11 research outputs found

    Planning of sustainable development in country by application of AHP method

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    W pracy dokonano oceny ważności czynników strategicznych (celów i zadań strategicznych oraz scenariuszy rozwoju) a także wyboru scenariusza rozwoju dla gminy przy wykorzystaniu analitycznego procesu hierarchicznego. Analityczny Proces Hierarchiczny (AHP) jest jedną z metod matematycznych służącą do rozwiązywania wielokryterialnych problemów decyzyjnych. W metodzie tej problem decyzyjny przedstawiany jest w postaci hierarchicznego schematu decyzyjnego. Schemat ten konstruowany jest drogą rozkładu rozważanego problemu na elementy składowe decyzji: cel główny, cele podrzędne, zadania oraz scenariusze rozwoju. Na każdym poziome hierarchii dokonuje się porównań tych elementów parami i oszacowania wagi każdego elementu. Za najlepszy scenariusz uznaje się ten, dla którego waga ma największą wartość. Proponowana procedura została zilustrowana przykładem dotyczącym planowania zrównoważonego rozwoju dla gminy Tarnowo Podgórne w województwie wielkopolskim.The study assesses the importance of strategic factors (strategic goals and tasks and development scenarios) as well as the selection of a development scenario for a commune with the use of an analytical hierarchical process. The Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) is one of the mathematical methods used to solve multi-criteria decision problems. In this method, the decision problem is presented in the form of a hierarchical decision scheme. This diagram is constructed by decomposing the problem under consideration into components of the decision: main goal, sub-goals, tasks and development scenarios. At each level of the hierarchy, pairwise comparisons are made between these elements and the weight of each element is estimated. The best scenario is the one for which weight has the greatest value. The proposed procedure has been illustrated with an example of sustainable development planning for the commune of Tarnowo Podgórne in the Greater Poland Voivodeship

    Romanticism and stopped time

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    Faces of Narcissus : the presence of the author in the work

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    Książka, którą oddajemy w ręce Czytelnika, stanowi owoc drugiej już z serii międzynarodowych komparatystycznych konferencji naukowych organizowanych przez Katedrę Komparatystyki literackiej Wydziału Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, w dniach 17-19 października 2007. Miała ona charakter interdyscyplinarny: wzięli w niej udział znawcy różnych literatur, sztuki i muzyki, filozofowie, teatrolodzy, krytycy. Podjęty temat obecność autora w dziele stał się okazją do pasjonujących rozważań na temat artystycznych realizacji mitu Narcyza w dziełach literatury, malarstwa, muzyki od starożytności po czasy współczesne, na temat związanych z mitem motywów zwierciadła, echa, odbicia w literaturze i sztuce, a także autotematyzmu, autobiografii, autoportretu, przekształcenia literatury w legendę osobistą. Nie mniej interesującą kwestią okazał się różnorodny i niejednokrotnie bardzo złożony charakter sposobów ujawniania się bądź ukrywania autora w dziele oraz związek tych zabiegów z kształtem artystycznym dzieła. Książka Oblicza Narcyza: obecność autora w dziele przyciągnie z pewnością uwagę szerokiego kręgu czytelników zainteresowanych różnymi dziedzinami kultury i sztuki, a także relacją autora i jego dzieła

    Oral health, dental treatment, and medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw in multiple myeloma - a longitudinal cohort study

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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to investigate oral health status, oral health related quality of life, and identify risk factors associated with invasive dental treatment and medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple myeloma. Material and methods: Patients newly diagnosed with multiple myeloma (n = 144) referred between January 2015 and September 2022 were retrospectively included. The patients underwent a thorough clinical and radiological oral examination and odontogenic infections were treated before the start of bisphosphonate treatment. The patients were followed annually, including clinical and radiological examinations. The oral health related quality of life was investigated by the OHIP-14 questionnaire. Results: Dental treatment (RR = 7.75), receiving combination antineoplastic therapy≥3 (RR =4.13), periodontitis (RR = 4.21), and reduced number of teeth (RR = 2.87) were associated with an increased risk of medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw. The response rate of the OHIP-14 questionnaire was 70.2%. Oral pain or discomfort in the mouth related to the medical treatment was reported by 30.5%. Conclusion: Dental screening and treatment planning in patients with Multiple Myeloma may result in fewer oral infections and fewer interruptions of the medical treatment of myeloma

    Patient-reported pain after surgical removal of leukoplakia : an observational 1-year follow-up study

