31 research outputs found

    Subgrid-scale treatment for major point sources in an Eulerian model: A sensitivity study on the European Tracer Experiment (ETEX) and Chernobyl cases

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    International audienceWe investigate the plume-in-grid method for a subgrid-scale treatment of major point sources in the passive case. This method consists in an on-line coupling of a Gaussian pu model and an Eulerian model, which better represents the point emissions without signicantly increasing the computational burden. In this paper, the plume-in-grid model implemented on the Polyphemus air quality modeling system is described, with an emphasis on the parameterizations available for the Gaussian dispersion, and on the coupling with the Eulerian model. The study evaluates the model for passive tracers at continental scale with the ETEX experiment and the Chernobyl case. The aim is to (1) estimate the model sensitivity to the local-scale parameterizations, and (2) to bring insights on the spatial and temporal scales that are relevant in the use of a plume-in-grid model. It is found that the plume-in-grid treatment improves the vertical diusion at local-scale, thus reducing the bias -- especially at the closest stations. Doury's Gaussian parameterization and a column injection method give the best results. There is a strong sensitivity of the results to the injection time and the grid resolution. The "best" injection time actually depends on the resolution, but is difficult to determine a priori. The plume-in-grid method is also found to improve the results at ne resolutions more than with coarse grids, by compensating the Eulerian tendency to over-predict the concentrations at these resolutions

    Comparative Study of Gaussian Dispersion Formulas within the Polyphemus Platform: Evaluation with Prairie Grass and Kincaid Experiments

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    International audienceThis paper details a number of existing formulations used in Gaussian models in a clear and usable way, and provides a comparison within a single framework—the Gaussian plume and puff models of the air quality modeling system Polyphemus. The emphasis is made on the comparison between 1) the parameterizations to compute the standard deviations and 2) the plume rise schemes. The Gaussian formulas are first described and theoretically compared. Their evaluation is then ensured by comparison with the observations as well as with several well-known Gaussian and computational fluid dynamics model performances. The model results compare well to the other Gaussian models for two of the three parameterizations for standard deviations, Briggs's and similarity theory, while Doury's shows a tendency to underestimate the concentrations because of a large horizontal spread. The results with the Kincaid experiment point out the sensitivity to the plume rise scheme and the importance of an accurate modeling of the plume interactions with the inversion layer. Using three parameterizations for the standard deviations and the same number of plume rise schemes, the authors were able to highlight a large variability in the model outputs

    Development and application of a reactive plume-in-grid model: evaluation over Greater Paris

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    International audienceEmissions from major point sources are badly represented by classical Eulerian models. An overestimation of the horizontal plume dilution, a bad representation of the vertical diffusion as well as an incorrect estimate of the chemical reaction rates are the main limitations of such models in the vicinity of major point sources. The plume-in-grid method is a multiscale modeling technique that couples a local-scale Gaussian puff model with an Eulerian model in order to better represent these emissions. We present the plume-in-grid model developed in the air quality modeling system Polyphemus, with full gaseous chemistry. The model is evaluated on the metropolitan ĂŽle-de-France region, during six months (summer 2001). The subgrid-scale treatment is used for 89 major point sources, a selection based on the emission rates of NOx and SO2. Results with and without the subgrid treatment of point emissions are compared, and their performance by comparison to the observations on measurement stations is assessed. A sensitivity study is also carried out, on several local-scale parameters as well as on the vertical diffusion within the urban area. Primary pollutants are shown to be the most impacted by the plume-in-grid treatment. SO2 is the most impacted pollutant, since the point sources account for an important part of the total SO2 emissions, whereas NOx emissions are mostly due to traffic. The spatial impact of the subgrid treatment is localized in the vicinity of the sources, especially for reactive species (NOx and O3). Ozone is mostly sensitive to the time step between two puff emissions which influences the in-plume chemical reactions, whereas the almost-passive species SO2 is more sensitive to the injection time, which determines the duration of the subgrid-scale treatment. Future developments include an extension to handle aerosol chemistry, and an application to the modeling of line sources in order to use the subgrid treatment with road emissions. The latter is expected to lead to more striking results, due to the importance of traffic emissions for the pollutants of interest

