215 research outputs found

    Trends In Long-term Unemployment

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    Long-term unemployment reached historically high levels following the Great Recession of 2007–2009. Both the number and share of the unemployed who are long-term unemployed typically continue to increase after a recession ends, before falling during a labor market recovery. Following this cyclical pattern, long-term unemployment has fallen in recent years, although it remains high by historical standards. Five years after the Great Recession ended, the number of long-term unemployed still made up a larger share of unemployment than during any previous recession. This Spotlight on Statistics examines trends in long-term unemployment and the characteristics of people who have experienced it

    Graphic Novel Adaptation of “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M. Sholokhov (the Russian-Serbian Comic Strip “The Cossacks”)

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    The article deals with the graphic novel “The Cossacks: A novel about the life of the Don Cossacks” by S. Soloviev published in Belgrade in 1938–1939. This is a kind of adaptation of the first two books of Mikhail Sholokhov’s novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. The graphic novel under review is one of the first creative products of the ninth kind of art in Serbia and is connected with the emergence of this phenomenon in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Its publication laid the foundation of the famous “Belgrade School”, which developed the European traditions of graphic literature. The interest of the Yugoslavian community in the Cossacks and in Sholokhov coincided with the publication of the graphic novel. The study shows the conditions, under which the Russian-Serbian graphic novel was created, and analyzes its structure, plot lines, characters and etymology of the names. With reference to Sholokhov’s “And Quiet Flows the Don”, the graphic novel “The Cossacks” may be considered as a kind of pastiche – a plot contamination of epic story about real events with an adventurous narrative. Of particular interest is the artistic-conceptual presence of the elements of Sholokhov’s artistic world in the sphere of synthetic art. There are significant esthetic differences between the epic novel of Sholokhov and the graphic novel of S. Soloviev. Still it is possible to find attempts to preserve the language of the characters and the specificity of the author’s speech. The outcome of the adaptation of Sholokhov’s masterpiece can be presented in the following way: a transformation of the literary text into a visual-narrative discourse takes place in its course. The visual-narrative unity of the comics about the Don Cossacks makes it possible to unite separate scenes and dialogues into a holistic picture. A new, postmodern method of packing the meanings – a special form of realization of a folklore mythopoetic kind of worldview – is created. “The Cossacks” is based on the poetics of a comic strip, the essence of which boils down to an adventurous plot focusing on the unity of character and speech. In this interpretation, the graphic novel, being a complete modification of the text of “And Quiet Flows the Don”, remains on the marginal pages of Sholokhov studies. Nevertheless, it contains a significant communicative, cognitive and literary-artistic potential and is a successful attempt to build a certain cultural bridge between the two Slavic peoples.Объектом исследования в статье стал комикс «Казаки: Роман из жизни донских казаков» С. Соловьева, вышедший в Белграде в 1938–1939 гг., – адаптация первых двух книг романа «Тихий Дон» М. Шолохова. Данный комикс принадлежит к числу первых романов «девятого искусства» в Сербии, связан с этапом возникновения этого феномена в Королевстве Югославия. Его выход закладывал фундамент «Белградской школы», развивающей европейские традиции рисованной литературы. Интерес югославской общественности к казачеству, к Шолохову совпал с распространением комикса в стране. В работе показано, в каких условиях создавался русско-сербский рисованный роман «Казаки», анализируются его структура, сюжетные линии, характеры героев и этимология имен. Графический роман «Казаки» по отношению к шолоховскому «Тихому Дону» можно рассматривать в качестве пастиша, фабульно-сюжетной контаминацией эпического рассказа о событиях с приключенческим и авантюрным повествованием. Интерес представляет художественно-концептуальное присутствие элементов шолоховского художественного мира в сфере синтетического искусства. Между эпопей Шолохова и комиксом С. Соловьева имеются существенные эстетические различия. Однако в русско-сербском комиксе можно найти попытки сохранить строй речи персонажей и особенности авторского повествования. Результат адаптации шолоховского шедевра можно представить следующим образом: в ее ходе происходит трансформация литературного текста в зрительно-повествовательный дискурс. Визуально-нарративное единство комикса о донских казаках позволяет объединить отдельные сцены и диалоги в целостную картину. Создается новый, постмодернистский, способ упаковки смыслов – особая форма реализации фольклорной, мифопоэтической разновидности мировоззрения. «Казаки» основаны на поэтике комикса, суть которого – занимательная фабула, акцентирующая единство образа и речи. В такой трактовке комикс, являющийся полной модификацией текста «Тихого Дона», остается на маргинальных страницах шолоховедения. Тем не менее, он содержит значимый коммуникационный, познавательный и литературно-художественный потенциал, является удачной попыткой создания своеобразного культурного моста между двумя славянскими народами

