159 research outputs found

    An Anthropologist in Court and out of Place: A Rejoinder to Wiersinga

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    In this rejoinder to Wiersinga’s article which deals with my role as an Expert Witness in a Dutch terrorism trial, I will respond based upon my notes at the time and my subsequent reflections about it. As I will show, the anthropologist and the judge can, and should, meet but this also turns the neutrality of the researcher into a matter debate. Furthermore, in this meeting anthropological knowledge becomes entangled with other logics and methods which raises many ethical questions as Wiersinga has rightfully pointed out. These questions and issues are not specific for the case I was involved in but has a bearing on the issue of cultural expertise in a broader sense for the time. I end my contribution with two pleas: one for more reflection among anthropologists on ethical issues in relation to cultural expertise and another to academic institutions to support their scholars in court

    An Anthropologist in Court and out of Place

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    In this rejoinder to Wiersinga’s article which deals with my role as an Expert Witness in a Dutch terrorism trial, I will respond based upon my notes at the time and my subsequent reflections about it. As I will show, the anthropologist and the judge can, and should, meet but this also turns the neutrality of the researcher into a matter debate. Furthermore, in this meeting anthropological knowledge becomes entangled with other logics and methods which raises many ethical questions as Wiersinga has rightfully pointed out. These questions and issues are not specific for the case I was involved in but has a bearing on the issue of cultural expertise in a broader sense for the time. I end my contribution with two pleas: one for more reflection among anthropologists on ethical issues in relation to cultural expertise and another to academic institutions to support their scholars in court

    Dopaminergic and serotonergic alterations in plasma in three groups of dystonia patients

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    Introduction: In dystonia, dopaminergic alterations are considered to be responsible for the motor symptoms. Recent attention for the highly prevalent non-motor symptoms suggest also a role for serotonin in the pathophysiology. In this study we investigated the dopaminergic, serotonergic and noradrenergic metabolism in blood samples of dystonia patients and its relation with (non-)motor manifestations. Methods: Concentrations of metabolites of dopaminergic, serotonergic and noradrenergic pathways were measured in platelet-rich plasma in 41 myoclonus-dystonia (M-D), 25 dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD), 50 cervical dystonia (CD) patients and 55 healthy individuals. (Non-)motor symptoms were assessed using validated instruments, and correlated with concentrations of metabolites. Results: A significantly higher concentration of 3-methoxytyramine (0.03 vs. 0.02 nmol/L, p < 0.01), a metabolite of dopamine, and a reduced concentration of tryptophan (50 vs. 53 μmol/L, p = 0.03), the precursor of serotonin was found in dystonia patients compared to controls. The dopamine/levodopa ratio was higher in CD patients compared to other dystonia groups (p < 0.01). Surprisingly, relatively high concentrations of levodopa were found in the untreated DRD patients. Low concentrations of levodopa were associated with severity of dystonia (rs = −0.3, p < 0.01), depression (rs = −0.3, p < 0.01) and fatigue (rs = −0.2, p = 0.04). Conclusion: This study shows alterations in the dopaminergic and serotonergic metabolism of patients with dystonia, with dystonia subtype specific changes. Low concentrations of levodopa, but not of serotonergic metabolites, were associated with both motor and non-motor symptoms. Further insight into the dopaminergic and serotonergic systems in dystonia with a special attention to the kinetics of enzymes involved in these pathways, might lead to better treatment options

    Medication strategies in first episode psychosis patients:A survey among psychiatrists

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    Aim There is an ongoing debate regarding the optimal timing of discontinuation of antipsychotic drugs for patients with first episode psychosis. Although most guidelines recommend maintenance therapy for at least 1 or 2 years after reaching remission, study results indicate that early discontinuation may be beneficial for at least a subsample of patients. To date, little is known about which medication strategies are applied in patients recovering from a first psychotic episode. In this study, we examined the beliefs and practices of clinicians on medication discontinuation. Methods We performed a survey among 50 experienced Dutch psychiatrists to assess how often specific treatment strategies have been applied in the past 12 months, as well as their knowledge and expectations with respect to medication discontinuation. Results Psychiatrists estimated that, after remission, they continued medication at the same dose for at least 12 months in 51.2% of cases, continued in a reduced dose in 33.8% of cases and discontinued medication in 9.1% of cases after 4.4 months of remission on average. Although the medication is discontinued in only a relatively small proportion of patients, almost half of all clinicians (45.9%) used this strategy at least once in the past 12 months. Conclusions There is substantial practice variation in antipsychotic medication strategies after remission from a first psychotic episode. Future research on long-term effects of early medication discontinuation can guide clinicians in making evidence-based decisions when treating first-episode patients

    Evaluative Conditioning as a Body Image Intervention for Adolescents With Eating Disorders

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    Objective: The aim was to investigate whether a computer-based evaluative conditioning intervention improves body image in adolescents with an eating disorder. Positive effects were found in earlier studies in healthy female students in a laboratory and a field setting. This study is the first to test evaluative conditioning in a clinical sample under less controlled circumstances. Method: Fifty-one adolescent girls with an eating disorder and a healthy weight were randomly assigned to an experimental condition or a placebo-control condition. The computerized intervention consisted of six online training sessions of 5 min, in which participants had to click on pictures of their own and other people's bodies. Their own pictures were systematically followed by portraits of friendly smiling faces. In the control condition, participants were shown the same stimuli, but here, a stimulus was always followed by another stimulus from the same category, so that own body was not paired with smiling faces. Before, directly after, three weeks after, and 11 weeks after the intervention, self-report measures of body image and general self-esteem were administered. Automatic self-associations were also measured with an Implicit Association Test. Results: In contrast to our hypotheses, we did not find an effect of the intervention on self-report questionnaires measuring body satisfaction, weight and shape concern, and general self-esteem. In addition, the intervention did not show positive effects on implicit associations regarding self-attractiveness. Conclusions: These findings do not support the use of evaluative conditioning in its present form as an intervention for adolescents in clinical practice