    Polyphemus : une plate-forme multimodèles pour la pollution atmosphérique et l'évaluation des risques

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    National audienceCet article présente le système de modélisation de la qualité de l'air Polyphemus, ses principales fonctionnalités et quelques applications. Polyphemus est dédié à la modélisation de la dispersion atmosphérique de traceurs passifs ou d'espèces réactives aux échelles locale, régionale et continentale. Polyphemus est développé au CEREA, laboratoire commun entre EDF R&D et lʼÉcole des Ponts et au sein dʼun projet commun avec lʼInstitut national de recherche en informatique et automatique (INRIA), avec le soutien de lʼIRSN et de lʼINERIS. Polyphemus est un système dʼun type nouveau qui se distingue de lʼapproche classique du " modèle tout en un " par sa construction modulaire, notamment fondée sur des bibliothèques et des pilotes manipulant les modèles de dispersion. Accueillant plusieurs modèles, Polyphemus est une plate-forme et non un modèle. Une de ses fonctionnalités notables est sa capacité à effectuer des simulations multimodèles, ce qui permet d'évaluer des incertitudes. Plusieurs méthodes dʼassimilation de données font aussi partie du système afin de pouvoir intégrer des données fournies par des réseaux de mesure

    Combining short-range dispersion simulations with fine-scale meteorological ensembles: probabilistic indicators and evaluation during a 85Kr field campaign

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    Numerical atmospheric dispersion models (ADMs) are used for predicting the health and environmental consequences of nuclear accidents in order to anticipate countermeasures necessary to protect the populations. However, these simulations suffer from significant uncertainties, arising in particular from input data: weather conditions and source term. Meteorological ensembles are already used operationally to characterize uncertainties in weather predictions. Combined with dispersion models, these ensembles produce different scenarios of radionuclide dispersion, called “members”, representative of the variety of possible forecasts. In this study, the fine-scale operational weather ensemble AROME-EPS (Applications of Research to Operations at Mesoscale-Ensemble Prediction System) from Météo-France is coupled with the Gaussian puff model pX developed by the IRSN (French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety). The source term data are provided at 10 min resolution by the Orano La Hague reprocessing plant (RP) that regularly discharges 85Kr during the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing process. In addition, a continuous measurement campaign of 85Kr air concentration was recently conducted by the Laboratory of Radioecology in Cherbourg (LRC) of the IRSN, within 20 km of the RP in the North-Cotentin peninsula, and is used for model evaluation. This paper presents a probabilistic approach to study the meteorological uncertainties in dispersion simulations at local and medium distances (2–20 km). First, the quality of AROME-EPS forecasts is confirmed by comparison with observations from both Météo-France and the IRSN. Then, the probabilistic performance of the atmospheric dispersion simulations was evaluated by comparison to the 85Kr measurements carried out during a period of 2 months, using two probabilistic scores: relative operating characteristic (ROC) curves and Peirce skill score (PSS). The sensitivity of dispersion results to the method used for the calculation of atmospheric stability and associated Gaussian dispersion standard deviations is also discussed. A desirable feature for a model used in emergency response is the ability to correctly predict exceedance of a given value (for instance, a dose guide level). When using an ensemble of simulations, the “decision threshold” is the number of members predicting an event above which this event should be considered probable. In the case of the 16-member dispersion ensemble used here, the optimal decision threshold was found to be 3 members, above which the ensemble better predicts the observed peaks than the deterministic simulation. These results highlight the added value of ensemble forecasts compared to a single deterministic one and their potential interest in the decision process during crisis situations.</p

    Combining short-range dispersion simulations with fine-scale meteorological ensembles: probabilistic indicators and evaluation during a 85Kr field campaign

