8,158 research outputs found

    Two new charismatic Pristimantis species (Anura: Craugastoridae) from the tepuis of “The Lost World” (Pantepui region, South America)

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    Two new colourful species of direct-developing frogs of the genus Pristimantis are described from the summit of two isolated tepuis (sandstone table mountains) in the Eastern Pantepui District of the Guiana Shield highlands. Pristimantis jamescameroni sp. nov. is described from the summit of Aprada-tepui from 2557-2571 m elevation, and P. imthurni sp. nov. is described from the summit of Ptaritepui at 2471 m elevation. Both species share the absence of a differentiated tympanic membrane and external tympanic annulus (but presence of tiny pharyngeal ostia), the presence of nuptial pads in males, and the presence of lateral fringes on fingers and toes, a combination of characters that immediately distinguishes them from all other known Pantepui congeners. The two new species are morphologically similar to each other and are phylogenetically closely related, but they can be distinguished based on colour pattern and morphological characters such as head proportions, dorsal skin texture, and condition of the supratympanic fold. The IUCN conservation status of the new species is considered as Endangered (EN) owing to their apparent very restricted ranges. The number of described Pristimantis species occurring exclusively on tepui (and faunistically related granitic mountains) summits and upper slopes now reaches eleven

    The influence of forward-scattered light in transmission measurements of (exo)planetary atmospheres

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    [Abridged] The transmission of light through a planetary atmosphere can be studied as a function of altitude and wavelength using stellar or solar occultations, giving often unique constraints on the atmospheric composition. For exoplanets, a transit yields a limb-integrated, wavelength-dependent transmission spectrum of an atmosphere. When scattering haze and/or cloud particles are present in the planetary atmosphere, the amount of transmitted flux not only depends on the total optical thickness of the slant light path that is probed, but also on the amount of forward-scattering by the scattering particles. Here, we present results of calculations with a three-dimensional Monte Carlo code that simulates the transmitted flux during occultations or transits. For isotropically scattering particles, like gas molecules, the transmitted flux appears to be well-described by the total atmospheric optical thickness. Strongly forward-scattering particles, however, such as commonly found in atmospheres of Solar System planets, can increase the transmitted flux significantly. For exoplanets, such added flux can decrease the apparent radius of the planet by several scale heights, which is comparable to predicted and measured features in exoplanet transit spectra. We performed detailed calculations for Titan's atmosphere between 2.0 and 2.8 micron and show that haze and gas abundances will be underestimated by about 8% if forward-scattering is ignored in the retrievals. At shorter wavelengths, errors in the gas and haze abundances and in the spectral slope of the haze particles can be several tens of percent, also for other Solar System planetary atmospheres. We also find that the contribution of forward-scattering can be fairly well described by modelling the atmosphere as a plane-parallel slab.Comment: Icarus, accepted for publicatio

    A Quantum Rosetta Stone for Interferometry

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    Heisenberg-limited measurement protocols can be used to gain an increase in measurement precision over classical protocols. Such measurements can be implemented using, e.g., optical Mach-Zehnder interferometers and Ramsey spectroscopes. We address the formal equivalence between the Mach-Zehnder interferometer, the Ramsey spectroscope, and the discrete Fourier transform. Based on this equivalence we introduce the ``quantum Rosetta stone'', and we describe a projective-measurement scheme for generating the desired correlations between the interferometric input states in order to achieve Heisenberg-limited sensitivity. The Rosetta stone then tells us the same method should work in atom spectroscopy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Effects of self-phase modulation on weak nonlinear optical quantum gates

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    A possible two-qubit gate for optical quantum computing is the parity gate based on the weak Kerr effect. Two photonic qubits modulate the phase of a coherent state, and a quadrature measurement of the coherent state reveals the parity of the two qubits without destroying the photons. This can be used to create so-called cluster states, a universal resource for quantum computing. Here, the effect of self-phase modulation on the parity gate is studied, introducing generating functions for the Wigner function of a modulated coherent state. For materials with non-EIT-based Kerr nonlinearities, there is typically a self-phase modulation that is half the magnitude of the cross-phase modulation. Therefore, this effect cannot be ignored. It is shown that for a large class of physical implementations of the phase modulation, the quadrature measurement cannot distinguish between odd and even parity. Consequently, weak nonlinear parity gates must be implemented with physical systems where the self-phase modulation is negligable.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Information gap for classical and quantum communication in a Schwarzschild spacetime

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    Communication between a free-falling observer and an observer hovering above the Schwarzschild horizon of a black hole suffers from Unruh-Hawking noise, which degrades communication channels. Ignoring time dilation, which affects all channels equally, we show that for bosonic communication using single and dual rail encoding the classical channel capacity reaches a finite value and the quantum coherent information tends to zero. We conclude that classical correlations still exist at infinite acceleration, whereas the quantum coherence is fully removed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Applications of atomic ensembles in distributed quantum computing

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    Thesis chapter. The fragility of quantum information is a fundamental constraint faced by anyone trying to build a quantum computer. A truly useful and powerful quantum computer has to be a robust and scalable machine. In the case of many qubits which may interact with the environment and their neighbors, protection against decoherence becomes quite a challenging task. The scalability and decoherence issues are the main difficulties addressed by the distributed model of quantum computation. A distributed quantum computer consists of a large quantum network of distant nodes - stationary qubits which communicate via flying qubits. Quantum information can be transferred, stored, processed and retrieved in decoherence-free fashion by nodes of a quantum network realized by an atomic medium - an atomic quantum memory. Atomic quantum memories have been developed and demonstrated experimentally in recent years. With the help of linear optics and laser pulses, one is able to manipulate quantum information stored inside an atomic quantum memory by means of electromagnetically induced transparency and associated propagation phenomena. Any quantum computation or communication necessarily involves entanglement. Therefore, one must be able to entangle distant nodes of a distributed network. In this article, we focus on the probabilistic entanglement generation procedures such as well-known DLCZ protocol. We also demonstrate theoretically a scheme based on atomic ensembles and the dipole blockade mechanism for generation of inherently distributed quantum states so-called cluster states. In the protocol, atomic ensembles serve as single qubit systems. Hence, we review single-qubit operations on qubit defined as collective states of atomic ensemble. Our entangling protocol requires nearly identical single-photon sources, one ultra-cold ensemble per physical qubit, and regular photodetectors. The general entangling procedure is presented, as well as a procedure that generates in a single step Q-qubit GHZ states with success probability p(success) similar to eta(Q/2), where eta is the combined detection and source efficiency. This is signifcantly more efficient than any known robust probabilistic entangling operation. The GHZ states form the basic building block for universal cluster states, a resource for the one-way quantum computer

    Super-resolving multi-photon interferences with independent light sources

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    We propose to use multi-photon interferences from statistically independent light sources in combination with linear optical detection techniques to enhance the resolution in imaging. Experimental results with up to five independent thermal light sources confirm this approach to improve the spatial resolution. Since no involved quantum state preparation or detection is required the experiment can be considered an extension of the Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment for spatial intensity correlations of order N>2

    The creation of large photon-number path entanglement conditioned on photodetection

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    Large photon-number path entanglement is an important resource for enhanced precision measurements and quantum imaging. We present a general constructive protocol to create any large photon number path-entangled state based on the conditional detection of single photons. The influence of imperfect detectors is considered and an asymptotic scaling law is derived.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Street Food Vending and Hygiene Practices and Implications for Consumers

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    Street food vending has and is becoming globally a convenient and in most cases an essential service. Lifestyle changes and socio economic factors creates very little space for consumers to look at other alternatives one of which would be to prepare one’s own meal. Street food therefore becomes an easy and economic means to acquire prepared food. Safe hygiene practices should become integral to the vendor as the product will be consumed by people of all ages and many may be vulnerable to poor quality food. The street food vendor in turn relies on this service as a means of employment and income generation. The competition between vendors is increased and the pressure to cut corners becomes a reality and one significant corner is appropriate hygiene practices. The practice of appropriate hygiene practices is also as a result of total ignorance of many vendors and the nature of the food that they prepare. The paper explores lessons from various countries in respect of dealing with ensuring good hygiene practices of street food vendors and its usefulness to the South African perspective. One such initiative is the programme launched by the India’s Food Safety and Standards Authority and the National Association of Street Vendors of India. South African street food industry is rapidly increasing in size and proportion. Several studies have been undertaken to look at this operation from various perspectives including hygiene practices and small business. Employment creation has become a national imperative of the country and small business development is seen as a significant component to employment creation. This paper sets out to establish the global practices in street food vending from a hygiene perspective and its relevance to the South African context

    Analytical model for flux saturation in sediment transport

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    The transport of sediment by a fluid along the surface is responsible for dune formation, dust entrainment and for a rich diversity of patterns on the bottom of oceans, rivers, and planetary surfaces. Most previous models of sediment transport have focused on the equilibrium (or saturated) particle flux. However, the morphodynamics of sediment landscapes emerging due to surface transport of sediment is controlled by situations out-of-equilibrium. In particular, it is controlled by the saturation length characterizing the distance it takes for the particle flux to reach a new equilibrium after a change in flow conditions. The saturation of mass density of particles entrained into transport and the relaxation of particle and fluid velocities constitute the main relevant relaxation mechanisms leading to saturation of the sediment flux. Here we present a theoretical model for sediment transport which, for the first time, accounts for both these relaxation mechanisms and for the different types of sediment entrainment prevailing under different environmental conditions. Our analytical treatment allows us to derive a closed expression for the saturation length of sediment flux, which is general and can thus be applied under different physical conditions
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