29 research outputs found

    Die interpersoonlikestylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders

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    Text in AfrikaansThe goal with the research is firstly is to study and theoretically describe the interpersonal style repertoire of middle level managers according to the interpersonal approach and more specifically the 1982 Interpersonal Circle. Secondly the interpersonal development interventions and the development process for middle level managers were discussed from this approach. The third theoretical goal involved compiling a interpersonal development programme for middle level managers. The empirical goals of the research involved the evaluation of the interpersonal style repertoires of middle level managers by means of self and fellow manager evaluations in an attempt to get an indication of the most prominent interpersonal styles of middle level managers. Furthermore the empirical investigation involved an analysis of the influence of the interpersonal development programme in expanding the interpersonal style repertoires of middle level managers. The results of the self evaluations suggest that the warm-friendly, deferent-trusting, assureddominant and sociable-exhibitionistic styles are the primary styles of the 263 middle managers in the sample. Their evaluations by the 82 fellow managers seem to indicate that the warmfriendly, assured-dominant, deferent-trusting, and sociable-exhibitionistic styles are the most prominent interpersonal styles of middle level managers. Although these results seem to correspond to the teoretically applicable style repertoires of middle level managers the scores were all below average. XIV With the interpersonal development programme an attempt was made to make the group of 32 managers aware of their own interpersonal style repertoires and to provide them with the opportunity to study the way in which these are used in interpersonal transactions during a experiential learning experience. The development interventions, process and the influence of the development programme are also discussed.Die doel met hierdie navorsmg is eerstens om die interpersoonlike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders aan die hand van die interpersoonlike benadering en meer spesifiek 1982 Interpersoonlike Sirkel, te bestudeer en teoreties te beskryf. Tweedens is die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsintervensies en -ontwikkelingsproses vir middelvlakbestuurders vanuit die benadering beskryf. Die derde teoretiese doelstelling het die samestelling van 'n interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram vir middelvlakbestuurders behels. Wat die empiriese doelstellings in die navorsing betref, is die interpersoonlike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders deur middel van self- en medebestuurderevaluasies geevalueer om sodoende 'n aanduiding van die mees prominente interpersoonlike style van middelvlakbestuuders te kry. Verder het die empiriese ondersoek ook 'n ontleding van die invloed van die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram op die uitbreiding van middelvlakbestuurders se interpersoonlike style ingesluit. Die resultate van hulle selfevaluasies suggereer <lat die warm-vriendelik, geleidend-vertrouend, versekerd-dominant en sosiaal-ekshibisionistiese style die primere interpersoonlike style van die steekproef van 263 middelvlakbestuurders is. Wat die resultate van die evaluasies van die 82 medebestuurders betref, blyk dit dat die warm-vriendelik, versekerd-dominant, geleidendvertrouend en sosiaal-ekshibisionistiese style as die mees prominente style is. XVI Alhoewel hierdie resultate in 'n groot mate met die teoereties-toepaslike stylrepertoire van middelvlakbestuurders ooreenstem, was al die tellings ondergemiddeld. Met die interpersoonlike ontwikkelingsprogram is daar gepoog om 'n bewustheid by 'n groep van 32 bestuurders van hulle eie interpersoonlike stylrepertoire te kweek, en om hulle die geleentheid te bied om die interpersoonlike transakies waarin die style na vore tree, tydens 'n eksperimentele leerondervinding te bestudeer. Die gedragsontwikkelingsintervensies, die gedragsontwikkelingsproses en die invloed van die ontwikkelingsprogram word ook bespreekIndustrial and Organisational PsychologyD. Com (Bedryfsielkunde

    Psychological experiences in South African society before the 2010 FIFA World Cup from the systems psychodynamic and positive psychology perspectives

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    Orientation: The researchers conducted a literature review to analyse the assumptions of systems psychodynamics, the Tavistock model of group relations, object relations theory and the most relevant constructs in the systems psychodynamic perspective. They then described the assumptions and most relevant constructs in the positive psychology perspective in order to analyse theoretically the psychological effect of large-scale sports events on a community or country. The objective of the empirical study was to investigate some of the unconscious emotions, fears, anxieties and conflicts (dynamics) that prevailed in South Africa before the 2010 Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup and some of the positive emotional experiences associated with it. Research purpose: The objective of this study was to analyse and describe the psychological experiences of South Africans before the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Research design, approach and method: The researchers conducted the study from the systems psychodynamic and positive psychology perspectives. The study comprised a qualitative, explorative and social phenomenological study. The researchers conducted interviews with a wide range of their colleagues and clients. Main findings: The results seemed to indicate that South Africans had had a number of positive and negative experiences before the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Practical/managerial implications: The researchers presented the findings as a number of systems psychodynamic and positive psychology themes. Contribution/value-add: This study presents original research that contributes valuable new knowledge to the positive psychology and systems psychodynamic perspectives

    At the edge of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Employees’ perceptions of employment equity from a CIBART perspective

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    Abstract: Orientation: In accordance with global trends, South Africa is striving for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Discourses of employees’ employment equity (EE) perceptions within the 4IR context are studied 25 years after apartheid. Research purpose: The purpose of the study was to understand the systems psychodynamics underneath the surface of employees’ perceptions of EE in South Africa within the context of the 4IR. Motivation for the study: South African workplaces are debated nationally and urged to compete with 4IR changes on a global level. This research focuses on employees’ perceptions of EE underneath the surface and aims at understanding employees’ perceptions through the conflict, identity, boundaries, authority, roles, task (CIBART) model..

