134 research outputs found

    Niels Uhlendorf: Optimierungsdruck im Kontext von Migration. Eine diskurs- und biographieanalytische Untersuchung zu Subjektivierungsprozessen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2018 (463 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Niels Uhlendorf: Optimierungsdruck im Kontext von Migration. Eine diskurs- und biographieanalytische Untersuchung zu Subjektivierungsprozessen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2018 (463 S.; ISBN 978-3-658-22917-7; 59,99 EUR)

    Schulischer Wandel durch Elternbeteiligung? KontinuitÀten und Neuverhandlungen der Bilder von 'Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund' im politischen Diskurs der BRD

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    Die Diskursanalyse untersucht das institutionalisierte Wissen ĂŒber Eltern mit Migrationsgeschichte in Schul- und Integrationspolitik von der NachkriegsĂ€ra bis heute. Die Kombination einer diachronen und synchronen Analyse politischer Dokumente enthĂŒllt die KontinuitĂ€t kulturalisierender Zuschreibungen in sich wandelnden politischen Narrativen. Seit den 2000er Jahren werden durch Integrations- und Aktivierungsmaßnahmen besonders 'Eltern mit Migrationshintergrund' auf neue Weise zur Zielscheibe pĂ€dagogischen Handelns. Entgegen der deklarierten Teilhabeorientierung werden Prozesse der Exklusion im Schulsystem durch individualisierende und assimilationistische Adressierungen verstĂ€rkt.The discourse analysis investigates institutionalized knowledge on 'migrant parents' based on schooland integration policies from post-war-era to date. Combining a diachronic and synchronic discourse analysis of political documents, the study reveals continuities of a merely culturalist framing of immigrant parents that persist over changes of political narratives. Since the 2000s, parents with a so called migration background are particularly targeted in a new way by integration and activation policies. Contrary to a declared attention on equal participation of parents, processes of exclusion in the school system are fostered by individualising and assimilationist invocations

    Zwischen Ein- und Ausschluss der ‚Anderen‘. (Dis-)KontinuitĂ€ten rassistischer und ökonomistischer Argumentationen im Diskurs um Migration von der ‚Gastarbeit‘ bis heute.

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    Kollender E, Kourabas V. Zwischen Ein- und Ausschluss der ‚Anderen‘. (Dis-)KontinuitĂ€ten rassistischer und ökonomistischer Argumentationen im Diskurs um Migration von der ‚Gastarbeit‘ bis heute. . Wissen schafft Demokratie. Schriftenreihe des Instituts fĂŒr Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft. 2020;7:86-99.Auch wenn sich in den letzten Jahren auf politischer wie gesellschaftlicher Ebene zunehmend ein SelbstverstĂ€ndnis Deutschlands als Migrationsgesellschaft etabliert hat, wird zugleich deutlich, dass die legitime Zugehörigkeit neu Migrierter und seit Jahrzehnten in Deutschland lebender Menschen mit (zugeschriebener) Migrationsgeschichte nicht selbstverstĂ€ndlich ist. In gesellschaftlichen wie politischen Debatten lĂ€sst sich nach wie vor eine Haltung aus- machen, die Migrationsbewegungen nach Deutschland lediglich dann befĂŒrwortet, wenn ‚Migrant_innen‘ einen wirtschaftlichen und/oder arbeitsmarktpolitischen (Mehr-)Wert ver- sprechen. Über die Analyse der sogenannten Gastarbeit bis zu gegenwĂ€rtigen asyl- und in- tegrationspolitischen Umgangsweisen mit Migration erörtern wir das spannungsreiche und dis-kontinuierliche VerhĂ€ltnis von rassistischen Ein- und AusschlĂŒssen migrierter Menschen angesichts ökonomistischer Diskurse in der bundesdeutschen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart

    Krieg der Welten: Interview mit Hans J. Gießmann und Susanne Buckley-Zistel

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    Die gute Wissenschaft trĂ€gt gewonnene Erkenntnisse immer auch zu ihren GegenstĂ€nden zurĂŒck. Auch in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung sind das die unmittelbar Betroffenen: Kriegsversehrte, Kriegsbedrohte, KriegsberĂŒhrte, Politiker, MilitĂ€rs, Zivil-Gesellschaften. In einer Disziplin, deren Praxisbezug sie normativ mitbegrĂŒndet, gilt es deshalb umso mehr, Lobbyist des Wissens, also relevant zu sein. Sich um die Vermittlung von Erkenntnissen zu mĂŒhen ist wissenschaftliche BĂŒrgerpflicht. Wie die aussehen muss, darĂŒber ist zu streiten, noch mehr, wenn man verschiedenen Forschergenerationen angehört und unterschiedlichen Forschungskulturen zugerechnet wird

