37 research outputs found

    Experience-based specialisation: underpinnings of communication in typical and atypical development

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an umbrella term encompassing several neurodevelopmental conditions with complex, heterogeneous symptomatology. One way in which I addressed this complexity is by looking at a specific aspect of the phenotype to understand the contributing mechanisms. Communication difficulties are prevalent in ASD, and it has been suggested that this is a downstream effect of atypical functional specialisation in processing of both social and non-social auditory input in the brain. This thesis aimed to identify robust markers of specialisation across several methodologies and assess the links with the behavioural phenotype. First, a series of eye tracking studies was carried out with typically developing infants to identify age and language experience effects on speech perception and whether these can be linked to brain-based markers of specialisation. Then, three auditory EEG paradigms were used to measure differences in auditory perception in infants with increased familial likelihood of ASD and/or ADHD, as well as in a unique population of infants with NF1, who experience elevated rates of ASD and other neurodevelopmental conditions as part of the clinical symptomology. Through inclusion of several different participant groups, it was possible to examine whether atypical auditory processing was a specific marker of familial and/or monogenic likelihood of ASD or a general predictor of atypical development. Chapter 2 outlined the main techniques used to measure experience-dependent specialisation, including eye tracking, EEG and behavioural assessments. Chapter 3 investigated specialisation towards native speech perception though several novel paradigms in a longitudinal sample of neurotypical infants at 5, 10 and 14 months of age, as well as associations with parent and observer-rated language abilities. Chapter 4 examined the relationship between eye tracking, neural indices of vowel perception and communication skills in neurotypical infants and how these EEG-based indices may differ in a group of infants with NF1 at 5 and 10 months. Chapter 5 investigated differences in neural habituation and change detection responses across time and time-frequency analyses in 8-month-old infants with low and high familial likelihood of ASD and how these relate to language and ASD symptomology at three years. Lastly, Chapter 6 examined steady-state responses in the gamma frequency range in 14-month-old infants and whether this auditory marker can be used to differentiate between neurotypical infants and those with familial likelihood of ASD or ADHD or an NF1 diagnosis and to predict individual differences in communication skills. Taken together, the present work explored early markers of functional specialisation of auditory processing in typical and atypical development in association with parent/observer ratings of early language ability. Additionally, findings are reported from the first study of early brain development in infants with NF1. This is integral to the current understanding of pathways to ASD, with a further aim of informing clinical and research practices in rare genetic disorders

    Early differences in auditory processing relate to Autism Spectrum Disorder traits in infants with Neurofibromatosis Type I.

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    BackgroundSensory modulation difficulties are common in children with conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and could contribute to other social and non-social symptoms. Positing a causal role for sensory processing differences requires observing atypical sensory reactivity prior to the emergence of other symptoms, which can be achieved through prospective studies.MethodsIn this longitudinal study, we examined auditory repetition suppression and change detection at 5 and 10 months in infants with and without Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1), a condition associated with higher likelihood of developing ASD.ResultsIn typically developing infants, suppression to vowel repetition and enhanced responses to vowel/pitch change decreased with age over posterior regions, becoming more frontally specific; age-related change was diminished in the NF1 group. Whilst both groups detected changes in vowel and pitch, the NF1 group were largely slower to show a differentiated neural response. Auditory responses did not relate to later language, but were related to later ASD traits.ConclusionsThese findings represent the first demonstration of atypical brain responses to sounds in infants with NF1 and suggest they may relate to the likelihood of later ASD

    The Image of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Fine Art of Pavel Filonov

