261 research outputs found

    Expectiles for subordinated Gaussian processes with applications

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    In this paper, we introduce a new class of estimators of the Hurst exponent of the fractional Brownian motion (fBm) process. These estimators are based on sample expectiles of discrete variations of a sample path of the fBm process. In order to derive the statistical properties of the proposed estimators, we establish asymptotic results for sample expectiles of subordinated stationary Gaussian processes with unit variance and correlation function satisfying ρ(i)κiα\rho(i)\sim \kappa|i|^{-\alpha} (\kappa\in \RR) with α>0\alpha>0. Via a simulation study, we demonstrate the relevance of the expectile-based estimation method and show that the suggested estimators are more robust to data rounding than their sample quantile-based counterparts

    A Feminist Dialogic Reading of the New Woman: Love, Female Desire, and Family in The Virgin and the Gypsy by D. H. Lawrence and in The Tragedy of Demetrio by Hanna Mina

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    This paper explores the depiction of female characters as New Women in a comparative analysis of two selected short stories by two seemingly anti-feminist authors; D. H. Lawrence in England and Hanna Mina in Syria. I argue that these short stories signal the need for a new perspective, analyzing how these two authors challenged the conventional fictional treatment of womanhood and created complex female heroines struggling against restrictive social roles and values. Examining these selected narratives, “The   Virgin and the Gypsy” by D. H. Lawrence and in “The Tragedy of Demetrio” by Hanna   Mina, sets forth an unexpected area of comparison between English and Arabic literature with a specific interest in the construction of New Woman identity at the turn of the century, namely the fragmented and complex presentations of the heroines’ inner struggle between the traditional female roles and their aspirations for a freer, more fluid identity. A close reading will, therefore, bring out certain similarities in terms of themes and style that call for a Bakhtinian insight into dialogism to account for the fragmented character of the New Woman in both texts

    Les hybrides lexicaux en français contemporain : délimitation du concept

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    Le présent article a pour but de délimiter le concept d’hybride lexical en français contemporain et d’en proposer une typologie en fonction de différents critères. L’hybride lexical est défini comme un néologisme issu principalement d’une hybridation, considérée comme un processus spécifique de créativité lexicale, qui combine les mécanismes de dérivation et d’emprunt direct. Ce processus se réalise par l’adjonction d’un élément allogène (mot plein lié, confixe ou affixe), emprunté directement à une langue A, soit à une base indigène, soit à un élément allogène venant directement d’une langue B. Le français emprunte aussi des hybrides à d’autres langues dans lesquelles ils sont formés en vertu de mécanismes hybridogènes analogues. Les formants d’hybrides se caractérisent par une absence d’autonomie dans la langue emprunteuse. Selon divers paramètres, les hybrides lexicaux peuvent se diviser en : 1) hybrides dérivationnels et hybrides par emprunt ; 2) hybrides interférentiels (résultat d’une interférence de deux langues dans des régions limitrophes) et hybrides non interférentiels ; 3) hybrides dénominatifs et hybrides d’auteur à fonction poétique et ludique.The aim of the paper is to define the categorial status of a lexical hybrid in modern French and to classify hybrids according to various typological criteria. A lexical hybrid has been defined as a neological type arising mostly as a result of hybridization, thus a specific derivational process being a combination of derivation and direct borrowing, and depending on the addition of a foreign-language formative (lexeme, confix, affix) borrowed directly from language A either to the native base or to a foreign element borrowed directly from language B. The French language has borrowed some hybrids from foreign languages, in which these formations arose as a result of analogous hybridogenic processes. Hybrid formatives are characterized by a lack of autonomy in the borrowing language. The division of hybrids is presented as follows: 1) derivational hybrids and hybrid-borrowings; 2) interferential hybrids (created as a result of two languages affecting each other because of their geographical proximity) and non interferential hybrids; 3) nominative hybrids and authorial hybrids (the latter, as nonce-words, are created for the aims of poetry, satire and popular entertainment)

    Ekwiwalent przekładowy: ani synonimia, ani bliskoznaczność (na przykładzie czasownika abandonner)

