35 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Development of the Financial Management of Municipalities from the Microregion Staroměstsko

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    Hlavní cíl diplomové práce je zaměřen na zhodnocení vývoje hospodaření obcí mikroregionu Staroměstsko ve vybraných výdajových oblastech v letech 2014-2018. Teoretická rovina je věnována územní samosprávě v podmínkách ČR, přesněji 19 obcím. Popisuje postavení, působnost, orgány, legislativní vymezení, hospodaření, rozpočet a s tím související rozpočtový proces, skladbu, příjmy, výdaje a formy možné spolupráce obce. Dle členění Českého statistického úřadu jsou vymezeny velikostní kategorie obcí. Praktická část v rámci nich zpracovává zhodnocení občanské vybavenosti, analýzu příjmů a výdajů, včetně vybraných statistických ukazatelů, a zhodnocení výdajů ve vybraných oblastech na 1 obyvatele. Mezi zjištěné výstupy řadíme, že s rostoucí velikostní skupinou roste občanská vybavenost obcí. Následovně je pak zjištěno, že z hlediska zhodnocení výdajů ve třech zvolených oblastech-vzdělávání, kultura a bydlení, územní rozvoj nejsou výdaje v přepočtu na 1 obyvatele při toleranci ±10 % srovnatelné.The main aim of the diploma thesis is focused on the evaluation of economic development of municipalities in the microregion called Staroměstsko in selected expenditure areas from 2014 to 2018. The theoretical part deals with a territorial self-government in the conditions of the Czech Republic, specifically with 19 municipalities. It discusses the position, competence, the bodies, the legislative definition, management, budget and the related budget process, composition, income, outgoings and forms of possible cooperation of the municipality. According to the division of the Czech Statistical Office, size categories of municipalities are defined. The practical part deals with the evaluation of civic amenities, analysis of income and outgoings including selected statistical indicators, and the evaluation of expenditure in selected areas per capita. It was determined that the civic amenities of municipalities grow together with the growing size group. Subsequently, it was found that in terms of the evaluation of expenditures in three selected areas - in education, culture and housing, territorial development - the expenditures per capita are not comparable with a tolerance of ± 10%.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvýborn

    Evaluation of Czech POINT Use in Selected Municipalities

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na poskytování služeb Czech POINTu a s tím i související modernizaci a elektronizaci veřejné správy pomocí koncepce eGovernmentu, přičemž Czech POINT je jedním ze základních komponentů eGovernmentu. Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce bylo zhodnocení využívání služeb Czech POINTu ve třech vybraných obcích. Proběhla analýza jednotlivých výstupů služeb Czech POINTu a následné porovnání a zhodnocení obcí navzájem ve sledovaném období 2013 - 2017. V teoretické části bakalářské práce je vysvětlen eGovernment v podmínkách ČR a s tím i související vývoj, historie a legislativa. Později je popsána veřejná správa, hlavně z hlediska samosprávy, konkrétně územní samosprávy. Především je vysvětlen pojem obec a s tím související charakteristika třech vybraných obcí, kdy se jedná o malé obce, které se nacházejí ve Zlínském kraji, konkrétně v okresu Uherské Hradiště. Mezi vybrané obce řadíme městys Polešovice, obec Nedakonice a obec Boršice.The bachelor´s thesis is focused on the provision of Czech POINT services and on the related modernization and electronization of public administration through concept of eGovernment, while Czech POINT is one of its basic components. The main aim of this bachelor´s thesis was to evaluate the usage of Czech POINT services in three selected municipalities. An analysis of individual outputs of the Czech POINT services and the subsequent comparison and valorization of the municipalities in the monitored period of years 2013 – 2017 were carried out. In the theoretical part of the bachelor´s thesis, eGovernment is explained in terms of the Czech Republic, as well as its related development, history and legislation. Later, public administration is described, mainly from the point of view of self-government, namely territorial self-government. Primarily, the term of the municipality is explained as well as the related characteristics of the three selected villages, which are small municipalities located in the Zlín Region, specifically in the district of Uherské Hradiště. Among the selected villages are the township of Polešovice, the village of Nedakonice and the village Boršice.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvelmi dobř