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    Данная статья посвящена рассмотрению образа научно-технического прогресса в творчестве Павла Николаевича Филонова – одного из самых загадочных художников русского авангарда. Концепция «аналитической живописи» мастера, представленная в его теоретическом наследии, соединяет искусство и науку, позволяя смотреть на его работы как на продукт художественно зафиксированной мыслительной деятельности. Поэтому в качестве материала для исследования были выбраны: 1) теоретические работы художника (письма, дневники, воспоминания о нем); 2) художественные работы («Пир королей», 1913 г. и «Формула Космоса», 1918–1919 гг.), фиксирующие развитие данной концепции. Методами исследования выступили аналитический разбор текста и философско-искусствоведческий анализ живописных произведений по методу В. И. Жуковского и Н. П. Копцевой. По результатам проведенного исследования был выявлен художественный образ, связанный с пониманием Филоновым прогресса и эволюции человека, определены некоторые иные смысловые слои его произведенийThis article deals with the image of scientific and technological progress in the work of Pavel Nikolayevich Filonov, one of the most enigmatic artists of the Russian avant-garde. The master’s concept of “analytical painting”, presented in his theoretical heritage, combines art and science, allowing us to look at his work as a product of artistically recorded thought activity. Therefore, the following material for the study was selected: 1) theoretical works of the artist (letters, diaries, memories of the artist); 2) artistic works (“The Feast of Kings”, 1913, and “The Formula of the Cosmos”, 1918–1919), recording the development of this concept. The methods of research were analytical analysis of the text and philosophical and art history analysis of paintings by the method of V. I. Zhukovsky and N. P. Koptseva. According to the results of the study, the artistic image associated with Filonov’s understanding of human progress and evolution was identified, some semantic layers of his works were determine

    Increased cortical reactivity to repeated tones at 8 months in infants with later ASD.

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    Dysregulation of cortical excitation/inhibition (E/I) has been proposed as a neuropathological mechanism underlying core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Determining whether dysregulated E/I could contribute to the emergence of behavioural symptoms of ASD requires evidence from human infants prior to diagnosis. In this prospective longitudinal study, we examine differences in neural responses to auditory repetition in infants later diagnosed with ASD. Eight-month-old infants with (high-risk: n = 116) and without (low-risk: n = 27) an older sibling with ASD were tested in a non-linguistic auditory oddball paradigm. Relative to high-risk infants with typical development (n = 44), infants with later ASD (n = 14) showed reduced repetition suppression of 40-60 Hz evoked gamma and significantly greater 10-20 Hz inter-trial coherence (ITC) for repeated tones. Reduced repetition suppression of cortical gamma and increased phase-locking to repeated tones are consistent with cortical hyper-reactivity, which could in turn reflect disturbed E/I balance. Across the whole high-risk sample, a combined index of cortical reactivity (cortical gamma amplitude and ITC) was dimensionally associated with reduced growth in language skills between 8 months and 3 years, as well as elevated levels of parent-rated social communication symptoms at 3 years. Our data show that cortical 'hyper-reactivity' may precede the onset of behavioural traits of ASD in development, potentially affecting experience-dependent specialisation of the developing brain

    The Image of Artificial Intelligence in the Series «Black Mirror» (2011–2019)

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    Искусственный интеллект (ИИ) всё стремительнее внедряют в различных сферах. И эти процессы вызывают неоднозначное отношение – от восторженного принятия до полного отрицания. Немаловажную роль в формировании восприятия искусственного интеллекта в обществе играют массовая культура, СМИ, искусство и особенно кино. Настоящая статья посвящена определению ключевых характеристик образа искусственного интеллекта в сериале «Черное зеркало» (2011–2019 гг.). Выбор данного произведения массовой культуры обусловлен тем, что оно способно оказать особенный эффект на зрителя, так как конструирование нарратива в каждом эпизоде выстраивается с опорой на уже существующие изобретения и технологии, что позволяет зрителю очень быстро включиться в проблематику, проявляющую возможные негативные последствия внедрения этих технологий на человека и социум, вплоть до апокалиптических вариантов сценария. Для анализа были выбраны репрезентативные серии, в которых представлены технологии ИИ в их материальном воплощении, показаны принципы их работы и оказываемое на человека влияниеArtificial Intelligence (AI) is being introduced more and more rapidly in various fields. And these processes cause mixed attitudes – from enthusiastic acceptance to total rejection. An important role in shaping the perception of artificial intelligence in society is played by mass culture, the media, art, and especially film. This article is devoted to determining the key characteristics of the image of artificial intelligence in the TV series «Black Mirror» (2011–2019). The choice of this work of mass culture is due to the fact that it is able to have a special effect on the viewer, as the construction of the narrative in each episode is built on the basis of already existing inventions and technologies, which allows the viewer to quickly engage in the problems, showing the possible negative consequences of the introduction of these technologies on man and society, up to the apocalyptic versions of the scenario. For the analysis we chose representative series, which present AI technologies in their material embodiment, show the principles of their operation and the impact on human

    The Art of Decorating Mass Soviet Holidays (1918–1923)

