4,012 research outputs found

    Growing Graphs with Hyperedge Replacement Graph Grammars

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    Discovering the underlying structures present in large real world graphs is a fundamental scientific problem. In this paper we show that a graph's clique tree can be used to extract a hyperedge replacement grammar. If we store an ordering from the extraction process, the extracted graph grammar is guaranteed to generate an isomorphic copy of the original graph. Or, a stochastic application of the graph grammar rules can be used to quickly create random graphs. In experiments on large real world networks, we show that random graphs, generated from extracted graph grammars, exhibit a wide range of properties that are very similar to the original graphs. In addition to graph properties like degree or eigenvector centrality, what a graph "looks like" ultimately depends on small details in local graph substructures that are difficult to define at a global level. We show that our generative graph model is able to preserve these local substructures when generating new graphs and performs well on new and difficult tests of model robustness.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figures, accepted to CIKM 2016 in Indianapolis, I

    DMRG analysis of the SDW-CDW crossover region in the 1D half-filled Hubbard-Holstein model

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    In order to clarify the physics of the crossover from a spin-density-wave (SDW) Mott insulator to a charge-density-wave (CDW) Peierls insulator in one-dimensional (1D) systems, we investigate the Hubbard-Holstein Hamiltonian at half filling within a density matrix renormalisation group (DMRG) approach. Determining the spin and charge correlation exponents, the momentum distribution function, and various excitation gaps, we confirm that an intervening metallic phase expands the SDW-CDW transition in the weak-coupling regime.Comment: revised versio

    Spectrum and Franck-Condon factors of interacting suspended single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    A low energy theory of suspended carbon nanotube quantum dots in weak tunnelling coupling with metallic leads is presented. The focus is put on the dependence of the spectrum and the Franck-Condon factors on the geometry of the junction including several vibronic modes. The relative size and the relative position of the dot and its associated vibrons strongly influence the electromechanical properties of the system. A detailed analysis of the complete parameters space reveals different regimes: in the short vibron regime the tunnelling of an electron into the nanotube generates a plasmon-vibron excitation while in the long vibron regime polaron excitations dominate the scenario. The small, position dependent Franck-Condon couplings of the small vibron regime convert into uniform, large couplings in the long vibron regime. Selection rules for the excitations of the different plasmon-vibron modes via electronic tunnelling events are also derived.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, new version according to the published on

    Type I Planet Migration in Nearly Laminar Disks

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    We describe 2D hydrodynamic simulations of the migration of low-mass planets (30M\leq 30 M_{\oplus}) in nearly laminar disks (viscosity parameter α<103\alpha < 10^{-3}) over timescales of several thousand orbit periods. We consider disk masses of 1, 2, and 5 times the minimum mass solar nebula, disk thickness parameters of H/r=0.035H/r = 0.035 and 0.05, and a variety of α\alpha values and planet masses. Disk self-gravity is fully included. Previous analytic work has suggested that Type I planet migration can be halted in disks of sufficiently low turbulent viscosity, for α104\alpha \sim 10^{-4}. The halting is due to a feedback effect of breaking density waves that results in a slight mass redistribution and consequently an increased outward torque contribution. The simulations confirm the existence of a critical mass (Mcr10MM_{cr} \sim 10 M_{\oplus}) beyond which migration halts in nearly laminar disks. For \alpha \ga 10^{-3}, density feedback effects are washed out and Type I migration persists. The critical masses are in good agreement with the analytic model of Rafikov (2002). In addition, for \alpha \la 10^{-4} steep density gradients produce a vortex instability, resulting in a small time-varying eccentricity in the planet's orbit and a slight outward migration. Migration in nearly laminar disks may be sufficiently slow to reconcile the timescales of migration theory with those of giant planet formation in the core accretion model.Comment: 3 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Aspects of the FM Kondo Model: From Unbiased MC Simulations to Back-of-an-Envelope Explanations

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    Effective models are derived from the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model with classical corespins, which greatly reduce the numerical effort. Results for these models are presented. They indicate that double exchange gives the correct order of magnitude and the correct doping dependence of the Curie temperature. Furthermore, we find that the jump in the particle density previously interpreted as phase separation is rather explained by ferromagnetic polarons.Comment: Proceedings of Wandlitz Days of Magnetism 200

