191 research outputs found

    Supermarket retailers - is your supply chain really as green as it should be?

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    This short paper considers the issue of environmental supply chain transparency of retailers. It explains why progress on environmental issues in the retail sector depends not only on what retailers do, but on what their suppliers do. It explains the role of supply chain information in helping diagnose environmental supply chain issues, and how creating a database of public domain information from a wide variety of public domain sources can help. It then considers how use of advanced analytical techniques based on artificial intelligence can accelerate and simplify access to this information, allowing retailers to identify problem areas amongst suppliers quickly and efficiently. It examines a case study of a leading British grocery retailer to show what such data and analysis can reveal. Finally, it identifies all the stakeholders who need such analyses, and recommends actions they should take to improve retail compliance with environmental supply chain requirements

    Imperforation choanale aspects cliniques, approache therapeutique

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    No Abstract. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 17 2006: pp. 30-3

    Hematome Retropharynge Spontane : Apropos D\'un Cas

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    L\'hématome retro-pharyngé est une affection rare souvent d\'origine traumatique. La survenue d\'un HRP de façon spontané est exceptionnelle. Le but de notre travail est de rapporter à travers une observation les manifestations cliniques, les différentes hypothèses étiopathogéniques ainsi que les modalités thérapeutiques des HRP. Notre patiente âgée de 40 ans a consulté en urgence pour une ecchymose cervicale apparue spontanément. Les différentes investigations se sont révélées non concluantes. Sous surveillance, l\'évolution a été spontanément favorable.Spontaneous Retropharyngeal Haematoma (SRH) is a rare affection witch occur without traumatism. We report a case of 40\'s old year woman who present a SRH and discuss ethiopathogeny, clinic\'s and therapeutic\'s involvement Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 33-3

    Exploiting the fungal highway: development of a novel tool for the in situ isolation of bacteria migrating along fungal mycelium

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    Fungi and bacteria form various associations that are central to numerous environmental processes. In the so-called fungal highway, bacteria disperse along fungal mycelium. We developed a novel tool for the in situ isolation of bacteria moving along fungal hyphae as well as for the recovery of fungi potentially involved in dispersal, both of which are attracted towards a target culture medium. We present the validation and the results of the first in situ test. Couples of fungi and bacteria were isolated from soil. Amongst the enriched organisms, we identified several species of fast-growing fungi (Fusarium sp. and Chaetomium sp.), as well as various potentially associated bacterial groups, including Variovorax soli, Olivibacter soli, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, and several species of the genera Stenotrophomonas, Achromobacter and Ochrobactrum. Migration of bacteria along fungal hyphae across a discontinuous medium was confirmed in most of the cases. Although the majority of the bacteria for which migration was confirmed were also positive for flagellar motility, not all motile bacteria dispersed using their potential fungal partner. In addition, the importance of hydrophobicity of the fungal mycelial surface was confirmed. Future applications of the columns include targeting different types of microorganisms and their interactions, either by enrichment or by state of the art molecular biological method

    Cross-layer reliability evaluation, moving from the hardware architecture to the system level: A CLERECO EU project overview

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    Advanced computing systems realized in forthcoming technologies hold the promise of a significant increase of computational capabilities. However, the same path that is leading technologies toward these remarkable achievements is also making electronic devices increasingly unreliable. Developing new methods to evaluate the reliability of these systems in an early design stage has the potential to save costs, produce optimized designs and have a positive impact on the product time-to-market. CLERECO European FP7 research project addresses early reliability evaluation with a cross-layer approach across different computing disciplines, across computing system layers and across computing market segments. The fundamental objective of the project is to investigate in depth a methodology to assess system reliability early in the design cycle of the future systems of the emerging computing continuum. This paper presents a general overview of the CLERECO project focusing on the main tools and models that are being developed that could be of interest for the research community and engineering practice

    Early Component-Based System Reliability Analysis for Approximate Computing Systems

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    A key enabler of real applications on approximate computing systems is the availability of instruments to analyze system reliability, early in the design cycle. Accurately measuring the impact on system reliability of any change in the technology, circuits, microarchitecture and software is most of the time a multi-team multi-objective problem and reliability must be traded off against other crucial design attributes (or objectives) such as power, performance and cost. Unfortunately, tools and models for cross-layer reliability analysis are still at their early stages compared to other very mature design tools and this represents a major issue for mainstream applications. This paper presents preliminary information on a cross-layer framework built on top of a Bayesian model designed to perform component-based reliability analysis of complex systems

    Adaptive Strategies in a Poly-Extreme Environment: Differentiation of Vegetative Cells in Serratia ureilytica and Resistance to Extreme Conditions

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    Poly-extreme terrestrial habitats are often used as analogs to extra-terrestrial environments. Understanding the adaptive strategies allowing bacteria to thrive and survive under these conditions could help in our quest for extra-terrestrial planets suitable for life and understanding how life evolved in the harsh early earth conditions. A prime example of such a survival strategy is the modification of vegetative cells into resistant resting structures. These differentiated cells are often observed in response to harsh environmental conditions. The environmental strain (strain Lr5/4) belonging to Serratia ureilytica was isolated from a geothermal spring in Lirima, Atacama Desert, Chile. The Atacama Desert is the driest habitat on Earth and furthermore, due to its high altitude, it is exposed to an increased amount of UV radiation. The geothermal spring from which the strain was isolated is oligotrophic and the temperature of 54°C exceeds mesophilic conditions (15 to 45°C). Although the vegetative cells were tolerant to various environmental insults (desiccation, extreme pH, glycerol), a modified cell type was formed in response to nutrient deprivation, UV radiation and thermal shock. Scanning (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analyses of vegetative cells and the modified cell structures were performed. In SEM, a change toward a circular shape with reduced size was observed. These circular cells possessed what appears as extra coating layers under TEM. The resistance of the modified cells was also investigated, they were resistant to wet heat, UV radiation and desiccation, while vegetative cells did not withstand any of those conditions. A phylogenomic analysis was undertaken to investigate the presence of known genes involved in dormancy in other bacterial clades. Genes related to spore-formation in Myxococcus and Firmicutes were found in S. ureilytica Lr5/4 genome; however, these genes were not enough for a full sporulation pathway that resembles either group. Although, the molecular pathway of cell differentiation in S. ureilytica Lr5/4 is not fully defined, the identified genes may contribute to the modified phenotype in the Serratia genus. Here, we show that a modified cell structure can occur as a response to extremity in a species that was previously not known to deploy this strategy. This strategy may be widely spread in bacteria, but only expressed under poly-extreme environmental conditions

    Characteristics of Different Systems for the Solar Drying of Crops

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    Solar dryers are used to enable the preservation of agricultural crops, food processing industries for dehydration of fruits and vegetables, fish and meat drying, dairy industries for production of milk powder, seasoning of wood and timber, textile industries for drying of textile materials. The fundamental concepts and contexts of their use to dry crops is discussed in the chapter. It is shown that solar drying is the outcome of complex interactions particular between the intensity and duration of solar energy, the prevailing ambient relative humidity and temperature, the characteristics of the particular crop and its pre-preparation and the design and operation of the solar dryer