    Protest: A Forensic Concept

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    Today\u27s police administrators need administrative policy statements that can be easily followed by individual officers in reacting to civil disorders.\u27 Historical analysis reveals a system in which the police have deepened racial divisions in the United States by failing to cope with problems in ghetto areas. Employing careless policies, sometimes initiated by the police chief and other times initiated by the individual officer, the police have shown weaknesses in two major areas. First, the police have no established procedures to follow when civil disturbances erupt. Second, the police have over-reacted to civil disturbances, apparently manifesting anti-black fury by means of discriminatory police behavior. As a result, the police of this century have had little success in preventing racial unrest from escalating into racial riots

    Impacts of Outcomes Based Funding on Resource Allocation: A Case Study of Senior Administrators in Colorado

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    The purpose of this study was to understand the impacts of outcomes-based funding legislation on senior administrator’s resource allocation decision making at public doctoral granting institutions in Colorado. This qualitative study’s participants included five CFOs who were interviewed after the third fiscal year that HB14-1319 had been operating as the funding allocation model in the state. While there has been quantitative research on outcomes-based funding policies and their effectiveness, there are noted gaps in the literature for qualitative studies. To determine the potential impacts to senior administrator’s resource allocation decision making after the introduction and switch to a outcomes-based funding model, a case study approach was utilized. Through data analysis five common themes were discovered in the CFOs experiences. These themes include: student success measures, accountability, agency status quo, resource/tuition costs, and the politics of funding. These themes contributed to the findings of this study. The findings suggest that HB14-1319 priorities and goals set by the state were already priorities at Colorado doctoral granting institutions. Additionally, these outcomes-based funding goals set by the policy did not have any negative consequences attached to them. and the amount of funding provided by the state was insignificant to elicit a change in resource allocation behavior. The main objective of HB14-1319 was to provide transparency and accountability to the public for overall higher education spending. Lastly, it was found that doctoral granting institutions in Colorado have other sources of funding available to them as revenue

    Due Process: Voluntary Commitment of Minors

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    Bartley v. Kremens, 402 F. Supp. 1039 (E.D. Pa. 1975). Children\u27s Rights in Mental Commitments Expanded in Landmark Federal Case Holding Pennsylvania Practice Unconstitutional. This is the title of a press release by the Mental Patient Civil Liberties Project\u27 immediately following the decision of Bartley v. Kremens. The release optimistically predicts that the Bartley decision will have a major impact on the rights of juveniles in voluntary commitment proceedings

    Military Institutions: Due Process for Cadets

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    Andrews v. Knowlton, 367 F. Supp. 1263 (S.D.N.Y. 1973), aff\u27d 509 F.2d 898 (2d Cir. 1975). Much litigation in the past has dealt with the rights of college students. It was the landmark decision of Dixon v. Alabama State Board of Education which first held that procedural due process was to be applied to the disciplinary actions of colleges and universities. Following that decision, the courts generally have adopted a standard of fairness and reasonableness when considering whether or not a student\u27s rights to due process were violated. The cumulative effect of the litigation which followed Dixon manifests itself in the 1969 decision of Esteban v. Central Missouri State College. In that decision the court held that the following criteria should be met in order to comply with the requirements of due process: the accused must be given adequate notice, in writing, of the specific allegation lodged against him/her and the nature of the supporting evidence;the accused shall be given an opportunity to be heard;there must be substantial evidence to support the action. Although the courts are not compelled to adhere strictly to the criteria set forth in Esteban, it is evident that they are quite concerned with affording college students protection under the safeguard of due process

    Protest: A Forensic Concept

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    Today\u27s police administrators need administrative policy statements that can be easily followed by individual officers in reacting to civil disorders.\u27 Historical analysis reveals a system in which the police have deepened racial divisions in the United States by failing to cope with problems in ghetto areas. Employing careless policies, sometimes initiated by the police chief and other times initiated by the individual officer, the police have shown weaknesses in two major areas. First, the police have no established procedures to follow when civil disturbances erupt. Second, the police have over-reacted to civil disturbances, apparently manifesting anti-black fury by means of discriminatory police behavior. As a result, the police of this century have had little success in preventing racial unrest from escalating into racial riots