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    Objective Oral leukoplakia (OL) presents as a white lesion of the oral mucosa and is not typically associated with the sensation of pain. OL should be surgically removed when possible because it is considered a potentially malignant oral disorder (PMOD). This study assessed the pain sensations experienced by patients in association with the occurrence and surgical treatment of OL. Methods Inclusion criteria were: a clinical diagnosis of OL; biopsy excision; and observation for at least 12 months in the ORA-LEU-CAN study. At the first visit, all the patients were asked about the occurrence of symptoms within the lesion. Ninety-four subjects were assessed over a period of 1 year. All patients underwent complete removal of OL. The patient cohort was divided into three sub-groups: (i) no pain before excision and at the 1-year follow-up; (ii) pain before excision; and (iii) pain at the 1-year follow-up. Results Overall, pain was reported by 21.3% of the patients at the study start whereas 13.8% of the patients reported pain 1 year after surgical treatment. Patient-reported pain from the lesion at study inclusion was significantly associated with lesions found on the lateral side of the tongue (p=.002). Pain reported by patients one year after surgery was significantly related to female gender (p=.038) and the presence of epithelial cell dysplasia (p=.022). Conclusion We conclude that surgical removal of OL results in a low risk of long-term post-surgical pain. However, OL located on the lateral side of the tongue and in OL with dysplasia are more likely to be associated with pain

    Recurrence rates after surgical removal of oral leukoplakia : A prospective longitudinal multicentre study

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    Oral leukoplakia (OL) is a potentially malignant oral disorder. The Gold Standard treatment is to remove surgically the OL. Despite optimal surgery, the recurrence rates are estimated to be 30%. The reason for this is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical factors that correlate with recurrence after surgical removal of OL. In a prospective study data were collected from 226 patients with OL. Forty-six patients were excluded due to incomplete records or concomitant presence of other oral mucosal diseases. Overall, 180 patients proceeded to analysis (94 women and 86 men; mean age, 62 years; age range, 28-92 years). Clinical data, such as gender, diagnosis (homogeneous/non-homogeneous leukoplakia), location, size, tobacco and alcohol use, verified histopathological diagnosis, and clinical photograph, were obtained. In patients who were eligible for surgery, the OL was surgically removed with a margin. To establish recurrence, a healthy mucosa between the surgery and recurrence had to be confirmed in the records or clinical photographs. Statistical analysis was performed with the level of significance set at P<0.05. Of the 180 patients diagnosed with OL, 57% (N = 103) underwent surgical removal in toto. Recurrence was observed in 43 OL. The cumulative incidence of recurrence of OL was 45% after 4 years and 49% after 5 years. Fifty-six percent (N = 23) of the non-homogeneous type recurred. Among snuff-users 73% (N = 8) cases of OL recurred. A non-homogeneous type of OL and the use of snuff were significantly associated with recurrence after surgical excision (P = 0.021 and P = 0.003, respectively). Recurrence was also significantly associated with cancer transformation (P< 0.001). No significant differences were found between recurrence and any of the following: dysplasia, site of lesion, size, multiple vs. solitary OL, gender, age, use of alcohol or smoking. In conclusion, clinical factors that predict recurrence of OL are non-homogeneous type and use of snuff

    High-risk human papillomavirus in patients with oral leukoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma-A multi-centre study in Sweden, Brazil and Romania.

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    OBJECTIVES: Although causal associations between oral leukoplakia (OL), oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) have been speculated upon in several reports, conclusive evidence has not been presented. This study investigates whether the number of cases of HR-HPV in OL has increased over time and whether the prevalence of HR-HPV-positive OL differs in various parts of the world. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 432 patients with OL from Sweden, Brazil and Romania were analysed. Patients were divided into historical (1992-2002) and contemporary (2011-2017) cohorts from the respective countries. Seventeen patients with OL developed oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). A real-time PCR assay, targeting HPV sub-types 6,11,16,18,31,33,35,39,45,52,56,58 and 59, was performed to detect HR-HPV in patients with OL. RESULTS: In the Swedish and Romanian cohorts, none of the investigated HPV sub-types were detected. In the Brazilian cohorts, five patients with OL (3%) were positive for HR-HPV, including four patients from the contemporary cohort (HPV 16, 31, 33) and one from the historical cohort (HPV 11). All the cases of OL that transformed into OSCC were HR-HPV-negative, as were the corresponding tumours. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, the prevalence of HR-HPV in OL is low in all the tested countries, and the incidence has not changed over time. HR-HPV in OL does not seem to be a driver of oncogenesis