55 research outputs found

    The Orange Revolution in Ukraine: An attempt to understand the reasons. OSW Study 18/2005

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    The Ukrainian society in the run-up to the 2004 presidential election was in a state which political science literature characterises as an almost "ideal" condition for an outbreak of social unrest. Growing expectations, both economic and political, seemed vain due to mounting impediments. The victory of Viktor Yanukovych was perceived by many opinion-makers as a nail in the coffin of such aspirations

    Mediostrukturen im Wörterbuch der Fachsprache Wirtschaft

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    The article discusses mediostructures in bilingual Polish-German and German-Polish LSP dictionaries. The first part presents the structure of dictionary references and two types of mediostructures, namely, internal and external, which stems from the intertextuality of the dictionary. Then, on the example of selected entry articles, means functioning as the internal and the external mediostructure were examined, i.e. graphic symbols, abbreviations and references to sources in two bilingual dictionaries. The study shows that the presented dictionaries have different reference systems and thus offer the user unequal information on the level of other structures of the dictionary, that is, the micro- and the macrostructure

    Prospects for EU-Moldova economic relations

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    This study analyses the current situation in Moldova and presents scenarios for future economic integration of Moldova with the European Union. It is expected that these findings will be used in the formulation of Moldovan economic policy, particularly while drafting the next framework agreement with the EU.European integration, Moldova, trade, reforms

    The Impact of Polish-Ukrainian Cross-Border Contacts for the Mutual Perception of Poles and Ukrainians

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationThe article shows the dynamics of mutual perception of Poles and Ukrainians that occur against the background of growing intensity of Polish-Ukrainian contact, which is especially clearly seen after Poland has joined the European Union. These contacts led to the situation, when the image of Ukrainians in the eyes of the Poles turned warmer and ceased to be as deeply as before rooted in history. Poles noticed some values they share with Ukrainians. The image of Poland and Poles in the eyes of Ukrainians has a lot of very positive elements: Poles are modern, agile and tolerant, and Poland is a country where the authorities care about people and respect their freedom and where there is a rapid economic growth. In the attitudes of Poles there are many inconsistencies and paradoxes: Ukrainian state is assessed as ineff ective and aff ected with corruption, but at the same time Poles would like to see Ukraine as a member of the European Union. In the Polish associations with Ukraine one can see the echo of tragic events of the World War II, but at the same time the Ukrainians are widely accepted in Poland as workers and often do jobs that require a signifi cant level of trust: such as baby sitting, taking care of elderly parents or cleaning up the private apartments. The growing number of immigrants from Ukraine in Poland can, however, lead to confl icts over access to the labour market, which may have broader social eff ect. Migration crisis in Europe contributes also to the growth of hostility towards immigrants in Polish society. This change may also aff ect the Ukrainians

    Struktury w słowniku jako słowa klucze

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    Geschichte und Gegenwart in den polnisch-ukrainischen Beziehungen 1989-2023

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    In den letzten Jahrzehnten intensivierten sich die Kontakte zwischen Polen und Ukrainern, was sich auch auf die Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Staaten niederschlug. Die Ukrainer sahen in Polen zunächst v. a. den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg und ein Muster, wie man Staat und Wohlstand nach dem Kommunismus (wieder)aufbaut. In Polen rückten Kreise der politischen Rechten die gemeinsame Geschichte beider Länder in den Fokus, insbesondere die an der polnischen Zivilbevölkerung von ukrainischen Nationalisten verübten Verbrechen während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Infolge des russischen Angriffskrieges gegen die Ukraine und der Solidarität Polens mit der Ukraine stiegen die beiderseitigen Sympathiewerte rasant, doch der Deutungskonflikt schwieriger historischer Themen ist dadurch noch nicht gelöst