7 research outputs found

    Segmentotactics of Mandarin Chinese

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    The aim of this paper is to propose an extension of Ba艅czerowski鈥檚 phonotactic theory and introduce a research project on Mandarin Chinese segmental linguistics in the proposed theoretical framework. The proposal includes a brief summary of Ba艅czerowski鈥檚 original framework and a more detailed description of its extension to various levels of linguistic analysis. The application of the consequent extended framework to the analysis of the phonetics, phonology (phonemic and syllabic levels), morphology and writing system of Mandarin Chinese is proposed in the main part of the paper

    A phonetic grammar of the Polish language

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    The aim of the present paper is to give an overview of the investigation of the phonic articulatory systems of Polish on the basis of the detailed articulatory descriptions existent in phonetic literature and with the use computational tools. First the theoretical foundations of the phonetic grammar are briefly introduced, then the main problem of the choice of an appropriate repertory of phones for Polish is also discussed. The last section is devoted to the presentation of the computional amalysis of the collected data. The created application enables us to collect a given phonetic inventory, taking into consideration the division into particular languages and the database generated here makes further computer analyses possible. Owing to the introduction of numeric interpretation of the articulatory features and dimensions, the phones can be treated as vectors in n-dimensional metric space. Then the measures of distances can be employed as measures of similarity between respective phones. By means of applying the Data Mining algorithms the interdependencies in the set of phones can be automatically shown. The present paper is a first attempt to apply the axiomatic theory of language at the phonetic level to the analysis and synthesis of the phonetic system of Polish

    Z艂o偶ono艣膰 pisma na przyk艂adzie znak贸w chi艅skich

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    Abstract (Complexity of Script on the Example of Chinese Characters). This paper dis- cusses two methods of measuring the graphical complexity of script, focusing on the Chinese characters. Main purpose is to establish the validity of the compositional (Altmann 2004) and intersectional (Peust 2006) methods for the analysis of Chinese script. The interpretation of the graphical elements of Chinese characters in the compositional method and the modification of the rules of calculation in the intersectional method will be proposed. The comparative analysis of the values of complexity obtained for the sample set of characters by the two methods with the number of stokes and basic strokes will also be introduced.Tematem artyku艂u jest krytyczne przedstawienie dw贸ch metod obliczania z艂o偶ono- 艣ci graficznej znak贸w pisma, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem znak贸w chi艅skich. G艂贸wnym celem jest wst臋pna weryfikacja adekwatno艣ci metody kompozycyjnej Altmanna (Altmann 2004) i intersekcyjnej Peusta (Peust 2006) do analizy pisma chi艅skiego. Zaproponowana zostanie interpretacja element贸w graficznych znak贸w chi艅skich w metodzie kompozycyjnej oraz modyfikacja regu艂 obliczania z艂o偶ono艣ci intersekcyjnej. Przedstawiona r贸wnie偶 b臋dzie analiza por贸wnawcza wynik贸w uzyskanych za pomoc膮 wspomnianych metod na pr贸bie znak贸w z liczb膮 kresek i kresek podstawowych w znakach

    Analogia w dydaktyce j臋zyka chi艅skiego

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    W artykule zajmuj臋 si臋 problematyk膮 dydaktyki wybranych konstrukcji j臋zyka chi艅skiego. Moim celem jest pokazanie na przyk艂adach, w jaki spos贸b, wykorzystuj膮c zar贸wno r贸偶nice semantyczne mi臋dzy zdaniami strukturalnie podobnymi, jak i analogie semantyczne mi臋dzy zdaniami sk艂adniowo r贸偶nymi, u艂atwi膰 i przyspieszy膰 nauczanie problematycznych w tym wzgl臋dzie zagadnie艅 gramatyki chi艅skiej. Do egzemplifikacji wykorzystania mechanizm贸w r贸偶nic i analogii w dydaktyce wykorzysta艂em zdania z partyku艂膮 le i skopiowanym czasownikiem, konstrukcj臋 z de i dope艂nieniem komplementywnym oraz partyku艂臋 ko艅cow膮 le.In this paper I try to show ways of using semantic differences between structurally similar constructions and semantic analogies between structurally different sentences in the process of teaching those aspects of Chinese grammar which are relatively difficult for teachers to explain and for students do understand. To exemplify this supplementary didactic method I chose the following grammatical problems: sentence-final particle le, the complex stative construction with particle de and the verb-copying construction