    Peptides from the variable region of specific antibodies are shared among lung cancer patients

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    Late diagnosis of lung cancer is still the main reason for high mortality rates in lung cancer. Lung cancer is a heterogeneous disease which induces an immune response to different tumor antigens. Several methods for searching autoantibodies have been described that are based on known purified antigen panels. The aim of our study is to find evidence that parts of the antigen-binding-domain of antibodies are shared among lung cancer patients. This was investigated by a novel approach based on sequencing antigen-binding- fragments (Fab) of immunoglobulins using proteomic techniques without the need of previously known antigen panels. From serum of 93 participants of the NELSON trial IgG was isolated and subsequently digested into Fab and Fc. Fab was purified from the digested mixture by SDS-PAGE. The Fab containing gel-bands were excised, tryptic digested and measured on a nano-LC-Orbitrap-Mass- spectrometry system. Multivariate analysis of the mass spectrometry data by linear canonical discriminant analysis combined with stepwise logistic regression resulted in a 12-antibody-peptide model which was able to distinguish lung cancer patients from controls in a high risk population with a sensitivity of 84% and specificity of 90%. With our Fab-purification combined Orbitrap-mass-spectrometry approach, we found peptides from the variable-parts of antibodies which are shared among lung cancer patients

    Early detection of obstructive coronary artery disease in the asymptomatic high-risk population:objectives and study design of the EARLY-SYNERGY trial

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    Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) burden for society is expected to steeply increase over the next decade. Improved feasibility and efficiency of preventive strategies is necessary to flatten the curve. Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is the main determinant of CAD-related mortality and morbidity, and predominantly occurs in individuals with more advanced stages of CAD causing subclinical myocardial ischemia (obstructive CAD; OCAD). Unfortunately, OCAD can remain subclinical until its destructive presentation with AMI or sudden death. Current primary preventive strategies are not designed to differentiate between non-OCAD and OCAD and the opportunity is missed to treat individuals with OCAD more aggressively. Methods: EARLY-SYNERGY is a multicenter, randomized-controlled clinical trial in individuals with coronary artery calcium (CAC) presence to study (1.) the yield of cardiac magnetic resonance stress myocardial perfusion imaging (CMR-MPI) for early OCAD diagnosis and (2) whether early OCAD diagnosis improves outcomes. Individuals with CAC score ≥300 objectified in 2 population-based trials (ROBINSCA; ImaLife) are recruited for study participation. Eligible candidates are randomized 1:1 to cardiac magnetic resonance stress myocardial perfusion imaging (CMR-MPI) or no additional functional imaging. In the CMR-MPI arm, feedback on imaging results is provided to primary care provider and participant in case of guideline-based actionable findings. Participants are followed-up for clinical events, healthcare utilization and quality of life. Conclusions: EARLY-SYNERGY is the first randomized-controlled clinical trial designed to test the hypothesis that subclinical OCAD is widely present in the general at-risk population and that early differentiation of OCAD from non-OCAD followed by guideline-recommended treatment improves outcomes

    Mouse Protocadherin-1 gene expression is regulated by cigarette smoke exposure in vivo

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    Protocadherin-1 (PCDH1) is a novel susceptibility gene for airway hyperresponsiveness, first identified in families exposed to cigarette smoke and is expressed in bronchial epithelial cells. Here, we asked how mouse Pcdh1 expression is regulated in lung structural cells in vivo under physiological conditions, and in both short-term cigarette smoke exposure models characterized by airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness and chronic cigarette smoke exposure models. Pcdh1 gene-structure was investigated by Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends. Pcdh1 mRNA and protein expression was investigated by qRT-PCR, western blotting using isoform-specific antibodies. We observed 87% conservation of the Pcdh1 nucleotide sequence, and 96% conservation of the Pcdh1 protein sequence between men and mice. We identified a novel Pcdh1 isoform encoding only the intracellular signalling motifs. Cigarette smoke exposure for 4 consecutive days markedly reduced Pcdh1 mRNA expression in lung tissue (3 to 4-fold), while neutrophilia and airway hyperresponsiveness was induced. Moreover, Pcdh1 mRNA expression in lung tissue was reduced already 6 hours after an acute cigarette-smoke exposure in mice. Chronic exposure to cigarette smoke induced loss of Pcdh1 protein in lung tissue after 2 months, while Pcdh1 protein levels were no longer reduced after 9 months of cigarette smoke exposure. We conclude that Pcdh1 is highly homologous to human PCDH1, encodes two transmembrane proteins and one intracellular protein, and is regulated by cigarette smoke exposure in vivo

    Reversal of Status Dystonicus after Relocation of Pallidal Electrodes in DYT6 Generalized Dystonia

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    Background: DYT6 dystonia can have an unpredictable clinical course and the result of deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the internal part of the globus pallidus (GPi) is known to be less robust than in other forms of autosomal dominant dystonia. Patients who had previous stereotactic surgery with insufficient clinical benefit form a particular challenge with very limited other treatment options available. Case Report: A pediatric DYT6 patient unexpectedly deteriorated to status dystonicus 1 year after GPi DBS implantation with good initial clinical response. After repositioning the DBS electrodes the status dystonicus resolved. Discussion: This case study demonstrates that medication-resistant status dystonicus in DYT6 dystonia can be reversed by relocation of pallidal electrodes. This case highlights that repositioning of DBS electrodes may be considered in patients with status dystonicus, especially when the electrode position is not optimal, even after an initial clinical response to DBS