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    Numerical atmospheric dispersion models (ADMs) are used for predicting the health and environmental consequences of nuclear accidents in order to anticipate countermeasures necessary to protect the populations. However, these simulations suffer from significant uncertainties, arising in particular from input data: weather conditions and source term. Meteorological ensembles are already used operationally to characterize uncertainties in weather predictions. Combined with dispersion models, these ensembles produce different scenarios of radionuclide dispersion, called “members”, representative of the variety of possible forecasts. In this study, the fine-scale operational weather ensemble AROME-EPS (Applications of Research to Operations at Mesoscale-Ensemble Prediction System) from Météo-France is coupled with the Gaussian puff model pX developed by the IRSN (French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety). The source term data are provided at 10 min resolution by the Orano La Hague reprocessing plant (RP) that regularly discharges 85Kr during the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing process. In addition, a continuous measurement campaign of 85Kr air concentration was recently conducted by the Laboratory of Radioecology in Cherbourg (LRC) of the IRSN, within 20 km of the RP in the North-Cotentin peninsula, and is used for model evaluation. This paper presents a probabilistic approach to study the meteorological uncertainties in dispersion simulations at local and medium distances (2–20 km). First, the quality of AROME-EPS forecasts is confirmed by comparison with observations from both Météo-France and the IRSN. Then, the probabilistic performance of the atmospheric dispersion simulations was evaluated by comparison to the 85Kr measurements carried out during a period of 2 months, using two probabilistic scores: relative operating characteristic (ROC) curves and Peirce skill score (PSS). The sensitivity of dispersion results to the method used for the calculation of atmospheric stability and associated Gaussian dispersion standard deviations is also discussed. A desirable feature for a model used in emergency response is the ability to correctly predict exceedance of a given value (for instance, a dose guide level). When using an ensemble of simulations, the “decision threshold” is the number of members predicting an event above which this event should be considered probable. In the case of the 16-member dispersion ensemble used here, the optimal decision threshold was found to be 3 members, above which the ensemble better predicts the observed peaks than the deterministic simulation. These results highlight the added value of ensemble forecasts compared to a single deterministic one and their potential interest in the decision process during crisis situations.</p

    Changements d'échelles en modélisation de la qualité de l'air et estimation des incertitudes associées

