61 research outputs found

    Character textiles of servicing

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    Lifelong Education as a Method of Activation of Seniors

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    Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je na základě teoretické analýzy a realizovaného výzkumu popsat aktuální situaci v oblasti celoživotního vzdělávání seniorů v Ústeckém kraji. V teoretické části charakterizujeme seniorský věk, vymezujeme sociální služby pro seniory, popisujeme trávení volného času seniorů a možnosti vzdělávání seniorů v ČR.V praktické části jsme se zaměřili na kvantitativní výzkum. Respondentů se budeme dotazovat pomocí vhodně zvoleného dotazníku. Získaná data budeme dále statisticky vyhodnocovat. Získané poznatky by také měly přinést podněty ke zlepšení pro budoucí praxi. Na základě toho chceme také doplnit informace a formulovat doporučení, jak zlepšit situaci v oblasti celoživotního vzdělávání a trávení volného času u seniorů v Ústeckém kraji.Main goal of this diploma thesis is based on theoretichal analysis and implemented research that wants to find out the current situation in the field of lifelong education of the elderly people in the Ústí nad Labem region.In the theoretical part we characterize the senior age, define social services for the elderly people, describe the leisure time of seniors and the possibilities of seniors education in the Czech Republic.In the practical part we focused on quantitative research. Respondents will be interviewed using a properly chosen questionnaire. We will further statistically evaluate the obtained data. Gained knowledges should bring us suggestions in improovements and also improovements in the future practice. On this basis, we also want to add information and formulate recommendations how to improve the situation in the area of lifelong learning and leisure time for the elderly people in the Ústí nad Labem Region

    Satisfaction in Primary teacher's life in relation of psychosomatic problems

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    Cílem této diplomové práce bylo přiblížit téma životní spokojenosti učitelů základních škol. V teoretické části se práce zabývá duševní hygienou a jejími pravidly, které je třeba dodržovat k navození duševní rovnováhy. Dodržováním těchto pravidel můžeme také omezit výskyt psychosomatických onemocnění. Dále se v teoretické části rozebírá syndrom vyhoření, který se v dnešní době vyskytuje stále více a je zde popsáno, jak jeho výskytu předcházet. Klíčové dovednosti učitele a relaxace spolu s meditačními cvičeními jsou také součástí teoretické části práce. V praktické části se pak pomocí metody sběru dat dotazováním zabýváme hodnocením životní spokojenosti učitelů na základních školách. V závěru práce nechybí zhodnocení výsledků výzkumu.Katedra psychologieObhájenoThe aim of this diploma thesis was to introduce the topic of life satisfaction of elementary school teachers. The theoretical part deals with the mental hygiene and its rules that must be followed to induce mental balance. By following these rules the incidence of psychosomatic illness can be reduced. In the next section of the theoretical part the burnout syndrom which is nowadays more and more present is described together with how to prevent its occurrence. Key skills of teachers and exercises for relaxation along with meditation are also included in the theoretical part. The practical part of this diploma thesis is using method of data collection by questionaire focused on assessment of life satisfaction of teachers in primary schools. Results of research part are discussed in last part of this work

    Provedení vybraných činností vykonávaných v rámci revize katastru nemovitostí

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    This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of revisions of real estate cadastre data. The beginning of the work is devoted to a brief summary of land records, from historical to contemporary. Furthermore, the work addresses the revision of real estate cadastre data in the area of Ratibořské Hory. The attention of the diploma thesis is paid mainly to the finding of inconsistencies in the geometric determination of bui-ldings. At the end of the work is a statistical evaluation of the data

