273 research outputs found

    Proposal And Development Of The Direct Mail Method PMCI-DM For Effectively Attracting Customers

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    Observations of recent changes in the marketing field reveal that a marketing and sales system that places further emphasis on interaction with the customer must be established. The authors conducted a demonstrative study that focused on creating effective direct mail and promotional advertisements for attracting customers to dealers. We consider these strategies to be elemental technologies vital to “forming ties with the customer.” Finally, the authors established “PMCI-DM” (Practical use Model of Customer Information for Direct Mail) and applied it at Company A, a foreign-funded automobile sales company. We were thus able to demonstrate this strategy’s effectiveness

    Hymenobacter nivis sp nov., isolated from red snow in Antarctica

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    A novel aerobic bacterial strain, P3(T), was isolated from a red snow obtained from Antarctica. Cells of strain P3(T) were rod-shaped, non-motile, catalase-negative, oxidase-positive and Gramstain-negative. Growth was observed at temperatures ranging from 0 to 25 degrees C, with optimum growth at 15 degrees C. The pH range for growth was pH 5.3-7.8. The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 55.0 mol%. The major components in the fatty acid profile were iso-C-15: 0, summed feature 4 (iso-C-17:1 I and/or anteiso-C-17:1 B), anteiso-C-15:0 and summed feature 3 (isoC(16:1)omega 7c and/or iso-C(16:1 omega)6c). The predominant isoprenoid quinone was MK-7. Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that the novel isolate was a member of the genus Hymenobacter, and the strain showed highest sequence similarity (94 %) with Hymenpbacter glaciei VUG-A130(T), Hymenobacter soli PB17(T) and Hymenobacter antarcticus VUG-A42aa(T). On the basis of phylogenetic and phenotypic properties strain P3(T) represents a novel species of the genus Hymenobacter (for which the name Hymenobacter nivis sp. nov. is proposed. The types strain is P3(T) (= DSM 101755(T) = NBRC 111535(T))

    Arsenite Oxidation by a Newly Isolated Betaproteobacterium Possessing arx Genes and Diversity of the arx Gene Cluster in Bacterial Genomes

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    Microbes play essential roles in arsenic transformation in the environment. Microbial arsenite oxidation is catalyzed by either of two distantly related arsenite oxidases, referred to as AIO and ARX. The arx genes encoding ARX and its regulatory proteins were originally defined in the genomes of gammaproteobacteria isolated from an alkaline soda lake. The arx gene cluster has been identified in a limited number of bacteria, predominantly in gammaproteobacteria isolated from lakes characterized by high pH and high salinity. In the present study, a novel arsenite-oxidizing betaproteobacterium, strain M52, was isolated from a hot spring microbial mat. The strain oxidized arsenite under both microaerophilic and nitrate-reducing conditions at nearly neutral pH. Genome analysis revealed that the strain possesses the arx gene cluster in its genome and lacks genes encoding AIO. Inspection of the bacterial genomes available in the GenBank database revealed that the presence of this gene cluster is restricted to genomes of Proteobacteria, mainly in the classes Gammaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria. In these genomes, the structure of the gene cluster was generally well-conserved, but genes for regulatory proteins were lacking in genomes of strains belonging to a specific lineage. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that ARX encoded in the genomes can be divided into three groups, and strain M52 belongs to a group specific for organisms living in low-salt environments. The ArxA protein encoded in the genome of strain M52 was characterized by the presence of a long insertion, which was specifically observed in the same group of ARX. In clone library analyses with a newly designed primer pair, a diverse ArxA sequence with a long insertion was detected in samples of lake water and hot spring microbial mat, characterized by low salinity and a nearly neutral pH. Among the isolated bacterial strains whose arsenite oxidation has been demonstrated, strain M52 is the first betaproteobacterium that possesses the arx genes, the first strain encoding ARX of the group specific for low-salt environments, and the first organism possessing the gene encoding ArxA with a long insertion

    Long-Term Effect of Enzyme Replacement Therapy with Fabry Disease

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    Objective. To determine the effects of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) on the hearing acuity in patients with Fabry disease. Materials. The study sample comprised 34 ears of 17 affected patients who underwent pure-tone audiometry before and after ERT. Methods. The patients were studied in relation to factors such as changes in hearing, presence of accompanying symptoms, status of renal and cardiac function, age, and gender. Data of pure-tone audiometry obtained before ERT and at the final examination were compared. Results. At the end of the follow-up period, no significant worsening of hearing acuity was noted at the end of the follow-up period. SSNHL was detected in 10 ears of 6 patients. Steroid therapy successfully cured the disease in 9 of the 10 ears. Conclusions. No significant worsening of hearing acuity was noted from the beginning to the end of ERT. The rate of improvement in SSNHL of Fabry disease was excellent in the treated patients. Hearing loss is a factor that causes marked deterioration of the patients’ quality of life, and it is desirable that the hearing acuity of patients be periodically evaluated and prompt treatment of SSNHL be administered, if available

    Effects of self-efficacy on oral health behaviours and gingival health in university students aged 18- or 19-years-old

