19 research outputs found

    A method for fast calculating the electronic states in 2D quantum structures based on AIIIBV nitrides

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    The paper presents a method for fast calculating the electronic states in twodimensional quantum structures based on AIIIBV nitrides. The method is based on the representation of electronic states in the form of a linear combination of bulk wave functions of materials, from which quantum structures are made. The parameters and criteria for the selection of bulk wave functions that provides fast convergence of the numerical procedures for calculating the eigenvalues of the quantum Hamiltonian have been considered. The results of the calculations have been given both for one polar InGaN/GaN quantum well and for a system of several quantum wells. Being based on the full band structure of AIIIBV nitrides with a wurtzite-type crystal lattice, the proposed approach takes into account the states far from the center of the Brillouin zone, while preserving the computational efficiency of traditional methods of envelope function in approximating the effective mass

    Increased luminescence efficiency by synergistic exploitation of lipo/hydrophilic co-solvency and supramolecular design

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    We use steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy to investigate the luminescent properties of a sulfonated poly(diphenylenevinylene) lithium salt (PDV.Li) in water/propanol solutions at different concentrations, with a view to assessing its aggregation behavior. In particular, we compare results from uninsulated PDV.Li and cyclodextrin-threaded PDV.Li polyrotaxane (PDV.Li⊂β-CD). We find that addition of 1-propanol (≥20 weight%) leads to a significant blue-shift (of ∼0.20 eV) of the PL spectra, that we assign to suppressed interchain aggregation in PDV.Li solutions, with a concomitant fourfold increase in the fluorescence quantum efficiency (i.e. from 14 to 60%). Surprisingly, a moderate concentration of propanol increases further the luminescence efficiency even for PDV.Li⊂β-CD, whose supramolecular encapsulation already provides a shield against aggregation. Indeed, addition of propanol reduces the solvent polarity, and therefore helps solubilizing these materials that are still largely aromatic in nature. Interestingly, however, both uninsulated PDV.Li and polyrotaxane solutions exhibit signs of aggregation at high propanol fraction (>70%) with a distinctively weaker coupling than that of interchain states in PDV.Li at high water concentration and in pure water in particular. While we ascribe such behavior to a poor solvation of the polar moieties, we also report a different strength of aggregation for PDV.Li and PDV.Li⊂β-CD that can be attributed to the presence of the cyclodextrin rings. In PDV.Li⊂β-CD hydrogen bonding between the cyclodextrin rings may lead to closer packing between the polymer chains. We therefore suggest that a content of propanol between 30 and 70% provides a good balance of hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions both for PDV.Li and PDV.Li⊂β-CD

    Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data

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    This initiative examined systematically the extent to which a large set of archival research findings generalizes across contexts. We repeated the key analyses for 29 original strategic management effects in the same context (direct reproduction) as well as in 52 novel time periods and geographies; 45% of the reproductions returned results matching the original reports together with 55% of tests in different spans of years and 40% of tests in novel geographies. Some original findings were associated with multiple new tests. Reproducibility was the best predictor of generalizability-for the findings that proved directly reproducible, 84% emerged in other available time periods and 57% emerged in other geographies. Overall, only limited empirical evidence emerged for context sensitivity. In a forecasting survey, independent scientists were able to anticipate which effects would find support in tests in new samples

    Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data

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    This initiative examined systematically the extent to which a large set of archival research findings generalizes across contexts. We repeated the key analyses for 29 original strategic management effects in the same context (direct reproduction) as well as in 52 novel time periods and geographies; 45% of the reproductions returned results matching the original reports together with 55% of tests in different spans of years and 40% of tests in novel geographies. Some original findings were associated with multiple new tests. Reproducibility was the best predictor of generalizability—for the findings that proved directly reproducible, 84% emerged in other available time periods and 57% emerged in other geographies. Overall, only limited empirical evidence emerged for context sensitivity. In a forecasting survey, independent scientists were able to anticipate which effects would find support in tests in new samples


