251 research outputs found
International experience in mental health provision in secondary schools
The protection of children's mental health is an important task, since missed opportunities for psychiatric care during this period are very difficult to make up for in the future. On the basis of research by domestic and foreign authors in recent years, we analyzed the foreign experience that has developed to date in providing psychological and psychiatric care to children in school settings from the position of their applicability in domestic practice. The current state of knowledge on models of mental health care for children in the school setting is reviewed, and possibilities for their use in mental health promotion are identified. Mental health services embedded in the educational system, both abroad and in Russia, synergistically promote mental health and education. The school as an organized collective provides a broad organizational opportunity to provide diagnostic and treatment interventions, as well as to equalize the availability of mental health care. However, it is currently recognized that the educational system and the mental health care delivery system are structurally, administratively and legislatively disconnected
Investigation of the Irradiation Influence with High-energy Electrons on the Electrical Parameters of the IGBT-transistors
The results of studies of the effectiveness of the radiation method for control the characteristics of the
IGBT transistors are shown. Experimental results on the effect of irradiation with high-energy electrons
with an energy of 6 MeV for dynamic and static parameters of the IGBT transistors of company International
Rectifier IRGB14C40L are discussed
Nanostructure Formation in Superior Quality Rails
Using transmission electron microscopy methods the layer by layer analysis of the bulk hardened superior quality rails is carried out and the quantitative parameters of structure, phase state and defect substructure gradients are established. The gradient character of changing of structure-phase states and dislocation substructure along the cross section of rail head is revealed.
The oil bulk hardening of superior quality rails is accompanied by the formation of morphologically different structure, being produced according to the shear and diffusion of γ-α transformation. The base structure volume is formed by the diffusion mechanism and is consisted of plate pearlite grains, free ferrite grains and grains of ferrite-carbide mixture. The presence of the bend extinction contours testifying to curvature-torsion of crystal lattice is revealed on electron microscope images. The analysis of far acting internal field stresses created by interfaces of cementite plates of pearlite grains and interfaces of pearlite and ferrite grains is carried out. It is shown that the interface boundaries globular cementite particles-matrix are the possible places of microcracks initiation
Nanostructure Formation in Superior Quality Rails
Using transmission electron microscopy methods the layer by layer analysis of the bulk hardened superior quality rails is carried out and the quantitative parameters of structure, phase state and defect substructure gradients are established. The gradient character of changing of structure-phase states and dislocation substructure along the cross section of rail head is revealed.
The oil bulk hardening of superior quality rails is accompanied by the formation of morphologically different structure, being produced according to the shear and diffusion of γ-α transformation. The base structure volume is formed by the diffusion mechanism and is consisted of plate pearlite grains, free ferrite grains and grains of ferrite-carbide mixture. The presence of the bend extinction contours testifying to curvature-torsion of crystal lattice is revealed on electron microscope images. The analysis of far acting internal field stresses created by interfaces of cementite plates of pearlite grains and interfaces of pearlite and ferrite grains is carried out. It is shown that the interface boundaries globular cementite particles-matrix are the possible places of microcracks initiation
Investigation of the Irradiation Influence with High-energy Electrons on the Electrical Parameters of the IGBT-transistors
The results of studies of the effectiveness of the radiation method for control the characteristics of the
IGBT transistors are shown. Experimental results on the effect of irradiation with high-energy electrons
with an energy of 6 MeV for dynamic and static parameters of the IGBT transistors of company International
Rectifier IRGB14C40L are discussed
Proton polarization in reaction of deuteron photodisintegration at energies of 0.2-2.4 GeV
The review of the proton polarization experimental data on two-body deuteron photodisintegration at a photon energy between 0.2 and 2.4 GeV is presented. The NSC KIPT data are compared with the measurements of other centers and with theoretical calculations and phenomenological analysis in the framework of various interaction models with subnuclear (nucleons, mesons, resonances) and non-nucleon (quarks, gluons) degrees of freedom. The NSC KIPT measurements are in full accord with the data of other centers up to 0.8 GeV and confirm the dominant contribution of meson-exchange interactions and isobar configurations in the reaction γD→pn. Above 1 GeV the NSC KIPT data do not agree with the Jefferson Lab (USA) measurements which confirm the quark-gluon hypotheses about zero values of the proton polarization in this region
