192 research outputs found

    Toward a Soviet Poor Art: Ilya Kabakov’s Use of Trash

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    This article examines the evolution of Soviet non-conformist artist Ilya Kabakov’s work to consider questions of influence and reception from within the U.S.S.R as well as in Europe and beyond. Komaromi compares Kabakov’s use of poor-quality objects (plokhie veshchi) and trash (musor) with the practices of Italian artists associated with Arte Povera to determine in what sense Kabakov produces a Soviet poor art. She further juxtaposes his approach to trash with the techniques of Robert Rauschenberg’s combines. While Rauschenberg’s combines present the resistant materiality of discrete objects, Kabakov’s trash ultimately invites consideration of the material context according to what Komaromi calls a syntax of reception. Audience responses to Kabakov’s works, including his famous installations with trash, speak to western and post-Soviet perceptions of Soviet and Russian identity, with implications also for how those audiences understand themselves


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    Teaching statistics can bring up difficulties of various types for the teacher. Some of these are independent of the environment, i.e. they could occur at any place and time; some are specifically conditional on the surrounding circumstances. This paper presents an example for both of these kinds from the practice of two Hungarian teachers

    Literary Samizdat and Samizdat Publics

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    In this article Komaromi considers literary samizdat journals in light of public theory. Although literary samizdat journals do not conform to classic conceptions of public speech, they do yield to more recent analyses of counter-publics proposed by Nancy Fraser and Michael Warner. Picking up on the poetic aspects of public speech highlighted by Warner, Komaromi examines the publics projected by literary samizdat journals through statements about those publics, style, and bibliographic values. While not directly contesting political conditions, these literary journals amplified the implications of samizdat production and distribution to foster plurality and human connection as a basis for a better future.

    QT grafičko korisničko sučelje u Pythonu

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    U ovome radu opisana je biblioteka Qt, višeplatformski radni okvir otvorenog koda za izradu grafičkih korisničkih sučelja računalnih programa. Pruženi su uvid u povijest nastanka Qt-a, njegova svojstva, tri osnovne značajke (apstrakcija od izrade grafičkog sučelja, signali i slotovi i metaobjektni prevoditelj) i jezična poveznica koja omogućuje korištenje Qt biblioteke u programskom jeziku Python. Primjenom jezičnih poveznica programer ne mora poznavati programski jezik u kojemu je biblioteka izvorno napisana jer poveznica sadrži objekte i metode ili funkcije biblioteke napisane u programeru poznatom jeziku. Predstavljene su tri druge široko rasprostranjene višeplatformske biblioteke otvorenog koda za izradu sučelja računalnih programa: GTK+, Kivy i wxWidgets. Pritom su istaknuta svojstva po kojima se te biblioteke razlikuju od Qt-a i ona koja su im zajednička. Na kraju je predstavljen primjer programa napisanog u Pythonu pomoću Qt biblioteke koji omogućuje učitavanje i prikaz slika, njihovu obradu koristeći skriptirane filtere te pregled i pohranu izmijenjene slike. Filteri obrađuju slike primjenom OpenCV biblioteke.This paper describes the Qt library, an open-source, cross-platform framework used for developing graphical user interfaces of computer programs. An insight is given into the history of creation, features, three principal properties of Qt (abstraction of the graphical user interface, signals and slots and the metaobject compiler), and a language binding which allows the usage of Qt in Python programming language. Language bindings relieve the programmer of the need to learn the language in which a library is originally written as the binding contains objects and methods or functions of the library written in a language known to the programmer. Three other widespread open-source cross-platform libraries for graphical user interface development are presented: GTK+, Kivy, and wxWidgets. Features which differ Qt from these libraries are emphasized as well as features which Qt has in common with them. Finally, a program example written in Python using Qt is demonstrated, which allows loading and viewing images, their manipulation using scripted filters, previewing and saving the altered image. Filters perform image processing using the OpenCV library

    Ensemble-Based Error and Predictability Metrics Associated with Tropical Cyclogenesis. Part II: Wave-Relative Framework

