12 research outputs found

    Intestinal Obstruction Syndromes in Cystic Fibrosis: Meconium Ileus, Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome, and Constipation

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    Meconium ileus at birth, distal intestinal obstruction syndrome (DIOS), and constipation are an interrelated group of intestinal obstruction syndromes with a variable severity of obstruction that occurs in cystic fibrosis patients. Long-term follow-up studies show that today meconium ileus is not a risk factor for impaired nutritional status, pulmonary function, or survival. DIOS and constipation are frequently seen in cystic fibrosis patients, especially later in life; genetic, dietary, and other associations have been explored. Diagnosis of DIOS is based on suggestive symptoms, with a right lower quadrant mass confirmed on abdominal radiography, whereas symptoms of constipation are milder and of longer standing. In DIOS, early aggressive laxative treatment with oral laxatives (polyethylene glycol) or intestinal lavage with balanced osmotic electrolyte solution and rehydration is required, which now makes the need for surgical interventions rare. Constipation can generally be well controlled with polyethylene glycol maintenance treatment

    Total biliary diversion as a treatment option for patients with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis and Alagille syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) with low gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and Alagille syndrome are associated with persistent cholestasis and severe pruritus. Various types of biliary diversion have been used to reduce this pruritus and prevent liver dysfunction. We report our experience concerning the efficacy and safety of total biliary diversion (TBD) as an additional treatment option. METHODS: TBD was performed in four PFIC patients and one patient with Alagille syndrome, and was accomplished by anastomosing a jejunal segment to the choledochal duct terminating as an end stoma, or by disconnecting the choledochal duct after previous cholecystojejunocutaneostomy. RESULTS: TBD resulted in a marked improvement of symptoms and biochemical parameters in all PFIC patients. Despite relief of pruritus, cholestasis persisted in the Alagille patient. During 5-15years of follow-up, no clinical signs of fat malabsorption such as diarrhea or weight loss were encountered. However, to maintain adequate levels of fat-soluble vitamins, especially of vitamin K, substantial supplementation was necessary. CONCLUSIONS: Total biliary diversion can be a useful surgical treatment option for patients with low-GGT PFIC and possibly also Alagille syndrome, when partial biliary diversion is insufficient. It can be performed without inducing clinical signs of fat malabsorption although individualized supplementation of fat-soluble vitamins with careful monitoring is warranted

    Total biliary diversion as a treatment option for patients with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis and Alagille syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (PFIC) with low gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and Alagille syndrome are associated with persistent cholestasis and severe pruritus. Various types of biliary diversion have been used to reduce this pruritus and prevent liver dysfunction. We report our experience concerning the efficacy and safety of total biliary diversion (TBD) as an additional treatment option. METHODS: TBD was performed in four PFIC patients and one patient with Alagille syndrome, and was accomplished by anastomosing a jejunal segment to the choledochal duct terminating as an end stoma, or by disconnecting the choledochal duct after previous cholecystojejunocutaneostomy. RESULTS: TBD resulted in a marked improvement of symptoms and biochemical parameters in all PFIC patients. Despite relief of pruritus, cholestasis persisted in the Alagille patient. During 5-15years of follow-up, no clinical signs of fat malabsorption such as diarrhea or weight loss were encountered. However, to maintain adequate levels of fat-soluble vitamins, especially of vitamin K, substantial supplementation was necessary. CONCLUSIONS: Total biliary diversion can be a useful surgical treatment option for patients with low-GGT PFIC and possibly also Alagille syndrome, when partial biliary diversion is insufficient. It can be performed without inducing clinical signs of fat malabsorption although individualized supplementation of fat-soluble vitamins with careful monitoring is warranted

    A Dietary Fiber Mixture versus Lactulose in the Treatment of Childhood Constipation: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Constipation is a common problem in children. As first-line treatment, increased dietary fiber is often advocated. To our knowledge. however, no large Studies evaluating the effect of dietary fibers in childhood constipation have been published. Patients and Methods: A randomized, double-blind, prospective controlled Study was performed. Patients received either a fiber mixture or lactulose in a yogurt drink. After a baseline period of a week, patients were treated for 8 weeks followed by 4 weeks of weaning. Polyethylene glycol 3350 was added if no clinical improvement was observed after 3 weeks. Using a standardized bowel diary. parents recorded defecation frequency during the treatment period. In addition, incontinence frequency. stool consistency. presence of abdominal pain and flatulence. necessity for step-up medication, and dry weight of feces were recorded, as were adverse effects. Results: A total of 147 children were eligible 12 children wished not to participate. Of the remaining children, 65 were randomized to treatment with fiber Mixture and 70 to treatment with lactulose. In ally 97 children completed the study. No difference was found between the groups after the treatment period concerning defecation frequency (P=0.481) and fecal incontinence frequency (P=0.084). However, consistency of stools was softer in the lactulose group (P = 0.01). Abdominal pain and flatulence scores were comparable (P=0.395 and P = 0.739. respectively). The necessity of step-up medication during the treatment period was comparable (P=0.996), as were taste scores (P=0.657). No serious adverse effects were registered. Conclusions: A fluid fiber mixture and lactulose give Comparable results in the treatment of childhood constipation. JPGN 47:592-597, 200

    Mutations in RPSA and NKX2-3 link development of the spleen and intestinal vasculature