    The Anomalous Infrared Emission of Abell 58

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    We present a new model to explain the excess in mid and near infrared emission of the central, hydrogen poor dust knot in the planetary nebula (PN) Abell 58. Current models disagree with ISO measurement because they apply an average grain size and equilibrium conditions only. We investigate grain size distributions and temperature fluctuations affecting infrared emission using a new radiative transfer code and discuss in detail the conditions requiring an extension of the classical description. The peculiar infrared emission of V605 Aql, the central dust knot in Abell 58, has been modeled with our code. V605 Aql is of special interest as it is one of only three stars ever observed to move from the evolutionary track of a central PN star back to the post-AGB state.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures; accepted and to be published in Ap

    Double Resonance Nanolaser based on Coupled Slit-hole Resonator Structures

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    This work investigates a kind of metallic magnetic cavity based on slit-hole resonators (SHRs). Two orthogonal hybrid magnetic resonance modes of the cavity with a large spatial overlap are predesigned at the wavelengths of 980 nm and 1550 nm. The Yb-Er co-doped material serving as a gain medium is set in the cavity; this enables the resonator to have high optical activity. The numerical result shows that the strong lasing at 1550 nm may be achieved when the cavity array is pumped at 980 nm. This double resonance nanolaser array has potential applications in future optical devices and quantum information techniques.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, http://www.dsl.nju.edu/mp

    Density-operator approaches to transport through interacting quantum dots: Simplifications in fourth-order perturbation theory

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    Various theoretical methods address transport effects in quantum dots beyond single-electron tunneling while accounting for the strong interactions in such systems. In this paper we report a detailed comparison between three prominent approaches to quantum transport: the fourth-order Bloch-Redfield quantum master equation (BR), the real-time diagrammatic technique (RT), and the scattering rate approach based on the T-matrix (TM). Central to the BR and RT is the generalized master equation for the reduced density matrix. We demonstrate the exact equivalence of these two techniques. By accounting for coherences (nondiagonal elements of the density matrix) between nonsecular states, we show how contributions to the transport kernels can be grouped in a physically meaningful way. This not only significantly reduces the numerical cost of evaluating the kernels but also yields expressions similar to those obtained in the TM approach, allowing for a detailed comparison. However, in the TM approach an ad hoc regularization procedure is required to cure spurious divergences in the expressions for the transition rates in the stationary (zero-frequency) limit. We show that these problems derive from incomplete cancellation of reducible contributions and do not occur in the BR and RT techniques, resulting in well-behaved expressions in the latter two cases. Additionally, we show that a standard regularization procedure of the TM rates employed in the literature does not correctly reproduce the BR and RT expressions. All the results apply to general quantum dot models and we present explicit rules for the simplified calculation of the zero-frequency kernels. Although we focus on fourth-order perturbation theory only, the results and implications generalize to higher orders. We illustrate our findings for the single impurity Anderson model with finite Coulomb interaction in a magnetic field.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures; revised published versio

    The evolution of representation in simple cognitive networks

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    Representations are internal models of the environment that can provide guidance to a behaving agent, even in the absence of sensory information. It is not clear how representations are developed and whether or not they are necessary or even essential for intelligent behavior. We argue here that the ability to represent relevant features of the environment is the expected consequence of an adaptive process, give a formal definition of representation based on information theory, and quantify it with a measure R. To measure how R changes over time, we evolve two types of networks---an artificial neural network and a network of hidden Markov gates---to solve a categorization task using a genetic algorithm. We find that the capacity to represent increases during evolutionary adaptation, and that agents form representations of their environment during their lifetime. This ability allows the agents to act on sensorial inputs in the context of their acquired representations and enables complex and context-dependent behavior. We examine which concepts (features of the environment) our networks are representing, how the representations are logically encoded in the networks, and how they form as an agent behaves to solve a task. We conclude that R should be able to quantify the representations within any cognitive system, and should be predictive of an agent's long-term adaptive success.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, one Tabl