36 research outputs found
Rapid Thermal Processing
Tato práce se zabývá technologiemi využívajícími rychlé tepelné procesy (RTP) na zlepšení technologických postupů. Hlavními důvody zavedení RTP technologií byla finanční a časová náročnost běžných postupů. Použití RTP v elektrotechnickém průmyslu je velmi široké, od běžných operací jako je kontaktování až po náročnější například oxidace v inertních atmosférách. V této práci je popsaný vývoj těchto postupů se zaměřením výrobu solárních článků. Experimentální část je zaměřena na návrh zařízení pro lepení solárních článků při využití krátkovlnných a středovlnných infrazářičů. Práce probíhá ve spolupráci se společností Solartec, s. r. o.This work is focused on technologies using rapid thermal processes (RTP) to improve technological procedures. Main reasons of implementation of RTP technologies has been financial and time-consuming nature of regular procedures. The scale of utilization of RTP in the electro-technical industry is very wide, starting with simple operations like contacting up to more complicated ones like oxidation in inert atmospheres. This thesis captures a development of those procedures with a focus on fabrication of solar cells. The experimental part is focused on a draft of equipment for bonding of solar cells using short wave and middle wave infrared heaters. This thesis is being created in cooperation with the company Solartec, s. r. o.
Windows Software Protection Against Reverse Engineering
Tato práce se zabývá seznámením se se zpětným inženýrstvím, způsoby jeho použití a zneužití v praxi a seznámením se s existujícími nástroji na ochranu softwaru a s nástroji projektu Lissom. Zaměřuje se také na analýzu existujících způsobů narušení ochrany a návrh ochrany pro aplikace projektu Lissom ve spolupráci s licenčním serverem pro operační systém Windows.This thesis deals with familiarization with the reverse engineering, the modalities of its use and misuse in practice and becoming familiar with existing tools to protect software and tools developed within the Lissom project. It also focuses on the analysis of existing methods of security breaches and the proposal of protection for Lissom project applications in collaboration with the license server for operating system Windows.
Evaluation of rehabilitation influence on flat foot in children by plantar pressure analysis
The flatfoot diagnosis in childhood belongs to the most frequent diagnosis in the orthopaedic and physiotherapist clinics. The aim of this research is to evaluate the influence of rehabilitation on the values of plantar pressures. Emed platform was used for measurement. The research group consisted of three subjects (aged 6.3 ± 1.7 years) with the flat foot diagnosis. Statistical analysis of mean pressures found the increasing of these pressures in the middle foot region after rehabilitation. Similarly, significantly decreasing of contact area were found in the region of the middle foot. The method of plantar pressure analysis can help improve a foot function and evaluate the treatment effect. This study indicates the effect of rehabilitation on foot arch in childhood
Temporal gait characteristics in the Czech adult population
A descriptive comparative research study of gait of the Czech population has been carried out. Its aim was to assess temporal characteristics of a stance in the Czech population in relation to the BMI and age. To obtain basic data the Pedar Mobile System (Novel GER) with capacitative insoles was used. 170 men and women aged 18-60 divided by gender and age into three natural biological groups (18-30, 31-45, 46-60 years of age) were measured (Kovář 1997, Riegrová 1998, Pavlík 2007). Basic temporal characteristics of a stance were selected focusing on a comparison of the duration of the initial and terminal double limb stances and the single limb stance between the individual groups. These variables were assessed in relation to age and the BMI using ANOVA, Tukey HSD test and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to assess the results. The statistical significance level was set at α = 0.05. There were no significant differences found in the main observed variables, i.e. the initial and terminal double limb stances and the single limb stance in any age groups, neither in women or men in terms of age and BMI. The only difference detected was in the swing time in both the younger groups and the oldest group of participants in cases where they were not divided by gender. The swing time got significantly reduced in the oldest age category. The moderate correlation coefficient was found between the selected characteristics of a stance and the BMI or age for all the groups (r=0,3 – 0,5). This means that neither the BMI nor age significantly affect the initial and terminal double limb stance time and the single limb stance time in the observed research participants aged 60 and below
Muscle activation of a sportsman and an untrained man
