7 research outputs found

    Maintaining intravenous volume mitigates hypothermia-induced myocardial dysfunction and accumulation of intracellular Ca2+

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    Previous research exploring pathophysiological mechanisms underlying circulatory collapse after rewarming victims of severe accidental hypothermia has documented post-hypothermic cardiac dysfunction and hypothermia-induced elevation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in myocardial cells. The aim of the present study was to examine if maintaining euvolaemia during rewarming mitigates cardiac dysfunction and/or normalizes elevated myocardial [Ca2+]i. A total of 21 male Wistar rats (300 g) were surface cooled to 15◦C, then maintained at 15◦C for 4 h, and subsequently rewarmed to 37◦C. The rats were randomly assigned to one of three groups: (1) non-intervention control (n = 7), (2) dextran treated (i.v. 12 ml/kg dextran 70; n = 7), or (3) crystalloid treated (24 ml/kg 0.9% i.v. saline; n = 7). Infusions occurred during the first 30 min of rewarming. Arterial blood pressure, stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), contractility (dP/dtmax) and blood gas changes were measured. Post-hypothermic changes in [Ca2+]i were measured using the method of radiolabelled Ca2+ ( 45Ca2+). Untreated controls displayed post-hypothermic cardiac dysfunction with significantly reduced CO, SV and dP/dtmax. In contrast, rats receiving crystalloid or dextran treatment showed a return to pre-hypothermic control levels of CO and SV after rewarming, with the dextran group displaying significantly better amelioration of post-hypothermic cardiac dysfunction than the crystalloid group. Compared to the post-hypothermic increase in myocardial [Ca2+]i in non-treated controls, [Ca2+]i values with crystalloid and dextran did not increase to the same extent after rewarming. Volume replacement with crystalloid or dextran during rewarming abolishes posthypothermic cardiac dysfunction, and partially mitigates the hypothermia-induced elevation of [Ca2+]i

    Cardiovascular Effects of Epinephrine During Experimental Hypothermia (32°C) With Spontaneous Circulation in an Intact Porcine Model

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    Aims: Rewarming from accidental hypothermia and therapeutic temperature management could be complicated by cardiac dysfunction. Although pharmacologic support is often applied when rewarming these patients, updated treatment recommendations are lacking. There is an underlying deficiency of clinical and experimental data to support such interventions and this prevents the development of clinical guidelines. Accordingly, we explored the clinical effects of epinephrine during hypothermic conditions. Materials and methods: Anesthetized pigs were immersion cooled to 32°C. Predetermined variables were compared at temperature/time-point baseline, after receiving 30 ng/kg/min and 90 ng/kg/min epinephrine infusions: (1) before and during hypothermia at 32°C, and after rewarming to 38°C (n = 7) and (2) a time-matched (5 h) normothermic control group (n = 5). Results: At 32°C, both stroke volume and cardiac output were elevated after 30 ng/kg/min administration, while systemic vascular resistance was reduced after 90 ng/kg/min. Epinephrine infusion did not alter blood flow in observed organs, except small intestine flow, and global O2 extraction rate was significantly reduced in response to 90 ng/kg/min infusion. Electrocardiographic measurements were unaffected by epinephrine infusion. Conclusion: Administration of both 30 ng/kg/min and 90 ng/kg/min at 32°C had a positive inotropic effect and reduced afterload. We found no evidence of increased pro-arrhythmic activity after epinephrine infusion in hypothermic pigs. Our experiment therefore suggests that β₁-receptor stimulation with epinephrine could be a favorable strategy for providing cardiovascular support in hypothermic patients, at core temperatures >32°C

    Rewarming With Closed Thoracic Lavage Following 3-h CPR at 27°C Failed to Reestablish a Perfusing Rhythm

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    Introduction: Previously, we showed that the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for hypothermic cardiac arrest (HCA) maintained cardiac output (CO) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) to the same reduced level during normothermia (38°C) vs. hypothermia (27°C). In addition, at 27°C, the CPR for 3-h provided global O2 delivery (DO2) to support aerobic metabolism. The present study investigated if rewarming with closed thoracic lavage induces a perfusing rhythm after 3-h continuous CPR at 27°C. Materials and Methods: Eight male pigs were anesthetized, and immersion-cooled. At 27°C, HCA was electrically induced, CPR was started and continued for a 3-h period. Thereafter, the animals were rewarmed by combining closed thoracic lavage and continued CPR. Organ blood flow was measured using microspheres. Results: After cooling with spontaneous circulation to 27°C, MAP and CO were initially reduced by 37 and 58% from baseline, respectively. By 15 min after the onset of CPR, MAP, and CO were further reduced by 58 and 77% from baseline, respectively, which remained unchanged throughout the rest of the 3-h period of CPR. During CPR at 27°C, DO2 and O2 extraction rate (VO2) fell to critically low levels, but the simultaneous small increase in lactate and a modest reduction in pH, indicated the presence of maintained aerobic metabolism. During rewarming with closed thoracic lavage, all animals displayed ventricular fibrillation, but only one animal could be electro-converted to restore a short-lived perfusing rhythm. Rewarming ended in circulatory collapse in all the animals at 38°C. Conclusion: The CPR for 3-h at 27°C managed to sustain lower levels of CO and MAP sufficient to support global DO2. Rewarming accidental hypothermia patients following prolonged CPR for HCA with closed thoracic lavage is not an alternative to rewarming by extra-corporeal life support as these patients are often in need of massive cardio-pulmonary support during as well as after rewarming