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    Становление молодого советского государства требовало активных действий, направленных на утверждение новой системы ценностей. Велась активная пропагандистская деятельность, и одной из форм её реализации было проведение массовых праздников. В качестве цели настоящего исследования выбрано изучение принципов формирования новой реальности, соответствующей принципам идеологии советского государства посредством произведений изобразительного искусства. Предметом исследования являются практики оформления массовых советских праздников, а именно украшение зданий, плакатное искусство, оформление автомобилей, представляющих собой движущуюся агитационную площадку, оформление театрализованных постановок. В качестве хронологических рамок выбран период с 1918 по 1923 год. Методологическим основанием настоящей работы «Теория медиа» Г. Просса служит теория искусства В. И. Жуковского, Н. П. Копцевой, ключевым методом для изучения примеров произведений искусства, задействованных в оформлении массовых советских праздников, был выбран философско-искусствоведческий анализ. Результатом исследования является обнаружение специфики художественных практик, применяемых для оформления массовых советских празднествThe establishment of the young Soviet state required active actions aimed at the approval of a new system of values. There was an active propaganda activity, and one of the forms of its realization was holding mass festivals. The aim of this study is to study the principles of formation of a new reality corresponding to the principles of the ideology of the Soviet state through works of fine art. The subject of the study is the practices of decoration of mass Soviet holidays, namely the decoration of buildings, poster art, decoration of cars, representing a moving propaganda platform, decoration of theatrical productions. The period from 1918 to 1923 is chosen as the chronological framework. The methodological bases of the present work “media theory” by G. Pross, is the theory of art by V. I. Zhukovsky, N. P. Koptseva, the key method for studying examples of works of art involved in the design of mass Soviet holidays was chosen philosophical and art history analysis. The result of the study is the discovery of the specificity of artistic practices involved in the design of mass Soviet holiday

    Early development of infants with neurofibromatosis type 1: a case series

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    Background Prospective studies of infants at familial risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have yielded insights into the earliest signs of the disorder but represent heterogeneous samples of unclear aetiology. Complementing this approach by studying cohorts of infants with monogenic syndromes associated with high rates of ASD offers the opportunity to elucidate the factors that lead to ASD. Methods We present the first report from a prospective study of ten 10-month-old infants with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), a monogenic disorder with high prevalence of ASD or ASD symptomatology. We compared data from infants with NF1 to a large cohort of infants at familial risk for ASD, separated by outcome at age 3 of ASD (n = 34), atypical development (n = 44), or typical development (n = 89), and low-risk controls (n = 75). Domains assessed at 10 months by parent report and examiner observation include cognitive and adaptive function, sensory processing, social engagement, and temperament. Results Infants with NF1 showed striking impairments in motor functioning relative to low-risk infants; this pattern was seen in infants with later ASD from the familial cohort (HR-ASD). Both infants with NF1 and the HR-ASD group showed communication delays relative to low-risk infants. Conclusions Ten-month-old infants with NF1 show a range of developmental difficulties that were particularly striking in motor and communication domains. As with HR-ASD infants, social skills at this age were not notably impaired. This is some of the first information on early neurodevelopment in NF1. Strong inferences are limited by the sample size, but the findings suggest implications for early comparative developmental science and highlight motor functioning as an important domain to inform the development of relevant animal models. The findings have clinical implications in indicating an important focus for early surveillance and remediation in this early diagnosed genetic disorder

    Atypical Development of Attentional Control Associates with Later Adaptive Functioning, Autism and ADHD Traits

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    Funder: H2020 European Research Council; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100010663Funder: Research Foundation FlandersFunder: Universiteit Gent; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004385Funder: Marguerite-Marie DelacroixFunder: Autistica; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100011706Funder: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004472; Grant(s): NHS14-1802:1Funder: K.F. Hein FondsFunder: Scott Family Junior Research FellowshipAbstract: Autism is frequently associated with difficulties with top-down attentional control, which impact on individuals’ mental health and quality of life. The developmental processes involved in these attentional difficulties are not well understood. Using a data-driven approach, 2 samples (N = 294 and 412) of infants at elevated and typical likelihood of autism were grouped according to profiles of parent report of attention at 10, 15 and 25 months. In contrast to the normative profile of increases in attentional control scores between infancy and toddlerhood, a minority (7–9%) showed plateauing attentional control scores between 10 and 25 months. Consistent with pre-registered hypotheses, plateaued growth of attentional control was associated with elevated autism and ADHD traits, and lower adaptive functioning at age 3 years