231 research outputs found


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    A new sorption-spectrophotometric technique has been developed for the determination the rhodium in the copper-nickel sludge, based on the translated it into carbonyl chloride. The method consists in sorptive concentration of rhodium on the carbon nanomaterials, desorption of his, extraction (using tributyl phosphate) removal from desorbata platinum, palladium and other accompanying elements and spectrophotometric determination of rhodium with a reagent TADAF. Concentration range of rhodium 2 - 50 mkg/25 cm3.Keywords: rhodium, labilization, buffer acetate-alcohol system, the reagents of TAN-PAN, carbon nanomaterials (CNM), spectrophotometry. (Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.1.014 Z.M. Arabova1, N.V. Korsakova2, Yu.M. Dedkov3 1Astrackhan State University, Astrakhan, Russian Federation2 V.I. Vernadsky Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of the Russian Academy Sciences,  Moscow, Russian Federation3Department of General and Analytical Chemistry, Moscow Regional State University, Moscow region, Mytischi, Russian Federation Разработана сорбционно-спектрофотометрическая методика определения родия в медно-никелевом шламе, основанная на переведении его в карбонилхлорид. Методика заключается в сорбционном концентрировании родия на углеродном наноматериале, десорбции его, экстракционном (с помощью трибутилфосфата) удалении из десорбата платины, палладия и др. сопутствующих элементов и спектрофотометрическом определении родия с помощью реагента ТАДАФ. Диапазон определяемых содержаний родия от 2 до 50 мкг/25 см3 фотометрируемого раствора.Ключевые слова: родий, лабилизация, буферная ацетатно-спиртовая система, реагенты группы ТАН-ПАН, углеродные наноматериалы (УНМ), спектрофотометрия.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.1.01

    Bayesian Model Selection for LISA Pathfinder

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    The main goal of the LISA Pathfinder (LPF) mission is to fully characterize the acceleration noise models and to test key technologies for future space-based gravitational-wave observatories similar to the eLISA concept. The data analysis team has developed complex three-dimensional models of the LISA Technology Package (LTP) experiment on-board LPF. These models are used for simulations, but more importantly, they will be used for parameter estimation purposes during flight operations. One of the tasks of the data analysis team is to identify the physical effects that contribute significantly to the properties of the instrument noise. A way of approaching this problem is to recover the essential parameters of a LTP model fitting the data. Thus, we want to define the simplest model that efficiently explains the observations. To do so, adopting a Bayesian framework, one has to estimate the so-called Bayes Factor between two competing models. In our analysis, we use three main different methods to estimate it: The Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, the Schwarz criterion, and the Laplace approximation. They are applied to simulated LPF experiments where the most probable LTP model that explains the observations is recovered. The same type of analysis presented in this paper is expected to be followed during flight operations. Moreover, the correlation of the output of the aforementioned methods with the design of the experiment is explored

    Processing Specialised Congruent Collocations by L1-Russian Esp Learners (Optics)

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    This study is one of the first steps towards developing corpus-based instructional materials for learners of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in the field of optics. We investigated the effects of perceiving first language (L1) congruency on processing specialised second language (L2) collocations by L1-Russian learners of ESP in optics. For this purpose, first, we compiled a list of congruent collocations in optics using the combination of the corpus-based approach and an expert assessment. Then, we used a lexical decision task, performed by L1-Russian ESP learners, to assess whether these congruent collocations are perceived by the learners the same as by the experts. Having compared accuracy rates and response times, we revealed that, while the vast majority of the congruent collocations were processed quickly and accurately, i. e. as congruent ones, some of them were processed with a delay as if they were incongruent. We discussed these results in terms of choosing the most effective ways to develop teaching-learning materials for enhanced L2 collocation acquisition by L1-Russian ESP learners.Представленное исследование является одним из первых шагов к разработке учебных материалов на основе корпусного подхода для русскоговорящих, изучающих английский язык для специальных целей (English for Specific Purposes, ESP) в области оптики. Авторы исследуют влияние восприятия конгруэнтности родного языка (L1) на обработку специальных словосочетаний (коллокаций) изучаемого языка (L2) и обсуждают эти результаты с точки зрения выбора наиболее эффективных способов разработки учебно-методических материалов для улучшения усвоения коллокаций L2 учащимися ESP.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке постановления № 211 Правительства Российской Федерации, контракт № 02.A03.21.0006; при поддержке РФФИ, грант № 19-012-00104

    Ictal and interictal MEG in pediatric patients with tuberous sclerosis and drug resistant epilepsy

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    Purpose: Drug resistant epilepsy (DRE) is common in patients with tuberous sclerosis (TS). Interictal MEG has been shown as a valuable instrument in the presurgical workup. The goal of our study was to evaluate the role of ictal MEG in epileptogenic tuber selection, especially in patients with multiple irritative zones. Methods: The clinical and MEG data of 23 patients with TS and DRE from two medical/research centers were reviewed. Seven pediatric patients, who had seizures during MEG recording and underwent resection or disconnection surgery, were included into the study. Cortical sources of ictal and interictal epileptiform MEG discharges were compared with epileptogenic zone location in six patients with favorable surgery outcome. Results: In patients who improved substantially after surgery all resected and several other tubers demonstrated epileptiform activity on interictal MEG. Ictal MEG provided crucial information about lobar location of the seizure onset zone (SOZ) in two cases, and in the other four it confirmed the SOZ location derived from the interictal data. In one case, ictal MEG findings were unreliable. In one patient, who did not benefit from surgical treatment, the resected tubers did not overlap with interictal and ictal MEG sources. Conclusion: The combination of interictal and ictal MEG is a valuable tool for identification of the epileptogenic tuber/tubers in presurgical work-up in patients with TS.Peer reviewe