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    The evolution of atmospheric pollutants depends on various processes which occur at multiple characteristic scales, such as emissions, meteorology, turbulence, chemical transformation and deposition. Representing all the time and spatial scales in an air quality model is, therefore, very difficult. Chemical-transport Eulerian models, which are generally used, have a typical resolution much coarser than the finest scales.. Thus, many processes are not well described by these models, which results in subgrid-scale variability. This thesis proposes a review of subgrid-scale processes and associated uncertainty, as well as two multiscale methods aimed at reducing this uncertainty : (1) coupling an Eulerian model with a local-scale Gaussian model, and (2)using statistical downscaling methods. (1) Model coupling : one aof the main subgrid-scale processes is emissions, especially point emissions (industry) and traffic. In particular, the characteristic spatial scale of a plume emitted by a chimmey is much smaller than the typical Eulerian grid resolution. The coupling method, called plume-in-grid model, uses a Gaussian puff model to better represent point emissions at local scale, coupled to an Eulerain model. The impact of this subgrid-scale treatment of emissions is evaluated at continental scale for passive tracers (ETEX-I et Tchernobyl), as well as for photochemistry at regional scale (Paris region). Several issues are addressed, especially the uncertainty due to local-scale parameterizations and the influence of the Eulerian grid resolution. (2) Statistical downscaling : this method aims at compensating the representativity error made by the model when forecasting concentrations at particular measurement stations. The representativity scale of these stations is, indeed, typically smaller than the Eulerian cell size, and concentrations at stations depend on many subgrid-scale phenomena (micrometeorology, topography…). Thus, using statistical relationships between the larg-scale variable (model output) and local-scale variable (concentrations observed at stations) allows to significantly reduce the forecast error. In addition, using ensemble simulations allows to better take into account the model error due to physical parameterizations. With this ensemble, several downscaling methods are implemented : simple and multiple linear regression, with or without preprocessing. The preprocessing methods include a classical principal component analysis, as well as another method called “principal fitted component”. Results are presented at European scale, for ozone peaks, and analyzed for several types of stations (rural, urban or periurban)L’évolution des polluants dans l’atmosphère dépend de phénomènes variés, tels que les émissions, la météorologie, la turbulence ou les transformations physico-chimiques, qui ont des échelles caractéristiques spatiales et temporelles très diverses. Il est très difficile, par conséquent, de représenter l’ensemble de ces échelles dans un modèle de qualité de l’air. Les modèles eulériens de chimie-transport, couramment utilisés, ont une résolution bien supérieure à la taille des plus petites échelles. Cette thèse propose une revue des processus physiques mal représentés par les modèles de qualité de l’air, et de la variabilité sous-maille qui en résulte. Parmi les méthodes possibles permettant de mieux prendre en compte les différentes échelles , deux approches ont été développées : le couplage entre un modèle local et un modèle eulérien, ainsi qu’une approche statistique de réduction d’échelle. (1) Couplage de modèles : l’une des principales causes de la variabilité sous-maille réside dans les émissions, qu’il s’agisse des émissions ponctuelles ou du trafic routier. En particulier, la taille caractéristique d’un panache émis par une cheminée très inférieure à l’échelle spatiale bien résolue par les modèles eulériens. Une première approche étudiée dans la thèse est un traitement sous maille des émissions ponctuelles, en couplant un modèle gaussien à bouffées pour l’échelle locale à un modèle eulérien (couplage appelé panache sous-maille). L’impact de ce traitement est évalué sur des cas de traceurs à l’échelle continentale (ETEX-I et Tchernobyl) ainsi que sur un cas de photochimie à l’échelle de la région parisienne. Différents aspects sont étudiés, notamment l’incertitude due aux paramétrisations du modèle local, ainsi que l’influence de la résolution du maillage eulérien. (2) Réduction d’échelle statistique : une seconde approche est présentée, basée sur des méthodes statistiques de réduction d’échelle. Il s’agit de corriger l’erreur de représentativité du modèle aux stations de mesures. En effet, l’échelle de représentativité d’une station de mesure est souvent inférieure à l’échelle traitée par le modèle (échelle d’une maille), et les concentrations à la station sont donc mal représentées par le modèle. En pratique, il s’agit d’utiliser des relations statistiques entre les concentrations dans les mailles du modèle et les concentrations aux stations de mesure, afin d’améliorer les prévisions aux stations. L’utilisation d’un ensemble de modèles permet de prendre en compte l’incertitude inhérente aux paramétrisations des modèles. Avec cet ensemble, différentes techniques sont utilisées, de la régression simple à la décomposition en composantes principales, ainsi qu’une technique nouvelle appelée « composantes principales ajustées ». Les résultats sont présentés pour l’ozone à l’échelle européenne, et analysés notamment en fonction du type de station concerné (rural, urbain ou périurbain

    Multiple scales in air quality modeling, and estimation of associated uncertainties