The research was focused to analyse the muscle activation using sEMG during repeated physical activity. The purpose of this study was to find out differences between a sportsman and an untrained man in the timing of muscle activation during increasing load. Two men took part in the research. The untrained man (MN) 20 years old, 180 cm, 74 kg, sportsman (MS) 22 years old, 177 cm, 87 kg. Participants performed repeated flexion and extension in the elbow joint. Muscle activation has been tested using sEMG on the selected muscles: biceps brachii (BB), brachioradialis (B), trapezius p. descendez (TD), deltoideus p. acromialis (DA). Both participants performed test for 5, 8 and 12 kg load. Number of repetition was 10. In flexion, the time of muscle activations were the same or very similar for BB for both participants and longer in MN for B and DA, for TD were longer in MS for all loads. Differences were caused firstly by a different finishing time. In extension DA and B in MN, partly also TD were activated for a longer time. The time for activation of BB was mostly the same. Differences were caused mainly by the later start of the activation in MS. Also tendencies in prolonging and shortening the time of activation in relation to increasing load in both participants demonstrated different characteristics. Significantly longer time of muscle activation of MN has been proved only for B and DA for both kinds of movements. Differences between participants in the total time of activation at absolutely same load were expected especially because of the better movement efficiency, adaptation to the power load and movement technique in MS.The paper is the result of research project: "Institutional developing project" (RP 90518010) of Brno University of Technology. The project was financed by Brno University of Technology
HF band power amplifier
Cílem diplomové práce je realizace vysokofrekvenčního zesilovače s možností změny pracovní třídy mezi třídami A, B a C o výstupním výkonu asi 10 W v pásmu frekvencí 3,5 MHz až 14 MHz. Dále návrh filtrů dolní a pásmové propusti. Práce obsahuje teoretický rozbor pro seznámení se s problematikou návrhu vysílače respektive zesilovače a filtrů. Následovat bude návrh, simulace, praktická realizace a měření dosažených parametrů.The theme of my diploma thesis is a realization of the high frequency amplifier with possibility to change its class between class A, B and C with output low pass and band pass filters. The output power is supposed to be at about 10 W in frequency range 3,5 MHz to 14 MHz. The thesis contains theory of amplifier respectively transceiver and filters. In next parts I will design, simulate, realize and measure created amplifier and filters.
Retargetable Source-Level Debugger
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá seznámením se s problematikou ladění a principu ladicích nástrojů. Dále práce podrobně zkoumá formát ladicích informací a popisuje návrh ladicího nástroje vytvořeného pro potřeby projektu Lissom. Práce taktéž obsahuje popis implementace jednotlivých navržených částí ladicího nástroje. V závěru práce se nachází testování implementovaného řešení na dvou typech architektur a taktéž shrnutí výsledků této práce.This mater's thesis deals with introducing principles of debugging and debuggers. The thesis examines in detail format of debugging information and it describes the design of debugger created within the project Lissom. Furthermore, the thesis also contains implementation of each designed part, which the debugger consists of. Last part of this thesis deals with testing of the implemented solution with two types of processor architectures and it also contains the conclusion of the results.
The Analysis Of Speed-Reaction Ability Of The Recreational Badminton Players – The Pilot Research
Hlavním úkolem pilotního výzkumu bylo provést analýzu změn reakčně -rychlostních schopností u rekreačních hráčů badmintonu v průběhu tréninkového cyklu. Byl vytvořen vhodný intervenční program, jehož se účastnila experimentální skupina, tvořena výhradně rekreačními hráči badmintonu, který trval po dobu třech měsíců. Pro diagnostiku reakční rychlosti byl použit přístroj Fitro reaction check. Po absolvování intervenčního programu byly porovnány výsledky s kontrolní skupinou, taktéž výhradně rekreačních hráčů, která intervenčním programem neprošla. Výsledky ukázaly rozdíly mezi experimentální a kontrolní skupinou. U experimentální skupiny bylo zlepšení u mužů o 12,6 % a u žen o 14,2 % a u kontrolní skupiny u mužů o 8,6 %, naopak ženy se zhoršily o 0,6 %. Rozdíly byly porovnány na hladině statistické významnosti 0,05. Sběr dat ještě stále pokračuje, ale tyto dílčí výsledky prozatím napovídají, že i v poměrně krátkém tréninkovém cyklu je u kontrolní skupiny rekreačních hráčů možné zlepšit úroveň rychlostně reakčních schopností a to i v případě, že se jedná o dospělé hráče badmintonu.The main goal of the pilot research was an introductory analysis of the changes of quick reaction abilities of the recreational badminton players which had a different level of the efficiency during the training cycle. There was an intervention programme which lasted 3 months. In this programme, an experimental team was formed exclusively from recreational badminton players. The Filtro reaction check was used for diagnostics. After completing the intervention program, the results were compared with a testing team which consists exclusively of recreational players as well and those members that didn´t participate in the intervention program. The results have shown the differences between the experimental team in which the improvement was 12,6 % for men and 14,2 % for women. In the testing team, the improvement for wasn´t significant and the women´s results were worse. The results were compared for statistical significance level of 0,05. While the data collection is still in progress, the partial results indicate that it is possible to improve the level of the quick reaction abilities of adult recreational badminton players in a relatively short training cycle