44 research outputs found

    Shrinkage of frame polymer concretes in road construction

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    It is known that with the same raw material composition, it is possible to obtain different structures of composite materials. So, for example, polymer concretes can be made using traditional technology and the method of phase-by-phase forming. At the same time, frame technology reduces material consumption without loss of strength properties and increases durability. Polymer composite materials of phase-forming by combining properties viscoelastic binder and rigid matrix. It has highly damping performance. The article considers the possibility of using the frame structure polymer composite material in road construction. The composition is also considered, the advantages are determined and a comparison with traditional materials is made. The shrinkage stresses of polymer concrete that occur during the polycondensation reaction of furan resin are quite large and can exceed the permissible ones, which leads to a violation of the monolithic nature of the structure due to the appearance of micro- and macrocracks. In this work, the kinetics of shrinkage within 28 days was studied. The composition of the frame polymer composite material includes the following components: furfural acetone monomer (FAM resin), benzosulfonic acid, granite crushed stone, andesite flour, quartz sand. Theshrinkage of phase-formed polymer concrete was measured on samples hardening under normal temperature-humidity conditions. The generally accepted technique was used, shrinkage deformations were installed along the axis of the sample on two opposite faces with a clock-type indicator with a division price of 0.001 mm. Also in the work is a diagram of the device for determining the deformations of the shrinkage of samples and the results of the study are given. Experimentally established the intensity of shrinkage, which manifests itself in the first three days of curing, in the future its change is insignificant and by the seventh day it fades. According to the test results, it was established that the linear shrinkage of frame polymer concretes is three times less than the shrinkage of polymer concretes with a conventional structure

    Coherent dynamics and decoherence in a superconducting weak link

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    We demonstrate coherent dynamics of quantized magnetic fluxes in a superconducting loop with a weak link - a nanobridge patterned from the same thin NbN film as the loop. The bridge is a short rounded shape constriction, close to 10 nm long and 20 - 30 nm wide, having minimal width at its center. Quantum state control and coherent oscillations in the driven time evolution of the tunnel-junctionless system are achieved. Decoherence and energy relaxation in the system are studied using a combination of microwave spectroscopy and direct time-domain techniques. The effective flux noise behavior suggests inductance fluctuations as a possible cause of the decoherence.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Influence of vacuum activated diffusion chroming on mechanical properties of the surface of steel 25X1MF

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    In the work, the surface of samples made of 25X1MF steel was saturated with chromium. For this, the method of vacuum activated diffusion chromium plating was used. In this process, sodium chloride was used as an activator. It was found that vacuum activated diffusion chromium plating of samples made of 25Kh1MF steel leads to the formation of a surface layer containing from 87 to 97 wt.% of this element. It was found that an increase in the temperature of the process and its duration leads to an increase in the chromium content on the surface of the samples. The tests showed that in the case of cavitations-erosion effects on the surface of chrome-plated samples of steel 25X1MF they have higher resistance. With abrasive wear, the resistance of the chrome-plated steel surface is 1.8 to 3 times higher compared to untreated material.Проведено насичення поверхні зразків зі сталі 25Х1МФ хромом. Для цього використовували метод вакуумного активованого дифузійного хромування. У цьому процесі в якості активатора використовували хлористий натрій. Було встановлено, що вакуумне активоване дифузійне хромування зразків зі сталі 25Х1МФ призводить до формування поверхневого шару, що містить від 87 до 97 мас.% цього елемента. При цьому встановлено, що підвищення температури процесу і його тривалості призводить до збільшення вмісту хрому на поверхні зразків. Проведені випробування показали, що в разі кавітаційно-ерозійного впливу на поверхню хромованих зразків зі сталі 25Х1МФ вони мають більш високу стійкість. При абразивному зносі стійкість хромованої поверхні сталі в 1,8–3 рази вище в порівнянні з необробленим матеріалом.Проведено насыщение поверхности образцов из стали 25Х1МФ хромом. Для этого использовали метод вакуумного активированного диффузионного хромирования. В этом процессе в качестве активатора использовали хлористый натрий. Было установлено, что вакуумное активированное диффузионное хромирование образцов из стали 25Х1МФ приводит к формированию поверхностного слоя, содержащего от 87 до 97 вес.% этого элемента. При этом установлено, что повышение температуры процесса и его длительности приводит к увеличению содержания хрома на поверхности образцов. Проведенные испытания показали, что в случае кавитационно-эрозионного воздействия на поверхность хромированных образцов из стали 25Х1МФ они имеют более высокую стойкость. При абразивном износе стойкость хромированной поверхности стали в 1,8–3 раза выше по сравнению с необработанным материалом

    Properties of 15Cr12WNiMoV steel after vacuum activated chromium plating of its surface

