553 research outputs found

    On Transmitting Expressiveness in Belarusian-English Poetic Translation

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    The present article deals with various lexical, grammatical, stylistic problems encountered by translators while transmitting aspects of expressiveness of the original text (on the example of Belarusian-English poetic translation). The focus of attention is on basic transformation types, which are illustrated by the original and colourful examples. The author of the article considers not only purely linguistic aspects of translation, but also relevant pragmatic adaptation

    Risk Perceptions of Cardiovascular Disease in College Students

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    College students oftentimes underestimate their risk perception of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study examined undergraduate students\u27 perception of efficacy and perception of threat of cardiovascular disease. A paper survey was distributed to three undergraduate student classes (n = 127; 66.9% female; 33.1% male; 83.5% White/Caucasian; M age = 20.00). This 17-item survey assessed demographics, perception of general health, perception of efficacy of cardiovascular disease, and perception of threat of cardiovascular disease. Analyses included Cronbach\u27s alpha, descriptive, frequencies, and independent sample t-test. College students have a higher perception of efficacy (M = 24.45 out of 30.00; SD = 4.35) and a lower perception of threat (M = 21.83 out of 30.00; SD = 2.99). This was consistent with previous literature that showed that young adults continue to rate their risk as lower than average. Males were shown to have a mean perception of efficacy of 25.21 (SD = 4.64) and a threat of 22.02 (SD = 2.82) Females were shown to have a mean perception of efficacy of 24.06 (SD = 4.17) and a threat of 21.74 (SD = 3.09). This resulted in no significant difference between males and females in risk perception of heart disease. The majority of students rated their health as `very good\u27 (54.8%) while 30.2% rated their health as `fair,\u27 14.3% of students rated their health as `excellent\u27 and 0.8% of students rated their health as `poor.\u27 This is consistent with the results that the students in this study had a higher rate of efficacy of cardiovascular disease. Students did not perceive their threat of cardiovascular disease as highly as they perceived their efficacy of cardiovascular disease. Additional studies should be done on the risk perception of cardiovascular disease in college students and the risk perception behaviors of males and females. Education is important in preventing cardiovascular disease and learning the risk factors of cardiovascular disease

    The problem of the financial leasing legal nature

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    The article is devoted to the problem of the legal nature of financial leasing. Financial leasing has been used to purchase equipment, agricultural machinery, trucks and cars for a long time. But despite its long history disputes about its nature and possible approaches to regulation continue to arise. A lot of approaches in understanding its nature have been developed. The article provides information concerning the history of the emergence and development of financial leasing. The author describes the basic approaches of understanding its nature and highlights the main discussion issues

    Addicted to socialising and still lonely : a comparative, corpus-driven analysis of problematic social networking site use

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    Background and Aims Problematic Social Networking Site Use (PSNSU) is not a formally recognised addiction, but it is increasingly discussed as such in academic research and online. Taking a quantitative, exploratory approach, this study aims to (1) determine whether PSNSU is presented like clinically defined addictions by the affected community and (2) address how well measurements of PSNSU fit with the thematic content found within the associated discourse. Methods Four corpora were created for this study: a corpus concerning PSNSU and three control corpora concerning established addictions, including Alcohol Use Disorder, Tobacco Use Disorder and Gaming Disorder. Keywords were identified, collocates and concordances were explored, and shared themes were compared. Results Findings show broad thematic similarities between PSNSU and the three control addictions as well as prominent interdiscursive references, which indicate possible confirmation bias among speakers. Conclusions Scales based upon the components model of addiction are suggested as the most appropriate measure of this emerging disorder

    A Distributed Graph Approach for Pre-processing Linked RDF Data Using Supercomputers

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    Efficient RDF, graph based queries are becoming more pertinent based on the increased interest in data analytics and its intersection with large, unstructured but connected data. Many commercial systems have adopted distributed RDF graph systems in order to handle increasing dataset sizes and complex queries. This paper introduces a distribute graph approach to pre-processing linked data. Instead of traversing the memory graph, our system indexes pre-processed join elements that are organized in a graph structure. We analyze the Dbpedia data-set (derived from the Wikipedia corpus) and compare our access method to the graph traversal access approach which we also devise. Results show from our experiments that the distributed, pre-processed graph approach to accessing linked data is faster than the traversal approach over a specific range of linked queries

