279 research outputs found

    «Hanseniaspora uvarum» the ultrastructural morphology of a rare ascomycete, isolated from oral thrush

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    Superficial fungal infections, including oral thrush, often affect aged full denture wearers and many individuals over 65 years old.The aim of this study was to examine the ultrastructural morphology of a very rare yeast, named Hanseniaspora uvarum / guillermondi, member of the Ascomycetes family, whose pathogenesis and behaviour is not widely known.The yeast was isolated from whitish lesions of the buccal mucosa of an 70 years old woman. The specimen was collected with a mouth swab and cultured in Sabourauds-Dextrose agar.The identification of the organism was performed on the Api 20C Aux System.The yeast colonies, after fixation in glutaraldehyde 3% for 1 hour were immersed in OsO4 1% solution for 1 hour and were «in tissue» stained with uranyl acetate. Ultrathin sections, were observed with TEM Jeol Cx100.Our ultrastructural observations showed that this yeast had a thick cell wall in which the outer surface appeared fuzzy. In some yeasts we observed multilayered intracytoplasmic membrane a figure which is not described as far as we know in any yeast. Many vacuoles were frequently observed in the cytoplasm and especially in the center of the oval shaped cells.Bilateral budding which form ascospores is identical for the morphology of this yeast.Le but de ce travail était la recherche de la morphologie ultrastructurale du «Hanseniaspora uvarum/guillermondi» qui appartient à la famille des Ascomycètes et dont la pathogénèse n’est pas bien connue.Le microorganisme a été isolé dans des lésions blanches de la muqueuse buccale d’une femme âgée de 70 ans.Le matériel d’étude a été mis en culture dans des boîtes de Pétri contenant un milieu de Sabouraud dextrose agar. L’identification de «Hanseniaspora uvarum» a été effectuée par le système Api 20C Aux.Les colonies après fixation dans de la glutaraldéhyde 3 % et postfixation au OsO4 1%, ont été traitées selon la technique conventionnelle pour la microscopie électronique.L’étude ultrastructurale a montré un microorganisme présentant une paroi cellulaire épaisse dont la surface externe paraissait dentelée). Des membranes multilamellaires ainsi que plusieurs vacuoles ont été observées dans le cytoplasme du Hanseniaspora Uvarum/guillermondi

    Correlation of Human Papillomavirus multiple infections with cytological findings in a cohort of Greek women

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    Infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) causes precursor intraepithelial lesions in women which may lead to the development of cervical cancer. There are several HPV types which show a variable distribution pattern worldwide. Therefore, identifying the prevalence of cancer-associated HPV types is important for the prevention of cervical cancer. In the current study, 627 cervical samples from individual women were collected by primary care clinics in Greece. The majority of women (70.17%) presented abnormal cytology as indicated by their Pap Test smear. Samples were sent to our laboratories for the detection of HPV by DNA analysis, PCR and reverse hybridization using HPV genotype-specific probes. Then, the prevalence of 28 different genotypes was estimated. Approximately 70% of all samples were infected with at least one HPV type. The most prevalent high risk (HR) HPV types associated with the development of cervical cancer were HPV types 16, 31 and 51. Prevalence of HPV types, as well as appearance of them as a single or multiple infection were also studied in samples with normal and abnormal cytology. Our analysis showed that infected women with normal cytology in our study population tend to have single HPV infections. In contrast, those with abnormal cytological phenotype tend to have multiple infections of HR HPV types

    Hybrid approach of ventricular assist device and autologous bone marrow stem cells implantation in end-stage ischemic heart failure enhances myocardial reperfusion

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    We challenge the hypothesis of enhanced myocardial reperfusion after implanting a left ventricular assist device together with bone marrow mononuclear stem cells in patients with end-stage ischemic cardiomyopathy. Irreversible myocardial loss observed in ischemic cardiomyopathy leads to progressive cardiac remodelling and dysfunction through a complex neurohormonal cascade. New generation assist devices promote myocardial recovery only in patients with dilated or peripartum cardiomyopathy. In the setting of diffuse myocardial ischemia not amenable to revascularization, native myocardial recovery has not been observed after implantation of an assist device as destination therapy. The hybrid approach of implanting autologous bone marrow stem cells during assist device implantation may eventually improve native cardiac function, which may be associated with a better prognosis eventually ameliorating the need for subsequent heart transplantation. The aforementioned hypothesis has to be tested with well-designed prospective multicentre studies

