721 research outputs found

    Di-higgs enhancement by neutral scalar as probe of new colored sector

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    We study a class of models in which the Higgs pair production is enhanced at hadron colliders by an extra neutral scalar. The scalar particle is produced by the gluon fusion via a loop of new colored particles, and decays into di-Higgs through its mixing with the Standard Model Higgs. Such a colored particle can be the top/bottom partner, such as in the dilaton model, or a colored scalar which can be triplet, sextet, octet, etc., called leptoquark, diquark, coloron, etc., respectively. We examine the experimental constraints from the latest Large Hadron Collider (LHC) data, and discuss the future prospects of the LHC and the Future Circular Collider up to 100TeV. We also point out that the 2.4σ\sigma excess in the bbˉγγb\bar b\gamma\gamma final state reported by the ATLAS experiment can be interpreted as the resonance of the neutral scalar at 300GeV.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures (v1); references added, 28 pages (v2); minor modifications, published version (v3

    Discovery of X-Ray-Emitting O-Ne-Mg-Rich Ejecta in the Galactic Supernova Remnant Puppis A

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    We report on the discovery of X-ray--emitting O-Ne-Mg-rich ejecta in the middle-aged Galactic O-rich supernova remnant Puppis A with Chandra and XMM-Newton. We use line ratios to identify a low-ionization filament running parallel to the northeastern edge of the remnant that requires supersolar abundances, particularly for O, Ne, and Mg, which we interpret to be from O-Ne-Mg-rich ejecta. Abundance ratios of Ne/O, Mg/O, and Fe/O are measured to be ~2, ~2, and <0.3 times the solar values. Our spatially-resolved spectral analysis from the northeastern rim to the western rim otherwise reveals sub-solar abundances consistent with those in the interstellar medium. The filament is coincident with several optically emitting O-rich knots with high velocities. If these are physically related, the filament would be a peculiar fragment of ejecta. On the other hand, the morphology of the filament suggests that it may trace ejecta heated by a shock reflected strongly off the dense ambient clouds near the northeastern rim.Comment: Published onlin

    X-ray ejecta kinematics of the Galactic core-collapse supernova remnant G292.0+1.8

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    We report on the results from the analysis of our 114 ks Chandra HETGS observation of the Galactic core-collapse supernova remnant G292.0+1.8. To probe the 3D structure of the clumpy X-ray emitting ejecta material in this remnant, we measured Doppler shifts in emission lines from metal-rich ejecta knots projected at different radial distances from the expansion center. We estimate radial velocities of ejecta knots in the range of -2300 <~ v_r <~ 1400 km s^-1. The distribution of ejecta knots in velocity vs. projected-radius space suggests an expanding ejecta shell with a projected angular thickness of ~90" (corresponding to ~3 pc at d = 6 kpc). Based on this geometrical distribution of the ejecta knots, we estimate the location of the reverse shock approximately at the distance of ~4 pc from the center of the supernova remnant, putting it in close proximity to the outer boundary of the radio pulsar wind nebula. Based on our observed remnant dynamics and the standard explosion energy of 10^51 erg, we estimate the total ejecta mass to be <~ 8 M_sun, and we propose an upper limit of <~ 35 M_sun on the progenitor's mass.Comment: 5 figures, accepted by Ap

    An X-Ray Study of Supernova Remnant N49 and Soft Gamma-Ray Repeater 0526-66 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We report on the results from our deep Chandra observation (120 ks) of the supernova remnant (SNR) N49 and soft Gamma-ray repeater (SGR) 0526-66 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We firmly establish the detection of an ejecta "bullet" beyond the southwestern boundary of N49. The X-ray spectrum of the bullet is distinguished from that of the main SNR shell, showing significantly enhanced Si and S abundances. We also detect an ejecta feature in the eastern shell, which shows metal overabundances similar to those of the bullet. If N49 was produced by a core-collapse explosion of a massive star, the detected Si-rich ejecta may represent explosive O-burning or incomplete Si-burning products from deep interior of the supernova. On the other hand, the observed Si/S abundance ratio in the ejecta may favor Type Ia origin for N49. We refine the Sedov age of N49, tau_Sed ~ 4800 yr, with the explosion energy E_0 ~ 1.8 x 10^51 erg. Our blackbody (BB) + power law (PL) model for the quiescent X-ray emission from SGR 0526-66 indicates that the PL photon index (Gamma ~ 2.5) is identical to that of PSR 1E1048.1-5937, the well-known candidate transition object between anomalous X-ray pulsars and SGRs. Alternatively, the two-component BB model implies X-ray emission from a small (R ~ 1 km) hot spot(s) (kT ~ 1 keV) in addition to emission from the neutron star's cooler surface (R ~ 10 km, kT ~ 0.4 keV). There is a considerable discrepancy in the estimated column toward 0526-66 between BB+PL and BB+BB model fits. Discriminating these spectral models would be crucial to test the long-debated physical association between N49 and 0526-66.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 27 pages in total (aastex preprint format) including 5 figures (4 in color) and 5 table