    What do we have in common and what not? Human sexuality in the evolutionary perspective

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    Humans as a species have numerous unique characteristics. Do they also include sexuality? Here we use cross-cultural approach to find out whether some traits could be labelled as highly prevalent or nearly universal. We further employed comparative perspective to analyze whether these traits are unique in humans or whether they are shared with our evolutionary relatives. This led us to formulate eight broad spheres which are reported cross-culturally. These include 1) building long-term sexual relationships and expected or enforced sexual exclusivity; 2) sexual activities not restricted to fertile period and 3) prevalent through the year which suggest other than reproductive functions of the sex in humans; 4) in contrast to chimpanzees attractiveness is relatively stable across the cycle; 5) humans appear to be the only species with exclusive male homosexual orientation; 6) similarly, presence of menopause is unique to human females, which was linked to relatively risky delivery and extreme altriciality of human children; and finally, 7) humans do not commonly perform sexual activities in the presence of others. All of the addressed phenomena are interpreted in the evolutionary perspective.Humans as a species have numerous unique characteristics. Do they also include sexuality? Here we use cross-cultural approach to find out whether some traits could be labelled as highly prevalent or nearly universal. We further employed comparative perspective to analyze whether these traits are unique in humans or whether they are shared with our evolutionary relatives. This led us to formulate eight broad spheres which are reported cross-culturally. These include 1) building long-term sexual relationships and expected or enforced sexual exclusivity; 2) sexual activities not restricted to fertile period and 3) prevalent through the year which suggest other than reproductive functions of the sex in humans; 4) in contrast to chimpanzees attractiveness is relatively stable across the cycle; 5) humans appear to be the only species with exclusive male homosexual orientation; 6) similarly, presence of menopause is unique to human females, which was linked to relatively risky delivery and extreme altriciality of human children; and finally, 7) humans do not commonly perform sexual activities in the presence of others. All of the addressed phenomena are interpreted in the evolutionary perspective

    Monitoring of Wild Animal Species in the Czech Republic

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    AbstractIn the paper, the method of data collection, processing and visualization of the occurrence of non-indigenous and endangered animal species in the Czech Republic is described. Our new software enables easy data entry about the observation of monitored species to the expert public. The data obtained is then used by expert and scientific institutions in order to search for optimal solutions of nature protection and population management and results are open to the public.This analytic and software solution was developed by the Department of Information Technologies, Czech University of Life Sciences; the data has been also used by the Forestry and Wood Faculty and the Faculty of Life Sciences

    Healthcare as a Specific Area of Employee Benefits

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    Organizations, beyond the scope of statutory care, work contractually with healthcare workers, or voluntarily invest in work environment ergonomics, and carry out diverse activities - sporting events, nutrition counseling, anti-stress programs, over-the-counter health checks, and more. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the possibilities of health preventive measures and to analyze the implementation of these measures in a hundred large organizations based in the Czech Republic through a quantitative survey. Key words Employee benefits, benefits scheme, care of employees, healthcare, preventative healthcare measures, statutory car

    The issue of collection and bone marrow transplantation in pediatric and adult patients

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    This thesis aims to provide a closer look at the issue and presentation of a clear summary of information on the issue of bone marrow transplantation via the Review Method and Information Synthesis. The thesis contains a theoretical description of nurse intervention before and after extracting bone marrow from a voluntary donor, as well as a description of nurse´s interventions before and after transplantingextracted hematopoietic cells from a patient suffering from the indicating blood illness. Treating hemato-oncological diseases is a lengthy and very demanding process. It relies in transplanting hematopoietic cells, and it means a great hope to cure the ill person. The transplantation itself is preceded by a long row of examinations, medical and administrative procedures needed to ensure the highest hope of curing the ill patient possible. In the Czech Republic, there are two donor registers cooperating together, based on the principle of all-register international cooperation. Since the moment of graft conversion, the transplanted patient is in a highly risky state. The patient´s living days start to be counted again. Taking care of hematopoietic cell recipients, the patient´s maximal well-being, safety, psychological well-being and most importantly, avoiding possible complications which may significantly slow down or even destroy medical staff´s and the voluntary donor´s efforts to save another person´s life completely, are all necessary focal points of the process. The thesis describes specific procedures of care for patients suffering from different kinds of complications, with regard to the nurses´ work. Because there is a difference in caring and communicating with adult and child patients, one of the subchapters is devoted especially to caring for child oncological patients, and the options of adjusting the communication to their needs and their parents´ needs. To return the patient back to their best life quality possible, it is necessary to follow principles of a healthy lifestyle and correct nutrition principles

