3,203 research outputs found

    Population characteristics and biology of striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax in the New Zealand fishery : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in Physiology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) are apex predators in the pelagic ecosystem and are seasonally abundant in the off-shore waters of New Zealand during December through May. Data presented in this thesis were derived from a variety of fishing databases from New Zealand, Australia and United States as well as biological samples collected from east Northland New Zealand. This thesis may be used to help answer questions about growth and size structure, factors influencing conventional tag recoveries, and the trophic dynamics of striped marlin in the New Zealand fishery. Results show that the average weight of striped marlin in the New Zealand recreational fishery has declined between 1925-1944 (117.9 ± 0.6 kg) and 1985-2003 (96.6 ± 0.3 kg) (Means ± S.E.). The root causes of this average size decline are unknown but appear to be related to the expansion of a surface longline fishery in the southwest Pacific Ocean during 1958. Despite the large average size (104.9 ± 0.2 kg) of striped marlin from New Zealand, parameters estimated in the von Bertalanffy growth model (L∞3010 mm, K=0.22 annual and t 0=-0.04) do not show higher growth rates compared to Hawaii or Mexico. During their residency in the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) the condition Wr (relative weight) of striped marlin improves from 95.1 ± 1.2 to 109.4 ± 3.4 and average weight increases from 98.1 ± 2.0 kg to 114.6 = 0.4 kg. These data imply that striped marlin migrate to New Zealand in order to take advantage of the abundant food resources and to improve condition after spawning in warmer waters to the north. Arrow squid (Nototodarus spp.), jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) and saury (Scomberesox saurus) comprised a large portion of the diet from (n=20) striped marlin stomachs during March of 2004. Additionally, with a consumption rate of 0.962 to 1.28 kg of prey per day, striped marlin may consume the equivalent of 2.8-3.5% of New Zealand's current commercial catch of arrow squid and jack mackerel respectively. With concerns about declining pelagic fish stocks, tag-and-recovery programmes have become increasingly popular and over 50% of recreationally captured marlin in New Zealand are tagged and released annually. However, low tag recovery rates (<1.0%) have hindered progress in understanding growth, stock structure and migration patterns important for managing this species. Data from this study suggests that tag returns from striped marlin would increase if more fish were captured and released in less than 39 min and a greater number of small (< 89 kg) individuals were released. Tag recoveries and presumably post-release survivorship of striped marlin was reduced by increasing capture time and fish size. Rates of injury were lowest during capture times ranging from 20-29 min and in fish weighing 60-89 kg

    Investigation of optimization of attitude control systems, volume ii

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    Attitude control system optimization - computer programs, listings and subroutine

    Investigation of optimization of attitude control systems, volume i

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    Optimization of attitude control systems by development of mathematical model and computer program for space vehicle simulatio

    Aspects of noncommutative Lorentzian geometry for globally hyperbolic spacetimes

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    Connes' functional formula of the Riemannian distance is generalized to the Lorentzian case using the so-called Lorentzian distance, the d'Alembert operator and the causal functions of a globally hyperbolic spacetime. As a step of the presented machinery, a proof of the almost-everywhere smoothness of the Lorentzian distance considered as a function of one of the two arguments is given. Afterwards, using a C∗C^*-algebra approach, the spacetime causal structure and the Lorentzian distance are generalized into noncommutative structures giving rise to a Lorentzian version of part of Connes' noncommutative geometry. The generalized noncommutative spacetime consists of a direct set of Hilbert spaces and a related class of C∗C^*-algebras of operators. In each algebra a convex cone made of self-adjoint elements is selected which generalizes the class of causal functions. The generalized events, called {\em loci}, are realized as the elements of the inductive limit of the spaces of the algebraic states on the C∗C^*-algebras. A partial-ordering relation between pairs of loci generalizes the causal order relation in spacetime. A generalized Lorentz distance of loci is defined by means of a class of densely-defined operators which play the r\^ole of a Lorentzian metric. Specializing back the formalism to the usual globally hyperbolic spacetime, it is found that compactly-supported probability measures give rise to a non-pointwise extension of the concept of events.Comment: 43 pages, structure of the paper changed and presentation strongly improved, references added, minor typos corrected, title changed, accepted for publication in Reviews in Mathematical Physic

