238 research outputs found

    Weak Turbulent Kolmogorov Spectrum for Surface Gravity Waves

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    We study the long-time evolution of gravity waves on deep water exited by the stochastic external force concentrated in moderately small wave numbers. We numerically implement the primitive Euler equations for the potential flow of an ideal fluid with free surface written in canonical variables, using expansion of the Hamiltonian in powers of nonlinearity of up to fourth order terms. We show that due to nonlinear interaction processes a stationary energy spectrum close to ∣k∣∼k−7/2|k| \sim k^{-7/2} is formed. The observed spectrum can be interpreted as a weak-turbulent Kolmogorov spectrum for a direct cascade of energy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A symmetry-preserving second-order time-accurate PISO-based method

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    A new conservative symmetry-preserving second-order time-accurate PISO-based pressure-velocity coupling for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured collocated grids is presented in this paper. This new method for implicit time stepping is an extension of the conservative symmetry-preserving incremental-pressure projection method for explicit time stepping and unstructured collocated meshes of Trias et al. [35]. In order to assess and compare both methods, we have implemented them within one unified solver in the open source code OpenFOAM where we use a Butcher array to prescribe the Runge-Kutta method. Thus, by changing the entries of the Butcher array, explicit and diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta schemes can be combined into one solver. We assess the energy conservation properties of the implemented discretisation methods and the temporal consistency of the selected Runge-Kutta schemes using Taylor-Green vortex and lid-driven cavity flow test cases. Finally, we use a more complex turbulent channel flow test case in order to further assess the performance of the presented new conservative symmetry-preserving incremental-pressure PISO-based method. Although both implemented methods are based on a symmetry-preserving discretisation, we show they still produce a small amount of numerical dissipation when the total pressure is directly solved from a Poisson equation. When an incremental-pressure approach is used, where a pressure correction is solved from a Poisson equation, both methods are effectively fully-conservative. For high-fidelity simulations of incompressible turbulent flows, it is highly desirable to use fully-conservative methods. For such simulations, the presented numerical methods are therefore expected to have large added value, since they pave the way for the execution of truly energy-conservative high-fidelity simulations in complex geometries. Furthermore, both methods are implemented in OpenFOAM, which is widely used within the CFD community, so that a large part of this community can benefit from the developed and implemented numerical methods

    A genetic linkage map of Sole (Solea solea): A tool for evolutionary and comparative analyses of exploited (flat)fishes

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    Linkage maps based on markers derived from genes are essential evolutionary tools for commercial marine fish to help identify genomic regions associated with complex traits and subject to selective forces at play during exploitation or selective breeding. Additionally, they allow the use of genomic information from other related species for which more detailed information is available. Sole (solea solea L.) is a commercially important flatfish species in the North Sea, subject to overexploitation and showing evidence of fisheries-induced evolutionary changes in growth- and maturation-related traits. Sole would definitely benefit from a linkage map to better understand how evolution has shaped its genome structure. This study presents a linkage map of sole based on 423 single nucleotide polymorphisms derived from expressed sequence tags and 8 neutral microsatellite markers. The total map length is 1233.8 cM and consists of 38 linkage groups with a size varying between 0 to 92.1 cM. Being derived from expressed sequence tags allowed us to align the map with the genome of four model fish species, namely medaka (Oryzias latipes), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and green spotted pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis). This comparison revealed multiple conserved syntenic regions with all four species, and suggested that the linkage groups represent 21 putative sole chromosomes. The map was also compared to the linkage map of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), another commercially important flatfish species and closely related to sole. For all putative sole chromosomes (except one) a turbot homolog was detected, confirming the even higher degree of synteny between these two flatfish species

    Freely decaying weak turbulence for sea surface gravity waves

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    We study numerically the generation of power laws in the framework of weak turbulence theory for surface gravity waves in deep water. Starting from a random wave field, we let the system evolve numerically according to the nonlinear Euler equations for gravity waves in infinitely deep water. In agreement with the theory of Zakharov and Filonenko, we find the formation of a power spectrum characterized by a power law of the form of ∣k∣−2.5|{\bf k}|^{-2.5}.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Freak Waves in Random Oceanic Sea States

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    Freak waves are very large, rare events in a random ocean wave train. Here we study the numerical generation of freak waves in a random sea state characterized by the JONSWAP power spectrum. We assume, to cubic order in nonlinearity, that the wave dynamics are governed by the nonlinear Schroedinger (NLS) equation. We identify two parameters in the power spectrum that control the nonlinear dynamics: the Phillips parameter α\alpha and the enhancement coefficient γ\gamma. We discuss how freak waves in a random sea state are more likely to occur for large values of α\alpha and γ\gamma. Our results are supported by extensive numerical simulations of the NLS equation with random initial conditions. Comparison with linear simulations are also reported.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    From community to assemblage? : ICT provides a site for inclusion and exclusion in the global south

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    The role of information and communication technology (ICT) in development has been discussed from two distinctly different perspectives: some view it as a means for opening new alleys for the facilitation of development and democracy, while others assess it as counterproductive. Furthermore, it has been emphasised that people in cities and rural areas utilise ICT in different ways, as do people with wealth and education compared to poor people. In Africa, Kenya has declared itself an ICT hub. The state has emphasised ICT in promoting services, much less freedom of expression. This article discusses ICT and development via the filter of assemblage, a key concept developed by Deleuze and Guattari (2004/1980. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. London: Continuum.). They emphasised fluidity as well as micro- and macro-level dichotomies. When communities based on sharing and consistent social order meet new technology, the change goes deeper than that of improved services. The basic difference might be the fact that a community is constructed on cultural ties developed over time, which strengthens immobility and stability, while an assemblage is characterised by mobility and fluidity. Thus, a system of values, hierarchies, and inherited traditions is challenged, mixed with ‘new’ problems brought about by individualised behaviour.Peer reviewe

    Helicobacter Genotyping and Detection in Peroperative Lavage Fluid in Patients with Perforated Peptic Ulcer

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    Introduction and Objectives Certain Helicobacter pylori genotypes are associated with peptic ulcer disease; however, little is known about associations between the H. pylori genotype and perforated peptic ulcer (PPU). The primary aim of this study was to evaluate which genotypes are present in patients with PPU and which genotype is dominant in this population. The secondary aim was to study the possibility of determining the H. pylori status in a way other than by biopsy. Materials and Methods Serum samples, gastric tissue biopsies, lavage fluid, and fluid from the nasogastric tube were collec
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