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    In this work, we studied the properties of samples from steel 15Cr12WNiMoV after vacuum activated chromium plating at temperatures of 1070 and 1100 °C for 4 and 10 h. It was found that after chemical-thermal treatment on the samples a diffusion layer with a thickness of 50 to 130 µm is formed, consisting of 56…82 wt.% of chromium, the rest is iron. Metallographic studies were carried out on the samples and tests for heat resistance were carried out at a temperature of T = 900 °C. It was found that chrome-plated samples significantly exceed the initial samples and nitrided ones in terms of heat resistance. Tests of samples for tensile strength after chromium plating showed a significant increase in strength indicators for ultimate strength and yield strength. The plasticity characteristics of these samples are reduced.Проведені дослідження властивостей зразків зі сталі 15Х12ВНМФ після вакуумного активованого хромування при температурах 1070 і 1100 °С протягом 4 і 10 год. Установлено, що після хіміко-термічної обробки на зразках формується дифузійний шар товщиною від 50 до 130 мкм, що складається з 56…82 ваг.% хрому, інше – залізо. На зразках були проведені металографічні дослідження й здійснені випробування на жаростійкість при Т = 900 °С. Установлено, що хромовані зразки по жаростійкості значно перевершують вихідні зразки й азотовані. Проведені випробування зразків на міцність на розрив після хромування показали істотне збільшення міцностних показників для межі міцності й межі текучості. Характеристики пластичності цих зразків зменшуються.Проведены исследования свойств образцов из стали 15Х12ВНМФ после вакуумного активированного хромирования при температурах 1070 и 1100 °С в течение 4 и 10 ч. Установлено, что после химикотермической обработки на образцах формируется диффузионный слой толщиной от 50 до 130 мкм, состоящий из 56…82 вес.% хрома, остальное – железо. На образцах были проведены металлографические исследования и осуществлены испытания на жаростойкость при Т = 900 °С. Установлено, что хромированные образцы по жаростойкости значительно превосходят исходные образцы и азотированные. Проведенные испытания образцов на прочность на разрыв после хромирования показали существенное увеличение прочностных показателей для предела прочности и предела текучести. Характеристики пластичности этих образцов уменьшаются

    Modulational instability of matter waves under strong nonlinearity management

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    We study modulational instability of matter-waves in Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) under strong temporal nonlinearity-management. Both BEC in an optical lattice and homogeneous BEC are considered in the framework of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, averaged over rapid time modulations. For a BEC in an optical lattice, it is shown that the loop formed on a dispersion curve undergoes transformation due to the nonlinearity-management. A critical strength for the nonlinearity-management strength is obtained that changes the character of instability of an attractive condensate. MI is shown to occur below(above) the threshold for the positive (negative) effective mass. The enhancement of number of atoms in the nonlinearity-managed gap soliton is revealed

    Peculiarities of neutron fields formation in the systems “neutron producing target – moderator” irradiated by high energy particles

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    The theoretical and experimental evidence of similarity of neutron spectra formed in sub-critical systems driven by external proton and neutron beamsПредставлено теоретичнi та експериментальнi докази подiбності спектрiв нейтронiв, що утворюються в пiдкритичних системах, керованих зовнiшнiми протонним та нейтронним пучками.Представлены теоретические и экспериментальные доказательства подобия спектров нейтронов, образу- ющихся в подкритических системах, управляемых внешними протонным и нейтронным пучками

    Production Asymmetry Measurement of High Xt Hadrons in pp Collisions at 40 GeV

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    Single-spin asymmetries for hadrons have been measured in collisions of transversely-polarized 40 GeV/c proton beam with an unpolarized liquid hydrogen target. The asymmetries were measured for pi+-, K+-, protons and antiprotons, produced in the central region (0.02 < Xf < 0.10 and 0.7 < Pt < 3.4 GeV/c). Asymmetries for pi+-, K+- and antiprotons show within measurement errors the linear dependence on Xt and change a sign near 0.37. For protons negative asymmetry, independent of Xt has been found. The results are compared with those of other experiments and SU(6) model predictions.Comment: 25 pages (Latex), 12 Postscript figure

    Shrinkage of frame polymer concretes in road construction

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    It is known that with the same raw material composition, it is possible to obtain different structures of composite materials. So, for example, polymer concretes can be made using traditional technology and the method of phase-by-phase forming. At the same time, frame technology reduces material consumption without loss of strength properties and increases durability. Polymer composite materials of phase-forming by combining properties viscoelastic binder and rigid matrix. It has highly damping performance. The article considers the possibility of using the frame structure polymer composite material in road construction. The composition is also considered, the advantages are determined and a comparison with traditional materials is made. The shrinkage stresses of polymer concrete that occur during the polycondensation reaction of furan resin are quite large and can exceed the permissible ones, which leads to a violation of the monolithic nature of the structure due to the appearance of micro- and macrocracks. In this work, the kinetics of shrinkage within 28 days was studied. The composition of the frame polymer composite material includes the following components: furfural acetone monomer (FAM resin), benzosulfonic acid, granite crushed stone, andesite flour, quartz sand. Theshrinkage of phase-formed polymer concrete was measured on samples hardening under normal temperature-humidity conditions. The generally accepted technique was used, shrinkage deformations were installed along the axis of the sample on two opposite faces with a clock-type indicator with a division price of 0.001 mm. Also in the work is a diagram of the device for determining the deformations of the shrinkage of samples and the results of the study are given. Experimentally established the intensity of shrinkage, which manifests itself in the first three days of curing, in the future its change is insignificant and by the seventh day it fades. According to the test results, it was established that the linear shrinkage of frame polymer concretes is three times less than the shrinkage of polymer concretes with a conventional structure