2,161 research outputs found

    The phenomenon of the conciliar reform of the rites of the consecration of virgins

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    It is little known that there is a consecration of secular women in the Church, that is a special liturgical ceremony or rite, during which the woman promises that she will live in eternal purity for the Kingdom of God. The Church's intention is to make this ceremony primarily for women who are not associated in any institutions or communities, and who live individually and lead a secular lifestyle. The condition to admit the woman to this ceremony by the bishop is that the woman did not marry or not live in a state opposite to chastity. The whole novelty of current ceremonies is expressed in the admission to the consecration of secular virgins who remain in the secular world and carry out their professional and social work. Eight centuries after the dropping of the practice of the consecration of secular virgins, the Church, guided by the spirit of the times, returns to its old tradition and restores the rite of consecration to “their original owners”, that is secular women. Renewed ceremonies of consecration can be seen as a special expression of respect for a woman whose dignity is sometimes offended by a society dominated by myths of hedonism and consumption. The author deals with the diocesan identity and character of the class or status of virgins as being typical for this form of consecrated life. In addition, he raises issues related to the conditions of admitting the women to consecration, the theological assumptions of the rite and the form of its celebration.Fenomen soborowej reformy obrzędów konsekracji dziewicMało znany jest fakt, że w Kościele istnieje konsekracja kobiet świeckich, czyli specjalny obrzęd liturgiczny, podczas którego kobieta składa przyrzeczenie, że będzie żyła w dozgonnej czystości dla Królestwa Bożego. W zamyśle Kościoła obrzęd ten przeznaczony jest przede wszystkim dla kobiet niezrzeszonych w żadnych Instytutach ani wspólnotach, ale żyjących indywidualnie i prowadzących świecki tryb życia. Warunkiem dopuszczenia do tego obrzędu przez biskupa jest to, że kobieta nie zawarła małżeństwa ani nie żyła w stanie przeciwnym czystości. W dopuszczeniu do konsekracji dziewic świeckich, pozostających w świecie i wykonujących swoje prace zawodowe i społeczne, wyraża się cała nowość obecnych obrzędów. Po ośmiu wiekach od czasu zaprzestania praktyki konsekracji dziewic świeckich Kościół, kierowany duchem czasu, wraca do swojej dawnej tradycji i przywraca obrzęd konsekracji „ich pierwotnym właścicielom”, czyli kobietom świeckim. Można odnowione obrzędy konsekracji uznać za szczególny wyraz szacunku dla kobiety, której godność jest niekiedy obrażana przez społeczność zdominowaną mitami hedonizmu i konsumpcji. Autor zajmuje się tożsamością i charakterem diecezjalnym stanu dziewic jako typowym dla tej formy życia konsekrowanego. Porusza ponadto zagadnienia związane z warunkami dopuszczenia kobiet do konsekracji, założeniami teologicznymi obrzędu oraz formą jego sprawowania

    Socjologia poza socjologią? Postdyscyplinarność z perspektywy socjologicznej. Dylematy socjologii w epoce późnej nowoczesności

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    Publikacja dofinansowana przez Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne i Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny UŁ Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Vizualna utemeljena teorija: metodološki nacrt i primjeri iz empirijskog rada