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    L’évolution des polluants dans l’atmosphère dépend de phénomènes variés, tels que les émissions, la météorologie, la turbulence ou les transformations physico-chimiques, qui ont des échelles caractéristiques spatiales et temporelles très diverses. Il est très difficile, par conséquent, de représenter l’ensemble de ces échelles dans un modèle de qualité de l’air. Les modèles eulériens de chimie-transport, couramment utilisés, ont une résolution bien supérieure à la taille des plus petites échelles. Cette thèse propose une revue des processus physiques mal représentés par les modèles de qualité de l’air, et de la variabilité sous-maille qui en résulte. Parmi les méthodes possibles permettant de mieux prendre en compte les différentes échelles , deux approches ont été développées : le couplage entre un modèle local et un modèle eulérien, ainsi qu’une approche statistique de réduction d’échelle. (1) Couplage de modèles : l’une des principales causes de la variabilité sous-maille réside dans les émissions, qu’il s’agisse des émissions ponctuelles ou du trafic routier. En particulier, la taille caractéristique d’un panache émis par une cheminée très inférieure à l’échelle spatiale bien résolue par les modèles eulériens. Une première approche étudiée dans la thèse est un traitement sous maille des émissions ponctuelles, en couplant un modèle gaussien à bouffées pour l’échelle locale à un modèle eulérien (couplage appelé panache sous-maille). L’impact de ce traitement est évalué sur des cas de traceurs à l’échelle continentale (ETEX-I et Tchernobyl) ainsi que sur un cas de photochimie à l’échelle de la région parisienne. Différents aspects sont étudiés, notamment l’incertitude due aux paramétrisations du modèle local, ainsi que l’influence de la résolution du maillage eulérien. (2) Réduction d’échelle statistique : une seconde approche est présentée, basée sur des méthodes statistiques de réduction d’échelle. Il s’agit de corriger l’erreur de représentativité du modèle aux stations de mesures. En effet, l’échelle de représentativité d’une station de mesure est souvent inférieure à l’échelle traitée par le modèle (échelle d’une maille), et les concentrations à la station sont donc mal représentées par le modèle. En pratique, il s’agit d’utiliser des relations statistiques entre les concentrations dans les mailles du modèle et les concentrations aux stations de mesure, afin d’améliorer les prévisions aux stations. L’utilisation d’un ensemble de modèles permet de prendre en compte l’incertitude inhérente aux paramétrisations des modèles. Avec cet ensemble, différentes techniques sont utilisées, de la régression simple à la décomposition en composantes principales, ainsi qu’une technique nouvelle appelée « composantes principales ajustées ». Les résultats sont présentés pour l’ozone à l’échelle européenne, et analysés notamment en fonction du type de station concerné (rural, urbain ou périurbain)The evolution of atmospheric pollutants depends on various processes which occur at multiple characteristic scales, such as emissions, meteorology, turbulence, chemical transformation and deposition. Representing all the time and spatial scales in an air quality model is, therefore, very difficult. Chemical-transport Eulerian models, which are generally used, have a typical resolution much coarser than the finest scales.. Thus, many processes are not well described by these models, which results in subgrid-scale variability. This thesis proposes a review of subgrid-scale processes and associated uncertainty, as well as two multiscale methods aimed at reducing this uncertainty : (1) coupling an Eulerian model with a local-scale Gaussian model, and (2)using statistical downscaling methods. (1) Model coupling : one aof the main subgrid-scale processes is emissions, especially point emissions (industry) and traffic. In particular, the characteristic spatial scale of a plume emitted by a chimmey is much smaller than the typical Eulerian grid resolution. The coupling method, called plume-in-grid model, uses a Gaussian puff model to better represent point emissions at local scale, coupled to an Eulerain model. The impact of this subgrid-scale treatment of emissions is evaluated at continental scale for passive tracers (ETEX-I et Tchernobyl), as well as for photochemistry at regional scale (Paris region). Several issues are addressed, especially the uncertainty due to local-scale parameterizations and the influence of the Eulerian grid resolution. (2) Statistical downscaling : this method aims at compensating the representativity error made by the model when forecasting concentrations at particular measurement stations. The representativity scale of these stations is, indeed, typically smaller than the Eulerian cell size, and concentrations at stations depend on many subgrid-scale phenomena (micrometeorology, topography…). Thus, using statistical relationships between the larg-scale variable (model output) and local-scale variable (concentrations observed at stations) allows to significantly reduce the forecast error. In addition, using ensemble simulations allows to better take into account the model error due to physical parameterizations. With this ensemble, several downscaling methods are implemented : simple and multiple linear regression, with or without preprocessing. The preprocessing methods include a classical principal component analysis, as well as another method called “principal fitted component”. Results are presented at European scale, for ozone peaks, and analyzed for several types of stations (rural, urban or periurban