23 research outputs found

    Postawy twórcze a kompetencje społeczno-emocjonalne uczniów z dysleksją i bez dysleksji w okresie wczesnej adolescencji

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    The article is an attempt to find answers to the question about the differences that exist within the competence of the socio-emotional and creative attitudes among students with dyslexia and those without dyslexia.The tool used to investigate social skills was  Social Competence Questionnaire (KKS) A. Matczak (2007), Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (INTE) N.S. Schutte, J. M. Malouff, L. E. Hall, D. J. Haggerty, J. T. Cooper, Ch. J. Golden, L. Dornheim in Polish adaptation of A. Ciechanowicz, A Jaworowski, A. Matczak (2000, 2008) were used to investigate emotional intelligence.  Creative attitudes were examined using - Creative Behaviour Questionnaire KANH S. Popek (2000).The analysis of the results made it possible to extract the areas in which the functioning of both groups of students varies considerably. In relation to the above-mentioned areas, the most important differences involve social exposure, overall emotional intelligence and the use of emotion in the process of thinking and acting. Students with dyslexia have achieved in this case statistically lower scores than their peers without dyslexia. In the area of creative behavior students with dyslexia present a higher level of conformity and reproductive activities.Artykuł jest próbą znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie o różnice, jakie istnieją w zakresie kompetencji społeczno-emocjonalnych i postaw twórczych między uczniami z dysleksją i bez dysleksji.Do badań wykorzystano narzędzia badające kompetencje społeczne - Kwestionariusz Kompetencji Społecznych (KKS) A. Matczak (2007), inteligencję emocjonalną - Kwestionariusz Inteligencji Emocjonalnej (INTE) N.S. Schutte, J. M. Malouff, L. E. Hall, D. J. Haggerty, J. T. Cooper, Ch. J. Golden, L. Dornheim w polskiej adaptacji A. Ciechanowicz, A Jaworowskiej, A. Matczak (2000, 2008) oraz zachowania twórcze - Kwestionariusz Twórczego Zachowania KANH S. Popka (2000).Analiza wyników pozwoliła wyodrębnić obszary, w których funkcjonowanie obu grup uczniów znacząco się różni. W odniesieniu do wspomnianych wyżej obszarów najistotniejsze różnice dotyczą ekspozycji społecznej, ogólnej inteligencji emocjonalnej oraz wykorzystania emocji w procesie myślenia i działania. Uczniowie z dysleksją osiągnęli w tym przypadku istotne statystycznie niższe wyniki, niż ich rówieśnicy bez dysleksji. W obszarze twórczych zachowań uczniowie z dysleksją prezentują natomiast wyższy poziom konformizmu i działań odtwórczych

    Non‐inversion tillage as a chance to increase the biodiversity of grounddwelling spiders in agroecosystems: preliminary results

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    Spiders (Araneae) create abundant and diverse assemblages in many agroecosystems, where they play a crucial role as the main group of predators and pest controllers. However, seasonal disturbance in the agricultural environment (e.g., harvesting or ploughing) affects spider assemblages. The main aim of this research was to compare assemblages of Araneae colonising cereal fields cultivated under two different systems of soil tillage: conventional with ploughing and non-inversion tillage. The research covered plantations of triticale, wheat, and barley, situated in northeastern Poland. Ground-dwelling spiders were captured into modified pitfall traps filled up to 1/3 height with an ethylene glycol solution. In total, 6744 spiders representing 67 species classified in 13 families were caught. The traps were emptied every two weeks from the end of April until the end of July. A total of 2410 specimens representing 55 species were captured in the fields with simplified cultivation, while the remaining 4334 specimens representing 49 species were trapped in conventional fields where ploughing was performed. The Shannon diversity (H’) and evenness (J’) indices reached higher values in the fields without ploughing. According to IndVal Erigone, dentipalpis and Bathyphantes gracilis were signifi-cantly characteristic (p < 0.05) for non-inversion soil tillage, whereas six species, Oedothorax apicatus, Pardosa prativaga, Pardosa paludicola, Pachygnatha clerki, Dicimbium nigrum brevisetosum, and Clubiona reclusa, were typical of soil tillage with ploughing. The research showed that simplification of soil tillage in cereal fields improves the biodiversity of arachnofauna in agricultural ecosystems. The use of conventional tillage systems with ploughing promotes agrobiontic species of the families Linyphiidae and Lycosidae

    Land use and soil characteristics affect soil organisms differently from above-ground assemblages

