74 research outputs found

    Effect of grass-clover on the ecosystem services soil structure maintenance and water regulation

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    White clover has a lower root biomass and a higher abundance of earthworms than grass. This might have an impact on the ecosystem services soil structure maintenance and water regulation when white clover is introduced in the grassland on organic dairy farms. We investigated the root biomass, the abundance of earthworms and a selection of soil physical parameters in white clover, grass-clover, and grass with and without N fertilizer. The treatment with clover-only had a lower root biomass, a lower C/N-ratio of the roots, a higher abundance of earthworms, a higher number of earthworm burrows, a lower penetration resistance at the 20-30 cm soil layer and a lower proportion of crumbs in the soil, than the other treatments. This confirms the literature that pure clover stimulates the ecosystem services of water regulation, but is less conducive to soil structure maintenance. However, the grass-clover mixture did not differ significantly from the grass treatments, but differed from pure clover in a higher percentage of soil crumbs. We infer that, when clover is introduced in grassland on organic dairy farms to fix atmospheric N2, the mixture of grass and clover maintains the positive impact of grass roots on soil structure but only may show a positive effect of clover-only on water regulation with a higher clover percentage in the dry matter

    Конкуренція університетів: світовий досвід і українські реалії

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    Досліджено процеси конкуренції вищих навчальних закладів; обґрунтовано основні критерії формування рейтингів університетів; виявлено взаємозв’язок між високим рейтингом університету і показником його елітності; розкрито значення капіталізації в конкурентних перевагах вищих навчальних закладів; визначено роль елітних університетів у постіндустріальному розвитку суспільства.Исследованы процессы конкуренции высших учебных заведений; обоснованы основные критерии формирования рейтингов университетов; показана взаимосвязь между высоким рейтингом университета и показателем его элитности; раскрыто значение капитализации в конкурентных преимуществах высших учебных заведений; определена роль элитных университетов в постиндустриальном развитии общества.The processes of competition of universities are studi ed, proved the main criteria for the formation of university rankings, found the relationship between highly-rated university and the rate of its elite, disclosed the value of capitalization in the competitive advantages of higher education institutions, and determined the role of elite universities in the post-industrial development

    Liever inleiden dan afwachten bij aterme zwangerschapshypertensie en milde preeclampsie: HYPITAT-studie

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate what would benefit women with mild full-term pregnancy-related hypertension most: induction of labour or expectant monitoring, from the perspective of clinical effectiveness, maternal quality of life, and costs. DESIGN: Randomised clinical trial. Trial registration number ISRCTN08132825. METHODS: We undertook a multicentre randomised controlled trial in 38 hospitals in the Netherlands between October 2005 and March 2008. We enrolled patients with a singleton pregnancy in cephalic presentation at 36-41 weeks' gestation, who had gestational hypertension or mild preeclampsia. Participants were randomly allocated to receive either induction of labour or expectant monitoring. The primary outcome was a composite measure of poor maternal outcome, defined as maternal mortality, maternal morbidity (eclampsia, 'haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets' (HELLP) syndrome, pulmonary oedema, thrombo-embolic disease and abruptio placentae), progression to severe hypertension or proteinuria, and major postpartum haemorrhage. Secondary outcomes were mode of delivery, neonatal outcome, maternal quality of life and costs. Analysis was by intention to treat. RESULTS: A total of 756 patients were allocated to receive induction of labour (n = 377 patients) or expectant monitoring (n = 379). No cases of maternal or neonatal death or eclampsia were recorded. Development of poor maternal outcome was significantly lower in the induction of labour group (117 women) than the expectant monitoring group (166 women) (31% versus 44%; relative risk 0.71 (95% CI: 0.59-0.86); p < 0.001). The caesarean section rate was lower among women in the induction of labour group (n = 54) compared to women in the expectant monitoring group (n = 72) (14% versus 19%; relative risk 0.75 (95% CI: 0.55-1.04)< p = 0.085). Neonatal outcomes and quality of life were comparable between both groups. Induction of labour is a cost saving strategy (difference euro 831). CONCLUSION: For women with full-term gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia, induction of labour is associated with improved maternal outcome and lower costs, without the additional risk of a caesarean section being necessary