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    Idiopathic intestinal varicosis is a developmental disorder defined by dilated and convoluted submucosal veins in the colon or small bowel. A limited number of families with idiopathic intestinal varices has been reported, but the genetic cause has not yet been identified. We performed whole-exome and targeted Sanger sequencing of candidate genes in five intestinal varicosis families. In four families, mutations in the RPSA gene were found, a gene previously linked to congenital asplenia. Individuals in these pedigrees had intestinal varicose veins and angiodysplasia, often in combination with asplenia. In a further four-generation pedigree that only showed intestinal varicosities, the RPSA gene was normal. Instead, a nonsense mutation in the homeobox gene NKX2-3 was detected which cosegregated with the disease in this large family with a LOD (logarithm of the odds) score of 3.3. NKX2-3 is a component of a molecular pathway underlying spleen and gut vasculature development in mice. Our results provide a molecular basis for familial idiopathic intestinal varices. We provide evidence for a relationship between the molecular pathways underlying the development of the spleen and intestinal mucosal vasculature that is conserved between humans and mice. We propose that clinical management of intestinal varices, should include assessment of a functional spleen

    Development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Treated with Etanercept

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    OBJECTIVE: With the increasing use of etanercept for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) new possible adverse events are reported including new autoimmune diseases. Our purpose was to examine if the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in patients with JIA using etanercept is higher than in the healthy age-matched population. We give the clinical characteristics of the IBD in patients with JIA using etanercept. METHODS: The national JIA registries for etanercept of The Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Denmark, and Italy were searched for patients with JIA and IBD. The total number of patient-years was used to calculate incidence. The physicians of the identified patients were asked to give clinical details. RESULTS: Thirteen cases of IBD in JIA patients were identified in the registries between 1999 and 2008. The IBD incidence in JIA patients while using etanercept was 362 per 100,000 patient-years under etanercept, about 43 times higher than in the general pediatric population. Clinical presentation of IBD in JIA patients using etanercept was similar to that in non-JIA patients. The median time between onset of JIA and onset of IBD was 6 years and 10 months. The time between the start of etanercept and the first appearance of IBD symptoms was between 9 days and 4.5 years. CONCLUSION: The incidence of IBD in JIA patients using etanercept seems to be markedly increased, analyzing data from European registries. This incidence of IBD in the etanercept registries cannot be compared to the incidence of IBD in JIA patients using other treatment without etanercept, because such registries do not exist yet in all European countries. These findings are in keeping with a report of 8 new IBD cases occurring in French children with JIA using etanercept. These findings illustrate the need for large international disease-specific registries focused on outcome and pharmacovigilance

    Mutations in RPSA and NKX2-3 link development of the spleen and intestinal vasculature

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    Idiopathic intestinal varicosis is a developmental disorder defined by dilated and convoluted submucosal veins in the colon or small bowel. A limited number of families with idiopathic intestinal varices has been reported, but the genetic cause has not yet been identified. We performed whole exome and targeted Sanger sequencing of candidate genes in five intestinal varicosis families. In four families mutations in the RPSA gene were found, a gene previously linked to congenital asplenia. Individuals in these pedigrees had intestinal varicose veins and angiodysplasias, often in combination with asplenia. In a further four generation pedigree that only showed intestinal varicosities, the RPSA gene was normal. Instead, a nonsense mutation in the homeobox gene NKX2-3 was detected which co-segregated with the disease in this large family with a LOD score of 3.3. NKX2-3 is a component of a molecular pathway underlying spleen and gut vasculature development in mice. Our results provide a molecular basis for familial idiopathic intestinal varices. We provide evidence for a relationship between the molecular pathways underlying the development of the spleen and intestinal mucosal vasculature that is conserved between humans and mice. We propose that clinical management of intestinal varices, should include assessment of a functional spleen. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</p

    Infliximab dependency in pediatric Crohn's disease: Long-term follow-up of an unselected cohort

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    Contains fulltext : 69736.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND: Infliximab is effective for induction and maintenance of remission in Crohn's disease. It is unknown how long patients should be kept on infliximab therapy. The primary aim of this study was to assess duration of effective maintenance therapy and infliximab dependency in pediatric CD patients initially responding to infliximab therapy. METHODS: All pediatric patients treated with infliximab by pediatric gastroenterologists in the Netherlands because of severe luminal or fistulizing CD with initial response to infliximab therapy were reviewed. Duration of therapy, clinical response and adverse events were recorded. RESULTS: Sixty-six CD patients (37 boys) in 10 hospitals were initially responding to infliximab therapy. Mean age at the start of infliximab therapy was 14.5 years (range, 8.1-18.5 years). Mean follow-up since infliximab was started was 41.3 months (range 12-165). In total, 991 infusions were administered. Analysis demonstrates that 15.2% of patients had prolonged response, while 56.1% were infliximab dependent and 28.8% lost response. In total, 10 patients (15.2%) developed an infection during infliximab therapy and 8 (12.1%) had an immediate allergic reaction. CONCLUSIONS: Good clinical response to maintenance infliximab therapy was seen in 70% of patients. Infliximab maintenance therapy seems very effective and safe in pediatric CD. However, more than half of the patients in this cohort is dependent on repeated infliximab infusions. The number of infliximab infusions received when patients lost response to infliximab was diverse. There was no statistical difference regarding response to infliximab therapy when started early as compared to later in the course of Crohn's disease