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    Background: Land-use is a major driver of changes in biodiversity worldwide, but studies have overwhelmingly focused on above-ground taxa: the effects on soil biodiversity are less well known, despite the importance of soil organisms in ecosystem functioning. We modelled data from a global biodiversity database to compare how the abundance of soil-dwelling and above-ground organisms responded to land use and soil properties. Results: We found that land use affects overall abundance differently in soil and above-ground assemblages. The abundance of soil organisms was markedly lower in cropland and plantation habitats than in primary vegetation and pasture. Soil properties influenced the abundance of soil biota in ways that differed among land uses, suggesting they shape both abundance and its response to land use. Conclusions: Our results caution against assuming models or indicators derived from above-ground data can apply to soil assemblages and highlight the potential value of incorporating soil properties into biodiversity models.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC): NE/L002515/1 and NE/M014533/1. European Union funding: 81794

    Conventional and non-inversion tillage systems as a factor causing changes in ground beetle (Col. Carabidae) assemblages in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) fields

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    Background and purpose: Carabid beetles are among the most important elements of the natural environment’s resistance in arable fields. In this paper, the influence of different soil tillage systems on carabid beetle assemblages in oilseed rape plantations was studied. Materials and methods: The experiment was conducted in northeastern Poland. Six fields with oilseed rape cultivated under both conventional and non-inversion tillage systems were chosen. Barber traps were used to capture beetles.Results and conclusions: In total 9,968 individuals belonging to 56 species were collected. Significant differences in the abundance and species richness of ground beetles in two systems of soil tillage were observed. The abundance and species richness were significantly higher in the non-inversion tillage system. Analysis of the life history traits of carabids also revealed statistically significant differences in the seasonal occurrence of carabids related to the type of soil cultivation used. </p

    Structure analysis of carabid beetles (Col., Carabidae) assemblages in integrated and organic potato management - Short communictaion

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    Badania dotyczyły ubocznego wpływu chemicznej ochrony w integrowanej produkcji ziemniaka na faunę epigeicznych biegaczowatych (Coleoptera, Carabidae), które są potencjalnymi wrogami szkodników roślin. Badania prowadzono w Winnej Górze koło Środy Wielkopolskiej w okresie od 19 maja do 8 września 2008 roku. Do badań wybrano dwie uprawy ziemniaka: ekologiczną i integrowaną, na każdej z nich założono po 10 pułapek Barbera. Ogółem odłowiono 2889 osobników Carabidae należących do 32 gatunków. Najliczniej na badanych polach ziemniaka występował Harpalus rufipes (ok. 50%). W badanych uprawach nie zaobserwowano znaczącego negatywnego wpływu stosowania środków ochrony roślin na zgrupowania pożytecznych biegaczowatych.Epigeic carabid beetles are potential enemies of plant pests. In this study, indirect influence of chemical protection in integrated potato management on carabids was investigated. Obtained result was compared with an organic field. The study was conducted in Winna Góra near Środa Wielkopolska from 19. May to 8. September 2008. Two potato fields were selected: one with organic and one with integrated-management cultivation system . Ten Barber traps were placed on each field. In total, 2.889 specimens representing 32 species (Carabide family) were captured. Harpalus rufipes was the dominating species (approx. 50%). No significant negative impact on beneficial ground beetles assemblages of pesticides was found

    Landscape Heterogeneity Determines the Diversity and Life History Traits of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

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    Functional diversity is crucial to ecosystem functioning in agricultural landscapes. Intensive agriculture has led to habitat homogeneity and thus a decrease in biodiversity and the disappearance of useful epigeic fauna. This study investigated how local habitat types in an agricultural landscape affect the assemblage parameters (abundance, species richness and Shannon–Wiener diversity index) and life history traits of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). The study was conducted in four habitat types: Orchard, meadow, shrubs, and forest. In each type, 12 sampling transects were selected, in which individuals were caught in pitfall traps. Non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed significant differences in ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblage composition between habitats. The generalized linear model showed that the habitat type influenced the beetles’ assemblage parameters and life history traits. Abundance, number of species, and species diversity were highest in the orchard. The occurrence of large brachypterous predators was also strongly dependent on habitat heterogeneity. Their presence in the orchard depended on their distance from semi-natural habitats (shrubs or forest). The results underscore the importance of habitat heterogeneity for populations of predatory Carabidae in intensively used agricultural landscapes and demonstrate the role of functional parameters, providing detailed information on agroecosystem condition and functioning

