. The confirmation of the improvement of the conditions for the formation of loops when knitting on a knitting machine with a reversible needle drum movement, made on the basis of a rocker mechanism, has been obtained.Для створення надійних та високоефективних, енергозберігаючих машин легкої промисловості необхідно проводити дослідження динамічних процесів руху ланок механізмів, з яких вони складаються. Особливо таким дослідженням необхідно приділяти увагу для машин, механізми якого мають цикловий характер дії. Під час виконання технологічної операції в машинах легкої промисловості з періодичним цикловим рухом робочих органів виникає нерівномірність руху головного валу внаслідок руху ланок механізму з певними прискореннями та з урахуванням періодичного характеру дії технологічних навантажень, що змінюються за величинами та за напрямками. Нерівномірний характер руху спричиняє до появи додаткових навантажень в кінематичних парах механізмів, механічних коливань в механічних системах передачі руху, призводять до появи вібрацій та порушень в позиціонуванні робочих органів, впливає на технологічний процес роботи обладнання. Рівномірний та стабільний натяг ниток є запорукою якісного виконання технологічної операції петлеутворення. Фактором, що впливає на технологічний натяг ниток під час роботи обладнання також є додаткові динамічні навантаження, що є особливо важливим для технологічного обладнання з наявністю реверсивного робочого ходу, тому що саме в таких механізмах величини кутових прискорень ланок та лінійні прискорення їх окремих точок можуть набувати критично допустимих величин. Забезпечити рух робочих органів машини за необхідним законом за час циклу роботи, для якого натяг ниток буде оптимально необхідним, можна, якщо правильно підібрати тип механізму, що надає їм рух. Метою роботи є проведення структурно-кінематичного дослідження механізму реверсивного руху голкового барабану трикотажного автомату, які б надали обґрунтування щодо оптимального підбору типу механізму для такого обладнання. Отримано підтвердження покращення умов операції петлеутворення для трикотажного автомату з кулісним механізмом реверсивного ходу в порівнянні з шарнірно-важільним за рахунок зменшення амплітуд зміни кутових прискорень руху коромисла приводу голкового барабану для положень головного валу, під час яких виконується технологічна операція в’язання