416 research outputs found

    A regionális jövedelmi egyenlőtlenségek alakulása Japánban 1970 és 2005 között

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    A tanulmányban shift-share elemzéssel különítettem el a jövedelmek térben való tagolódását befolyásoló két összetevőnek, a regionális dinamikának és a településszerkezet alapján meghatározott szerkezeti hatásnak a szerepét. A vizsgálat célja annak megállapítása volt, hogy a 35 évet felölelő időszak alatt (1970–2005) a 47 japán prefektúra jövedelemnövekedésében vagy épp -csökkenésében a fenti két tényező közül melyik mekkora szerepet játszott. A japán nemzeti gazdaságfejlesztési politika és regionális fejlesztéspolitika között sajátos alárendelő viszony van, ami a japán fejlesztő állam modell logikájából ered. A második világháború után a gyors ütemű felépülés és felzárkózás megvalósítására a japán nemzeti gazdaságfejlesztési politika jellemzően növekedésorientált célkitűzéseket irányzott elő, szemléletében pedig a hatékonyság jelent meg prioritásként. Ezzel szemben a japán regionális fejlesztéspolitika legfőbb deklarált feladata, hogy utólagosan korrigálja az általános nemzeti gazdaságpolitika szemléletéből eredő egyensúlytalanságokat. Így az jellemzően reaktív, kiigazító jellegű és méltányossági szempontokat is preferáló. A vizsgálattal igazoltam, hogy ez az alárendelő kapcsolatrendszer kizárólag addig működhet eredményesen, amíg a kapcsolat első pilléreként megjelenő nemzeti gazdaságfejlesztési politika sikeres, elősegíti a gazdasági növekedést, így annak jenmilliárdokban mérhető eredménye a megfelelő újraelosztási rendszerek működése révén hozzájárul a prefektúrák kiegyenlített fejlődéséhez

    A regionális jövedelmi egyenlőtlenségek alakulása Japánban 1970 és 2005 között = Regional and structural components of taxable income growth in Japan between 1970 and 2005

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    In the present paper we use the shift-share analysis to determine the effects of two components which influence the distribution of incomes: the effect of regional dynamics and the impact of the structural component (in this case represented by the settlement structure). Our main objective is to decide which components have had an effect on the 47 prefectures of Japan during the 35 years examined (between 1970 and 2005). A special subordinative relationship exists between the Japanese national economic development planning and regional development policy derived from the logic of the Japanese developmental state. After the Second World War, the Japanese national economic development policy has primarily designated growth-oriented goals and has given high priority to efficiency. In contrast, the main task of Japanese regional development policy is the subsequent correction of the inequalities caused by national economic planning. Consequently, it typically has a reactive, rectifying function which prefers equity over efficiency. Our results confirm that this subordinative relationship is only effective as long as the national economic policy (considering it as first pillar) can generate economic growth, and its effect reflected in billions of yen contributes to the balanced development of the Japanese prefectures. According to the results of the shift-share analysis this subordinative relationship between the national economic policy and the regional development policy was very effective in Japan until the 1970s. Between 1970 and 1975 – in the era of high growth – the main aim of the Japanese regional policy was to distribute the existing industrial base of the country more evenly in order to correct the imbalances generated by the merely efficiency-oriented national economic planning. However, the observable regional divergence during this period was primarily caused by the utilisation of the favourable international environment, and, on the other hand, by some natural processes within the country (e.g. population growth, consequences of metropolitan congestion). After 1975, regional policy needed to correct the territorial inequalities in a steadily increasing manner. Results of the shift-share analysis for the period between 1975 and 1984 point towards an acceleration of new regional inequalities which supports the view that in the final analysis regional policy was futile. 1990 was a turning point again, regional inequalities decreased and most of the nonmetropolitan prefectures showed a more favourable income situation when compared to the national average. Although it was possible to temporarily alleviate the inequalities due to a huge amount of national savings derived from the previous decades’ economic growth, it turned out that grandiose economic stimuli packages were ineffective in the long-run and resulted only in a hugely embarrassing public debt for Japan. After 2001 the reformer, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi made enormous efforts to eliminate the vested interests related to the Japanese developmental state system. Serious changes occurred owing to the reforms introduced in Japanese politics. But they were not enough to basically restructure the developmental state model

    Textilmaradványok Magyarország területén a római korban

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    This study aimed to collect and analyze textile remains of the Roman Age unearthed at archaeological sites of Hungary. I have separated the remains into two groups, those that were found in the area of the former province Pannonia, and those that can be linked to the Sarmatians of the Great Hungarian Plain. I have examined (where available) the material, weave pattern, yarn twist (both direction and twist number), the density of the fabric, yarn thickness, and possible dyes. Data of the two groups were then compared. Additionally, I have collected textile remains of the Celtic tribes from Hungarian sites, as an antecedent of the above-mentioned groups in this region. The main purpose of the study was to discover possible differences as well as similarities in the textile-making techniques of two vastly different cultural entities. Another goal was to determine if the current excavation methods and documenting are even suitable for such a purpose as the above and if any further research is either necessary or possible. We can conclude that though the Celtic material of the region is quite simple and uniform, both the Romanized and the Sarmatian territories’ finds are rather varied. Several types of plain and twill weave appear, as well as a simple type of lace. Yarns of linen, wool, and on the Great Plain even cotton, are twisted in both directions. As for silk, both Z-spun and untwisted versions were found. In the Sarmatian material, there was no concrete dyestuff discovered, but in the Pannonian region, we find several brightly colored and thoroughly examined pieces. Based on quality and material, several imported pieces could be separated. Due to the low number of the examined pieces, this study is by no means conclusive, but nonetheless gives an interesting picture of the textile making of the area, and can be used for further research

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