13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of grit properties at a medium-capacity wastewater treatment plant: A case study

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    The optimized, tailored approaches in the design of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) minimize expenditure of the resources, increase treatment effectiveness, and prolong useful life of the infrastructure. In this study, wastewater grit characteristics were evaluated over the course of one year at the headworks and collection network of the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) WWTP, located in New Jersey, USA. The mixed grit at the ACUA WWTP can be characterized as particles prevalently in the fine sand size range with high content of organic matter, low fraction of fats, oils, and grease (FOG), and very low settling velocity. A significant seasonal variability was observed in the measured parameters. These results will be utilized in the design of the most effective, fiscally responsible, and sustainable method of grit removal at the study site and may serve to promote utilization of WWTP-specific design at other facilities

    Digital Aspects of the Ukrainian Digitalization

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    Digital Aspects of the Ukrainian Digitalization / M. Tokar, S. Shybirina, I. Kolosovska, I. Khmarska // Economic Affairs. – 2022. – Vol. 67, No. 04. – Р. 755–764.The article highlights the issue of digitization components in Ukraine. The study aims to show the importance, the current state of digitalization, and its main components, which are determined by international competitiveness rankings indicators. The author’s analysis methodology, based on a combination of domestic and international methods of the competitive digitalization indicator, is used for the study. The study’s relevance is indicated by the globalization processes and general economic trends towards digitalization. The study results show the current digitization state in the Ukrainian economy and also Ukraine’s world position on various digitalization parameters. The greatest strengths are the intellectual capital in Ukraine; the weakest sides are the country’s technological level and readiness to a volatile market. Also, the digitalization of Ukraine is accompanied by problems, which include the reform of the labor organization in IT companies, cybersecurity problems, and a lack of investment. The study has practical value in its application to developing strategies for digitalization development. Further research will improve the process for developing different aspects of digitalization

    Cirtumstances that exclude criminal proceedings

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    Pēdējo reizi Kriminālprocesa likuma 377. pants tika grozīts 2016. gadā, kopš tā laika ir veikti vairāki grozījumi citos normatīvajos aktos, kas maina izpratni par piemērojamo institūtu. Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt kriminālprocesu nepieļaujošo apstākļu interpretāciju un to piemērošanu praksē. Bakalaura darba galvenie uzdevumi ir apzināt kriminālprocesu nepieļaujošo apstākļu vesturisko attīstību, tiesisko regulējumu, judikatūru, saistīto literatūru, statistikas datus un veikt tās izpēti un analīzi, kā arī apzināt problemātiku. Darba autore konstatēja, ka Kriminālprocesa likuma 377.pantā būtu nepieciešams veikt vairākus grozījumus, kas saistīti ar dažādu terminoloģijas lietošanu, pētāmā institūta piemērošanu praksē un piedāvāja to risinājumus. Atslēgas vārdi: kriminālprocess, kriminālprocesu nepieļaujošie apstākļi, reabilitējošie apstākļi, nereabilitējošie apstākļi.Section 377 of the Criminal Procedure Law was last amended in 2016, since then several amendments have been made to other regulatory enactments that change the understanding of the applicable institute. The aim of the research is to study the interpretation of the circumstances that exclude criminal proceedings and their application in practice. The main tasks of the Bachelor Paper are to identify the historical development of the circumstances that exclude criminal proceedings, the legal framework, case law, related literature, statistical data and to carry out its study and analysis, as well as to identify the problems. The author of the paper found that in Section 377 of the Criminal Procedure Law it would be necessary to make several amendments related to the use of different terminology, application of the research institute in practice and proposed their solutions. Keywords: criminal proceedings, circumstances that exclude criminal proceedings, exonerating circumstances, non-exonerating circumstances

    C.G. Jung’s Understanding of Individuation

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    Šī darba uzdevums ir atsegt Karla Gustava Junga aprakstītā individuācijas procesa būtību un mērķi. Lai to paveiktu, tiek attēlota psihes struktūra un šo procesu sastādošie posmi. Individuāciju var uzskatīt par tēmu, kas aktuāla visos laikmetos, jo tā tiešā veidā skar indivīda un viņa līdzcilvēku dzīves kvalitāti. Individuācija ir metode un mērķis, kas ļauj cilvēkam atrast pašam sevi un dzīvot saskaņā ar atrasto. Jungs to apraksta neviennozīmīgi un tēlaini, tāpēc pastāv iespēja saskarties ar grūtībām šī koncepta izpratnē. Aprakstītais process paredz sevis iepazīšanu no visnepatīkamākās puses un saskaršanos ar personiskās un kolektīvas bezapziņas saturiem un to integrāciju, par mērķi uzstādot sevis veidošanu par nedalāmu veselumu, kas brīvs no pašapmāna. Uzstādītais mērķis kalpo par nesasniedzamu ideālu, un tapšana par sevi ir nebeidzams darbs.This work aims to reveal the essence and the goal of the process of individuation as described by Carl Gustav Jung. In order to accomplish this, the description of the structure of psyche and individuation’s stages is given. Individuation is a topic that can be considered relevant in any age, because it directly affects the quality of individual’s life and life of his neighbours. Individuation is a means and goal, that allows one to find his true self and live in accordance with what one has found. Jung’s depiction of this process is ambiguous and figurative, therefore one can find it difficult to grasp this concept. The never-ending process in question requires the subject to become acquainted with his most unpleasant traits and the integration of the contents of unconscious, aiming to become an indivisible whole, that is free from self-deceit

    Methods and Techniques in the Work with a Word on the Native Language Lessons in the Preliminary School for the 4th Forms