    Návrh konstrukčního řešení "pracovního koutu" pro dvě děti ve věku 6 -12 let do konkrétního interiéru a půdorysné dispozice podle zadaných požadavků

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    Contents of this work is design solution of a part of a children's room for two school aged children, proposal is intended largely to the working and the storage zone according to the order's requirements. The theoretical part describes proportional orders of furniture for chosen category of age, further materials currently used for furniture production, study of analogous solutions and safety requirements to furniture for children. The practical part is made by drawing documentation, bills of materials and visualization of proper design solution. The constituent part of the work is as well economical evaluation dealing with direct material costs only

    The Issue of Modern Acces to Tarif Structure in Civil Air Transport

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce je problematika novodobého přístupu k tarifní struktuře v osobní letecké dopravě. V úvodu práce je charakterizován pojem letecký dopravce, jeho rozdělení, mezinárodní organizace letecké dopravy a aliance leteckých dopravců. Další část se zabývá tarifní strukturou a cenou letenky. Následně se věnuje prostředí osobní letecké dopravy z pohledu nabídky služeb spojených s tarifem a popisuje zde cestovní třídy, příplatky za služby a uvádí příklad na leteckém dopravci. Závěr práce je věnován změnám v tarifní struktuře a zhodnocuje jejich dopad.The theme of this bachelor's thesis is the issue of modern acces to tariff structure in civil air transport. The introduction of this thesis characterizes the term air carrier, its dividing, inter-national organizations of air travel and alliance of air carriers. The next part addresses tarrif structure and ticket price. Subsequently, the thesis deals with the environment of personal air travel from the perspective of offered services associated with the tarrif, describes travel classes, additional charges for services and presents an example from an air carrier. The conclusion part is devoted to changes in tarrif structure and evaluation of their impact on the matter

    Koncept zájmového útvaru v oblasti nábytkářství a dřevařství pro žáky SOŠ

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    The purpose of the bachelor´s thesis is to design an interest association for high school students. Target group was delimited by a branch of study, furniture production and woodworking industry. Interest group members are supposed to deal with purchase order per realistic requests from a kindergarten. The theoreti-cal part is dedicated to an interpretation of a terminology. Specific terms are youth at high school age, interest association and education, free time and the meaning of being actively engaged. The goal of practical part is to analyse a detailed conception of the interest group including schedule. The process begins at task assignment, then it goes through sketching and designing to production. Installation of the final product completes the whole process. In the bachelor’s thesis, there is used a qualitative method of research. Several teachers from vocational schools focusing at furniture production and woodworking industry evaluated the form and work of interest association during the process described above. The course is supposed to provide an opportunity for students to get experienced and thus to be capable of connecting theoretical knowledge and practice. Moreover, the participation could help them to present themselves at labour market. Another benefit of participation is being actively engaged during free time, prevention of bad behaviour and strengthening social competences

    Návrh konstrukčního řešení nábytkového mobiliáře k vybavení 'vstupní haly' rodinného domu

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    Contents of this work is to design solutions of furniture mobiliary to furnish entrance hall of the house, the design focuses mainly on storage spaces according to client requirements. The theoretical part deals with storage area requirements, commonly used materials, construction, literature research of similar solutions and safety requirements for furniture in the entrance hall. The practical part consists of drawing documentation, bills of materials and visualization of own design solution. An integral part of the work is also economic evaluation that deals only direct material costs