273 research outputs found

    Facing down the watershed : the drama "Bay nakht afn altn mark" (A night in the old marketplace) by I. L. Peretz as a carnival mystery play

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    The author analyses Isaac Leib Peretz’s play "Bay nakht afn altn mark" (A Night in the Old Marketplace) through the lens of the ambivalences of the carnival, which give rise to various transgressions of socio-political and cultural, as well as metaphysical and existential, orders. The carnival category positions Peretz’s drama in the dialectic of beginning and end, and it suggests the violation of the existing normative order in order to expose the tension between the traditional world of the shtetl and the modernity that is impinging on it. Moreover, the carnival spectacle reveals metaphysical and historiosophic dimensions, since it tackles the question of the human condition, which is defined by the opposition of life and death and is entangled in the course of history

    Using Plasma Metallisation for Manufacture of Textile Screens Against Electromagnetic Fields

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    In this study, a method of the metallisation of polypropylene (PP) nonwovens is presented.The influence of power dissipated in the target on the efficiency of screening a flat electromagnetic wave is discussed. Fabric metallisation was carried out using the standard magnetron sputtering process of Zn-Bi metal targets in argon ambient. A pulse current source with a changing group frequency was used for powering the target. The metallic layers obtained were characterised by good adhesion to PP, with a screening efficiency approaching 45 dB

    Collage as an act of profanation? : on the works of Ewa Kuryluk

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    The article is an attempt to analyse both artwork and prose of Ewa Kuryluk, focusing on the question of the representationof the Holocaust and its boundaries. This analysis refers to “the generation of postmemory” which is struggling to work through a heritage of the Holocaust. The author uses the notion of collage concerning Kuryluk’s works to describe not only a technique of an art and literary production, but also an aesthetic process of reconstruction a family biography and seeking own identity as a member of traumatic experience

    Tożsamościowe roz-poznania. Doświadczenia Zagłady na wsi

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    Przedmiotem artykułu jest doświadczenie Zagłady na wsi opisywane z perspektywy żydowskiej (ofiary) i polskiej (postronnego-świadka). Centralne miejsce rozważań zajmuje pytanie o sposoby konceptualizowania tożsamości wobec doświadczenia granicznego w dwóch narracjach: twórczości Tadeusza Nowaka, zaliczanej do tzw. nurtu chłopskiego w polskiej literaturze, oraz dziennika Melanii Weissenberg, Żydówki ukrywającej się na wsi. Te dwie, różne narracje łączy przede wszystkim miejsce – wydarzenia opisywane przez Nowaka i Weissenberg rozgrywają się w okolicach Dąbrowy Tarnowskiej. Utwory Nowaka i dziennik Weissenberg pokazuję również jako przykłady formułowania literackich odpowiedzi na Zagładę, dziejącą się w kontekście lokalnym, wiejskim.This article deals with the experience of the Shoah in the countryside as described from two perspectives – Jewish (victim) and Polish (bystander-witness). A key question is how identity is conceptualized in the face of liminal experience in two narratives, namely Tadeusz Nowak’s work belonging to the so-called peasant tradition in Polish literature, as well as the diary of Melania Weissenberg, a Jew who hid in a village. These different narratives are linked above all by the place, as both are set in the vicinity of Dąbrowa Tarnowska. Koprowska discusses the works of Nowak and Weissenberg as examples of literary responses to the Shoah in a local village context

    Subjectivity against the boundary experience in testimonies of muselmann survivors

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    This article is an attempt to present the issue of subjectivity in the testimonies of Muselmann survivors which were assembled in a medical study by Polish doctors Zdzisław Ryn and Stanisław Kłodziński. The Muselmann, who was a prisoner of concentration camps during World War II, exhibited extreme apathy as well as physical weakness and emaciation. The testimonies of Muselmänner are analysed and compared with Giorgio Agamben’s philosophical thought of witness status. The main aim of the article is to supplement Agamben’s conception by proposing an additional view of Muselmänner’s subjectivity

    Peryferie literatury Zagłady. O książce Aleksandry Ubertowskiej Holokaust. Auto(tanato)grafie

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    Peripheries of the Holocaust literatureThe article is a review of Aleksandra Ubertowska’s book Holokaust. Auto(tanato)grafie which analyses the Holocaust literature, especially autobiographical narratives, introducing an opposition between “centre” and “periphery,” as well as the notion of “auto(tanato)graphy.” Ubertowska focuses on three genres: essay, literary representations of women’s war experience and autobiographies of the Holocaust historians, which she describes as “peripheral” and “controversial.” The main aim of the review is to present values and doubts about Ubertowska’s conception and to supplement it by the omitted issues and remarks about the current situation of the Holocaust literature

    Conflicts of the birthplace in Ignacy Karpowicz’s novel "Sońka"

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    The article aims to present and analyse the concept of "birthplace" which combines different components such as topography, landscape and also cultural, symbolic and metaphorical meanings. The human attitude to a birthplace appears problematic and complex, and involves a need to create a more critical perception of own identity. My theoretical investigation is based on an analysis of Ignacy Karpowicz’s novel "Sońka" which deals with strong tensions between individual experience of the civilians and History of wars and violence, difficult relations between collective and individual identity/memory and their specificity regarding village community, ethnic conflicts connected to the Polish-Belarusian borderland and birthplace, as well

    Kolaż jako akt profanacji. O twórczości Ewy Kuryluk

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    Collage as an Act of Profanation? On the Works of Ewa KurylukThe article is an attempt to analyse both artwork and prose of Ewa Kuryluk, focusing on the question of the representation of the Holocaust and its boundaries. This analysis refers to “the generation of postmemory” which is struggling to work through a heritage of the Holocaust. The author uses the notion of collage concerning Kuryluk’s works to describe not only a technique of an art and literary production, but also an aesthetic process of reconstruction a family biography and seeking own identity as a member of traumatic experience

    Pycha Zuzanny Ginczanki – doświadczenia dojrzewania

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    Pycha by Zuzanna Ginczanka – the experiences of adolescenceThe article is an interpretation sketchof one poem by Zuzanna Ginczanka, a Polish poet of Jewish ancestry. The analyzed poem Pycha [Pride] may be considered representative for the early, pre-war output of Ginczanka, excellently exemplifying her evolution towards literary maturity, originality and literary consciousness. The sketch mainly presents the diversity of literary strategies used by the poet to show many dimensions of the experience of adolescence