918 research outputs found

    Uuden työntekijän perehdyttämisprosessin kehittäminen -Case ABC Nummela

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on toiminnallinen työ, jonka toimeksiantajana toimi Suur Seudun Osuuskauppa SSO, ABC Nummela. Opinnäytetyön aiheeksi valittiin perehdyttäminen, sillä toimipaikassa ei ollut käytössä ajantasaista perehdytysmateriaalia vaan perehdytys toteutettiin pitkälti perehdyttäjien tieto-taidon varassa. Työn tarkoituksena olikin suunnitella ja toteuttaa perehdytyskansio ABC-Nummelan henkilöstön käyttöön. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui osaamista ja perehdyttämistä käsittelevän kirjallisuuden ja pohjalta. Työn empiirisessä osiossa toteutettiin kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka tavoitteena oli selvittää, millainen perehdytysmateriaali tukisi ABC- Nummelan perehdytysprosessia. Tutkimus toteutettiin teemahaastatteluna, jonka kohderyhmäksi valittiin ne työntekijät, jotka ovat viimeksi olleet osallisina toimipaikan perehdytysprosessissa. Tältä pohjalta muodostettiin kaksi haastatteluryhmää, uudet työntekijät ja esimiehet. Tutkimusryhmiä haastattelemalla pyrittiin muodostamaan kokonaiskuva perehdytysprosessin nykytilasta ja siitä, millainen perehdytysmateriaalin tulisi henkilöstön mielestä olla. Haastatteluissa perehdytyksen kehittämiskohteiksi nousivat erityisesti lakisääteiset asiat kuten työturvallisuus sekä asiat, jotka eivät tapahdu päivittäin. Niin esimiehet kuin uudet työntekijät toivoivat perehdytysmateriaalin olevan helppolukuinen ja tiivis, jotta sitä on vaivatonta hyödyntää päivittäisessä työskentelyssä. Perehdytyskansio toteutettiin pitkälti haastatteluissa esille nousseiden tarpeiden pohjalta. Kansio jaettiin kahteen pääosaan. Sen ensimmäinen osa käsittelee työnantajaan ja työsuhteeseen liittyviä asioita ja onkin koottu pitkälti toimeksiantajan koko ABC-ketjulle suunnattujen materiaalien pohjalta. Perehdytyskansion toinen osa käsittelee työhön liittyviä ohjeita ja se on toteutettu lähes täysin opinnäytetyöprosessin aikana toteutettujen haastattelujen pohjalta. Perehdytyskansion liitteenä toteutettiin toimipaikkaan ajantasaiset vuorokortit sekä perehdytyksen muistilista. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteet saavutettiin ja valmis perehdytyskansio sai toimeksiantajalta positiivisen vastaanoton. Sen koettiin sisältävän oikeita asioita ja olevan osin sovellettavissa myös muiden toimipaikkojen käyttöön. Perehdytyskansiota ei liitetty tämän työn liitteeksi sen sisältämän salassa pidettävän materiaalin vuoksi.This Bachelor’s thesis is a functional development project that was commissioned by Suur Seudun Osuuskauppa SSO, ABC –Nummela. The topic of the thesis is workplace orientation. It was selected on the basis that the office did not have an up-to-date orientation folder and the execution of the orientation process relied solely on the know-how of the personnel. The purpose of the thesis was to plan and produce an orientation folder for the personnel in ABC Nummela. The theoretical section of the thesis consists of a review of the literature on competence and orientation. In the empirical section of the thesis a qualitative research study is reported. The objective of the research was to determine what kind of orientation material would support the organization’s orientation process. The research was executed through a semi-structured interview. The target group of the interview consisted of those employees, who had participated in the organization’s orientation process most recently. On this basis two interview groups were created. These were the new employees and the directors. The intention for the interviews of these groups was to obtain a comprehensive picture of the current state of the organization’s orientation process and to clarify the personnel’s wishes for the new material. In the interviews several areas in need of particular development arose. These included statutory issues such as job safety and events that do not happen daily. Both the directors and the new employees hoped that the orientation material would be easy to read and concise so that it could be easily used on daily basis. The orientation folder was executed mainly on the basis of the personnel’s needs. The folder was divided into two main parts. The first part is more general and includes inter alia facts about the employer and employment relationships. This part consisted mainly of existing materials directed towards SSO and the whole ABC group. The second part of the folder includes directions and guidelines for the actual work. The second part was created almost entirely on the basis of the information obtained during the research process. As attachments to the actual orientation folder up-to-date work shift task cards and a checklist for orientation were composed. The objectives of the thesis were reached and the orientation folder received positive feedback from the client company. The information the folder includes was considered to be relevant and at least partly applicable for the use of other ABC branch offices. The orientation folder is not included in the thesis report because of the confidential nature of the information that it contains

    Sympathetic cooling of a membrane oscillator in a hybrid mechanical-atomic system

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    Sympathetic cooling with ultracold atoms and atomic ions enables ultralow temperatures in systems where direct laser or evaporative cooling is not possible. It has so far been limited to the cooling of other microscopic particles, with masses up to 9090 times larger than that of the coolant atom. Here we use ultracold atoms to sympathetically cool the vibrations of a Si3_3N4_4 nanomembrane, whose mass exceeds that of the atomic ensemble by a factor of 101010^{10}. The coupling of atomic and membrane vibrations is mediated by laser light over a macroscopic distance and enhanced by placing the membrane in an optical cavity. We observe cooling of the membrane vibrations from room temperature to 650±230650\pm 230 mK, exploiting the large atom-membrane cooperativity of our hybrid optomechanical system. Our scheme enables ground-state cooling and quantum control of low-frequency oscillators such as nanomembranes or levitated nanoparticles, in a regime where purely optomechanical techniques cannot reach the ground state.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Spectroscopy of mechanical dissipation in micro-mechanical membranes

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    We measure the frequency dependence of the mechanical quality factor (Q) of SiN membrane oscillators and observe a resonant variation of Q by more than two orders of magnitude. The frequency of the fundamental mechanical mode is tuned reversibly by up to 40% through local heating with a laser. Several distinct resonances in Q are observed that can be explained by coupling to membrane frame modes. Away from the resonances, the background Q is independent of frequency and temperature in the measured range.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Kirjastojen joukkue lohikäärmemelontaan

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    Antibiotic stewardship programmes had a low impact on prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections in children

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    Aim: This mini review summarises the available data on antibiotic stewardship programmes (ASP) for acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) in paediatric outpatients, particularly the implementation and impact of programmes. Methods: PubMed was searched from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2021 for papers with abstracts that used the terms respiratory tract infection, antibiotic, child and guideline. We then saw how many of these included the individual terms impact, implementation or stewardship. After exclusions, we included 10 papers that were published in English on children treated as outpatients for ARTIs. All of these included data on implementing and assessing the impact of ASPs. Results: The primary care data were mainly from the United States. The ASP programmes did not influence antibiotic prescription rates, but broad-spectrum antibiotics decreased by 43–48%. The emergency department data were mainly from France and the antibiotic prescription rate decreased by 31–35% and the rate for broad-spectrum antibiotics by 63–71%. A nationwide register-based study from France confirmed these results. Conclusion: ASPs had a low impact on overall antibiotic prescription rates and a modest impact on prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics. The implementation of ASP protocols needs further development, and more research is necessary on barriers to complying with ASPs.publishedVersionPeer reviewe