    Iliac Vein Injury Due to a Damaged Hot Shears™ Tip Cover During Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy

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    We report a rare case of vascular injury secondary to a damaged Hot Shears™ tip cover. Two 1 mm holes in the tip cover resulted in perforations in the obturator and external iliac veins during pelvic node dissection. Bleeding was controlled with bipolar coagulation and a 5 mm metal clip in the obturator and iliac vein, respectively. The rest of the procedure was completed uneventfully. Frequent integrity assessment of this accessory is necessary. Its function is important in order to carry out safe dissection in proximity to delicate structures. When injuries arise from areas not directly involved in the dissection, immediate inspection of the instruments should be mandatory

    The Antiangiogenic Properties of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells in Corneal Neovascularization in a Rabbit Model

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    The purpose was to study the anti-angiogenic effect of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (ADMSCs) on experimentally induced corneal injuries. Corneal neovascularization (NV) was induced by incising and subsequently suturing the corneal surface in 32 New Zealand rabbits. Following suturing, the rabbits were randomly allocated into 2 groups, and received either phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (control) or ADMSCs, both administered via three different routes. Digital images of the cornea were obtained two weeks post-incision to measure the area of neovascularized cornea. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was immunohistochemically assessed in the both groups. The corneal tissue was evaluated for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The extent of corneal NV in all eyes was assessed photographically by an independent observer. Fourteen days after the incisions, the degree of corneal NV was substantially decreased in the ADMSC-treated group (1.87 ± 0.9 mm2, 1.4 % ± 0.67 % of corneal surface) compared to the control and PBS-treated group (4.66 ± 1.74 mm2, 3.51 % ± 1.31 %, p < 0.001). ADMSCs significantly decreased injury-induced corneal NV in New Zealand rabbits two weeks post-treatment. This strategy has potential for use in the control of corneal NV in vivo.Â

    The Antiangiogenic Properties of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells in Corneal Neovascularization in a Rabbit Model

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    The purpose was to study the anti-angiogenic effect of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (ADMSCs) on experimentally induced corneal injuries. Corneal neovascularization (NV) was induced by incising and subsequently suturing the corneal surface in 32 New Zealand rabbits. Following suturing, the rabbits were randomly allocated into 2 groups, and received either phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (control) or ADMSCs, both administered via three different routes. Digital images of the cornea were obtained two weeks post-incision to measure the area of neovascularized cornea. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was immunohistochemically assessed in the both groups. The corneal tissue was evaluated for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The extent of corneal NV in all eyes was assessed photographically by an independent observer. Fourteen days after the incisions, the degree of corneal NV was substantially decreased in the ADMSC-treated group (1.87 ± 0.9 mm2, 1.4 % ± 0.67 % of corneal surface) compared to the control and PBS-treated group (4.66 ± 1.74 mm2, 3.51 % ± 1.31 %, p < 0.001). ADMSCs significantly decreased injury-induced corneal NV in New Zealand rabbits two weeks post-treatment. This strategy has potential for use in the control of corneal NV in vivo.

    Potential preservation of dental pulp stem cells

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    Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) as postnatal stem cells have recently been described. They are clonogenic cells, capable for self-renewal with high proliferative potential. Their multilineage potential and plasticity enables their differentiation into different kind of cells, such as osteoblasts, chondrocytes, adipocytes, muscle cells, neural cells, odontoblasts, cementoblasts and ameloblasts. DPSCs are an important human stem cells source, especially in patients who lost their chance for umbilical cord blood isolation and preservation. As these cells became useful for tissue engineering and cell therapy, proper mode of their preservation also became important. The most important points in the cryopreservation and recovery procedure are: growth phase of harvested cells, number of cells, the proper cryopreservative concentration and serum concentration. The cryopreservation process includes the following general components: harvesting of the cells, addition of cryopreservative, the freezing procedure, the thawing procedure and assessment of the viability prior to transplantation. There is no single and perfect cryopreservation method. Further investigations should be regarding capability of DPSCs and their differentiated cells to recover and restart proliferation, differentiation and new tissue production for therapeutic use after cryopreservation