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    Grounded theory has not usually been associated with the extensive use of visual data. The author of the paper wants to present a basic introduction to methodological concepts and procedures, which allow researchers to incorporate visual data in their analyses while designing their research projects within the framework of grounded theory. The author also discusses the different approaches of visual data analysis that use the name of grounded theory but do not in fact perform the analysis according to its basic principles. At the outset, the author describes some inspirations that have come from a few researchers who have used the visual data in constructing theories in the grounded theory methodology style of analysis. The status of visual data and a methodological model of visual data analysis in grounded theory (multislice imagining) is also described. The multislice imagining is a grammar of visual narrations analysis that accents the following stages: a) an act of creating pictures and images (analysis of context of creation); b) participation in demonstrating/communicating visual images; c) the visual product, its content and stylistic structure; d) the reception of an “image” and visual aspects of presenting/representing something. Next, procedures of analyzing the visual data to generate categories on visual processes (transcription, open coding and memo writing) are presented. The presentation is based on examples from the author’s two research projects on a visualization of yoga practice and on a visualization of homelessness. The author also presents a selective coding of visual cases and empirical materials together with theoretical memo examples and comparative analysis. The last described procedure is a theoretical sampling indicating how and where to look for visual data to generate the properties of the category. The paper will end with conclusions and some remarks on future prospects of visual grounded theory.Utemeljenu se teoriju obično ne povezuje s opsežnom upotrebom vizualnih podataka. Autor ovog članka želi podastrijeti elementaran uvod u metodološke pojmove i procedure koji istraživačima omogućuju uključivanje vizualnih podataka u analizu dok osmišljavaju nacrte istraživačkih projekata u okviru utemeljene teorije. Autor također raspravlja o različitim pristupima analizi vizualnih podataka koji se služe imenom utemeljene teorije, ali zapravo ne izvode analizu u skladu s njezinim temeljnim načelima. Na početku autor opisuje neka nadahnuća koja potječu od malobrojnih istraživača koji su upotrijebili vizualne podatke pri konstruiranju teorija u stilu analize metodologije utemeljene teorije. Također se opisuje status vizualnih podataka i metodološki model analize vizualnih podataka u utemeljenoj teoriji (stvaranje slikovnih predodžbi u više isječaka). Stvaranje slikovnih predodžbi u više isječaka jest gramatika analize vizualnih pripovijesti koja naglašava sljedeće faze: a) čin stvaranja slika i slikovnih predodžbi (analiza konteksta stvaranja); b) sudjelovanje u prikazivanju/komuniciranju vizualnih slikovnih predodžbi; c) vizualni proizvod, njegov sadržaj i stilska struktura; d) recepcija »slikovne predodžbe« i vizualnih aspekata predstavljanja/predočavanja nečega. Nadalje, predstavljaju se procedure analiziranja vizualnih podataka u svrhu generiranja kategorija o vizualnim procesima (transkripcija, otvoreno kodiranje i pisanje bilježaka). Predstavljanje se zasniva na primjerima iz dvaju autorovih istraživačkih projekata o vizualizaciji prakse joge i vizualizaciji beskućništva. Autor također predstavlja selektivno kodiranje vizualnih slučajeva i empirijskih materijala zajedno s primjerima teorijskih bilježaka i usporedne analize. Posljednja od opisanih procedura jest teorijsko uzorkovanje koje upućuje na to kako i gdje tražiti vizualne podatke u svrhu generiranja svojstava kategorije. Članak završava zaključcima i napomenama o budućim izgledima vizualne utemeljene teorije

    Distinctions and Something Between: An Inspection of Eviatar Zerubavel’s Concept Driven Sociology

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    The paper presents short summaries and analyses of two books by Eviatar Zerubavel (2018a; 2020) that are demonstrations of his approach to cognitive sociology. The first book (2018a) shows examples of the analysis in Zerubavelian cognitive sociology, and the second one is a methodological and theoretical elaboration of his approach described in formal terms. We analyze the approach presented at the end of the paper, showing that the analysis of distinctions and perceptive categories is essential in Zerubavel analysis. Still, there is an unclear dimension (in between) included in the contexts of perception, lived experiences, and perception of the world beyond the categories that we introduce in our analysis

    Experiencing The Space: Visiting Cemeteries On All Saints’ Day and an Ordinary Day

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    This paper is a description of collaborative research that was done together with students during the class “Contemplative Sociology. Experiencing Self, No-Self and the Lifeworld.” The goal of the research was to introduce the students to the contemplative methods that could be used to research lived experiences and the vision of the lifeworld through contemplation of the mind, bodily sensations, and emotions. A project was started on experiencing the cemetery space. The space for experiencing was chosen to sensitize the students to concerns (such as death, religious holidays, everyday life, suffering, etc.) that could be investigated from the first-person perspective by using contemplation as an alternative to survey-sociological methods, psychological methods and ethnography. The students learned the contemplative techniques of meditation, body awareness, self- observation, and self-description to face their concerns, including the ultimate ones. However, the main concern was the role of the mind, body and emotions in cognition and creating the mood

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    Organizational Identity

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    Nasza tożsamość, czyli nasze wyobrażenie o nas samych, jest niejako percepcyjną soczewką, okularami, przez które postrzegamy otaczający nas świat. Organizacje również posiadają takie soczewki, ogniskujące sposób postrzegania świata przez ich członków i pozwalające interpretować zarówno otoczenie zewnętrzne, jak i wewnętrzne środowisko organizacji. Tego typu soczewką jest tożsamość organizacyjna.Tekst ten napisano w ramach projektu badawczego Organizational Identity of Polish Enterprises. Consequences of Privatization, wspieranego przez Research Support Scheme of the Open Society Support Foundation, grant 1143/199

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