54 research outputs found

    The Economics of Foreign Direct Investment Incentives

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    This paper suggests that the use of investment incentives focusing exclusively on foreign firms, although motivated in some cases from a theoretical point of view, is generally not an efficient way to raise national welfare. The main reason is that the strongest theoretical motive for financial subsidies to inward FDI spillovers of foreign technology and skills to local industry is not an automatic consequence of foreign investment. The potential spillover benefits are realized only if local firms have the ability and motivation to invest in absorbing foreign technologies and skills. To motivate subsidization of foreign investment, it is therefore necessary, at the same time, to support learning and investment in local firms as well.

    Policies to Encourage Inflows of Technology Through Foreign Multinationals

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    Do host countries aiming to maximize the inflows of technology through foreign multinationals have any policy alternatives to formal technology transfer requirements and performance requirements? To answer this question, the present paper examines some possible determinants of the technology imports of U.S. majority-owned foreign affiliates in 33 host countries. The results show that the affiliates' technology imports increase with the host countries' domestic investment levels and education levels, but that various performance requirements are negatively related to technology transfer. This suggests that policies promoting local investment, competition, and education may sometimes be alternatives to direct controls and requirements.

    Regional integration and foreign direct investment : a conceptual framework and three cases

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    The authors discuss how regional investment agreements may affect the inward and outward flows of foreign direct investments in the integrating region. After describing the multidimensional character of the issue, they provide a conceptual framework for analysis as well as three case studies focused on different kinds of regional integration: (1) North-North integration (Canada joining the CUSFTA); (2) North-South integration (Mexico's accession to NAFTA); and (3) South-South integration (MERCOSUR). They conclude that the response to an integration agreement will, in each case, depend on the environmental change brought about by the regional investment agreements, the locational advantage of the country or region, the competitiveness of local firms in the integrating region, and the motives for foreign direct investment in and by the country or region in question. The creation of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA), for example, had relatively little influence on direct investment patterns in Canada, since much of the trade between Canada and the United States had been liberalized long before the CUSFTA was established. By contrast, the Mexican accession to NAFTA brought about significant policy changes, which helps to explain foreign multinationals'increasing interest in the country. Similarly, the establishment of the MERCOSUR Common Market is likely to significantly affect the region's policy environment, which suggests that it may have a notable (although varying) impact on foreign direct investment in the four member countries.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Labor Policies,Trade and Regional Integration,Environmental Economics&Policies,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT,Economic Theory&Research,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism

    Home Country Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Sweden

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    This paper examines two broad issues related to foreign investment by Swedish multinationals: first the effects of outward foreign direct investment on domestic investment, exports, and employment, and second, the effects on the domestic economy from the increasing division of labor between the parents and foreign affiliates of Swedish MNCs. The paper summarizes and synthesizes the existing empirical evidence on these matters (much of which has hitherto only been available in Swedish) and discusses some possible long run effects that have not received much attention in the literature.

    Regional Integration and Foreign Direct Investment

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    This paper deals with the investment effects of regional integration agreements and discusses how such arrangements may affect inward and outward foreign direct investment flows in the integrating region. After setting up a conceptual framework for the analysis, we provide three studies focusing on different kinds of regional integration: North-North integration (Canada joining CUSFTA), North-South integration (Mexico's accession to NAFTA), and South-South integration (MERCOSUR). The main conclusion of the study is that the responses to an integration agreement largely depend on the environmental change brought about by the agreement and the locational advantages of the participating countries and industries. Moreover, the findings suggest that the most positive impact on FDI has occurred when regional integration agreements have coincided with domestic liberalization and macroeconomic stabilization in the member countries.


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    A dual-role typology of multinational subsidiaries

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    This paper argues that, since a subsidiary is embedded in a dual context of both the MNE and the host environment, its strategic role should be assessed by its relative positions and contributions both within the knowledge networks of the MNE and the host country. Based on this, we develop a dual-role typology. The 369 multinational subsidiaries in our sample from China can be classified into as many as 12 out of the 16 conceptual groups of the typology. Our results indicate that dual activists (active both internally and externally) account for only 12% of the total sampled multinational subsidiaries while dual loners (inactive both internally and externally) reach 20%. The results from a larger sample by adding 113 minority foreign share firms show that external knowledge links are positively associated with local Chinese ownership. The central message from this paper is that a large proportion of foreign-invested firms in China are inactive in knowledge exchange either internally or externally or both. Managerial and policy implications are discussed

    Multinational Corporations and Spillovers.

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    This paper examines spillover effects of the activities of multinational firms. Such effects are most likely to be found in host countries, where the operations of foreign multinationals may influence local firms in the MNCs own industry as well as firms in other industries. However, there is no comprehensive evidence on the exact nature or magnitude of these effects, although it is suggested that host country spillovers vary systematically between countries and industries. In particular, the positive effects of foreign investment are likely to increase with the level of local capability and competition. The spillovers to the home countries of MNCs are often more difficult to identify, for various reasons. Earlier studies suggest that the effects are generally positive, but the increasing international division of labor within multinationals complicates the analysis. The impact on the home country is likely to depend on what activities these firms concentrate at home. Copyright 1998 by Blackwell Publishers Ltd