    LISA Pathfinder closed-loop analysis: a model breakdown of the in-loop observables

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    This paper describes a methodology to analyze, in the frequency domain, the steady-state control performances of the LISA Pathfinder mission. In particular, it provides a technical framework to give a comprehensive understanding of the spectra of all the degrees of freedom by breaking them down into their various physical origins, hence bringing out the major contributions of the control residuals. A reconstruction of the measured in-loop output, extracted from a model of the closed-loop system, is shown as an instance to illustrate the potential of such a model breakdown of the data

    LISA Pathfinder: First steps to observing gravitational waves from space

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    LISA Pathfinder, the European Space Agency's technology demonstrator mission for future spaceborne gravitational wave observatories, was launched on 3 December 2015, from the European space port of Kourou, French Guiana. After a short duration transfer to the final science orbit, the mission has been gathering science data since. This data has allowed the science community to validate the critical technologies and measurement principle for low frequency gravitational wave detection and thereby confirming the readiness to start the next generation gravitational wave observatories, such as LISA. This paper will briefly describe the mission, followed by a description of the science operations highlighting the performance achieved. Details of the various experiments performed during the nominal science operations phase can be found in accompanying papers in this volume

    Теплота сгорания сельскохозяйственной биомассы: базовое значение и интервалы для отдельных видов

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    Higher heating value (HHV) on a dry and ash free basis (daf) is a convenient platform for comparing the energy content in various types of agricultural biomass. HHV and ash content for 90 samples of straw, seed, husk, meal, its waste, etc. were experimentally determined. HHVdaf for 80 samples from different regions were calculated by the literature data. The basic value of HHVdaf agricultural biomass at 19.6 MJ kg–1 was recommended for verifying data on solid biofuels. The intervals of variation of HHVdaf for sugar beet pulp, straw, meal, flax shives and sunflower husk are established. The deviations from the base value of HHVdaf and from intervals of variation of HHVdaf for certain types of agricultural biomass are discussed.Высшая теплота сгорания (ВТС) в пересчете на сухое и oбеззольное состояние (daf) является удобной платформой для сравнения энергоемкости различных видов сельскохозяйственной биомассы. Экспериментально определены ВТС и зольность для 90 образцов соломы, семян, лузги, шрота и т.д. На основании литературных данных рассчитаны значения ВТСdaf для 80 образцов из разных регионов. Предложено базовое значение ВТСdaf сельскохозяйственной биомассы равное 19,6 МДж кг-1 для верификации данных по твердому биотопливу. Установлены интервалы варьирования ВТСdaf для свекловичного жома, соломы, шрота, льнокостры и лузги подсолнечника. Обсуждены отклонения ВТСdaf от базового значения и интервалов варьирования для отдельных видов сельскохозяйственной биомассы

    Application of the Rapid Linear Immune-Electrophoresis for Differentiation between Burkholderia

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    Objective of the study was to develop a method that would allow for rapid linear immune-electrophoresis to differentiate between pathogenic agents of glanders and melioidosis and non-pathogenic closely-related Burkholderia . The put-forward modification of the technique made it possible to detect the antigens of pathogenic B. pseudomallei and B. mallei due to the presence of precipitation lines in between the sample gel and the one with immune sera. B. thailandensis, B. cepacia, and B. gladioli did not form such precipitation lines, which in its turn provided for the possibility to differentiate between the mentioned ones and pathogenic Burkholderia. The rapid enhanced linear immune-electrophoresis is easy to perform and compelling, and takes little time. It is qualified for identification of heterogenic and specific antigens in Burkholderia , selection of immune sera containing antibodies to the existing antigens, and can be used as a supportive alternative analytical means for the detection of antigens of pathogenic Burkholderia

    Distinct genomic routes underlie transitions to specialised symbiotic lifestyles in deep-sea annelid worms.

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    Bacterial symbioses allow annelids to colonise extreme ecological niches, such as hydrothermal vents and whale falls. Yet, the genetic principles sustaining these symbioses remain unclear. Here, we show that different genomic adaptations underpin the symbioses of phylogenetically related annelids with distinct nutritional strategies. Genome compaction and extensive gene losses distinguish the heterotrophic symbiosis of the bone-eating worm Osedax frankpressi from the chemoautotrophic symbiosis of deep-sea Vestimentifera. Osedax's endosymbionts complement many of the host's metabolic deficiencies, including the loss of pathways to recycle nitrogen and synthesise some amino acids. Osedax's endosymbionts possess the glyoxylate cycle, which could allow more efficient catabolism of bone-derived nutrients and the production of carbohydrates from fatty acids. Unlike in most Vestimentifera, innate immunity genes are reduced in O. frankpressi, which, however, has an expansion of matrix metalloproteases to digest collagen. Our study supports that distinct nutritional interactions influence host genome evolution differently in highly specialised symbioses