    The cultivation of phacelia (phacelia tanacetifolia benth.) as a habitat for the occurrence of beneficial ground beetles (coleoptera, carabidae)

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    Badania dotyczyły poznania zgrupowań biegaczowatych (Col. Carabidae), występujących w uprawie facelii błękitnej. Badania prowadzono w latach 2008–2009 w Bartążku koło Olsztyna. Biegaczowate były odławiane do pułapek Barbera od maja do końca września każdego roku. Ogółem odłowiono 2425 osobników należących do 37 gatunków. Zaobserwowano wysokie wartości wskaźników różnorodności gatunkowej biegaczowatych występujących w uprawie facelii. Stwierdzono występowanie biegaczowatych, należących do różnych grup ekologicznych, szczególnie dużych zoofagów mogących mieć wpływ na ograniczanie liczebności szkodników roślin. Uprawy facelii błękitnej stanowią element infrastruktury ekologicznej w agrocenozach, stwarzającej warunki sprzyjające występowaniu drapieżców.The research concerned the knowledge of carabid beetles (Col. Carabidae) assemblages, occurring in the cultivation of tansy phacelia. The study was conducted in 2008–2009 in Bartążek near Olsztyn. Ground beetles were caught into Barber traps from May to September each year. In total, 2,425 individuals belonging to 37 species were captured. It was observed high values of species diversity of beetles occurring in the phacelia crop. There were a lot of valuable species of ground beetles, belonging to different ecological groups, especially large zoophages which may have an impact on reducing the number of plant pests. It was found that the cultivation of phacelia may be a valuable element of ecological infrastructure in agrocenosis creating conditions conducive to the presence of predators

    Ground beetles (Coleoptera; Carabidae) as an indicator of ongoing changes in forest habitats due to increased water retention

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    This study, concerning the epigeic fauna of carabid beetles (Coleoptera; Carabidae), was conducted in the north-east of Poland, in an area which is part of the Dąbrówka Forest Subdistrict and has been included in the “Small water retention program for the Province of Warmia and Mazury in 2006–2015”. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of the water retention implemented within the framework of the above program on assemblages of ground beetles. These insects are highly sensitive to any anthropogenically induced transformations. This analysis was based on the interactions among the analyzed insects caused by changes occurring in their habitat. During the 3-year study, 5,807 specimens representing 84 species were captured. The water storage had a significant influence on the structure of the Carabidae assemblages. Before the earthworks were constructed for the project, the beetle assemblages had comprised a large group of xerophilous species, whereas after the small retention reservoirs had been created, an increase in the contribution of hygrophilous species was noticed. The results indicate that the retention works cause alterations in the water and environmental conditions of the habitats, and thereby effect changes in the composition of Carabidae assemblages. Moreover, modification in water relations within a habitat causes long-term changes in the structural and functional diversity of the beetles

    Influence of plant protection on ground beetles (Col., Carabidae) assemblages in potato cultivations

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    Badania dotyczyły wpływu ochrony chemicznej w integrowanej produkcji ziemniaka na faunę naziemnych biegaczowatych (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Otrzymane wyniki porównano z badaniem na polu bez ochrony chemicznej. Badania prowadzono w latach 2008 i 2012 w Winnej Górze koło Środy Wielkopolskiej. Do badań wybrano dwie uprawy ziemniaka: ekologiczną i integrowaną, na każdej z nich założono po 10 pułapek Barbera. Ogółem odłowiono 1917 osobników należących do 34 gatunków biegaczowatych na polu z integrowaną uprawą ziemniaka oraz 2579 osobników z 33 gatunków na polu z uprawą ekologiczną. Najliczniej na badanych polach ziemniaka występował Harpalus rupes. W badanych uprawach nie zaobserwowano znaczącego wpływu stosowania insektycydów na zgrupowania pożytecznych biegaczowatych, istotne natomiast okazało się stosowanie fungicydów i herbicydów.In study, infuence of chemical protection in integrated potato management on ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) was researched. Obtained result was compared with an organic field. The study was conducted in 2008 and 2012 years in Winna Góra near Środa Wielkopolska. Ten Barber traps were placed on each field. Two potato fields were selected: organic and integrated. In total, 1 917 specimens representing 34 species (Carabide family) were captured in integrated fields and 2 579 specimens representing 33 species in organic fields. Harpalus rufipes was the dominating species. In the studied fields, there was no significant impact of the use of insecticides on beneficial ground beetles assemblages, while we found significant use of fungicides and herbicides