99 research outputs found

    Διερεύνηση της ενδοοικογενειακής βίας σε άτομα με ψυχική διαταραχή κατά την περίοδο της πανδημίας Covid-19

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    Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία επιχειρεί να εξετάσει το φαινόμενο της ενδοοικογενειακής βίας στα περιβάλλοντα των Ελλήνων ψυχικά ασθενών, κατά τα χρόνια της πανδημίας του ιού Covid-19. Θέλοντας να παρέχει φωνή και υποστήριξη σε αυτή την ιδιαίτερη κοινωνική ομάδα, επιχειρεί ταυτόχρονα να καλύψει ένα μέρος του μεγάλου βιβλιογραφικού κενού που συναντάται στην διεθνή βιβλιογραφία πάνω στη συγκεκριμένη θεματική. Παρά την ύπαρξη του εν λόγω κενού, μέσω της μελέτης ερευνών για την αύξηση της βίας στο σύνολο του πληθυσμού και για την κατάπτωση της ψυχικής υγείας σε υψηλά ποσοστά στις περισσότερες κοινωνίες κατά την περίοδο της πανδημίας, δινόταν μεγάλη πιθανότητα ενίσχυσης του φαινομένου της ενδοοικογενειακής βίας στα περιβάλλοντα των ψυχικά ασθενών. Για τον παραπάνω λόγο σχεδιάστηκε μια επιστημονική έρευνα με κύριο στόχο την μελέτη της αποτύπωσης του φαινομένου της ενδοοικογενειακής βίας στα περιβάλλοντα των ψυχικά ασθενών κατά τα χρόνια της πανδημίας του Covid-19, μαζί με άλλους τρεις δευτερεύοντες στόχους. Η έρευνα αυτή πραγματοποιήθηκε με τη μορφή ημιδομημένων ανοιχτών συνεντεύξεων ποιοτικού τύπου σε τυχαίο δείγμα 15 ψυχικά ασθενών, ηλικίας 18 έως 65 ετών, οι οποίοι βρίσκονται κάτω από την επίβλεψη του προσωπικού τριών δομών του Αιγινητείου νοσοκομείου (Κέντρο Επαγγελματικής Αποκατάστασης – ΚΕΠ στου Παπάγου, Νοσοκομείο Ημέρας – ΝΗ στο Αιγινήτειο Νοσοκομείο και Mετανοσοκομειακός ξενώνας – ΜΝΞ στον Νέο Κόσμο). Παρά της αρχικές προβλέψεις της έρευνας, σημειώθηκε μικρή έως ανεπαίσθητη αύξηση του φαινομένου της ενδοοικογενειακής βίας στα περιβάλλοντα των ψυχικά ασθενών, μέσω της λεκτικής και της σωματικής μορφής βίας, σε συνδυασμό με την άντληση ενός αριθμού επιπλέον ευρημάτων και συμπερασμάτων, τα οποία θα μπορούσαν να μελετηθούν εκτενέστερα σε μελλοντικές έρευνες.This thesis attempts to examine the phenomenon of domestic violence in the environments of Greek mentally ill people during the years of the Covid-19 virus pandemic. By wanting to give voice and support to this particular social group, it also attempts to fill a part of the large bibliographical gap found in the international bibliography on this particular topic. Despite the existence of this gap, through study and research on the increase in violence in the population as a whole and on the high rates of mental health decline in most societies during the pandemic period, there was given a high possibility that the phenomenon of domestic violence in the environments of the mentally ill would be increased. For this reason, a specific scientific research was designed with main objective to study the imprint of the phenomenon of domestic violence in the environments of the mentally ill during the years of the Covid-19 pandemic, together with three other secondary objectives. This research was conducted in the form of semi-structured open qualitative interviews with a random sample of 15 psychiatric patients of ages 18-65 years old, who are under the supervision of the staff of three external departments of the Aegineteion Hospital. Despite the initial predictions of the research, there was a slight increase in the phenomenon of domestic violence in the environments of the mentally ill, through the forms of verbal and physical violence, along with the extraction of a number of additional findings and conclusions, which could be studied more extensively in future research, in order to provide useful insights on these topics

    Synthesis of diphenoxyadamantane alkylamines with pharmacological interest.