    Gemcitabine in Bone Sarcoma Resistant to Doxorubicin-Based Chemotherapy

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    Subjects and Methods: Seven patients with progressive localized or metastatic chemo-resistant osteosarcoma were treated by gemcitabine.The protocol included gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2/w for 7 consecutive weeks, followed by 1 week rest. If no progression was observed,maintenance by gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2/w for 3 weeks every 28 days was given until failure was clinically or radiologically evident

    Radiation Therapy for Palliation of Sarcoma Metastases: A Unique and Uniform Hypofractionation Experience

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    Radiotherapy (RT) is our preferred modality for local palliation of metastatic soft tissue sarcoma (STS). A short and intense course of RT is usually needed for rapid palliation and local control of metastatic disease. Seventeen patients at a median age of 61 had symptomatic metastatic sarcoma and required rapid palliation. The symptoms related to the metastases were either pain or discomfort. All patients were treated by a short and intensive course of administration: 39 Gy were given in 13 fractions of 3 Gy/day, 5 times a week. Median follow-up period was 25 weeks. The treatment was well tolerated. Acute side effects included grade one skin toxicity. No wound complications were noted among those undergoing surgery. Late side effects included skin pigmentation and induration of irradiated soft tissues. Durable pain control was achieved in 12 out 15 cases treated for gross metastases. Tumor progression was seen in the 3 other cases within a period of two to nine months. Among 5 lesions which were irradiated as an adjunctive treatment following resection, no local recurrence was observed. The results of this series, although limited in size, point to the safety and feasibility of hypofractionated RT for palliation of musculoskeletal metastases from sarcoma

    Periosteal Ewing's Sarcoma: Report of Two New Cases and Review of the Literature

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    Background. The origin of Ewing's sarcoma in a periosteal location is rare and not clearly documented. Other malignant bone tumors appear to have a somewhat better prognosis when confined between periosteum and bone. Is it the same for periosteal Ewing's sarcoma

    The Friedman-Eilber Resection Arthroplasty of the Pelvis

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    It has been argued that internal hemipelvectomy without reconstruction of the pelvic ring leads to poor ambulation and inferior patient acceptance. To determine the accuracy of this contention, we posed the following questions: First, how effectively does a typical patient ambulate following this procedure? Second, what is the typical functional capacity of a patient following internal hemipelvectomy? In the spring of 2006, we obtained video documentation of eight patients who had undergone resection arthroplasty of the hemipelvis seen in our clinic during routine clinical followup. The minimum followup in 2006 was 1.1 years (mean, 8.2 years; range, 1.1–22.7 years); at the time of last followup in 2008 the minimum followup was 2.9 years (mean, 9.8 years; range, 2.9–24.5 years). At last followup seven of the eight patients were without pain, and were able to walk without supports. The remaining patient used narcotic medication and a cane or crutch only occasionally. The mean MSTS score at the time of most recent followup was 73.3% of normal (range 53.3–80.0%; mean raw score was 22.0; range 16–24). All eight patients ultimately returned to gainful employment. These observations demonstrate independent painless ambulation and acceptable function is possible following resection arthroplasty of the hemipelvis

    Bone metastases from renal cell carcinoma: patient survival after surgical treatment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Surgery is the primary treatment of skeletal metastases from renal cell carcinoma, because radiation and chemotherapy frequently are not effecting the survival. We therefore explored factors potentially affecting the survival of patients after surgical treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively reviewed 101 patients operatively treated for skeletal metastases of renal cell carcinoma between 1980 and 2005. Overall survival was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. The effects of different variables were evaluated using a log-rank test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>27 patients had a solitary bone metastasis, 20 patients multiple bone metastases and 54 patients had concomitant visceral metastases. The overall survival was 58% at 1 year, 37% at 2 years and 12% at 5 years. Patients with solitary bone metastases had a better survival (p < 0.001) compared to patients with multiple metastases. Age younger than 65 years (p = 0.036), absence of pathologic fractures (p < 0.001) and tumor-free resection margins (p = 0.028) predicted higher survival. Gender, location of metastases, time between diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma and treatment of metastatic disease, incidence of local recurrence, radiation and chemotherapy did not influence survival.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data suggest that patients with a solitary metastasis or a limited number of resectable metastases are candidates for wide resections. As radiation and chemotherapy are ineffective in most patients, surgery is a better option to achieve local tumor control and increase the survival.</p