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    Diplomdarba tēma “Metodes un paņēmieni dabrā ar vārdu dzimtās valodas stundās sākumskolā 4. klasē ”. Diplomdarba mērķis ir izskatīt didaktiskās iespējas, kas attīstīs 4. klases skolēnos prasmi strādāt ar vārdu, balstoties uz skolēnu reālajām spējām un mūsdienu lingvodidaktu pieredzi. Pirmajā nodaļā tiek aplūkota jēziena “vārds” būtība un to klasifikācija, kā arī valodnieku un lingvodidaktu uzskati par to, kas ir “vārds” . Otrajā nodaļā analizētas metodes un paņēmieni, kurus piedāvā, strādājot ar vārdu, kā arī aplūkotas skolēnu problēmas un grūtības, saistītas ar vārda izprašanu un prasmi strādāt ar to dzimtā (krievu) valodas stundā. Trešajā nodaļā ir veikts pētījums 4. klašu skolēnu vidū, pārrunas par jēdziena “vārds” nozīmi, dažādu metožu izmantošana un aprobēšana.The theme of the graduation work is „Methods and techniques in the work with a word on the native language lessons in the preliminary school for the 4th forms”. The purpose of the graduation work is to consider didactic possibilities, that develops the ability of the 4th forms students to work with a word, subsequent to the students real abilities and nowadays linguo-didactic practice. In the first chapter the essence of the concept „word” and its classification, as well as linguists and linguo-linguists opinions about the „word” are explored. In the second part, the methods and techniques, that are proposed working with a word are analyzed, as well as the students problems and complexities connected with understanding of the word and ability to work with it on the native (Russian) language lessons are investigated. In the third chapter was made research among students from the 4th forms, conversations about the meaning of the concept „word”, as well as employment and approbation of the different methods

    Determination of impurities in purified silicon ingots

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    Piemaisījumu noteikšana attīrītos silīcija lietņos. Kolosovska G., zinātniskais vadītājs: Dr.chem., prof. Vīksna A., konsultants: Dr. phys. Čikvaidze G. Maģistra darbs, 68 lapuses, 32 attēli, 30 tabulas, 75 literatūras avoti, 17 pielikumi. Latviešu valodā. Darbā veikta piemaisījumu noteikšana attīrītos silīcija lietņos, kas iegūti Kazahstānā un attīrīti Ukrainā. Apkopota informācija par augstas tīrības pakāpes silīciju un tajā esošo piemaisījumu noteikšanas metodēm. Paraugu kvantitatīvā analīze veikta, izmantojot induktīvi saistītās plazmas masspektrometriju, lāzerablācijas induktīvi saistītās plazmas masspektrometriju, elektrotermālo atomabsorbciometriju, liesmas atomabsorbciometriju, Furjē transformācijas infrasarkanā starojuma spektroskopiju un liesmas fotometriju. SILĪCIJS, METĀLISKO ELEMENTU PIEMAISĪJUMI, INDUKTĪVI SAISTĪTĀS PLAZMAS MASSPEKTROMETRIJA, LĀZERABLĀCIJA.Determination of impurities in purified silicon ingots. Kolosovska G., scientific supervisor: Dr.chem., prof. Vīksna A., scientific adviser: Dr. phys. Čikvaidze G. Master’s thesis, 68 pages, 32 figures, 30 tables, 75 literature references, 17 appendixes. In Latvian. This paper covers the determination of impurities in high purity silicon ingots obtained in Kazakhstan and purified in Ukraine. The information about high purity silicon and the determination methods of its impurities were gathered. The quantitative analyses of obtained samples were done by using the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, flame atomic absorption spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and flame photometry. SILICON, SOLAR CELLS, METALLIC ELEMENT IMPURITIES, INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA MASS SPECTROMETRY, LASER ABLATION

    Types of Abbreviations in the Field of Gardening and Market- Gardening and Ways of Their Translation (in German and Ukrainian Languages)

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    У статті з’ясовано причини виникнення абревіатур, описано принципи виділення основних типів абревіатур, розкрито суть німецьких скорочень й абревіатур, виявлено особливості абревіатур у галузі садівництва й городництва та визначено основні особливості їх перекладу українською мовою. Проведене дослідження засвідчує, що німецька галузь садівництва та городництва характеризується вживанням лексичних скорочень, абревіатур (акроніми, апокопи, контамінації) та графічних скорочень. Графічні скорочення вжито на позначення міри, ваги, довжини і площі. Графічні скорочення вживають лише на письмі, в усному ж мовленні замінюють на повне слово чи словосполучення. Лексичні скорочення пов’язані з бурхливим розвитком генної інженерії та підвищенням вимог щодо екологічно нешкідливого землеробства та щодо вирощення екологічно чистих продуктів харчування. Лексичні скорочення вживають і на письмі, і в усному мовленні. Найбільш часто уживаний тип абревіацій у цій галузі – акроніми. Основні способи перекладу абревіатур із садово-городницької галузі – скорочений переклад, переклад способами транслітерацію та експлікацію. The article clarifies the causes of appearance of abbreviations, describes the principles of marking of the main types of abbreviations, the essence of German abbreviations and shortenings, reveals the peculiarities of abbreviations in the field of gardening and market-gardening, ascertains the main features of their translation into Ukrainian language. The research shows that German field of gardening and market-gardening is characterized by the use of lexical abbreviations (acronyms, apocopes and contaminations), and graphic shortenings. Graphic shortenings are used to denote the measures of weight, length and area. Graphical shortenings are used only in writing, in oral speech they are replaced with the full word or phrase. Lexical shortenings are associated with the rapid development of genetic engineering and the increasing demands on environmentally friendly farming and growing organic food. Lexical abbreviations are used both in writing and in oral speech. The most frequently used type of abbreviations in this area are acronyms. The main ways of translation of the abbreviations used in the field of gardening and market-gardening is abridged translation, translation by transliteration and explication