    Immunological profiling in long COVID:overall low grade inflammation and T-lymphocyte senescence and increased monocyte activation correlating with increasing fatigue severity

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    Background: Many patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection develop long COVID with fatigue as one of the most disabling symptoms. We performed clinical and immune profiling of fatigued and non-fatigued long COVID patients and age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HCs). Methods:Long COVID symptoms were assessed using patient-reported outcome measures, including the fatigue assessment scale (FAS, scores ≥22 denote fatigue), and followed up to one year after hospital discharge. We assessed inflammation-related genes in circulating monocytes, serum levels of inflammation-regulating cytokines, and leukocyte and lymphocyte subsets, including major monocyte subsets and senescent T-lymphocytes, at 3-6 months post-discharge. Results: We included 37 fatigued and 36 non-fatigued long COVID patients and 42 HCs. Fatigued long COVID patients represented a more severe clinical profile than non-fatigued patients, with many concurrent symptoms (median 9 [IQR 5.0-10.0] vs 3 [1.0-5.0] symptoms, p&lt;0.001), and signs of cognitive failure (41%) and depression (&gt;24%). Immune abnormalities that were found in the entire group of long COVID patients were low grade inflammation (increased inflammatory gene expression in monocytes, increased serum pro-inflammatory cytokines) and signs of T-lymphocyte senescence (increased exhausted CD8+ TEMRA-lymphocytes). Immune profiles did not significantly differ between fatigued and non-fatigued long COVID groups. However, the severity of fatigue (total FAS score) significantly correlated with increases of intermediate and non-classical monocytes, upregulated gene levels of CCL2, CCL7, and SERPINB2 in monocytes, increases in serum Galectin-9, and higher CD8+ T-lymphocyte counts. Conclusion: Long COVID with fatigue is associated with many concurrent and persistent symptoms lasting up to one year after hospitalization. Increased fatigue severity associated with stronger signs of monocyte activation in long COVID patients and potentially point in the direction of monocyte-endothelial interaction. These abnormalities were present against a background of immune abnormalities common to the entire group of long COVID patients.</p

    Trabalho, terra e geração de renda em três décadas de reflorestamentos no alto Jequitinhonha.

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    A partir dos anos 1970, as chapadas do Alto Jequitinhonha, localizadas no nordeste de Minas Gerais, até então áreas de uso comum de agricultores familiares, foram plantadas com eucaliptos. O objetivo deste artigo é comparar os efeitos do reflorestamento sobre a estrutura fundiária, valor da produção agrícola e ocupação rural com os efeitos da produção agrícola familiar sobre essas mesmas variáveis na microrregião homogênea de Capelinha, no Alto Jequitinhonha. Tal microrregião foi escolhida para o estudo por ser a área de maior concentração de eucaliptais da região. Foram utilizados dados secundários dos Censos do IBGE para os anos de 1970, 1980, 1985 e 1996, além de dados secundários de pesquisas realizadas sobre a região em questão, incluindo entrevistas com dirigentes de empresas e lideranças sindicais. O artigo conclui que, em trinta anos, o reflorestamento concentrou terras e criou um número reduzido de empregos; a agricultura familiar, ao contrário, teve suas áreas de terras comprimidas e super-exploradas em decorrência da perda das chapadas, mas continuou sendo a principal responsável pela geração de ocupações e rendas na região

    COVID-19 in health-care workers in three hospitals in the south of the Netherlands:A cross-sectional study