    Chandra X-Ray Study of Galactic Supernova Remnant G299.2-2.9

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    We report on observations of the Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) G299.2−-2.9 with the {\it Chandra X-Ray Observatory}. The high resolution images with {\it Chandra} resolve the X-ray-bright knots, shell, and diffuse emission extending beyond the bright shell. Interior to the X-ray shell is faint diffuse emission occupying the central regions of the SNR. Spatially-resolved spectroscopy indicates a large foreground absorption (NHN_{\rm H} ∼\sim 3.5 ×\times 1021^{21} cm−2^{-2}), which supports a relatively distant location (dd ∼\sim 5 kpc) for the SNR. The blast wave is encountering a highly inhomogeneous ambient medium with the densities ranging over more than an order of magnitude (n0n_0 ∼\sim 0.1 −- 4 cm−3^{-3}). Assuming the distance of dd ∼\sim 5 kpc, we derive a Sedov age of τ\tau ∼\sim 4500 yr and an explosion energy of E0E_0 ∼\sim 1.6 ×\times 1050^{50} ergs. The ambient density structure and the overall morphology suggest that G299.2−-2.9 may be a limb-brightened partial shell extending to ∼\sim7 pc radius surrounded by fainter emission extending beyond that to a radius of ∼\sim9 pc. This suggests the SNR exploded in a region of space where there is a density gradient whose direction lies roughly along the line of sight. The faint central region shows strong line emission from heavy elements of Si and Fe, which is caused by the presence of the overabundant stellar ejecta there. We find no evidence for stellar ejecta enriched in light elements of O and Ne. The observed abundance structure of the metal-rich ejecta supports a Type Ia origin for G299.2−-2.9.Comment: 16 pages (AASTex emulator style), 3 Tables, 10 Figures (including 1 color: Figure 1), Accepted by Ap

    Chandra View of Pulsar Wind Nebula Tori

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    The results from a systematic study of eleven pulsar wind nebulae with a torus structure observed with the Chandra X-ray observatory are presented. A significant observational correlation is found between the radius of the tori, r, and the spin-down luminosity of the pulsars, Edot. A logarithmic linear fit between the two parameters yields log r = (0.57 +- 0.22) log Edot -22.3 +- 8.0 with a correlation coefficient of 0.82, where the units of r and Edot are pc and ergs s^-1, respectively. The value obtained for the Edot dependency of r is consistent with a square root law, which is theoretically expected. This is the first observational evidence of this dependency, and provides a useful tool to estimate the spin-down energies of pulsars without direct detections of pulsation. Applications of this dependency to some other samples are also shown.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, ApJ in pres

    A Super-Solar Metallicity for the Progenitor of Kepler's Supernova

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    We have performed deep X-ray observations of the remnant of Kepler's supernova (SN 1604) as a Key Project of the Suzaku Observatory. Our main goal is to detect secondary Fe-peak elements in the SN ejecta to gain insights into the Type Ia supernova explosion mechanism and the nature of the progenitor. Here we report our initial results. We made a conclusive detection of X-ray emission lines from highly ionized Mn, Cr, and Ni as well as Fe. The observed Mn-to-Cr line flux ratio is ~0.60, ~30% larger than that measured in Tycho's remnant. We estimate a Mn-to-Cr mass ratio of ~0.77, which is strongly suggestive of a large neutron excess in the progenitor star before the onset of the thermonuclear runaway. The observed Ni-to-Fe line flux ratio (~0.03) corresponds to a mass ratio of ~0.06, which is generally consistent with the products of explosive Si-burning regime in Type Ia explosion models, and rules out contamination from the products of neutron-rich nuclear statistical equilibrium in the shocked ejecta. Together with the previously suggested luminous nature of the explosion, these mass ratios provide strong evidence for a super-solar metallicity in the SN progenitor (~3 Z_sun). Kepler's supernova was likely the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf formed in the recent past that must have exploded through a relatively prompt channel.Comment: Total 12 pages including 2 tables and 2 color figures. Accepted by ApJ
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