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    This paper aims at studying non-synonymy in translation, on the example of the verb abandonner, where, for different reasons, a semantic equivalent of the type lexeme A → lexeme B (synonym or parasynonym) doesn’t occur. Two main types of this non-synonymy can be distinguished: 1° corresponding translation units differ semantically, resulting in a non-synonymic equivalent of abandonner (il abandonna son pays → wyjechał z kraju); 2° corresponding translation units, while synonymous, are characterized by a different argument position (ses forces l’abandonnèrent → opadł z sił); in the latter case, the lexeme corresponding to abandonner is only its predicative equivalent (opadł), which, together with the other structural elements, builds the meaning of the translation unit

    Open Access Week w Toruniu

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    Open Access Week is an international event held annually since 2009. During the week from 24th to 28th October the Institute of Information Science and Book Studies and Nicolaus Copernicus University Library hosted a variety open access themed events for high school pupils and students. The article summarizes the Open Access Week in Toruń and contains basic information about the held events.Co roku od ośmiu lat odbywa się międzynarodowy Open Access Week. W związku z tym w dniach 24-28 października 2016 r. w Toruniu odbywał się zorganizowany przez Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliologii oraz Bibliotekę Uniwersytecką Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu cykl wydarzeń mających przybliżyć ideę open access uczniom, studentom oraz innym zainteresowanym osobom. Artykuł podsumowuje toruński Tydzień Otwartej Nauki i prezentuje informacje na temat odbytych w jego ramach wydarzeń

    „Projektowanie dla Różnorodności” czyli obchody Światowego Dnia Architektury Informacji w Toruniu

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    As part of the celebration of the World Information Architecture Day, on February 23, 2019, the 1st National Scientific Conference WIAD19 „Design for Difference” took place at the Nicolaus Copernicus University. It was organized by the three-member Doctoral Scientific Circle "Question" and the Institute of the Information Science and Book Studies of the Nicolaus Copernicus University. This year's theme of the Information Architecture Day was "Design for Difference".W ramach obchodów Światowego Dnia Architektury Informacji, 23 lutego 2019 r. odbyła się na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa WIAD19 „Projektowanie dla Różnorodności”. Została ona zorganizowana przez trzyosobowe Koło Naukowe Doktorantów „Pytanie” oraz Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliologii UMK. Tegorocznym hasłem przewodnim Dnia Architektury Informacji było „Projektowanie dla Różnorodności” (ang. Design for Difference)

    #Hasztag musi być!

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza naukowych materiałów dotyczących hasztagów. Jako przykład użycia hasztagów w sposób kreatywny przedstawiony zostanie sposób stosowania ich na Instagramie –ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem odniesień do książek i czytelnictwa.Publikacja dofinansowana ze środków rektorskich na działalność kół naukowyc

    Social Reading w kontekście nowych technologii: historia, rodzaje, projekty

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    Social reading is a phenomenon that engages people in group reading. The aim of this article is to explain social reading with special regard to its online type. As a concept, social reading is quite simple. It is based on the belief that people want to share what they have read, their thoughts, and comments etc. with others so they can receive feedback. Technology is an obvious and natural enabler for those needs. Thanks to that, reading which is associated with the „alone time” becomes a social experience. On the grounds of analysis of texts relevant to the subject, this article discusses essence of social reading – its development, various definitions and types and it presents selected social reading projects.Social reading jest zjawiskiem angażującym w czytanie jednego tekstu większe grupy ludzi. Celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie na czym to zjawisko polega, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem społecznego czytania online. Założenie jest dość proste: ludzie chcą dzielić się tym, co czytają, swoimi przemyśleniami, opiniami itd. i chcą, by na nie reagowano. Technologia w sposób naturalny i oczywisty jest świetnym aktywatorem tego typu działań. Dzięki temu czytanie – czynność, która zazwyczaj kojarzy się ze spędzaniem czasu samemu – staje się doświadczeniem wspólnotowym. Na podstawie analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa artykuł omawia istotę social reading – jego rozwój, różne definicje i typy oraz prezentuje wybrane projekty z tego zakresu

    Tötung durch Frauen

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    On the convergence of workings and the purpose of working observations in salt mines

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    In this paper, the author has presented the definitions of convergence as a stream of displacement vector field. The author has presented equations of the convergence of workings (chambers, caverns), in the shape of geometric primitives, as well as identified and described the stages of convergence development in time. Basic principles of convergence are discussed, associating main convergences in a rectangular cavern with its dimensions and volumetric convergence. The current status of knowledge has been used for the formulation of the objectives of conducting convergence measurements in underground salt mines. The description of the convergence stages and the study of a rectangular chamber are educational in nature, while the identified objectives of observations can be applied for designing convergence observations and interpretation of results