    Exploring PERMA in spectator sport: Applying positive psychology to examine the individual-level benefits of sport consumption

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    Sport spectating provides numerous benefits for sport organisations and individuals. In this paper we use a positive psychology approach to examine the individual-level benefits of sport consumption in order to investigate the activation of five domains of well-being: positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment (PERMA). Using a two-study panel research design, we collected qualitative data from a sample of Australian Rules Football consumers. In the first study, we explored how the PERMA domains were activated during the season. Study two included a follow-up interview with eight initial respondents in the off-season. We found evidence of four PERMA domains that were activated in the sport spectator context by a variety of consumer experiences. The emergence of these domains in both studies suggests sport marketers would benefit from actions including: creating more social spaces within their stadiums, hosting regular off-season events, and creating social-media based competitions which promote fan engagement and interactions throughout the calendar year

    Die beroepsoriëntasies van mediese dokters

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    Occupational orientation of medical doctors. This study describes the career orientations of medical doctors obtained from a comparative study done between self and organisationally employed medical doctors. The group indicated service dedication, life style and autonomy as their primary career orientations, while they did not indicate a need to manage or take responsibility for others. The phenomenon of self versus organisational employment can therefore not sufficiently be explained from a career orientation perspective. Opsomming Hierdie ondersoek beskryf die beroepsorientasies van mediese dokters na aanleiding van 'n vergelykende studie tussen selfgeemplojeerde en organisasie indiensgeneemde mediese dokters. Die groep as geheel het dienslewering, lewenstyl en outonomie as primere beroepsorientasies aangedui, terwyl hul behoefte om te bestuur en ver-antwoordelikheid vir ander te neem laag was. Die verskynsel van selfemplojering versus organisasie indiensneming kan egter nie voldoende vanuit 'n teoretiese beroepsorientasie perspektief verklaar word nie

    Symbolism associated with leadership: A system-psychodynamic perspective

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    This article focuses on the symbolic representations projected onto and into leaders in the South African organisational context. The aim is to explore the symbolic roles of leaders and the behavioural impact thereof. The research is conducted from a systems-psychodynamic perspective and a qualitative, explorative, social phenomenological study was conducted in an attempt to identify, analyse, describe and determine the impact of symbolic roles on leaders. The results seem to indicate that a number of symbolic roles, based on the diversity dimensions of race (black and white) and gender (male and female) and their different configurations, can be identified. The results are presented in the form of a number of working hypotheses on the impact of the symbolic roles on the conflict, identity, boundaries, authorisation, roles and tasks of leaders (CIBART).Industrial and Organisational Psycholog

    Psychometric properties of the Experience of Work and Life Circumstances Questionnaire and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the reliability and validity of the Experience of Work and Life Circumstances Questionnaire and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist when administered to a convenience sample of 241 fire-fighters from a metropolitan municipality. The results indicate that these two measuring instruments yielded acceptable internal-consistency reliability coefficients for most of the subscales of the questionnaires. Construct validity was investigated by means of exploratory factor analysis. It was concluded that the measuring instruments are fit to be used for diagnostic and developmental purposes and during counselling to enhance the psychological wellbeing of fire-fighters and their families

    <img src="http://openjournals.net/files/pics/CEU.gif"/> A competence executive coaching model

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    Orientation: Psychologists in industry are increasingly required to provide executive coaching services in their organisations or as part of their consulting services. An evaluation of coaching models as well as the development needs of individuals being trained as coaches, both locally and internationally, has led the authors to believe that there is a need for a competence executive coaching model. Research purpose: The purpose of this article is to address the training and development needs of these consulting psychologists by presenting a competence executive coaching model for the planning, implementation and evaluation of executive coaching interventions. Research design, approach and method: The study was conducted while one of the authors was involved in teaching doctoral students in consulting psychology and executive coaching, specifically in the USA. The approach involved a literature review of executive coaching models and a qualitative study using focus groups to develop and evaluate the competence executive coaching model. Main findings: The literature review provided scant evidence of competence executive coaching models and there seems to be a specific need for this in the training of coaches in South Africa. Hence the model that was developed is an attempt to provide trainers with a structured model for the training of coaches. Contribution/value-add: The uniqueness of this competence model is not only described in terms of the six distinct coaching intervention phases, but also the competencies required in each