560 research outputs found

    An Approach to Solid Phase Identification in a Ca-S-O System by Quantitative Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis

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    Solid phases formed in the limestone sulphation reaction were identified by scanning electron microscopy with backscattered electron (BSE) imaging and by quantitative energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis of calcium and sulphur. Since calcium and sulphur can form several compounds in the Ca-S-O system, two quantities, the sum of oxides (CaO+SO3) and the molar ratio (CaO/SO3), were used to calculate empirical formulae for the compounds actually present. A method for analysing the experimental results is proposed, the mathematical expressions employed are presented and the numerical coefficients tabulated. It is shown with some examples that the method used here provides useful criteria for the identification of limestone sulphation products

    Polymeraasi gamma -geenin mutaatioiden fenotyypit Pohjois-Pohjanmaan vÀestössÀ

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    TiivistelmĂ€. Polymeraasi gamma 1 -geeni (POLG) koodaa polymeraasi :a, joka on ainoa mitokondrion DNA:n polymeraasi ja nĂ€in ollen on vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€tön mitokondrion DNA:n replikaatiolle ja korjaamiselle. Geenin virheet johtavat mitokondrion hengitysketjun kompleksien hĂ€iriöihin, jotka aiheuttavat soluvaurioita, mitkĂ€ nĂ€kyvĂ€t parhaiten aerobiseen aineenvaihduntaan luottavissa kudoksissa, kuten hermoissa ja lihaksissa. Neuronivauriot johtavat erilaisiin oireyhtymiin, joissa löydöksinĂ€ ovat mm. ataksia, epilepsia, oftalmologiset ongelmat sekĂ€ sisĂ€elinten toimintahĂ€iriöt. Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa on hoidettu 13 potilasta, joilla on POLG-geenin mutaatioon liittyvĂ€ mitokondriotauti. TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön on tarkoitus tutkia, minkĂ€laisina fenotyyppeinĂ€ Pohjois-Pohjanmaan vĂ€estössĂ€ POLG-geeniin liittyvĂ€t mitokondriotaudit esiintyvĂ€t ja tuottaa tietoa fenotyypeistĂ€ pohjoismaiseen yhteishankkeeseen. Aineistona on 13 potilasta, joiden sairaskertomuksista kerĂ€ttiin kliinisinĂ€ tietoina oireet, kuvantamislöydökset ja mutaatiodiagnoosi, sairauden fenotyyppi ja kĂ€ytetyt hoidot. Yleisin genotyyppi oli p.Trp748Ser homotsygootti. Yleisin oire oli ataksia, jota esiintyi kaikilla fenotyypeillĂ€. FenotyyppeinĂ€ havaittiin ataksia-neuropatiaspektrin hĂ€iriöitĂ€, Alpers-Huttenlocherin oireyhtymÀÀ sekĂ€ progressiivista eksterniĂ€ oftalmoplegiaa. LĂ€hes kaikilla potilailla todettiin aksonaalinen neuropatia ja poikkeavia löydöksiĂ€ pÀÀn magneettikuvantamisessa. Vaikeimmat taudinkuvat esiintyivĂ€t Alpers-Huttenlocherin oireyhtymÀÀ sairastavilla. Hoidossa keskityttiin epileptisten kohtauksien estoon. Kohtaustyypit olivat monimuotoisia eivĂ€tkĂ€ pÀÀasiassa reagoineet lÀÀkehoitoon. Pohjois-Pohjanmaan vĂ€estössĂ€ POLG-mutaatioihin liittyvĂ€t sairaudet alkavat teini-iĂ€ssĂ€ tai nuorena aikuisena, yleisin fenotyyppi on ataksia-neuropatiaspektrin hĂ€iriöt ja epileptiset kohtaukset ovat tavallisia ja vaste hoitoon heikko

    Observation of two elastic thresholds in GeₓAsySe₁ˍₓ ˍy glasses

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    We have prepared GeₓAsySe1−x−yglasses with mean coordination numbers (MCNs) from 2.2 to 2.86. Tg was found to generally increase with increasing MCN while the glass density showed a maximum at MCN≈2.45 and a minimum at MCN≈2.65. The elastic moduli of the glasses were estimated from the shear and compressional wave velocitiesmeasured by ultrasonic pulse interferometry. For the first time we simultaneously observed two elastictransition thresholds, the first at MCN≈2.45 and the second at MCN≈2.65, which appear closely correlated with changes in the glass microstructure. The elastic moduli of two groups of samples with the same MCN=2.4 and 2.64 but different compositions suggest that the chemical compositions also have an influence on the elastic properties.This research is supported by the Australian Research Council through its Centres of Excellence and Federation Fellow Programs

    Drug-Coated Versus Plain Balloon Angioplasty In Arteriovenous Fistulas : A Randomized, Controlled Study With 1-Year Follow-Up (The Drecorest Ii-Study)

