435 research outputs found

    Bicycle-Specific Traffic Signals: Results from State-of-the-Practice Review

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    This poster presents the results of a survey of North American jurisdictions with known installations of bicycle-specific traffic signals and a review of available engineering guidance. Surveys were sent to agencies in 21 jurisdictions (19 in the United States and two in Canada) that requested detailed engineering aspects of the signal design such as placement, mounting height, lens diameter, backplate color, type of actuation, interval times, use of louvers, and performance. We reviewed guidance documents produced by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO); American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO); Transportation Association of Canada (TAC); the CROW design manual for bicycle traffic; and the Canadian, U.S. and Californian manuals on uniform traffic control devices. Responses were received for 63 intersections and 149 separate signal heads. The survey results highlight the current treatments and variations of similar designs. A subsequent review of the documents generally revealed consistent guidance with regard to the design of bicycle-specific traffic signals. The guidance on bicycle signals has grown substantially in recent years, and it is likely that there will be less variety in future designs

    An empirical analysis of the nine Internet Gaming Disorder criteria

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    Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has received increased scientific attention since May 2013, and its assessment can be conducted using the nine criteria suggested by American Psychiatric Association (APA). This study examined the role of each IGD criterion using a conditional inference tree model. Methods: A total of 3,377 gamers (82.7% male, mean age 20 years, SD = 4.3 years) were recruited to the present study. In addition to collecting sociodemographic information, participants filled out the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short-Form (IGDS9-SF) based on the DSM-5 criteria. Results: The conditional inference tree model revealed that endorsement of ‘withdrawal’ (criterion 2) and ‘loss of control’ (criterion 4) increased the likelihood of IGD by 77.77% (95%CI: 62.09–93.45) while endorsing ‘withdrawal’, ‘loss of control’ and ‘negative consequences’ (criterion 9) increased the likelihood of IGD by 26.66% (95%CI: 4.28–49.04). Finally, not endorsing ‘withdrawal’ but endorsing ‘preoccupation’ (criterion 1) increased the probability of IGD by 7.14% (95%CI: 1.63–12.65). Conclusions: Overall, these results suggest that not all IGD criteria carry the same diagnostic weight as each criterion can play a different role in the development of IGD. It is envisaged that these findings will help improve the assessment of IGD in the future

    Trajectories of intrusive parenting during infancy and toddlerhood as predictors of rural, low‐income African American boys' school‐related outcomes.

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    Stability and change in maternal intrusiveness during early childhood is rarely explored, particularly within African American families. The current study examined the prediction of maternal intrusiveness during the first 3 years of life among mothers of rural, low-income African American boys and its relation to school-related outcomes. Observations of mothers (N=230) interacting with children at 6, 24, and 36 months were coded and analyzed. Predictors of the trajectories and child outcomes were assessed using questionnaires and various tasks. On average, mothers of African American boys increased in intrusiveness across the first 3 years of life. Cumulative sociodemographic risk was associated with initial levels of intrusiveness, and child fearfulness and maternal negative regard predicted increases in intrusiveness overtime. After controlling for sociodemographic risk, child temperament, and parental negativity, increases in intrusiveness over the first 3 years of life were associated with lower levels of expressive communication, inhibitory control, and intellectual functioning but not with attention focusing. Comprehensive parenting intervention efforts aimed toward improving children’s outcomes must take into consideration the broader socioeconomic and affective context in which parenting behaviors occur, as well as stability and change in parenting over time

    An Ecological Systems Perspective on Individual Differences in Children\u27s Performance on Measures of Executive Function

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    The predictive validity of performance on cognitive-behavioral measures of executive function (EF) suggests that these measures index children\u27s underlying capacity for self-regulation. In this paper, we apply ecological systems theory to critically evaluate this assertion. We argue that as typically administered, standard measures of EF do not index children\u27s underlying, trait-like capacity for EF, but rather assess their state-like EF performance at a given point in time and in a particular (and often quite peculiar) context. This underscores the importance of disentangling intra-individual (i.e., state-like) and inter-individual (trait-like) differences in performance on these measures and understanding how factors at various levels of organization may contribute to both. To this end, we offer an approach that combines the collection of repeated measures of EF with a multilevel modeling framework, and conclude by discussing the application of this approach to the study of educational interventions designed to foster children\u27s EF

    Tuning of metal-insulator transition of two-dimensional electrons at parylene/SrTiO3_3 interface by electric field

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    Electrostatic carrier doping using a field-effect-transistor structure is an intriguing approach to explore electronic phases by critical control of carrier concentration. We demonstrate the reversible control of the insulator-metal transition (IMT) in a two dimensional (2D) electron gas at the interface of insulating SrTiO3_3 single crystals. Superconductivity was observed in a limited number of devices doped far beyond the IMT, which may imply the presence of 2D metal-superconductor transition. This realization of a two-dimensional metallic state on the most widely-used perovskite oxide is the best manifestation of the potential of oxide electronics

    Interparental aggression and infant patterns of adrenocortical and behavioral stress responses

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    Drawing on emotional security theory, this study examined linkages between interparental aggression, infant self-regulatory behaviors, and patterns of physiological and behavioral stress responses in a diverse sample of 735 infants residing in predominately low-income, nonmetropolitan communities. Latent profile analysis revealed four classes of adrenocortical and behavioral stress response patterns at 7-months of age, using assessments of behavioral and cortisol reactivity to an emotion eliciting challenge, as well as global ratings of the child’s negative affect and basal cortisol levels. The addition of covariates within the latent profile model suggested that children with more violence in the home and who used less caregiver-oriented regulation strategies were more likely to exhibit a pattern of high cortisol reactivity with moderate signs of distress rather than the average stress response, suggesting possible patterns of adaptation in violent households

    Components of Effective Leadership

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    [First paragraph] The effective schools literature demonstrates that the principal\u27s leadership is key to the revitalization of schools. The purpose of this article is to feature those components of leadership on which principals need to place attention and to provide suggested activities to enhance these components

    Leadership Styles

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    [First paragraph] Effective schools literature shows clearly that the leadership of the principal is key to the effectiveness of the school (Hoy and Miskell, 1982, and Arnn and Mangieri, 1988). To be effective, principals must use leadership styles appropriate to the situation
