792 research outputs found

    Monitoring and personalization in treatment of breast cancer patients with metastatic bone lesions

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    The aim. To increase the efficiency of treatment of BC patients with metastatic lesions of long tubular bones by using, Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and bone marrow markers for diagnostics and monitoring the clinical course of the oncologic process, accompanied by surgical intervention with endoprosthetics along with the treatment of polymorbid pathology in a specific patient. Materials and methods. Authors provide systemic personification including visualization of the tumor site and its vascularization; printing out the 3D model; surgical planning, including optimal surgical access to the tumor site considering the volume and topographic and anatomical location and dissemination of the tumor, the convenience of intraoperative tasks (removal of the tumor, bone grafting or endoprosthetics), preoperative planning of bone resection lines with maximum preservation of intact bone tissue. Results. Personalization of the treatment of breast cancer patients with metastatic bone lesions contributes to a significant reduction in postoperative complications of endoprosthetic replacement of large joints (up to 15.2 %) and increases the overall three-year survival rate (up to 40.6 %), as well as significantly improves their quality of life. Conclusions. The personalization of treatment of patients with tumor lesions of the skeletons contributes to a significant decrease in the indicator of postoperative complications of endoprosthetics of great joints and to an increase in the total three-year survival rate, as well as to the improvement of the quality of life after the conducted treatment

    Effect of the features of functionalized structure on elastic properties and strength of partially-filled brittle porous materials

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    A two-scale mechanical model of brittle porous material partially filled with plastic filler (inclusions) was developed within the framework of the formalism of movable cellular automaton method. The model was applied to study the mechanical properties of mesoscopic samples with a linear distribution of the local porosity in the depth of the material. Calculation results showed essentially nonlinear dependence of their elastic and strength properties on the degree of pore space filling. It is found that depending on the sign of the gradient of porosity the value of shear strength of partially filled samples can significantly increase or remain constant with increase in the value of the degree of filling

    The development of resource saving tehnological processes of manufacture of rims with limited production resources

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    The problems of the economy of the production are actual in the contemporary conditions of the mechanical industry. Experimental studies profiling processes rims tractor wheels and proposed changes to the process. Introduction them in production allows to reduce metal expenditure and to improve quality of wheels.There has been developed the integrateal technology for the improvement of the competitability of the tractor wheels. The economic-mathematical models were developed for each stage of the integrated technology. Проблемы экономии производственных ресурсов являются актуальными  в современных условиях машиностроительного производства. Проведены экспериментальные исследования процессов профилирования ободьев тракторных колес и предложены изменения в технологический процесс. Разработана интегрированная технология для улучшения совместимости изготовления тракторных колес. Разработаны экономико-методические модели для каждой стадии интегрированной технологии. Внедрение их  в производство позволяет снизить затраты металла и улучшить качество колес

    Formation of strategy of rural tourism development at regional level

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    Сільський зелений туризм виступає дієвим інструментом створення нових робочих місць та розвитку інфраструктури регіонів. В статті досліджені основні типи сільського туризму. Досліджено особливості сільського зеленого туризму та його вплив на зайнятість населення. Розглянуті та проаналізовані особливості надання туристичних послуг в заміському кластер-домі сільського туризму «Country House». Запропоновані заходи щодо більш ефективного розвитку зеленого туризму на Полтавщині і залучення більшої кількості вітчизняних і зарубіжних туристів.          Ключові слова: сільський зелений туризм, цінова стратегія, послуги сільського туризму, проблеми сільського зеленого туризму, авторські проекти для школярів. Green rural tourism is an effective instrument for workplaces creation and regional infrastructure development. The article explores the main types of rural tourism. The main types of green rural tourism and its impact on the population employment have been researched.  Furthermore, the principal features of the tourism services provided by the cluster-house of rural tourism «Country House» have been reviewed and analyzed. The measures which can promote the development of green tourism in Poltava region and attract more domestic and foreign tourists are proposed.         Key words: rural green tourism, price strategy, rural tourism service, green tourism issues, author's projects for schools

    On the dependence of effective mechanical properties of ceramics on partial concentrations of different size pores in its structure

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    In the framework of the movable cellular automata method we have developed a plane/2D model of mechanical behavior of brittle porous material under shear loading. The work considers the material characterized by a function of pore size distribution with two maxima. Based on simulation results, the authors proposed the analytical estimation of the dependence of strength and elastic properties of the material on its total porosity and partial porosities that correspond to the pores with different sizes

    Radio recombination lines from the largest bound atoms in space

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    In this paper, we report the detection of a series of radio recombination lines (RRLs) in absorption near 26 MHz arising from the largest bound carbon atoms detected in space. These atoms, which are more than a million times larger than the ground state atoms are undergoing delta transitions (n~1009, Delta n=4) in the cool tenuous medium located in the Perseus arm in front of the supernova remnant, Cassiopeia A. Theoretical estimates had shown that atoms which recombined in tenuous media are stable up to quantum levels n~1500. Our data indicates that we have detected radiation from atoms in states very close to this theoretical limit. We also report high signal-to-noise detections of alpha, beta and gamma transitions in carbon atoms arising in the same clouds. In these data, we find that the increase in line widths with quantum number (proportional to n^5) due to pressure and radiation broadening of lines is much gentler than expected from existing models which assume a power law background radiation field. This discrepancy had also been noted earlier. The model line widths had been overestimated since the turnover in radiation field of Cassiopeia A at low frequencies had been ignored. In this paper, we show that, once the spectral turnover is included in the modeling, the slower increase in line width with quantum number is naturally explained.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the dependence of effective mechanical properties of ceramics on partial concentrations of different size pores in its structure

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    In the framework of the movable cellular automata method we have developed a plane/2D model of mechanical behavior of brittle porous material under shear loading. The work considers the material characterized by a function of pore size distribution with two maxima. Based on simulation results, the authors proposed the analytical estimation of the dependence of strength and elastic properties of the material on its total porosity and partial porosities that correspond to the pores with different sizes