20 research outputs found

    Improvement after two sessions of electroconvulsive therapy predicts final remission in in-patients with major depression

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    Objective: To investigate whether early improvement, measured after two electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) sessions, is a good predictor of eventual remission in severely depressed in-patients receiving ECT. Method: A prospective cohort study was performed that included 89 major depressive disorder in-patients treated with bilateral ECT. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values were computed for various definitions of early improvement (15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% reduction on the Montgomery Asberg depression rating scale (MADRS) score) after 1 week (i.e. two sessions) of ECT regarding prediction of remission (final MADRS score ≤ 9). Results: A 15% reduction in MADRS score appeared to be the best definition of early improvement, with modest sensitivity (51%) and relatively good specificity (79%). Kaplan–Meier analysis showed a more than 2-week shorter time to remission in patients with early improvement compared with patients lacking early improvement. Conclusion: Early improvement during an ECT course may be assessed after two ECT sessions. Such improvement, defined as a 15% reduction in the MADRS score, is a moderately sensitive predictor for eventual remission in an in-patient population with severe major depression

    Klima- og lavutslippsløsninger. Vil ny EU-forordning bedre statistikkgrunnlaget?

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    Tall for miljørelaterte varer og tjenester er fra 2017 rapporteringspliktig til Eurostat jamfør EU forordning 538/2014 om miljøøkonomiske regnskaper. Tallene skal vise produksjon av miljørelaterte varer og tjenester samt eksport, verdiskaping og sysselsetting tilknyttet denne produksjonen. Tallene for miljørelaterte varer og tjenester skal systematiseres etter produserende næringer og ulike miljøvern- og ressursforvaltningskategorier. Statistisk sentralbyrå arbeider med å etablere et datagrunnlag som gjør det mulig å møte de nye rapporteringsforpliktelsene til Eurostat for miljørelaterte varer og tjenester. I den anledning er det på oppdrag fra Klima- og miljødepartementet foretatt en kartlegging for å vurdere i hvilken grad detaljer angående klima- og lavutslippsløsninger inngår i det nye tallgrunnlaget for miljørelaterte varer og tjenester. I kartleggingsarbeidet har det vært nødvendig å avgrense begrepet klima- og lavutslippsløsninger i forhold til hvilke varer, tjenester og teknologier som inngår i definisjonen av miljørelaterte varer og tjenester. Oppdraget har deretter gått ut på å identifisere ulike aktiviteter som blir produsert i Norge og som faller innenfor denne avgrensningen. Prosjektet har identifisert flere varer og tjenester som kan regnes som klima- og lavutslippsløsninger og som vil inngå i tallene for miljørelaterte varer og tjenester. I teorien vil de kommende tallene kunne gi informasjon om norsk produksjon av klima- og lavutslippsløsninger samt hvor stor del som eksporteres. Det er allikevel fremdeles usikkerhet knyttet til mulighetene for å synliggjøre flere detaljer angående klima- og lavutslippsløsninger enn det rapporteringsforpliktelsene tilsier. Selv om prosjektet har identifisert flere varer og tjenester, er det fremdeles utfordringer knyttet til datagrunnlag og systematisk innhenting av informasjon. De relevante varene og tjenestene har blitt identifisert ved hjelp av internettsøk, møter med ulike fagetater etc. og ikke ved en systematisk kartlegging. Dette gjør at informasjonen i liten grad kan benyttes i den løpende produksjonen av tall for miljørelaterte varer og tjenester. I tillegg er de fleste nåværende datakilder for aggregerte til at de enkelte varene og tjenestene kan tallfestes. Prosjektarbeidet har vist at det kommende tallgrunnlaget for miljørelaterte varer og tjenester vil kunne bedre informasjonsgrunnlaget tilknyttet klima- og lavutslippsløsninger samt hvor stor andel av denne produksjonen som eksporteres. Men, det er fremdeles utfordringer knyttet til identifisering av karakteristiske varer og tjenester samt datagrunnlag. Tallgrunnlaget for miljørelaterte varer og tjenester er under utvikling. Når produksjonsmetode for det kommende tallgrunnlaget for miljørelaterte varer og tjenester er landet, vil det bli tydeligere hvilke klima- og lavutslippsløsninger som kan synliggjøres spesielt.publishedVersio

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    Stringency and Distribution in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme - The 2005 Evidence

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    With the release of the verified emissions for installations covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme for the first trading year 2005 we are able to compare actual emissions and allowances for each installation. Based on data available for 24 Member States as of January 2007, this paper uses a thorough data analysis for about 9,900 installations to investigate evidence on three issues: first, the stringency of the total allocation cap and allocation differences both among the Member States and a selection of emission intensive sectors; second, the distribution of the size of installations; and third, the spread of allocation discrepancies and possible allocation biases regarding the size of installations

    Electroconvulsive therapy modulates plasma pigment epithelium-derived factor in depression:a proteomics study

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    AbstractElectroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the most effective treatment for severe depression, yet its mechanism of action is not fully understood. Peripheral blood proteomic analyses may offer insights into the molecular mechanisms of ECT. Patients with a major depressive episode were recruited as part of the EFFECT-Dep trial (enhancing the effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy in severe depression; ISRCTN23577151) along with healthy controls. As a discovery-phase study, patient plasma pre-/post-ECT (n=30) was analyzed using 2-dimensional difference in gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Identified proteins were selected for confirmation studies using immunodetection methods. Samples from a separate group of patients (pre-/post-ECT; n=57) and matched healthy controls (n=43) were then used to validate confirmed changes. Target protein mRNA levels were also assessed in rat brain and blood following electroconvulsive stimulation (ECS), the animal model of ECT. We found that ECT significantly altered 121 protein spots with 36 proteins identified by mass spectrometry. Confirmation studies identified a post-ECT increase (P&lt;0.01) in the antiangiogenic and neuroprotective mediator pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF). Validation work showed an increase (P&lt;0.001) in plasma PEDF in depressed patients compared with the controls that was further increased post-ECT (P=0.03). PEDF levels were not associated with mood scores. Chronic, but not acute, ECS increased PEDF mRNA in rat hippocampus (P=0.02) and dentate gyrus (P=0.03). This study identified alterations in blood levels of PEDF in depressed patients and further alterations following ECT, as well as in an animal model of ECT. These findings implicate PEDF in the biological response to ECT for depression.</jats:p

    A miRNA Signature for Cognitive Deficits and Alcohol Use Disorder in Persons Living with HIV/AIDS

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    HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) affects more than half of persons living with HIV-1/AIDS (PLWHA). Identification of biomarkers representing the cognitive status of PLWHA is a critical step for implementation of successful cognitive, behavioral and pharmacological strategies to prevent onset and progression of HAND. However, the presence of co-morbidity factors in PLWHA, the most common being substance abuse, can prevent the identification of such biomarkers. We have optimized a protocol to profile plasma miRNAs using quantitative RT-qPCR and found a miRNA signature with very good discriminatory ability to distinguish PLWHA with cognitive impairment from those without cognitive impairment. Here, we have evaluated this miRNA signature in PLWHA with alcohol use disorder (AUD) at LSU Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC). The results show that AUD is a potential confounding factor for the miRNAs associated with cognitive impairment in PLWHA. Furthermore, we have investigated the miRNA signature associated with cognitive impairment in an independent cohort of PLWHA using plasma samples from the CNS HIV Antiretroviral Therapy Effects Research (CHARTER) program. Despite differences between the two cohorts in socioeconomic status, AUD, and likely misuse of illicit or prescription drugs, we validated a miRNA signature for cognitive deficits found at LSUHSC in the CHARTER samples