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    Abstract The predictability of selected variables associated with tropical cyclogenesis is examined using 10-day ECMWF ensemble forecasts for 21 events from the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season. Variables are associated with the strength of the pregenesis disturbance, quantified via circulation and thickness anomaly, and the favorability of the immediate environment via moisture and vertical wind shear. For approximately half of the cases, the predicted strength of the genesis signal is directly related to the predicted favorability of the environment. For the remainder of the cases, predictability is more directly associated with the strength and location of the analyzed disturbance. Some commonalities among the majority of the sample are also observed. Forecast joint distributions demonstrate that 700-hPa relative humidity of less than 60% within 300 km of the circulation center is a limiting factor for genesis. Genesis is also predicted and found to occur in the presence of significant wind shear (~15 m s−1), but almost exclusively when the core and environment of the wave are both very moist. The ensemble also demonstrates the potential to predict error standard deviation of variables averaged within 300- and 1000-km radii about individual tropical waves. Forecasts with greater ensemble standard deviation tend to be, on average, associated with greater mean error, especially for forecasts of less than 7 days. However, model biases, particularly a dry core and weak circulation bias, become pronounced at longer lead times. Overall, these results demonstrate that both the environmental conditions favorable to genesis and the genesis events themselves may be predictable to a week or more

    Integration of Copernicus satellite image data into a web application

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    Rad opisuje program Copernicus Europske unije namijenjen promatranju Zemlje, njezine površine i okoliša. Program Copernicus pod vodstvom je i koordinacijom Europske komisije, a rezultat je suradnje članica Europske unije te niza organizacija i agencija. Opisani su Sentinel sateliti, skupine misija koje ispunjavaju zadatke Copernicus programa. Navedeni su instrumenti koje koristi svaka od misija, njihov način rada i dio izrađenih podataka dostupan za uporabu svim krajnjim korisnicima. Navedeni su i opisani repozitoriji podataka Sentinel satelita te je pobliže opisan rad s Copernicus Open Access Hubom, njegovim grafičkim sučeljem i sučeljima za programiranje aplikacija. Predstavljena je aplikacija izrađena u sklopu rada koja omogućuje pregled snimki dostupnih u okviru programa Copernicus, tehnologije, biblioteke i razvojni okviri korišteni u razvoju te implementacijske pojedinosti uočene tijekom izrade.This paper describes the European Union Copernicus programme aimed at observing the Earth, its surface and the environment. Copernicus is led and coordinated by the European Commission, and is a result of cooperation between European Union member states and a number of organisations and agencies. Sentinel satellites, which fulfil the objectives of the Copernicus programme, are described. Instruments used in missions, their operation and portions of data made available for general usage are specified. Sentinel satellite data repositories are enumerated and described. A detailed overview of the graphical user interface and application programming interfaces of Copernicus Open Access Hub is provided. An application, created as part of this paper, which allows viewing satellite imagery provided by the Copernicus programme, is demonstrated, as well as technologies, libraries and frameworks used in the development process and implementation details discovered during development

    Variation in the Translation Patterns of English ‘Noun + Noun’ Compounds in ESP: The Case of Engineering Students

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    ‘Noun + Noun’ compounds are among the most common and productive structures in modern English. Due to their complexity and potential ambiguity, they represent a challenge for English language learners, especially if such compounds are generally untypical and unproductive in the learners’ mother tongue, as the case is with the Serbian. The aim of this research is to examine how engineering students understand and translate ‘N+N’ structures in the context of English for Specific Purposes, focusing on binominal compounds and compounds with more than two constituents. The research method is the analysis of a translation test from English to Serbian. The results show that students need to receive more input about the semantic and syntactic properties of these structures and develop learning strategies that would help them to fully comprehend this type of compounds and provide their correct translations, focusing on their meaning instead of form

    Staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of Ukrainian metropolises