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    Background: 10 days after the first reported case of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the Netherlands (on Feb 27, 2020), 55 (4%) of 1497 health-care workers in nine hospitals located in the south of the Netherlands had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA. We aimed to gain insight in possible sources of infection in health-care workers. Methods: We did a cross-sectional study at three of the nine hospitals located in the south of the Netherlands. We screened health-care workers at the participating hospitals for SARS-CoV-2 infection, based on clinical symptoms (fever or mild respiratory symptoms) in the 10 days before screening. We obtained epidemiological data through structured interviews with health-care workers and combined this information with data from whole-genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples taken from health-care workers and patients. We did an in-depth analysis of sources and modes of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in health-care workers and patients. Findings: Between March 2 and March 12, 2020, 1796 (15%) of 12 022 health-care workers were screened, of whom 96 (5%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. We obtained complete and near-complete genome sequences from 50 health-care workers and ten patients. Most sequences were grouped in three clusters, with two clusters showing local circulation within the region. The noted patterns were consistent with multiple introductions into the hospitals through community-acquired infections and local amplification in the community. Interpretation: Although direct transmission in the hospitals cannot be ruled out, our data do not support widespread nosocomial transmission as the source of infection in patients or health-care workers. Funding: EU Horizon 2020 (RECoVer, VEO, and the European Joint Programme One Health METASTAVA), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health

    Effectiveness of myAirCoach: a mHealth self-management system in asthma

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    BACKGROUND: Self-management programs have beneficial effects on asthma control, but their implementation in clinical practice is poor. Mobile health (mHealth) could play an important role in enhancing self-management.OBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical effectiveness and technology acceptance of myAirCoach-supported self-management on top of usual care in patients with asthma using inhalation medication.METHODS: Patients were recruited in 2 separate studies. The myAirCoach system consisted of an inhaler adapter, an indoor air-quality monitor, a physical activity tracker, a portable spirometer, a fraction exhaled nitric oxide device, and an app. The primary outcome was asthma control; secondary outcomes were exacerbations, quality of life, and technology acceptance. In study 1, 30 participants were randomized to either usual care or myAirCoach support for 3 to 6 months; in study 2, 12 participants were provided with the myAirCoach system in a 3-month before-after study.RESULTS: In study 1, asthma control improved in the intervention group compared with controls (Asthma Control Questionnaire difference, 0.70; P = .006). A total of 6 exacerbations occurred in the intervention group compared with 12 in the control group (hazard ratio, 0.31; P = .06). Asthma-related quality of life improved (mini Asthma-related Quality of Life Questionnaire difference, 0.53; P = .04), but forced expiratory volume in 1 second was unchanged. In study 2, asthma control improved by 0.86 compared with baseline (P = .007) and quality of life by 0.16 (P=.64). Participants reported positive attitudes toward the system.DISCUSSION: Using the myAirCoach support system improves asthma control and quality of life, with a reduction in severe asthma exacerbations. Well-validated mHealth technologies should therefore be further studied. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Pathogenesis and treatment of chronic pulmonary disease

    Outcome in patients perceived as receiving excessive care across different ethical climates: a prospective study in 68 intensive care units in Europe and the USA

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    Purpose: Whether the quality of the ethical climate in the intensive care unit (ICU) improves the identification of patients receiving excessive care and affects patient outcomes is unknown. Methods: In this prospective observational study, perceptions of excessive care (PECs) by clinicians working in 68 ICUs in Europe and the USA were collected daily during a 28-day period. The quality of the ethical climate in the ICUs was assessed via a validated questionnaire. We compared the combined endpoint (death, not at home or poor quality of life at 1 year) of patients with PECs and the time from PECs until written treatment-limitation decisions (TLDs) and death across the four climates defined via cluster analysis. Results: Of the 4747 eligible clinicians, 2992 (63%) evaluated the ethical climate in their ICU. Of the 321 and 623 patients not admitted for monitoring only in ICUs with a good (n = 12, 18%) and poor (n = 24, 35%) climate, 36 (11%) and 74 (12%), respectively were identified with PECs by at least two clinicians. Of the 35 and 71 identified patients with an available combined endpoint, 100% (95% CI 90.0–1.00) and 85.9% (75.4–92.0) (P = 0.02) attained that endpoint. The risk of death (HR 1.88, 95% CI 1.20–2.92) or receiving a written TLD (HR 2.32, CI 1.11–4.85) in patients with PECs by at least two clinicians was higher in ICUs with a good climate than in those with a poor one. The differences between ICUs with an average climate, with (n = 12, 18%) or without (n = 20, 29%) nursing involvement at the end of life, and ICUs with a poor climate were less obvious but still in favour of the former. Conclusion: Enhancing the quality of the ethical climate in the ICU may improve both the identification of patients receiving excessive care and the decision-making process at the end of life