76 research outputs found


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    Autorka artykułu jest pracownikiem Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej.Artykuł zamieszczony jest w : Życie Uczelni : biuletyn informacyjny Politechniki Łódzkiej, nr 155, Luty 202

    Awans w rankingu Webometrics

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    Artykuł zamieszczony jest w : Życie Uczelni : biuletyn informacyjny Politechniki Łódzkiej, nr 155, Luty 2021Autorka artykułu jest pracownikiem Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej.Opublikowano wyniki Webometrics Ranking of World Universities. Jest to największy ranking światowy, uwzględniane są w nim wszystkie uczelnie, nie tylko te najlepsze. W najnowszej edycji wzięto pod uwagę 31 tysięcy uczelni z ponad 200 krajów. Ostatecznie opublikowana lista prezentuje niemal 12 tysięcy szkół wyższych, w tym prawie 400 z Polski. Politechnika Łódzka odnotowała duży awans w klasyfikacji

    W pierwszej setce rankingu

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    Artykuł zamieszczony jest w : Życie Uczelni : biuletyn informacyjny Politechniki Łódzkiej, nr 155, Luty 2021Autorka artykułu jest pracownikiem Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej.Politechnika Łódzka po raz kolejny znalazła się w rankingu QS Emerging Europe&Central Asia University Rankings. W tym roku awansowała o 10 miejsc, zajmując 91. pozycję na liście 400 uczelni

    W światowych rankingach

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    Autorka artykułu jest pracownikiem Centrum Współpracy Międzynarodowej Politechniki ŁódzkiejArtykuł zamieszczony jest w : Życie Uczelni : biuletyn informacyjny Politechniki Łódzkiej nr 152, lipiec 2020Czerwiec to czas publikowania rankingów międzynarodowych. W wielu z nich klasyfikowana jest Politechnika Łódzka

    Relacja miłości/nienawiści do Florencji w Domu bezimiennych i Berretti Erasmus Giovanniego Agnoloniego

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    In this article the author examines the heroes’ relations with the city – Florence in Giovanni Agnoloni’s novels: La casa degli anonimi and Berretti Erasmus. Emanuela and Aurelio’s destinies (Casa degli anonimi) cross in a surreal night pursuit along Florence streets. They had long thought of escaping the city inhabited by hostile Florentines. Giovanni (Berretti Erasmus), a law student from the 2000s participates in an Erasmus project in England. During that experience, he understands that his destiny will be linked to elsewhere. He will undertake numerous journeys for study or work reasons in the United Kingdom, Holland, Lithuania, Ireland, and Poland. The cyclical returns to the beloved-hated Florence will be a source of oxygen and suffering for him. In the first part, the author of the article presents the issues related to the city’s periphery. In the second part, she describes the nature of the Florentines. In the third part, she focuses on the process leading to the decision to leave the city and she describes the moment of the turning point

    Love Relationships in Crisis in the Work of Giovanni Agnoloni

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    In this article, the author attempts to examine love relationships in the world on the brink of catastrophe, described in the works of Giovanni Agnoloni. The Florentine writer presents a vision of the world after the collapse of the Internet, a world in an economic, technological and social crisis. The author will try to prove the thesis that with the fall of civilization, love relationships are also troubled

    Nephrotoxicity of a single dose of cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide in rats

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    Oxazaphosphorines (cyclophosphamide ñ CP, ifosfamide ñ IF) are alkylating cytostatics used in chemotherapy of cancer and autoimmune diseases. They have numerous adverse effects, including uro- and nephrotoxic, dependent of the type of drug, time of therapy and presence of any coexistent nephrotoxic factors in a treated patient. Purpose of this study was to estimate the renal function and the level of urinary bladder dysfunction occurring in rats following administration of a single, large CP/IF dose. The experiment involved 30 rats who were administered a single intraperitoneal dose of 150 mg/kg b.w. of CP (group 1) or IF (group 2) or normal saline (group 3 ñ control), respectively. Following the administration animals were placed in individual metabolic cages. 24 h later rats were sacrificed, blood collected and nephrectomy and cystectomy performed in order to prepare specimens for histopathological analysis. Circadian diuresis was also assessed, along with a qualitative urine assessment with strip tests and laboratory renal function parameters in plasma and urine: sodium, urea, creatinine and uric acid levels, and circadian elimination of sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine, uric acid and protein. Creatinine clearance, urea clearance and fractionated sodium elimination (FENa) and renal failure index (RFI) were also calculated. An increased diuresis and acidification of urine with reduced circadian elimination of potassium and a significant proteinuria, as well as increased plasma levels of creatinine and urea were found in the group of rats that received a single dose of CP, compared to control animals. Rats treated with IF also demonstrated acidification of urine, reduced circadian potassium elimination, a significant proteinuria and increased plasma creatinine and urea levels, but their diuresis was comparable to that observed in control animals. IF-treated animals were also characterized by reduced urea clearance, FENa and RFI. Histopathological analysis confirmed presence of inflammatory changes in urinary bladders in both groups 1 and 2, and absence of any significant morphological disorders in kidneys. Obtained results suggest a dysfunction of distal tubules and collective tubules developing as a result of administration of a single nephrotoxic dose of IF/CP. FENa and RFI results indicate also a higher nephrotoxic potential of IF administered as a single dose

    Matrix Metalloproteinases in Cardioembolic Stroke : From Background to Complications

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are endopeptidases participating in physiological processes of the brain, maintaining the blood–brain barrier integrity and playing a critical role in cerebral ischemia. In the acute phase of stroke activity, the expression of MMPs increase and is associated with adverse effects, but in the post-stroke phase, MMPs contribute to the process of healing by remodeling tissue lesions. The imbalance between MMPs and their inhibitors results in excessive fibrosis associated with the enhanced risk of atrial fibrillation (AF), which is the main cause of cardioembolic strokes. MMPs activity disturbances were observed in the development of hypertension, diabetes, heart failure and vascular disease enclosed in CHA2DS2VASc score, the scale commonly used to evaluate the risk of thromboembolic complications risk in AF patients. MMPs involved in hemorrhagic complications of stroke and activated by reperfusion therapy may also worsen the stroke outcome. In the present review, we briefly summarize the role of MMPs in the ischemic stroke with particular consideration of the cardioembolic stroke and its complications. Moreover, we discuss the genetic background, regulation pathways, clinical risk factors and impact of MMPs on the clinical outcome


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    In the title compound, C14H13N3O, the benzotriazole ring is oriented at a dihedral angle of 13.43 (4)° with respect to the phenyl ring. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into chains along the b axis. Aromatic π–π contacts between benzene rings and between triazole and benzene rings [centroid–centroid distances = 3.8133 (8) and 3.7810 (8) Å, respectively], as well as a weak C—H⋯π inter­action involving the phenyl ring, are also observed