    Study of the effects of 3 h of continuous cardiopulmonary resuscitation at 27°C on global oxygen transport and organ blood flow

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    Aims: Complete restitution of neurologic function after 6 h of pre-hospital resuscitation and in-hospital rewarming has been reported in accidental hypothermia patients with cardiac arrest (CA). However, the level of restitution of circulatory function during long-lasting hypothermic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) remains largely unknown. We compared the effects of CPR in replacing spontaneous circulation during 3 h at 27°C vs. 45 min at normothermia by determining hemodynamics, global oxygen transport (DO2), oxygen uptake (VO2), and organ blood flow. Methods: Anesthetized pigs (n = 7) were immersion cooled to CA at 27°C. Predetermined variables were compared: (1) Before cooling, during cooling to 27°C with spontaneous circulation, after CA and subsequent continuous CPR (n = 7), vs. (2) before CA and during 45 min CPR in normothermic pigs (n = 4). Results: When compared to corresponding values during spontaneous circulation at 38°C: (1) After 15 min of CPR at 27°C, cardiac output (CO) was reduced by 74%, mean arterial pressure (MAP) by 63%, DO2 by 47%, but organ blood flow was unaltered. Continuous CPR for 3 h maintained these variables largely unaltered except for significant reduction in blood flow to the heart and brain after 3 h, to the kidneys after 1 h, to the liver after 2 h, and to the stomach and small intestine after 3 h. (2) After normothermic CPR for 15 min, CO was reduced by 71%, MAP by 54%, and DO2 by 63%. After 45 min, hemodynamic function had deteriorated significantly, organ blood flow was undetectable, serum lactate increased by a factor of 12, and mixed venous O2 content was reduced to 18%. Conclusion: The level to which CPR can replace CO and MAP during spontaneous circulation at normothermia was not affected by reduction in core temperature in our setting. Compared to spontaneous circulation at normothermia, 3 h of continuous resuscitation at 27°C provided limited but sufficient O2 delivery to maintain aerobic metabolism. This fundamental new knowledge is important in that it encourages early and continuous CPR in accidental hypothermia victims during evacuation and transport

    Treatment of cardiovascular dysfunction with PDE5-inhibitors - temperature dependent effects on transport and metabolism of cAMP and cGMP

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    Introduction: Cardiovascular dysfunction is a potentially lethal complication of hypothermia. Due to a knowledge gap, pharmacological interventions are not recommended at core temperatures below 30°C. Yet, further cooling is induced in surgical procedures and survival of accidental hypothermia is reported after rewarming from below 15°C, advocating a need for evidence-based treatment guidelines. In vivo studies have proposed vasodilation and afterload reduction through arteriole smooth muscle cGMP-elevation as a favorable strategy to prevent cardiovascular dysfunction in hypothermia. Further development of treatment guidelines demand information about temperature-dependent changes in pharmacological effects of clinically relevant vasodilators. Materials and Methods: Human phosphodiesterase-enzymes and inverted erythrocytes were utilized to evaluate how vasodilators sildenafil and vardenafil affected cellular efflux and enzymatic breakdown of cAMP and cGMP, at 37°C, 34°C, 32°C, 28°C, 24°C, and 20°C. The ability of both drugs to reach their cytosolic site of action was assessed at the same temperatures. IC50- and Ki-values were calculated from dose–response curves at all temperatures, to evaluate temperature-dependent effects of both drugs. Results: Both drugs were able to reach the intracellular space at all hypothermic temperatures, with no reduction compared to normothermia. Sildenafil IC50 and Ki-values increased during hypothermia for enzymatic breakdown of both cAMP (IC50: 122 ± 18.9 μM at 37°C vs. 269 ± 14.7 μM at 20°C, p 50: 0.009 ± 0.000 μM at 37°C vs. 0.024 ± 0.004 μM at 32°C, p 50 and Ki–values for inhibition of cellular cAMP and cGMP efflux. Conclusion: Sildenafil and particularly vardenafil were ableto inhibit elimination of cGMP down to 20°C. As the cellular effects of these drugs can cause afterload reduction, they show potential in treating cardiovascular dysfunction during hypothermia. As in normothermia, both drugs showed higher selectivity for inhibition of cGMP-elimination than cAMP-elimination at low core temperatures, indicating that risk for cardiotoxic side effects is not increased by hypothermia