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    It has been demonstrated that changes of the liver and the large intestine in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease depends on the clinicomorphological form of this particular pathology. The intensity of dystrophic, microcirculatory and apoptoticnecrotic changes of hepatocytes grows with an increase of the degree of obesity.Показано, что изменения печени и толстой кишки при неалкогольной жировой болезни печени зависят от клинико-морфологической формы данной патологии. Интенсивность дистрофических, микроциркуляторных и апоптотически-некротических изменений гепатоцитов возрастает с увеличением степени ожирения.Показано, що зміни печінки і товстої кишки при неалкогольній жировій хворобі печінки залежать від клініко-морфологічної форми даної патології. Інтенсивність дистрофічних, мікроциркуляторних та апоптотично-некротичних змін гепатоцитів зростає зі збільшенням ступеня ожиріння


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    Odessa Astronomical Observatory participated in the photometric observations of the GEO objects from June to September 2004. The photometric observations of the GEO objects were carried out at Observatory Station in Mayaky. For the observations 50 cm telescope Cassegrain was used. During the observations 7 light curves was obtained

    Highly polarized emission from oriented films incorporating water-soluble conjugated polymers in a polyvinyl alcohol matrix.

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    Highly oriented luminescent films are produced by stretching a 30-μm-thick polyvinyl alcohol matrix doped with water-soluble polyrotaxanes and their unthreaded analogues. Photoluminescence experiments reveal that over 95% of the emitted light is polarized along the orientation direction. A hybrid organic-inorganic light-emitting diode is built to investigate the possibility of using these films as polarizing filters for solid-state lighting and display technology. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Cell Immunity of Laboratory Animals Under the Influence of 5-indolylmethylene Rhodanine-3-carboxylic/sulphonic Acid Derivative

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    The aim. To study the cell immunity status under influence of 3-[5-(1H-indol-3-ylmethylene)-4-oxo-2-thioxo-thiazolidin-3-yl]-propionic acid, as a prominent 4-thiazolidinone derivative and a class of biologically active compounds with polypharmacological properties. Materials and methods. Experimental method on the model of laboratory animals (Guinea pigs); intradermal allergy tests; relative and absolute content in the peripheral blood of T- and B-lymphocytes subpopulations; hematological indexies: index of the ratio of lymphocytes and monocytes, index of the ratio of neutrophils and monocytes, index of the ratio of neutrophils and eosinophils, phagocytic index, phagocytic number; ELISA; organic synthesis; pharmacological screening. Results. The effect of 3-[5-(1H-indol-3-ylmethylene)-4-oxo-2-thioxo-thiazolidin-3-yl]-propionic acid has antifungal properties and affect cellular component of immunity in vivo in the Guinea pigs model. There are no changes in the skin of Guinea pigs during and after chemical applications of the skin and after intradermal tests. The compound stimulate the immune cells, in particular the lymphocyte (increase in the absolute number of CD3 T-lymphocytes by 21.46 % and the absolute number of CD8 T-suppressors by 27.15 %), but with a selective inhibitory effect on certain units (decrease the relative number of NK cells CD16 by 11.57 % and B-lymphocytes CD22 by 23.08 %). There was an increase in the activity of the macrophage phagocytic system (increase in PN by 439.87 % and PI by 62.73 % at 120 minutes), which indicates the reliability of the absorbing function of phagocytes, but with a decrease in their ability to endocytosis (PCI decreased significantly by 78,72 %). Conclusions. Synthesized 3-[5-(1H-indol-3-ylmethylene)-4-oxo-2-thioxo-thiazolidin-3-yl]-propionic acid has a selective activating effect on certain parts of cellular immunity and on phagocytic activity. Derivate influence on the phagocytic activity of neutrophils is ambiguous, and the effect of the compound directed to the cellular part of the immune system does not cause cellular immunodeficiency. The studied derivative is promising for further study of the drug-like molecule with antifungal and antitumor effect