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    In this work, the synthesis and the pharmacological evaluation of diphenoxyadamantane alkylamines Ia-f and IIa-f is described. The new diphenoxy-substituted adamantanes share structural features present in trypanocidal and antitubercular agents. 1-Methylpiperazine derivative Ia is the most potent against T. brucei compound, whilst its hexylamine congener IIf exhibits a significant antimycobacterial activity

    Structure based inhibitor design targeting glycogen phosphorylase b. Virtual screening, synthesis, biochemical and biological assessment of novel N-acyl-β-d-glucopyranosylamines

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    Glycogen phosphorylase (GP) is a validated target for the development of new type 2 diabetes treatments. Exploiting the Zinc docking database, we report the in silico screening of 1888 β- D-glucopyranose-NH-CO-R putative GP inhibitors differing only in their R groups. CombiGlide and GOLD docking programs with different scoring functions were employed with the best performing methods combined in a “consensus scoring” approach to ranking of ligand binding affinities for the active site. Six selected candidates from the screening were then synthesized and their inhibitory potency was assessed both in vitro and ex vivo. Their inhibition constants’ values, in vitro, ranged from 5 to 377 µM while two of them were effective at causing inactivation of GP in rat hepatocytes at low µM concentrations. The crystal structures of GP in complex with the inhibitors were defined and provided the structural basis for their inhibitory potency and data for further structure based design of more potent inhibitors

    Antiviral unsaturates nucleosides

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    In the search for effective, selective and nontoxic antiviral agents, a variety of nucleoside analogues have been synthesized, with different functionalities in the carbohydrate moiety. Unsaturated nucleoside analogues are recognized as an important class of biologically active compounds and appear to be prominent drugs in the management of several viral infections, including HSV, HIV, HBV, HCV and HCMV infections. Currently, unsaturated nucleoside mimetics, such as stavudine, abacavir and entecavir have been approved for the treatment of viral infections, while elvucitabine and β-L-2′-F-d4C are in clinical trials. The purpose of this review is to give an update of the recent developments on unsaturated nucleoside and nucleoside analogues, in both cyclic and acyclic forms, which possess promising therapeutic potential, mainly antiviral. It covers analogues with ring sizes from three to six and provides useful data, in the aim to enhance chemical reactivity or to study the fixation of the sugar conformation. © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd

    Keto and Exomethylene Pyranonucleosides as Antitumor Agents

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    Nucleosides and their analogues take an important place in medicinal chemistry as the structural basis for the development of therapeutic agents. Recently, there has been a renewed interest in the synthesis of keto and exomethylene pyranonucleosides, due to their high cytotoxicity in vitro and powerful inhibitory action in vivo. Their mode of action probably involves their ability to act as acceptors in a Michael-addition mechanism, while it was revealed that 5-fluorouracil nucleosides represent novel prodrugs of 5-fluorouracil targeting thymidylate synthase. The present mini review summarizes the molecular design, chemical synthesis and biological activity of keto- and exomethylene pyranonucleoside analogues

    Exomethylene pyranonucleosides: Efficient synthesis and biological evaluation of 1-(2,3,4-trideoxy-2-methylene-beta-D-glycero-hex-3-enopyranosyl)thymine

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    A new series of unsaturated pyranonucleosides with an exocyclic methylene group and thymine as heterocyclic base have been designed and synthesized. D-Galactose (1) was readily transformed in three steps into the corresponding 1-(beta-D-galactopyranosyl)thymine (2). Selective protection of the primary hydroxyl group of 2 with a t-butyldimethylsilyl (TBDMS) group, followed by specific acetalation, and oxidation gave 1-(6-O-t-butyldimethylsilyl-3,4-O-isopropylidene-beta-D-lyxo-hexopyranosyl-2-ulose)thymine (5). Wittig reaction of the ketonucleoside 5, deprotection and tritylation of the 6'-hydroxyl group gave 1-(2-deoxy-2-methylene-6-O-trityl-beta-D-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)thymine (9). Exomethylene pyranonucleoside 9 was converted to the olefinic derivative 10, which after detritylation afforded the title compound 1-(2,3,4-trideoxy-2-methylene-beta-D-glycero-hex-3-enopyranosyl)thymine (11). These novel synthesized compounds were evaluated for antiviral activity against rotaviral infection and cytotoxicity in colon cancer. As compared to AZT, compounds 1-(2-deoxy-2-methylene-beta-D-lyxo-hexopyranosyl)thymine (7) and 1-(beta-D-lyxo-hexopyranosyl-2-ulose)thymine (8) showed to be more efficient, in rotavirus infections and in treatment of colon cancer. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved