9 research outputs found

    Functional state of the musculoskeletal system and injury rate among ice hockey players

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    Injuries in hockey need not be primarily caused by physical contact. The second category may include injuries caused by inappropriate loading, which in turn affects the state of the musculoskeletal system during matches or training sessions. As a result of this, in the 2018-19season, two elite senior hockey teams were tested for the functional state of the musculoskeletal system, which was also related to players’ ice time and the rate of injuries during the season. The sample included 30 hockey players (15 forwards, 12 defensemen, and 3 goalkeepers). Testing was carried out at the beginning of the season. Players performed the Y balance test and underwent FMS screening. The results showed that the shoulder region is most susceptible to injury. The hockey players suffered from hamstring muscle imbalance. Active ice time can be considered a determining parameter which can cause injury. However, its relationship with other variables has not been confirmed

    The Assessment Of Speed And Strength In Professional Hockey Players Over A Three-Year Time Period

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    Problematiku rýchlostno-silových schopností je možné označiť za determinujúcu pre úspešnosť v ľadovom hokeji. Jej rozvoju sa venuje zvýšená pozornosť hlavne v letnom prípravnom období. Po jeho ukončení, hráči absolvovali diagnostiku zameranú na hodnotenie telesnej kompozície, silových schopností a analýzu anaeróbnych alaktátových schopností realizovanú Wingate testom. Referenčnú skupinu tvorili 11 hokejisti seniorskej kategórie pôsobiaci v zahraničnej a slovenskej hokejovej lige. Vyhodnotenie zmien úrovne rýchlostno-silových schopností medzi obdobím rokov 2013–2015 potvrdilo výkonnostný progres rozvoja explozívnej sily dolných končatín po uplynutí jedného roka. V porovnaní s hráčmi pôsobiacimi v zahraničí dosahovali hráči pôsobiaci v slovenskej lige vyššiu úroveň výkonu a výšky vý- skoku. To sa potvrdilo aj pri teste explozívnej sily dolných končatín bez a s protipohybom. Štatistickým spracovaním sa potvrdilo, že pri zníženej frekvencii záberov na bicyklovom ergometri stúpa úroveň výkonu v úvodnom päť sekundovom intervale.Speed and strength may be referred to as a factor determining success in ice hockey. These abilities are developed mainly during the summer preparation period. Upon its completion, players underwent testing aimed at determining body composition, strength and anaerobic alactic abilities by performing the Wingate test. The reference sample consisted of 11 senior category ice hockey players playing for the hockey teams in NHL, KHL, and Czech and Slovak national leagues. The evaluation of changes in speed and strength between 2013 and 2015 showed gains in lower-body explosive power after a one-year period. The comparison of players playing for hockey clubs abroad, Slovak players achieved higher level of explosive power and jump height as indicated by performances in lower-body explosive power tests performed both with and without countermovement. Statistical analysis showed that power increases during the initial five-second interval at a lower pedalling rate on the bicycle ergometer

    Comparación de la condición física de adolescentes eslovacos y americanos utilizando itnessgram

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    Abstract: he aim of this study was to test the application of the test bat- tery Fitnessgram for health-related itness assessment for 967 students aged 15-19 from Prešov region, Slovakia and the consequent comparison with results of an American population group comprised of 719,441 Texan stu- dents. Fitnessgram evaluation of Slovak population group, the Manova, Mann-Whitney U test and the Kruskall-Wallis test all proved existing dif- ferences between the groups of boys and girls, especially in curl-up test. Subsequent international comparison presented by percentile of Healthy itness zone (HFZ) showed that Slovakstudents achieved better results for both BMI and Percentage of Body Fat. On the contrary, the American pop- ulation group achieved better results in HFZ for most motor tests (curl-up, push-up, Pacer run and sit and reach). he study demonstrated the suitabil- ity of the test battery Fitnessgram and points out the negative tendency of particular health-related itness parameters in Slovakian secondary school students.Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue aplicar la batería Fitnessgram para la evaluación de la condición física relacionada con la salud en 967 estudiantes de 15 a 19 años de la región de Prešov, Eslovaquia, y comparar con los resultados de un grupo de población estadounidense compuesto por 719,441 estudiantes texanos. La evaluación de Fitnessgram del grupo de población eslovaco, y los análisis de Manova, Mann-Whitney U test y Kruskall-Wallis mostraron diferencias signiicativas entre los grupos de niños y niñas, especialmente en la prueba de abdominales. La comparación internacional posterior presentada de acuerdo a los percentiles de la Zona de condición física saludable (Healthy itness zone: HFZ) mostró que los es- tudiantes eslovacos lograron mejores resultados tanto para el IMC como para el porcentaje de grasa corporal. Por el contrario, el grupo de población estadounidense logró mejores resultados en la mayoría de las pruebas mo- toras (abdominales, lexiones, carrera y lexibilidad). El estudio corrobora la utilidad de la batería de test Fitnessgram y señala la tendencia negativa de algunos parámetros de condición física relacionados con la salud en los estudiantes de secundaria eslovacos

    Examination of Age-related Core Stability and Dynamic Balance in Hockey Players

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    The purpose of the study was to assess core stability and to determine age-related diff erences in the unilaterality of limb movements in hockey players. The sample included 152 hockey players aged 12 to 35 years. Every player performed the upper quarter and the lower quarter Y-balance tests. Performances of players showed high degree of individuality, which was expressed as the composite score. The diff erence greater than 4 cm in movements performed by a left or right limb indicates imbalance and higher risk of injury. Of 152 players, 27 and 26 players showed a diff erence higher than 4 cm for the lower quarter and the upper quarter, respectively. Of all age categories, 61% of senior players showed muscle imbalance. This may have been caused by factors present at school age because 52% of U13 players showed imbalance. We conducted statistical analysis to determine diff erences for each of the directions in relation to limb length. The cross-sectional data have shown non signifi cant diff erences between age categories studied. For the development of ice hockey players, it is important to eliminate movement imbalance. The results have shown that the category at risk includes the U13 players, who may suff er from movement imbalance in the senior category

    The use of individual sports profiles of child athletes and nonathletes in recommending sports to be practiced

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    The issue of talent selection and identification has been addressed by a variety of authors. However, few studies focus on sports recommended to be practiced by children on the basis of evaluating their performance or sports profiles. Material and Methods: The purpose of the study was to determine individual sports profiles of child athletes and nonathletes and recommend sports to be practiced. The participants were children aged 6 and 7 years who were first graders at elementary schools. Child athletes were children who participated in organized sports practice in soccer (n = 16), ice hockey (n = 29), and artistic gymnastics (n = 10). Child nonathletes (n = 26) did not participate in any organized sports practice within extracurricular activities or in sports clubs. Children performed a battery of 9 tests: sit-and-reach test, flexed arm hang (overhand grip), repeated routine with a stick, sit-ups, standing long jump, 4 x 10-meter shuttle run, rolling of three balls, 20-meter sprint and endurance shuttle run. To assess decision-making processes, children played a chasing game called "pull-the-flag" game. Results: As for the match between the sports practiced and the sports recommended to be practiced by child athletes, 20 children practiced the sports that were also recommended to be practiced on the basis of their individual sports profiles. According to their sports profiles, child nonathletes were recommended to do, in particular, rhythmic gymnastics, cycling, volleyball, tennis, and floorball. Conclusions: We may conclude that low number of children practice sports that match children's motor dispositions. Therefore, individual sports profiles need to be devised to provide children with recommendations concerning sports that match their talent