    A partially linearized sigma point filter for latent state estimation in nonlinear time series models

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    A new technique for the latent state estimation of a wide class of nonlinear time series models is proposed. In particular, we develop a partially linearized sigma point filter in which random samples of possible state values are generated at the prediction step using an exact moment matching algorithm and then a linear programming-based procedure is used in the update step of the state estimation. The effectiveness of the new ¯ltering procedure is assessed via a simulation example that deals with a highly nonlinear, multivariate time series representing an interest rate process

    Transport of vitamin B1 in animals, plants and microorganisms

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    Vitamin B1, in the form of coenzyme thiamine diphosphate (ThDP), is indispensible for the life of almost all types of organisms. Plants, yeast, and many bacteria synthesize vitamin B1 de novo, while animal cells lack this ability and therefore must absorb thiamine constantly through specialized transport systems. Carrier proteins are expressed not only by cells of thiamine auxotrophic organisms, but also by organisms capable of its biosynthesis. During the biological evolution, there has been a significant divergence in the mechanisms of vitamin B1 transport. Prokaryotes carry out its uptake through ATP-dependent ABC-type transporters or using energy uncoupled facilitated diffusion mechanism through the PnuT transporter. Yeast and animal cells uptake thiamine by the mechanism of secondary active transport by proteins from the NCS1 and SLC19 families, respectively. ThDP synthesized in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells is imported into the mitochondrial matrix through transporters belonging to the MCF family.Витамин В1 в форме кофермента тиаминдифосфата (ТДФ) необходим для жизнедеятельности практически всех видов организмов. Растения, дрожжи и многие бактерии синтезируют витамин В1 de novo, тогда как клетки животных лишены такой способности и поэтому постоянно должны поглощать тиамин с помощью специализированных транспортных систем. Белки-переносчики экспрессируются не только клетками ауксотрофных по тиамину организмов, но тех, которые способны осуществлять его биосинтез. В ходе биологической эволюции произошла значительная дивергенция механизмов транспорта витамин В1. Прокариоты осуществляют его активный транспорт с помощью АТФ-зависимых транспортеров ABC-типа или используя энергонезависимый механизм облегченной диффузии через транспортер PnuT. В клетки дрожжей и животных тиамин переносится по механизму вторичного активного транспорта белками-транспортерами из семейств NCS1 и SLC19 соответственно. Синтезируемый в цитозоле клеток эукариот ТДФ импортируется в матрикс митохондриий транспортерами, принадлежащими семейству MCF

    Strabon: A Semantic Geospatial DBMS

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    Localization of MMR proteins on meiotic chromosomes in mice indicates distinct functions during prophase I

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    Mammalian MutL homologues function in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) after replication errors and in meiotic recombination. Both functions are initiated by a heterodimer of MutS homologues specific to either MMR (MSH2–MSH3 or MSH2–MSH6) or crossing over (MSH4–MSH5). Mutations of three of the four MutL homologues (Mlh1, Mlh3, and Pms2) result in meiotic defects. We show herein that two distinct complexes involving MLH3 are formed during murine meiosis. The first is a stable association between MLH3 and MLH1 and is involved in promoting crossing over in conjunction with MSH4–MSH5. The second complex involves MLH3 together with MSH2–MSH3 and localizes to repetitive sequences at centromeres and the Y chromosome. This complex is up-regulated in Pms2−/− males, but not females, providing an explanation for the sexual dimorphism seen in Pms2−/− mice. The association of MLH3 with repetitive DNA sequences is coincident with MSH2–MSH3 and is decreased in Msh2−/− and Msh3−/− mice, suggesting a novel role for the MMR family in the maintenance of repeat unit integrity during mammalian meiosis