    Stem cell therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a protocol proposal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis represents a lethal form of progressive fibrotic lung disorder with gradually increasing incidence worldwide. Despite intense research efforts its pathogenesis is still elusive and controversial reflecting in the current disappointing status regarding its treatment. Patients and Methods: We report the first protocol proposal of a prospective, unicentric, non-randomized, phase Ib clinical trial to study the safety and tolerability of the adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) stromal vascular fraction (SVF) as a therapeutic agent in IPF. After careful patient selection based on functional criteria (forced vital capacity-FVC > 50%, diffuse lung capacity for carbon monoxide-DL<sub>CO </sub>> 35% of the predicted values) all eligible subjects will be subjected to lipoaspiration resulting in the isolation of approximately 100- 500 gr of adipose tissue. After preparation, isolation and labelling ADSCs-SVF will be endobronchially infused to both lower lobes of the fibrotic lungs. Procedure will be repeated thrice at monthly intervals. Primary end-point represent safety and tolerability data, while exploratory secondary end-points include assessment of clinical functional and radiological status. Results: Preliminary results recently presented in the form of an abstract seem promising and tantalizing since there were no cases of clinically significant allergic reactions, infections, disease acute exacerbations or ectopic tissue formation. In addition 6 months follow-up data revealed a marginal improvement at 6-minute walking distance and forced vital capacity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Adipose tissue represents an abundant, safe, ethically uncontested and potentially beneficial source of stem cells for patients with IPF. Larger multicenter phase II and III placebo-controlled clinical trials are sorely needed in order to prove efficacy. However, pilot safety studies are of major importance and represent the first hamper that should be overcome to establish a rigid basis for larger clinical trials.</p

    Hernias, aortic surgery and review of the literature of incisional hernias

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    Ciljevi: Ispitivanje veze između incizijske hernije i operacije abdominalne aorte te općenito proučiti preporuke za prevenciju incizijske hernije. Metode: Provedena je opsežna potraga u Pub-Medu. Koristili smo sljedeće MeSH uvjete; aneurizma abdominalne aorte; incizijska hernija; ingvinalna hernija; incizijska hernija i radiologija, zatvaranje abdominalnih rana, također je korištena „snow-falling“ potraga s navedenim ključnim riječima. Rezultati: Do danas ne postoji jednoglasnost u pogledu odnosa aorte i aortoilijačne patologije te incizijske ili ingvinalne hernije, iako većina studija ukazuje na to da je moguće povećanje učestalosti incizijske hernije nakon operacije na aorti. Zaključak: Kako bismo smanjili mogućnost pojave incizijske hernije, dužina šava u odnosu da dužinu rane morala bi biti više od 4:1. Šavove treba vezati bez pretjeranog zatezivanja te za šivanje treba koristiti materijal koji upija sporo ili ne upija uopće. Koristite šav USP 2/0 na maloj igli. Kao mjesto uboda odaberite aponeurozu samo 5 do 8 mm od ruba rane, u razmaku 4 do 5 mm.Objectives: To study the relation of incisional hernias after abdominal aortic surgery and to study the recommendations for prevention of incisional hernias in general. Methods: An extensive search in Pub-Med was conducted. We used the following MeSH terms; abdominal aortic aneurysm; incisional hernia; inguinal hernia; incisional hernia and radiology, abdominal wound closure, we also did a “snow-falling” search with the above terms. Results: Still today there is not unanimity concerning the relation of aortic or aortoiliac pathology and incisional or inguinal hernias although the majority of studies suggest that there is a possible increase in the prevalence of incisional hernias after aortic surgery. Conclusions: In order to lessen the possibilities of incisional hernias suture length to wound length ration should be more that 4:1. Sutures should be tied without excessive tension and to use either a slowly absorbable or nonabsorbable suture material. Use a suture USP 2/0 mounted on a small needle. Place stitches in the aponeurosis only and 5 to 8mm from the wound edge and 4 to 5 mm apart