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    Background and Aims: Stenosis due to intimal hyperplasia and restenosis after initially successful percutaneous angioplasty are common reasons for failing arteriovenous fistulas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of drug-coated balloons in the treatment of arteriovenous fistula stenosis. Design: Single-center, parallel group, randomized controlled trial. Block randomized by sealed envelope 1:1. Materials and Methods: A total of 39 patients with primary or recurrent stenosis in a failing native arteriovenous fistulas were randomized to drug-coated balloon (n=19) or standard balloon angioplasty (n=20). Follow-up was 1year. Primary outcome measure was target lesion revascularization. Results: In all, 36 stenoses were analyzed; three patients were excluded due to technical failure after randomization. A total of 88.9% (16/18) in the drug-coated balloon group was revascularized or occluded within 1year, compared to 22.2% (4/18) of the stenoses in the balloon angioplasty group (relative risk for drug-coated balloon 7.09). Mean time-to- target lesion revascularization was 110 and 193days after the drug-coated balloon and balloon angioplasty, respectively (p=0.06). Conclusions: With 1-year follow-up, the target lesion revascularization-free survival after drug-coated balloon-treatment was clearly worse. The reason for this remains unknown, but it may be due to differences in the biological response to paclitaxel in the venous arteriovenous fistula-wall compared to its antiproliferative effect in the arterial wall after drug-coated balloon treatment of atherosclerotic occlusive lesions. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03036241Peer reviewe

    Body and milk traits as indicators of dairy cow energy status in early lactation

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    The inclusion of feed intake and efficiency traits in dairy cow breeding goals can lead to increased risk of metabolic stress. An easy and inexpensive way to monitor postpartum energy status (ES) of cows is therefore needed. Cows' ES can be estimated by calculating the energy balance from energy intake and output and predicted by indicator traits such as change in body weight (Delta BW), change in body condition score (Delta BCS), milk fat:protein ratio (FPR), or milk fatty acid (FA) composition. In this study, we used blood plasma nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentration as a biomarker for ES. We determined associations between NEFA concentration and ES indicators and evaluated the usefulness of body and milk traits alone, or together, in predicting ES of the cow. Data were collected from 2 research herds during 2013 to 2016 and included 137 Nordic Red dairy cows, all of which had a first lactation and 59 of which also had a second lactation. The data included daily body weight, milk yield, and feed intake and monthly BCS. Plasma samples for NEFA were collected twice in lactation wk 2 and 3 and once in wk 20. Milk samples for analysis of fat, protein, lactose, and FA concentrations were taken on the blood sampling days. Plasma NEFA concentration was higher in lactation wk 2 and 3 than in wk 20 (0.56 +/- 0.30, 0.43 +/- 0.22, and 0.13 +/- 0.06 mmol/L, respectively; all means +/- standard deviation). Among individual indicators, C18:1 cis-9 and the sum of C18:1 in milk had the highest correlations (r = 0.73) with NEFA. Seven multiple linear regression models for NEFA prediction were developed using stepwise selection. Of the models that included milk traits (other than milk FA) as well as body traits, the best fit was achieved by a model with milk yield, FPR, Delta BW, Delta BCS, FPR x Delta BW, and days in milk. The model resulted in a cross-validation coefficient of determination (R(2)cv) of 0.51 and a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.196 mmol/L. When only milk FA concentrations were considered in the model, NEFA prediction was more accurate using measurements from evening milk than from morning milk (R(2)cv = 0.61 vs. 0.53). The best model with milk traits contained FPR, C10:0, C14:0, C18:1 cis-9, C18:1 cis-9 x C14:0, and days in milk (R(2)cv = 0.62; RMSE = 0.177 mmol/L). The most advanced model using both milk and body traits gave a slightly better fit than the model with only milk traits (R(2)cv = 0.63; RMSE = 0.176 mmol/L). Our findings indicate that ES of cows in early lactation can be monitored with moderately high accuracy by routine milk measurements.Peer reviewe

    Validation of the Youth Efficacy/Empowerment Scale – Mental Health Finnish version

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    Αdolescents face mental health problems and still their mental health needs are often neglected. Empowerment provides adolescents with the skills to impact their own lives and communities in general. The aim of the study is to examine the validity and reliability of the Finnish version of the Youth Efficacy/Empowerment Scale – Mental Health (YES-MH). Data was collected through an online questionnaire from pupils aged 12–17 years in Western Finland, comprised of the following instruments; the YES-MH, the Goodman’s the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), and the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale. Exploratory factor analysis was carried out to evaluate construct validity and disclose underlying structures which yielded the following subscales: Self, Services, System. The internal consistency of subscales was analyzed with Cronbach’s α. Construct validity was further investigated by computing the Pearson’s correlations coefficients between the subscales. Furthermore, correlations with SDQ and mental well-being dimensions were explored as measures of convergent validity. In the final model all items the Youth Efficacy/ Empowerment Scale – Mental Health were entered into the factor analysis. All factor loadings were more than 0.40, ranging from 0.63 to 0.89. All the scales exceeded the minimum reliability standard of 0.70 and all corrected item-total correlations were high. All the YES-MH subscales were significantly and positively correlated each other with correlations coefficients ranging from medium to high. Correlations of Mental Well-being score with Self and Services subscales were significant. Moreover, Self subscale was significantly correlated with all SDQ dimensions. Services subscale was significantly correlated with Emotional symptoms and total SDQ score, while System subscale was significantly correlated with Conduct problems. The exploratory factor analysis showed a clear factor structure and the results suggest that the YES-MH is a reliable scale for assessing empowerment among young people. The YES-MH can be useful for health professionals not only as an assessment tool but also when they need to evaluate mental health interventions and examine empowerment as an outcome. However, further research can provide insights for the use of the scale in specific adolescent target groups and among different ethnic groups as well.</p
