6 research outputs found

    Seamless Communication for Crises Management

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    SECRICOM is proposed as a collaborative research project aiming at development of a reference security platform for EU crisis management operations with two essential ambitions: (A) Solve or mitigate problems of contemporary crisis communication infrastructures (Tetra, GSM, Citizen Band, IP) such as poor interoperability of specialized communication means, vulnerability against tapping and misuse, lack of possibilities to recover from failures, inability to use alternative data carrier and high deployment and operational costs. (B) Add new smart functions to existing services which will make the communication more effective and helpful for users. Smart functions will be provided by distributed IT systems based on an agents’ infrastructure. Achieving these two project ambitions will allow creating a pervasive and trusted communication infrastructure fulfilling requirements of crisis management users and ready for immediate application

    IoT Sensor Challenges for Geothermal Energy Installations Monitoring: A Survey

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    Geothermal energy installations are becoming increasingly common in new city developments and renovations. With a broad range of technological applications and improvements in this field, the demand for suitable monitoring technologies and control processes for geothermal energy installations is also growing. This article identifies opportunities for the future development and deployment of IoT sensors applied to geothermal energy installations. The first part of the survey describes the technologies and applications of various sensor types. Sensors that monitor temperature, flow rate and other mechanical parameters are presented with a technological background and their potential applications. The second part of the article surveys Internet-of-Things (IoT), communication technology and cloud solutions applicable to geothermal energy monitoring, with a focus on IoT node designs, data transmission technologies and cloud services. Energy harvesting technologies and edge computing methods are also reviewed. The survey concludes with a discussion of research challenges and an outline of new areas of application for monitoring geothermal installations and innovating technologies to produce IoT sensor solutions

    Continuous remote monitoring of COPD patients—justification and explanation of the requirements and a survey of the available technologies

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    The Chemistry of Thiophosgene

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