468 research outputs found

    HMS Sheffield: The Life and Times of Old Shiny

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    Passive tracer in a flow corresponding to a two dimensional stochastic Navier Stokes equations

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    In this paper we prove the law of large numbers and central limit theorem for trajectories of a particle carried by a two dimensional Eulerian velocity field. The field is given by a solution of a stochastic Navier--Stokes system with a non-degenerate noise. The spectral gap property, with respect to Wasserstein metric, for such a system has been shown in [9]. In the present paper we show that a similar property holds for the environment process corresponding to the Lagrangian observations of the velocity. In consequence we conclude the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem for the tracer. The proof of the central limit theorem relies on the martingale approximation of the trajectory process

    Cut Points and Diffusions in Random Environment

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    In this article we investigate the asymptotic behavior of a new class of multi-dimensional diffusions in random environment. We introduce cut times in the spirit of the work done by Bolthausen, Sznitman and Zeitouni, see [4], in the discrete setting providing a decoupling effect in the process. This allows us to take advantage of an ergodic structure to derive a strong law of large numbers with possibly vanishing limiting velocity and a central limit theorem under the quenched measure.Comment: 44 pages; accepted for publication in "Journal of Theoretical Probability

    Vesicle adhesion and fusion studied by small-angle x-ray scattering.

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    We have studied the adhesion state (also denoted by docking state) of lipid vesicles as induced by the divalent ions Ca2+ or Mg2+ at well-controlled ion concentration, lipid composition, and charge density. The bilayer structure and the interbilayer distance in the docking state were analyzed by small-angle x-ray scattering. A strong adhesion state was observed for DOPC:DOPS vesicles, indicating like-charge attraction resulting from ion correlations. The observed interbilayer separations of ∌1.6 nm agree quantitatively with the predictions of electrostatics in the strong coupling regime. Although this phenomenon was observed when mixing anionic and zwitterionic (or neutral) lipids, pure anionic membranes (DOPS) with highest charge density σ resulted in a direct phase transition to a multilamellar state, which must be accompanied by rupture and fusion of vesicles. To extend the structural assay toward protein-controlled docking and fusion, we have characterized reconstituted N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors in controlled proteoliposome suspensions by small-angle x-ray scattering

    Aluminum-, Calcium- And Titanium-Rich Oxide Stardust In Ordinary Chondrite Meteorites

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    We report isotopic data for a total of 96 presolar oxide grains found in residues of several unequilibrated ordinary chondrite meteorites. Identified grain types include Al2O3, MgAl2O4, hibonite (CaAl12O19) and Ti oxide. This work greatly increases the presolar hibonite database, and is the first report of presolar Ti oxide. O-isotopic compositions of the grains span previously observed ranges and indicate an origin in red giant and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars of low mass (<2.5 MSun) for most grains. Cool bottom processing in the parent AGB stars is required to explain isotopic compositions of many grains. Potassium-41 enrichments in hibonite grains are attributable to in situ decay of now-extinct 41Ca. Inferred initial 41Ca/40Ca ratios are in good agreement with model predictions for low-mass AGB star envelopes, provided that ionization suppresses 41Ca decay. Stable Mg and Ca isotopic ratios of most of the hibonite grains reflect primarily the initial compositions of the parent stars and are generally consistent with expectations for Galactic chemical evolution, but require some local interstellar chemical inhomogeneity. Very high 17O/16O or 25Mg/24Mg ratios suggest an origin for some grains in binary star systems where mass transfer from an evolved companion has altered the parent star compositions. A supernova origin for the hitherto enigmatic 18O-rich Group 4 grains is strongly supported by multi-element isotopic data for two grains. The Group 4 data are consistent with an origin in a single supernova in which variable amounts of material from the deep 16O-rich interior mixed with a unique end-member mixture of the outer layers. The Ti oxide grains primarily formed in low-mass AGB stars. They are smaller and rarer than presolar Al2O3, reflecting the lower abundance of Ti than Al in AGB envelopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 47 pages, 13 figure

    Autonomous clustering using rough set theory

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    This paper proposes a clustering technique that minimises the need for subjective human intervention and is based on elements of rough set theory. The proposed algorithm is unified in its approach to clustering and makes use of both local and global data properties to obtain clustering solutions. It handles single-type and mixed attribute data sets with ease and results from three data sets of single and mixed attribute types are used to illustrate the technique and establish its efficiency

    Regional gene expression patterns are associated with task-specific brain activation during reward and emotion processing measured with functional MRI