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    During hundreds of years, in large cities man has been forming a specific urban environment with original species composition of insect communities, including the most diverse group of predatory beetles – Staphylinidae family. Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro are the three most populated cities of Ukraine. In the urban cenoses of these cities, over 140 species from 66 genera of Staphylinidae have been recorded. The total of 69 species (43 genera) were recorded in Kyiv, 67 (39 genera) in Dnipro and 66 (37 genera) in Kharkiv. Among them, , eight species in the catalogue of Palearctic staphylinds had not been previously recorded for Ukraine: Arpedium quadrum Grav., Atheta laticeps Thomson, Medon apicalis Kraatz, Ocalea rivularis Müll., Philonthus salinus Kiesenwetter, Quedius invreae Gridelli, Tasgius pedator Grav. and Xantholinus gallicus Coiffait. By number, common species accounted for 29 in Dnipro, 21 in Kyiv and 19 in Kharkiv. In all the metropolises, two species (Staphylinus caesareus Cederhjelm and Drusilla canaliculata (F.)) were identified as eudominants. Dominants and subdominants comprised 18–25 species. Almost two thirds of the fauna of staphylinids of the cities was classified as rare species. The lowest faunistic similarity was seen between the staphylinids of the urban cenoses of Dnipro and those in Kyiv and Kharkiv (15.3% and 17.5%), similarity was higher for Staphylinidae of Kyiv and Kharkiv (36.0%). Similarity by common species of staphylinids for Kyiv and Kharkiv equaled 73.9%, 28.2% for Dnipro and Kyiv and 37.1% for Dnipro and Kharkiv. The article offers a review of species diversity, number and ecological structure (biotopic confinedness, hygrothermal preference) of typical species of staphylinids in different urban cenoses of Kharkiv. Differences in qualitative-quantitative and ecological structures of staphylinids are related to the diversity of the conditions in a particular urban cenoses. The commonest representatives of the family in the metropolises were polytopic mesophilous carnivorous species

    Instytucjonalny rozwój rolnictwa organicznego w UE

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    The concept of sustainable development has been attracting the attention of the scientific and professional community for decades. Various researches and papers focused on the concept of sustainability, exploring it through the prism of the economic, ecological and social subsystem. In this paper, the authors focus on agriculture and its sustainability. Starting from the assumption that organic farming is a sustainable system production, the authors turn to institutional support, trying to find a link between EU agricultural policy (CAP) and the growth of areas in organic agriculture. The research showed that this kind of support system failed to play the role that was intended for it and did not lead to mass acceptance of organic agriculture everywhere. Authors on the example of Denmark, Germany and Italy show the extent to which state support has influenced the expansion of areas under this system. Also, the comparison with the US agricultural policy leads to the conclusion that support policies for organic production constructed on a one-dimensional focus of payments per unit area will not lead to the expected results in terms of further progress and development of the organic sector.Koncepcja zrównoważonego rozwoju przyciąga uwagę środowiska naukowego i zawodowego. Różnorodne badania i artykuły koncentrowały się na koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju, eksplorując ją przez pryzmat podsystemu ekonomicznego, ekologicznego i społecznego. W niniejszym artykule autorzy koncentrują się na rolnictwie i jego zrównoważeniu. Wychodząc z założenia, że rolnictwo organiczne jest produkcją systemową zrównoważoną, autorzy zwracają się ku wsparciu instytucjonalnemu, próbując znaleźć związek między polityką rolną UE (WPR) a wzrostem areału w rolnictwie organicznym. Badania wykazały, że tego rodzaju system wsparcia nie spełnił przewidzianej dla niego roli i nie doprowadził wszędzie do masowej akceptacji rolnictwa organicznego. Autorzy na przykładzie Danii, Niemiec i Włoch pokazują, w jakim stopniu wsparcie państwa wpłynęło na ekspansję obszarów objętych tym systemem. Również porównanie z polityką rolną USA prowadzi do wniosku, że polityki wsparcia produkcji organicznej zbudowane na jednowymiarowym skupieniu płatności na jednostkę powierzchni nie doprowadzą do oczekiwanych rezultatów w zakresie dalszego postępu i rozwoju sektora organicznego

    Ecologo-faunistic review of lamellicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) of urbocenosis of Kharkov city (Ukraine)