Proton polarization in photodisintegration of nuclei D, ³He, ⁴He
The result of proton polarization measurements (period 1993-2000) in the photodisintegration of the nuclei D, ³He, ⁴He at the photon energies E=350-750 MeV are presented. The proton polarization was measured on the 2 GeV linac NSC KIPT with a carbon polarimeter and a magnetic spectrometer. The proton polarization for the nuclei ³He and ⁴He is first measured and analyzed within the framework of "quasi-deuteron" model
Method of proton polarization measurements in investigations of photon interaction with nucleons and nuclei at 2 GeV linac (NSC KIPT)
The method used for proton polarization measurements and the equipment for investigations of the photon interaction with nucleons and nuclei of intermediate energies at the 2 GeV linear electron accelerator (NSC KIPT) is described. The characteristics of key elements of the equipment (magnetic spectrometer, carbon polarimeter with the track registration of pC-scattering) are given. The main results of the proton polarization measurements in the reactions γp→pπ⁰, γD→pn, γA→pX are presented.Представлено опис методики вимірювань поляризації протонів та устаткування, яке використовувалося в дослідженні взаємодій фотонів проміжних енергій з нуклонами та ядрами на лінійному прискорювачі електронів 2 ГеВ ННЦ ХФТІ. Надаються характеристики головних елементів устаткування: магнітного спектрометра та вуглецевих поляриметрів з трековою реєстрацією рС-розсіювання. Представлені головні результати вимірювань поляризації протонів в реакціях γp→pπ⁰, γD→pn, γA→pX.Представлено описание методики измерений поляризации протонов и установки, которая применялась в исследованиях взаимодействий фотонов промежуточных энергий с нуклонами и ядрами на линейном ускорителе электронов 2 ГэВ ННЦ ХФТИ. Приводятся характеристики основных элементов установки: магнитного спектрометра и углеродных поляриметров с трековой регистрацией рС-рассеяния. Представлены основные результаты измерений поляризации протонов в реакциях γp→pπ⁰, γD→pn, γA→pX
Modification of optical properties of tungsten exposed to low-energy, high flux deuterium plasma ions
Anomalous change of optical properties of recrystallized W caused by exposure to D plasma ions at sample
temperature of ~535 K was studied by ellipsometry and reflectometry. There is a qualitative difference between the
samples reflectivity values measured directly and calculated using ellipsometric data. A physical model of the
phenomenon is suggested. It is shown that on the W surface exposed at ~535 К two processes take place 1) blistering
and 2) modification of electron structure in the upper-most layer.Методами еліпсометрії та рефлектометрії виявлено аномальне змінення оптичних властивостей
рекристалізованого W внаслідок бомбардування іонами D при температурі ~535 К. Існує принципова різниця
між значеннями коефіцієнту відбиття, що отримано рефлектометрією та розраховано за даними еліпсометрії.
Запропоновано фізичну модель виявленого ефекту. Показано, що на поверхні W, що опромінено при 535 К,
мають місце два процеси: 1) блістерінг и 2) модифікація електронної структури поверхневого шару.Методами эллипсометрии и рефлектометрии обнаружено аномальное изменение оптических свойств
рекристаллизованного W в результате бомбардировки ионами D при температуре ~535 К. Имеет место
принципиальное отличие между значениями коэффициента отражения, измеренными рефлектометрией и
рассчитанными по данным эллипсометрии. Предложена физическая модель обнаруженного эффекта. Показано,
что на поверхности W, облученного при 535 К, имеют место два процесса: 1) блистеринг и 2) модификация
электронной структуры поверхностного слоя
Dynamics of the main plasma parameters during spontaneous transition into the mode of improved confinement in torsatron U-3M
The work [1] contains discussion about the changes in plasma energy content and energy lifetime during the transition into the mode of improved confinement at RF-heating in torsatron U-3M in range of rare collision frequencies of plasma particles. It was proved, that both energy content of plasma volume and energy lifetime increase as a result of transition into the mode of improved confinement. This increase is almost in 2 times. Temporal behavior of such plasma parameters as ion and electron temperature, plasma density and average charge state of plasma ions in the modes with improved confinement are discussed and reviewed in this work.В торсатроне У-3М в режиме редких частот соударений проведены измерения энергосодержания плазмы и энергетического времени жизни. Показано, что при переходе в режим улучшенного удержания наблюдается почти двухкратное увеличение энергосодержания и энергетического времени жизни плазмы.У торсатроні У-3М в режимі рідкісних частот зіткнень проведені вимірювання енерговмісту плазми та енергетичного часу життя. Показано, що при переході в режим поліпшеного утримання спостерігається майже двократне збільшення енерговмісту та енергетичного часу життя
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