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    The exploration of the spatial relationship between gene expression profiles and task-evoked response patterns known to be altered in neuropsychiatric disorders, for example depression, can guide the development of more targeted therapies. Here, we estimated the correlation between human transcriptome data and two different brain activation maps measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in healthy subjects. Whole-brain activation patterns evoked during an emotional face recognition task were associated with topological mRNA expression of genes involved in cellular transport. In contrast, fMRI activation patterns related to the acceptance of monetary rewards were associated with genes implicated in cellular localization processes, metabolism, translation, and synapse regulation. An overlap of these genes with risk genes from major depressive disorder genome-wide association studies revealed the involvement of the master regulators TCF4 and PAX6 in emotion and reward processing. Overall, the identification of stable relationships between spatial gene expression profiles and fMRI data may reshape the prospects for imaging transcriptomics studies

    A Brownian particle in a microscopic periodic potential

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    We study a model for a massive test particle in a microscopic periodic potential and interacting with a reservoir of light particles. In the regime considered, the fluctuations in the test particle's momentum resulting from collisions typically outweigh the shifts in momentum generated by the periodic force, and so the force is effectively a perturbative contribution. The mathematical starting point is an idealized reduced dynamics for the test particle given by a linear Boltzmann equation. In the limit that the mass ratio of a single reservoir particle to the test particle tends to zero, we show that there is convergence to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process under the standard normalizations for the test particle variables. Our analysis is primarily directed towards bounding the perturbative effect of the periodic potential on the particle's momentum.Comment: 60 pages. We reorganized the article and made a few simplifications of the conten

    Regional expression profiles of risk genes for depression are associated with brain activation patterns in emotion and reward tasks

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    The exploration of the relationship between gene expression profiles and neural response patterns known to be altered in major depressive disorder provides a unique opportunity to identify novel targets for diagnosis and therapy. Here, we estimated the spatial association between genome-wide transcriptome maps and brain activation patterns from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with two established paradigms of great relevance for mood disorders. While task-specific neural responses during emotion processing were primarily associated with expression patterns of genes involved in cellular transport, reward processing was related to neuronal development, synapse regulation, as well as gene transcription. Multimodal integration of single-site and meta-analytic imaging data with risk genes associated with depression revealed a regional susceptibility of functional activity, modulated by master regulators TCF4 and MEF2C. The identification of multiple subordinate genes correlated with fMRI maps and their corresponding regulators presumably will reshape the prospects for neuroimaging genetics. ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY: Analysis of the spatial association between whole-brain human gene expression and in-vivo brain activation patterns during emotion and reward processing identified TCF4 and MEF2C as master regulatory genes associated with depressive disorders

    Evaluating social science and humanities knowledge production: An exploratory analysis of dynamics in science systems

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    Knowledge is gaining increasing importance in modern-day society as a factor of production and, ultimately, growth. This article explores the dynamics in university knowledge production and its effect on the state of university-industry-policy exchange in the Netherlands. Science systems are said to be in transformation. The university has evolved from performing conventional research and educational functions to serving as an innovation-promoting knowledge hub; dynamics that have received mixed reactions. The social sciences and humanities (SSH) take a special position, insofar as their focus seems primarily to be placed on conventional research and educational functions, and not directly on (commercial) valorization. Societal changes are, however, pressing for a reconsideration of the role of SSH. In our article, we distinguish between three important new movements that seem to be affecting SSH. It is believed that these movements, which are already having an impact today, will considerably influence SSH in the future. These developments are further differentiation, synthesis between the various subdisciplines of SSH and the natural sciences, and shifts in paradigms. The aims of this article are twofold: (1) to assess what is believed to be the most likely development of SSH by means of discovering relevant subsets of factors influencing university knowledge production; and (2) to discover whether the knowledge production factors show characteristics of a general development similar to the "Mode 2" concept. A systematic qualitative database was created by means of 22 semi-structured personal interviews with key representatives from business, university and the policy sector. Our explanatory framework employs an artificial intelligence method, i.e. rough set analysis. On the basis of these results, we find that a small minority of the respondents prefers a closer relationship of SSH to society, government and industry, and other institutional centers of authority, whilst interdisciplinarity in particular is regarded as having an overall positive influence on the future of SSH in the Netherlands. Consequently, the idea of a clear distinction between Mode 1 and Mode 2 knowledge production, i.e. traditional knowledge and knowledge carried out in the context of application, is not supported by our data. © 2009 Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences and ICCR Foundation