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    This article presents a general overview of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea in five parks of Kharkov city and some adjacent agrocenosises. The species composition includes 32 species from four families of Scarabaeoidea. The Scarabaeidae family dominated in biodiversity and abundance (26 species from 16 genera). Six species (Dorcus parallelopipedus, Platyderes caraboides, Anoplotrupes stercorosus, Aphodius melanostictus, Pleurophorus caesus and Onthophagus coenobita) were sporadically registered as common, but in separate urban cenosises the number of species did not exceed one or three. The species composition and abundance of lamellicorn beetles was higher in large parks with only slight recreational disturbance. Here from 13 to 20 species were registered. On lawns in the center and in other districts of the city Scarabaeoidea species met very rarely. In the agrocenosises on the outskirts of Kharkov city – 16 species are noted, almost half of which were registered as common. The faunistic similarity of different urban cenosises was at low to medium levels (an average 0.20–0.47). These indices were slightly higher (0.38–0.67) for areas with lower recreational pressure. The indices of faunal similarity of separate parks and agrocenoses were lower (0.18–0.56, but on average – 0.33). At the level of common species, there was no faunistic similarity. The significance of such differences was due to both the low number of most Lamellicorn species and some of their ecological characteristics. The main differences were observed in the ratio of trophic groups and features of the spatial distribution of the dominant species. Smaller differences were observed on biotopic characteristic of most species. There were no differences in the hygropreference of the scarabeid species. In the parks herpetobiont saprophagous species dominated (mainly coprophagous and dendrophagous). In the agrocenoses, dendrochordobiontic phytophagous species predominated. The peculiarities of the ratio of different ecological groups of Scarabaeoidea in urban and agrocenosises are discussed.В результате исследований в пяти парках г. Харьков выявлено 32 вида из четырех семейств Scarabaeoidea. По видовому составу и численности доминировали представители семейства Scarabaeidae (26 видов из 16 родов). Обычными оказались шесть видов, причем в отдельных урбоценозах их число не превышало одного-трех видов. Видовой состав и численность скарабеоидных жуков оказались выше в крупных, рекреационно слабо нарушенных парках, где отмечено от 13 до 20 видов. На газонах как в центре города, так и в отдаленных микрорайонах, пластинчатоусые жуки встречались единично. В прилегающих к Харькову агроценозах отмечено 16 видов, из которых почти половина – обычны. Среднее фаунистическое сходство Scarabaeoidea в разных парках оказалось невелико (0,20 по Жаккару и 0,47 по Чекановскому – Серенсену). Эти показатели были чуть выше (0,38–0,50 / 0,61–0,67) для территорий с меньшей рекреационной нагруз­кой. Фаунистические индексы отдельных парков и агроценозов составляли 0,18–0,31 / 0,31–0,56 (в среднем – 0,33 / 0,50). На уровне обычных видов, фаунистическое сходство отсутствует. Значимость таких различий обусловлена как низкой численностью большинства видов, так и некоторыми экологическими характеристиками видов. Основные различия наблюдались в соотношении трофических групп и особенностях пространственного распределения доминантных видов. Меньшие различия отмечены при сравнении видов по биото­пической приуроченности и гигропреферендуму. По трофической специализации в парках доминировали герпетобионтные сапрофаги разной специализации (в основном копрофаги и дендрофаги), тогда как в агроценозах преобладали фитофаги – дендрохортобионты. Обсуждены особенности соотношения разных экологических групп Scarabaeoidea в урбо- и агроценозах.В результате исследований в пяти парках г. Харьков выявлено 32 вида из четырех семейств Scarabaeoidea. По видовому составу и численности доминировали представители семейства Scarabaeidae (26 видов из 16 родов). Обычными оказались шесть видов, причем в отдельных урбоценозах их число не превышало одного-трех видов. Видовой состав и численность скарабеоидных жуков оказались выше в крупных, рекреационно слабо нарушенных парках, где отмечено от 13 до 20 видов. На газонах как в центре города, так и в отдаленных микрорайонах, пластинчатоусые жуки встречались единично. В прилегающих к Харькову агроценозах отмечено 16 видов, из которых почти половина – обычны. Среднее фаунистическое сходство Scarabaeoidea в разных парках оказалось невелико (0,20 по Жаккару и 0,47 по Чекановскому – Серенсену). Эти показатели были чуть выше (0,38–0,50 / 0,61–0,67) для территорий с меньшей рекреационной нагруз­кой. Фаунистические индексы отдельных парков и агроценозов составляли 0,18–0,31 / 0,31–0,56 (в среднем – 0,33 / 0,50). На уровне обычных видов, фаунистическое сходство отсутствует. Значимость таких различий обусловлена как низкой численностью большинства видов, так и некоторыми экологическими характеристиками видов. Основные различия наблюдались в соотношении трофических групп и особенностях пространственного распределения доминантных видов. Меньшие различия отмечены при сравнении видов по биото­пической приуроченности и гигропреферендуму. По трофической специализации в парках доминировали герпетобионтные сапрофаги разной специализации (в основном копрофаги и дендрофаги), тогда как в агроценозах преобладали фитофаги – дендрохортобионты. Обсуждены особенности соотношения разных экологических групп Scarabaeoidea в урбо- и агроценозах