    Forschungsschiff METEOR Reise Nr. 66 (2005) SUBFLUX

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    Centrifugation and capillarity integrated into a multiple analyte whole blood analyser

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    A unique clinical chemistry analyser is described which processes 90 μl of whole blood (fingerstick or venous) into multiple aliquots of diluted plasma and reports the results of 12 tests in 14 min. To perform a panel of tests, the operator applies the unmetered sample directly into a single use, 8 cm diameter plastic rotor which contains the required liquid diluent and dry reagents. Using centrifugal and capillary forces, the rotor meters the required amount of blood, separates the red cells, meters the plasma, meters the diluent, mixes the fluids, distributes the fluid to the reaction cuvettes and mixes the reagents and the diluted plasma in the cuvettes. The instrument monitors the reagent reactions simultaneously using nine wavelengths, calculates the results from the absorbance data, and reports the results

    Toward a Social Practice Theory of Relational Competing

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    This paper brings together the competitive dynamics and strategy-aspractice literatures to investigate relational competition. Drawing on a global ethnography of the reinsurance market, we develop the concept of micro-competitions, which are the focus of competitors’ everyday competitive practices. We find variation in relational or rivalrous competition by individual competitors across the phases of a micro-competition, between competitors within a micro-competition, and across multiple micro-competitions. These variations arise from the interplay between the unfolding competitive arena and the implementation of each firm’s strategic portfolio. We develop a conceptual framework that makes four contributions to: relational competition; reconceptualizing action and response; elaborating on the awareness-motivation-capability framework within competitive dynamics; and the recursive dynamic by which implementing strategy inside firms shapes, and is shaped by, the competitive arena

    An output-sensitive algorithm for the minimization of 2-dimensional String Covers

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    String covers are a powerful tool for analyzing the quasi-periodicity of 1-dimensional data and find applications in automata theory, computational biology, coding and the analysis of transactional data. A \emph{cover} of a string TT is a string CC for which every letter of TT lies within some occurrence of CC. String covers have been generalized in many ways, leading to \emph{k-covers}, \emph{λ\lambda-covers}, \emph{approximate covers} and were studied in different contexts such as \emph{indeterminate strings}. In this paper we generalize string covers to the context of 2-dimensional data, such as images. We show how they can be used for the extraction of textures from images and identification of primitive cells in lattice data. This has interesting applications in image compression, procedural terrain generation and crystallography

    Protein Kinase C θ Is Critical for the Development of In Vivo T Helper (Th)2 Cell But Not Th1 Cell Responses

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    The serine/threonine-specific protein kinase C (PKC)-θ is predominantly expressed in T cells and localizes to the center of the immunological synapse upon T cell receptor (TCR) and CD28 signaling. T cells deficient in PKC-θ exhibit reduced interleukin (IL)-2 production and proliferative responses in vitro, however, its significance in vivo remains unclear. We found that pkc-θ−/− mice were protected from pulmonary allergic hypersensitivity responses such as airway hyperresponsiveness, eosinophilia, and immunoglobulin E production to inhaled allergen. Furthermore, T helper (Th)2 cell immune responses against Nippostrongylus brasiliensis were severely impaired in pkc-θ−/− mice. In striking contrast, pkc-θ−/− mice on both the C57BL/6 background and the normally susceptible BALB/c background mounted protective Th1 immune responses and were resistant against infection with Leishmania major. Using in vitro TCR transgenic T cell–dendritic cell coculture systems and antigen concentration-dependent Th polarization, PKC-θ–deficient T cells were found to differentiate into Th1 cells after activation with high concentrations of specific peptide, but to have compromised Th2 development at low antigen concentration. The addition of IL-2 partially reconstituted Th2 development in pkc-θ−/− T cells, consistent with an important role for this cytokine in Th2 polarization. Taken together, our results reveal a central role for PKC-θ signaling during Th2 responses
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