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    Aim Although self-efficacy is known to affect various health-related practises, few studies have clearly examined how self-efficacy correlates with oral health behaviors or the oral health condition. We examined the relationship between gingivitis, oral health behaviors and self-efficacy in university students. Material & Methods A total of 2,111 students (1,197 males, 914 females) aged 18 and 19 years were examined. The degree of gingivitis was expressed as the percentage of bleeding on probing (%BOP). Additional information was collected via a questionnaire regarding oral health behaviors (daily frequency of tooth-brushing, use of dental floss and regular check-up). Self-efficacy was assessed using the Self-Efficacy Scale for Self-care (SESS). Path analysis was used to test pathways from self-efficacy to oral health behaviors and %BOP. Results In the final structural model, self-efficacies were related to each other, and they affected oral health behaviors. Good oral health behaviors reduced dental plaque and calculus, and lower levels of dental plaque and calculus resulted in lower %BOP. Conclusion Higher self-efficacy correlated with better oral health behaviours and gingival health in university students. Improving self-efficacy may be beneficial for maintaining good gingival health in university students. To prevent gingivitis, the approach of enhancing self-efficacy in university students would be useful

    Pathophysiology of unilateral asterixis due to thalamic lesion.

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    [Objective]:Unilateral asterixis has been reported in patients with thalamic lesion. This study aims at elucidating the pathophysiology of the thalamic asterixis. [Methods]:Two cases with unilateral asterixis caused by an infarction in the lateral thalamus were studied by analysing the asterixis-related cortical activities, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for motor cortex excitability and probabilistic diffusion tractography for the thalamo-cortical connectivity. [Results]:Averaging of electroencephalogram (EEG) time-locked to the asterixis revealed rhythmic oscillations of a beta band at the central area contralateral to the affected hand. TMS revealed a decrease in the motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude and a prolongation of the silent period (SP). The anatomical mapping of connections between the thalamus and cortical areas using a diffusion-weighted image (DWI) showed that the lateral thalamus involved by the infarction was connected to the premotor cortex, the primary motor cortex (M1) and the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) of the corresponding hemisphere. [Conclusions]:The thalamic asterixis is mediated by the sensorimotor cortex, which is subjected to excessive inhibition as a result of the thalamic lesion involving the ventral lateral nucleus. [Significance]:This is the first demonstration of participation of the sensorimotor cortex in the generation of asterixis due to the lateral thalamic lesion

    A New Deep State-Space Analysis Framework for Patient Latent State Estimation and Classification from EHR Time Series Data

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    Many diseases, including cancer and chronic conditions, require extended treatment periods and long-term strategies. Machine learning and AI research focusing on electronic health records (EHRs) have emerged to address this need. Effective treatment strategies involve more than capturing sequential changes in patient test values. It requires an explainable and clinically interpretable model by capturing the patient's internal state over time. In this study, we propose the "deep state-space analysis framework," using time-series unsupervised learning of EHRs with a deep state-space model. This framework enables learning, visualizing, and clustering of temporal changes in patient latent states related to disease progression. We evaluated our framework using time-series laboratory data from 12,695 cancer patients. By estimating latent states, we successfully discover latent states related to prognosis. By visualization and cluster analysis, the temporal transition of patient status and test items during state transitions characteristic of each anticancer drug were identified. Our framework surpasses existing methods in capturing interpretable latent space. It can be expected to enhance our comprehension of disease progression from EHRs, aiding treatment adjustments and prognostic determinations.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Genomes of Neutrophilic Sulfur-Oxidizing Chemolithoautotrophs Representing 9 Proteobacterial Species From 8 Genera

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    Even in the current era of metagenomics, the interpretation of nucleotide sequence data is primarily dependent on knowledge obtained from a limited number of microbes isolated in pure culture. Thus, it is of fundamental importance to expand the variety of strains available in pure culture, to make reliable connections between physiological characteristics and genomic information. In this study, two sulfur oxidizers that potentially represent two novel species were isolated and characterized. They were subjected to whole-genome sequencing together with 7 neutrophilic and chemolithoautotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. The genes for sulfur oxidation in the obtained genomes were identified and compared with those of isolated sulfur oxidizers in the classes Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria. Although the combinations of these genes in the respective genomes are diverse, typical combinations corresponding to three types of core sulfur oxidation pathways were identified. Each pathway involves one of three specific sets of proteins, SoxCD, DsrABEFHCMKJOP, and HdrCBAHypHdrCB. All three core pathways contain the SoxXYZAB proteins, and a cytoplasmic sulfite oxidase encoded by soeABC is a conserved component in the core pathways lacking SoxCD. Phylogenetically close organisms share same core sulfur oxidation pathway, but a notable exception was observed in the family ‘Sulfuricellaceae’. In this family, some strains have either core pathway involving DsrABEFHCMKJOP or HdrCBAHypHdrCB, while others have both pathways. A proteomics analysis showed that proteins constituting the core pathways were produced at high levels. While hypothesized function of HdrCBAHypHdrCB is similar to that of Dsr system, both sets of proteins were detected with high relative abundances in the proteome of a strain possessing genes for these proteins. In addition to the genes for sulfur oxidation, those for arsenic metabolism were searched for in the sequenced genomes. As a result, two strains belonging to the families Thiobacillaceae and Sterolibacteriaceae were observed to harbor genes encoding ArxAB, a type of arsenite oxidase that has been identified in a limited number of bacteria. These findings were made with the newly obtained genomes, including those from 6 genera from which no genome sequence of an isolated organism was previously available. These genomes will serve as valuable references to interpret nucleotide sequences