    Poverty and social exclusion: an ethical challenge for the Czech society

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    The thesis deals with the role of the state and society in their attitudes to poverty and social exclusion. The introductory part aims at characterising the phenomenon of poverty and social exclusion, and deals with the issue of how the society perceives poverty. It focuses on the concept of the culture of poverty, and attention is given to the need of solidarity, social justice and the social state. The following part of my thesis deals with the extent of poverty and social exclusion in the Czech Republic, as well as possibilities of a social safety net in the Czech Republic. It describes particular examples of the manifestation of social exclusion and poverty in the Czech society, especially in the sphere of housing, opportunities in the labour market and falling into destructive debts. It sheds light on the situation of Romanies as the worst affected population group. The current situation in the Czech Republic shows that the attitude of the society to poverty as a personal fault and failure, impedes mutual solidarity, and generates strategies connected with repression that fail to understand the causes of poverty. For this reason, they cannot be adequately efficient. The society should react to, consider and efficiently solve poverty-related problems. Inspiration may be found in Christian ethics and its concept of human dignity

    What is the key factor driving the expansion of invasive bentic invertebrates in the czech rivers?

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    The main part of the thesis discusses the occurrence and spreading of non - indigenous species of bentic freshwater invertebrates in the Labe River and it is based on long - term physical, chemical and biological data provided by Povodí Labe, state enterprise. Our results show a decrease in the concentration of nutrients at monitored stretch of the Labe River during the time period between years 2000 and 2011. The relative richness of non - indigenous species in benthic communities was analysed by TCI (Taxonomical Contamination Index), while their relative abundance was analysed by ACI (Abundance Contamination Index). Values of those two indexes increased during the time period between years 1998 and 2012. A detailed analysis is focused on four species - Dikerogammarus villosus, Corbicula fluminea, Jaera istri and Corophium curvispinum. The highest ACI value, as well as the total abundance of D. villosus, C, fluminea and J. istri, has been found at the Velké Březno site. Different values of TCI and ACI indexes and different abundances of specific invasive species can be caused by diverse environmental conditions characterising the studied sites. Significant differences between physical - chemical parameters measured at specific sites has been shown by the Kruskal - Wallis test (α = 0, 05). Only the..

    The specifics of nursing care of patients with multiple sclerosis

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of multiple sclerosis. It is a demyelinating disease affecting the central nervous system by inflammatory bearings. The onset of this disease is usually between the years 20 to 40 of age. As a consequence of it patients become disabled. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on the current status of this problematics. In individual chapters of this bachelor thesis it has been dealts with anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, characteristics, diagnostics, and therapy of multiple sclerosis, and nursing care for patients suffeof it. A qualitative research was used in the practical part. The method of interviewing and technique of semi-structured interview were used to collect the data. The research group consisted of nurses from the Neurology Department and respondents having MS. The first objective of bachelor thesis was to find out the specifics of nursing care for patients having MS. The second objective was to map patients' needs depending on the degree of disability of MS. All the research questions were answered by the executed research survey. This bachelor thesis can serve as a feedback for nurses caring for patients having MS. It can be used as well as a study material for students of nursing, or as an informational material for patients having MS and their families

    Analysis of car insurance and damage liability on the Czech insurance market

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    This thesis characterizes the products mandatory liability insurance of car traffic, car insurance and some additional insurances of cars. The main objective is the analysis of calculation and of criterias, that determinate the price of insurance. The end point is approach comparison to setting up the price by insurance companies on the Czech insurance market

    Analýza trhu havarijního pojištění v ČR

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    Havarijní pojištění je dobrovolné majetkové pojištění, kterým je možné podle klientem zvolené pojistné ochrany krýt riziko havárie, živelní události, odcizení a vandalismu. Na celkovém předepsaném pojistném se podílí havarijní pojištění 13-ti % a meziroční nárůst je v současnosti představován 6-ti %. Ve své práci jsem charakterizovala produkty nejvýznamnějších účastníků na trhu, provedla obsahové i cenové srovnání jednotlivých nabídek a přiblížila, jakým způsobem se liší přístup ke kalkulaci u jednotlivých pojišťoven

    Historické změny land use ve vybraném území

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    This thesis deals with the historical changes in the selected area. It is a cadastral area called Vilice. This thesis consists of a research of literature and a practical part. The literary research describes and explains these concepts: landscape and historical development, land use development in the Czech Republic and historical milestones of land use change in the Czech Republic. The practical part deals with a field survey, mapping, a reconstruction and a creation of digital maps in the selected area. It also contains a description of each land use change and their aggregate assessment