246 research outputs found

    Cross-border tourist mobility as seen by residents of the Karelian borderlands: COVID-19 restrictions

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    This article offers a new approach to evaluating the significance of cross-border tourism for residents of the border region of Karelia amid COVID-19 restrictions. The work draws on data of a municipal-level survey of the region’s population (575 people), conducted by the author in collaboration with Dr Ekaterina Shlapeko in 2021. Analysis of the survey results has confirmed the customariness of cross-border tourist mobility for the Karelians and the essential role it plays in their lives. These are manifested in regular trips to the neighbouring state, frequent contacts with Finnish travellers, marked preferences and a network of contacts with Finnish residents and organisations. The COVID-19 restrictions affected the routines of the residents of the Karelian borderlands more severely than those of people living in the inner municipalities or the regional capital. The findings of the study provide a comprehensive picture of the significance of cross-border tourist mobility (border tourism) and point to spatial differences in the perception of the study phenomenon by the residents of border, interior and urban municipalities. When applied in practice, the proposed approach gives an opportunity to widen the range of possible administrative decisions and can serve as a tool of regional economic policy on tourism

    Modelling Social&Communicative Skills in Children with Special Educational Needs

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    The paper covers the issues of theoretical frameworks that are being developing around the process of modelling social communication skills in children with special educational needs during language learning process using interactive teaching techniques. This draws from a wide range of philosophical and psychological works on social and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with special educational needs as one of priority zones in the world policy and educational system aimed at growing attention to widespread acceptance of people with different needs in all spheres of society. Methodology used in the study is theoretical, empirical, methods of collecting data, description and dealing out the outcomes of the research. The study reflects empirical analysis based on observation, interviewing, testing and pedagogical experiment, which took place in the secondary school № 2 of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Innovative ways of engaging social communication in teaching, learning and research led to designing a model for forming social communication skills in children with special educational needs via foreign language learning. The major findings of the research are the created model that makes possible to develop social and communicative skills; implementation of conditions of the development of these skills during pedagogical process; criteria of capacity for development of social and communicative skills of children with special educational needs

    Joint Source-and-Channel Coding for Small Satellite Applications

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    Small satellites are widely used today as cost effective means to perform Earth observation and other tasks that generate large amounts of high-dimensional data, such as multi-spectral imagery. These satellites typically operate in low earth orbit, which poses significant challenges for data transmission due to short contact times with ground stations, low bandwidth, and high packet loss probabilities. In this paper, we introduce JSCC-Sat, which applies joint source-and-channel coding using neural networks to provide efficient and robust transmission of compressed image data for satellite applications. We evaluate our mechanism against traditional transmission schemes with separate source and channel coding and demonstrate that it outperforms the existing approaches when applied to Earth observation data of the Sentinel-2 mission

    Economy, Ethnicity and International Migration. The Comparison of Finland, Hungary and Russia

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    The focus of this paper is to compare present migration situation, history, economy and migration regulation in an European Union country (Finland), and, an EU accessing country (Hungary) and a major non - EU country (Russia). Our material and methods base on literature survey, policy analysis and analysis of the existing statistics and legislation. The results show that even in the era of globalisation that is often claimed to erode states regulatory power over the ? ows of capital and people, some regulatory power still exists. Instead of developing their policies in accordance with the largely self-regulating migration process, according to our data, the countries sought to regain political control through reproducing economic, ethnic and national hierarchies

    Development of cross-border tourist and recreational regions on the Karelian section of the Russian-Finnish border

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    Despite that fact that cross-border tourism and recreation in the Baltic Sea Region have been extensively studied, there are still areas, which require further research. The aim of this article is to identify regions having active cross-border tourism and recreation in the adjacent territories of Finland and the Republic of Karelia. The authors propose to use an indicator characterizing the volume of incoming tourist flows. The number of tourists is not only indicative of the development of cross-border tourism and recreation; it is also one of the main criteria for determining the degree of the formation of cross-border regions. Using the statistics for Finland, the authors analyzed the geography of tourism in Finland's border areas and identified the degree of intensity of cross-border tourism exchange between the neighbouring administrative units of the two countries. The article also examines other tendencies indicative of the formation and development of cross-border tourism and recreation regions along the Russian-Finnish border. The authors identified three cross-border tourism and recreation regions of different development levels: South Karelia, Middle Karelia and North Karelia. South Karelia is a mesoregion with the average annual tourist exchange of about 100 thousand people, which is the average level of tourism development. The total volume of cross-border tourist flows from and to other cross-border tourist and recreation regions is about 30 thousand people per year. Middle Karelia microregion ranks second and is followed by the North Karelian microregion. The authors conclude that these two microregions are at the initial stage of their formation and, therefore, can be regarded as parts of one microregion - Russian-Finnish Northern microregion

    Training of scientific language through discoursive analysis

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    Rapid development of science and use of its achievements in all spheres of life, growth of science authority and simultaneous democratization of scientific knowledge increase a role of scientific communication. It is no secret that recognition and competitiveness of the scientist-researcher within the international scientific community in many respects are defined not only by solving by him of scientific problems, but also, how successfully he owns rules, norms and stereotypes of communicative behavior accepted and shared by members of world scientific community. Insufficient level of formation of communicative competence of a scientist can become a serious obstacle to effective scientific interaction. The real need of undergraduates for mastering a foreign language scientific language as a key to successful professional communication causes relevance of a problem and demands development of new approaches taking into account recent trends in knowledge areas, adjacent to a technique of training in foreign languages. Among modern paradigms of linguistic knowledge for research of conceptually significant problems of a scientific text, the most perspective is discursive approach that can be used as theoretical base when developing model of training of scientific language. The aim of the paper is development of theoretical bases and a technique of training of undergraduates to a foreign-language scientific discourse. A result of research is technique of training undergraduates to scientific language that may be useful for university teachers of English in educational process

    Technological crisis of the electoral process: the agitation period

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    The article is devoted to the problems which occur during one of the most important stages of the electoral process - the agitation period. These problems are analyzed on the basis of the publication of campaign materials in various sources. Also the author assumes that there are several gaps in the legislation and he offers options for filling in those gaps. Статья посвящена проблемам, которые возникают во время одной из самых важных стадий избирательного процесса – агитационного периода. Эти проблемы рассматриваются в контексте публикации агитационных материалов с помощью различных средств распространения информации. На основе изучения их отличий автор делает вывод о существующих пробелах в законодательстве и предлагает варианты их восполнения